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Rinkeby Test Network

Ngan Pham edited this page Jan 31, 2018 · 5 revisions

Ink Protocol is deployed to the Rinkeby Test Network. You may test your interactions with the protocol there and even request free test XNK from the contract.

Smart Contract

Name TestnetInkProtocol
Address 0xB03b5ad79e59dc60974021059C85D3BC397C8EDa
ERC20 Name Ink Protocol (Testnet)
Source Code
Contract ABI

Requesting TESTXNK tokens

To receive TESTXNK tokens, simply call the requestTestXNK() function on the contract (limited to 1 request per minute). You will receive 1,000 TESTXNK per call.

function requestTestXNK() public returns (bool) {
  require(xnkDistributions[msg.sender] < now - 1 minutes);
  xnkDistributions[msg.sender] = now;

  balances[msg.sender] = balances[msg.sender].add(distributionAmount);

  Transfer(this, msg.sender, distributionAmount);
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