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Hierarchical Coroutines (C#)

Godot 4.x C# Release License

HCoroutines is a library that helps you write game logic in an intuitive way by bringing the concept of hierarchical coroutines to Godot for the C# language.

This tool has been specifically designed for the Godot game engine, making it a breeze to work with features that would otherwise be a headache to integrate with:

  • Handles features specific to Godot, such as signals, tweens and delays.
  • Allows you to run code either in _Process() or _PhysicsProcess() frames.
  • Out of the box support for pausing coroutines when the game is paused.

In addition to the above, this library also offers:

  • Native support for async programming and tasks.
  • Easy to use interface to minimise boilerplate and increase readability.
  • Wide array of built-in coroutine types to handle common tasks.

Coroutines are functions that can be paused during execution and then resumed once some condition is met. This allows you to write game logic in sequential steps, defining what logic should be performed when.

This library extends the idea of normal coroutines, e.g. as found in Unity, by allowing them to spawn child coroutines. When the parent coroutine is killed, the child coroutines are also stopped.

HCoroutines implements this concept in an efficient and optimised way.

  • Regardless of how deep the hierarchy of coroutines gets, the engine only updates the currently active ones, and not ones that are waiting.
  • The coroutines themselves are implemented as linked lists, allowing for O(1) addition and removal of child coroutines. Because each coroutine is itself a node in the linked list data structure, no additional memory allocations are required.


using Godot;
using System.Collections;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

// Import the library.
using HCoroutines;

public partial class Demo : Node2D {
    public override void _Ready() {
        // Spawn a new coroutine that is managed by
        // the default CoroutineManager.

    private IEnumerator PlayAnimation() {
        GD.Print("Starting animation");

        // Wait one frame.
        yield return null;

        // Wait for the GoTo task to finish before continuing.
        yield return GoTo(new Vector2(100, 100), 2);

        // Wait for two seconds.
        yield return Co.Wait(2);

        // Wait for the parallel coroutine to finish.
        // The parallel coroutine waits until all of its
        // sub-coroutines have finished.
        yield return Co.Parallel(
            Co.Coroutine(GoTo(new Vector2(0, 0), 2)),

        // Await an async task that waits for 100ms.
        yield return Co.Await(Task.Delay(100));

        // Await and use the result of an async task.
        var fetch = Co.Await<int>(FetchNumber());
        yield return fetch;
        int number = fetch.Task.Result;

        // Wait for a tween to animate some properties.
        yield return Co.Tween(
            tween => {
                // Change the modulate color over two seconds.
                tween.TweenProperty(this, "modulate", new Color(1, 0, 0), 2);

        // Waits for a signal to be emitted before continuing.
        yield return Co.WaitForSignal(this, "some_signal");

    private IEnumerator GoTo(Vector2 target, float duration) {
        float speed = Position.DistanceTo(target) / duration;

        while (Position.DistanceTo(target) > 0.01f) {
            // delta time can be accessed via Co.DeltaTime.
            Position = Position.MoveToward(target, speed * Co.DeltaTime);
            yield return null;

    private IEnumerator Turn(float duration) {
        float fullRotation = 2 * Mathf.Pi;
        float angularSpeed = fullRotation / duration;
        float angle = 0;

        while (angle < fullRotation) {
            angle += angularSpeed * Co.DeltaTime;
            Rotation = angle;
            yield return null;

    private async Task<int> FetchNumber() {
        await Task.Delay(100);
        return 0;


Installation via the Asset Library:

  1. In the Godot editor, open the AssetLib tab and search for this library (HCoroutines).
  2. Click on the ThemeGen asset, then Download and finally on Install.
  3. Set up the plugin (see below).


Direct installation:

  1. Download the latest version from the releases.
  2. Extract the zip file and put the addons folder into the root of your project folder. If you already have an addons folder (e.g. because you are using other assets, too), simply put the HCoroutines folder (which is inside the addons folder of the zip) into the addons folder of your project.
  3. Set up the plugin (see below).

Setting up the plugin:

Important: In order for the coroutines to be automatically managed and updated each frame, enable the HCoroutines plugin in the project settings: Simply go to Projects / Project Settings... and select the Plugins tab. Then enable the checkbox for the HCoroutines plugin.

Plugin Image

This automatically configures a global CoroutineManager singleton that is autoloaded.

Now you're ready to go :)

Also see the Scene-Local CoroutineManager section for more tips on setting up this library.

General Overview

The core of this library consists of two components:

  • The CoroutineBase class is the base class of all coroutine types. This class manages the execution of the coroutine (e.g. pausing / resuming / stopping / ...) and is responsible for the hierarchical structure and organisation of coroutine nodes.

  • The CoroutineManager class runs the coroutines, calls their Update() method and notifies them when the game is paused.

However, most features that you'll be interacting with directly are implemented in other classes:

  • There are many built-in coroutine types (subclasses of the CoroutineBase class) that implement various different features, such as delays, running coroutines in parallel, awaiting async tasks, ...

  • The most important coroutine type is the Coroutine class. It allows you to define a coroutine in the intuitive / standard way with IEnumerators (like in Unity).

  • The Co class is a static class with useful helper methods to create and run the built-in coroutines. It helps reduce the amount of boilerplate code required to run common coroutines (such as waiting).

To start a coroutine, run:


To stop it before completion:



The Coroutine class is the most important coroutine type. It allows you to define the coroutine behaviour in an intuitive way by using iterator methods, a useful language feature of C#, which is similar to the way that you define coroutines in Unity.

The Coroutine wraps the IEnumerator internally and handles its execution, advancing it each frame, and waiting for spawned child coroutines.

  • When returning null, the coroutine waits for one frame.
  • When returning another IEnumerator, it is automatically converted into a Coroutine and then it waits for it to complete.
  • When returning a coroutine (any class that inherits from CoroutineBase), it waits until the coroutine is finished before continuing the execution of the IEnumerator.

To create a Coroutine, first include the relevant namespaces:

using HCoroutines;  // Import the library
using System.Collections;  // Needed for `IEnumerator`

And then define the IEnumerator function (iterator function) which defines the behaviour of the coroutine:

IEnumerator MyCoroutine() {  
    // Wait one frame.  
    yield return null; 
    // Convert PlayAnimation() to a coroutine, run it and wait for it to finish.
    yield return PlayAnimation();
    // Same as above.  
    yield return new Coroutine(PlayAnimation());
    // Same as above.  
    yield return Co.Coroutine(PlayAnimation());
    // Spawn a WaitDelayCoroutine and wait for it to complete.
    yield return Co.Wait(2);

IEnumerator PlayAnimation() {
    // ...

To run the coroutine, call either:




Both are equivalent to writing:

Co.Run(new Coroutine(MyCoroutine()));

Process Mode

When interacting with Godot's physics system, it's often necessary to run code in _PhysicsProcess() instead of the regular _Process() method.

By default, coroutines run in "process" frames (also called idle frames), but HCoroutines also gives you the option to run them in physics frames.

To do this, simply set the processMode parameter in the constructor of the coroutine type that you are using.

new Coroutine(MyCoroutine(), processMode: CoProcessMode.Inherit);
  • CoProcessMode.Normal = run the coroutine updates in idle frames.
  • CoProcessMode.Physics = run in physics frames.
  • CoProcessMode.Inherit = inherit the process mode from the parent coroutine.

This option is also available for other coroutine types, e.g. ParallelCoroutine. By default, coroutines inherit the process mode from their parents. If a coroutine has no parent, it defaults to CoProcessMode.Normal. This means that if you have a ParallelCoroutine that sets its process mode to Physics, all its child coroutines will also run in physics frames (provided that they have their mode set to Inherit).

The useful Co class also exposes the processMode parameter when creating coroutines:

Co.Coroutine(MyCoroutine(), processMode: CoProcessMode.Physics);  
Co.Repeat(5, MyCoroutine, processMode: CoProcessMode.Physics);  
// ...

Delta Time

To access the frame delta time, you can use Co.DeltaTime.

For example:

IEnumerator MoveTo(Vector2 target, float speed) {  
    while (Position != target) {  
        float distance = speed * Co.DeltaTime;  
        Position = Position.MoveToward(target, distance);  
        yield return null;  

For double precision delta time, you can use Co.DeltaTimeDouble.

The same is also available for physics frames via Co.PhysicsDeltaTime and Co.PhysicsDeltaTimeDouble.

Float Double
Normal Co.DeltaTime Co.DeltaTimeDouble
Physics Co.PhysicsDeltaTime Co.PhysicsDeltaTimeDouble

Pause Mode

HCoroutines integrates with Godot's pause system, automatically stopping the execution of spawned coroutines when the game is paused, and resuming them when the game is unpaused.

This behaviour can also be customized via the runMode parameter, allowing you to choose to run a coroutine...

  • always (regardless of whether the game is paused or not) (CoRunMode.Always)
  • only when the game is running (CoRunMode.Pausable)
  • only when the game is paused (CoRunMode.WhenPaused)
  • or to inherit the runMode from the parent coroutine (CoRunMode.Inherit).

By default, all coroutines use CoRunMode.Inherit which default to CoRunMode.Pausable.


public override void _Ready() {  
    Co.Run(MyCoroutine(), runMode: CoRunMode.Pausable);  
IEnumerator MyCoroutine() {  
    // ...  
    yield return Co.Parallel(  
        Co.Coroutine(MoveTo(GetLocalMousePosition(), 2)),  
        // Also play the GUI animation while the game is paused.  
        Co.Coroutine(PlayGuiMoveAnimation(), runMode: CoRunMode.Always)  
IEnumerator PlayGuiMoveAnimation() {  
    // ...  

Coroutine Types

  • CoroutineBase

    • Base class of all coroutines.
  • Coroutine

    • Co.Coroutine(IEnumerator)
    • Default coroutine type for running IEnumerators .
  • ParallelCoroutine

    • Co.Parallel(co1, co2, ...)
    • Runs multiple coroutines in parallel and waits for all to finish.
  • WaitForAnyCoroutine

    • Co.WaitForAny(co1, co2, ...)
    • Runs multiple coroutines in parallel and exits as soon as any one of them finishes.
  • SequentialCoroutine

    • Co.Sequence(co1, co2, ...)
    • Runs the passed coroutines in sequence, one after another.
  • RepeatCoroutine

    • Co.Repeat(n, co): Repeats a coroutine n times.
    • Co.RepeatInfinitely(co): Repeats a coroutine infinitely.
  • WaitDelayCoroutine

    • Co.Wait(delay)
    • Co.Sleep(delay)
    • Co.Delay(delay)
    • Waits for a certain delay in seconds.
  • WaitWhileCoroutine

    • Co.WaitWhile( () => x < 5 )
    • Waits while a certain condition is true.
  • WaitUntilCoroutine

    • Co.WaitUntil( () => x < 5 )
    • Waits until a certain condition is true.
  • WaitForSignalCoroutine

    • Co.WaitForSignal(obj, signal name)
    • Waits for a signal to be emitted.
  • AwaitCoroutine

    • Co.Await(task): Awaits an async task.
    • Co.Await<T>(task): Awaits an async task that returns some value.
  • TweenCoroutine

    • Co.Tween(tween => { ... set up the tween here ... } )
    • Special coroutine that manages a tween instance. Waits until the tween has stopped playing.
  • TimeoutCoroutine

    • Co.Timeout(delay, co)
    • Runs a coroutine until completion or until a certain delay has passed, after which it is killed.

Scene-Local CoroutineManager

Coroutines always require a CoroutineManager to execute. By default, new coroutines are run on the global CoroutineManager singleton which is set up via an autoload for you when you enable the HCoroutines plugin. The advantage of using the global instance is that you do not have to manually set up the manager for each scene. Additionally, it lets you run coroutines across / between scenes.

However, sometimes it makes sense to set up a CoroutineManager local to the current scene. This has the advantage that all spawned coroutines are automatically stopped when the scene changes, instead of running potentially indefinitely.

In order to set up a scene-local coroutine manager, simply add the CoroutineManager.tscn node to your current scene. Starting a new coroutine with Co.Run(...) now uses this instance. Once the scene changes to another scene, the system automatically falls back to the global instance.

Creating Custom Coroutines

You can easily create a custom coroutine type by creating a new class that inherits from CoroutineBase. For concrete examples, it's best to see how the built-in coroutines types are implemented by looking at the source code.

Update Method

Each coroutine has an Update() method that is called each frame (either in _Process() or _PhysicsProcess depending on the processMode). As not every coroutine needs regular updates (e.g. as they are event-driven), you have to manually enable updates by calling




to disable them again.

Lifecycle Events

As soon as the coroutine is run, e.g. via Co.Run(), the OnEnter() method (which you can override) is called.

When the coroutine finishes or is killed, OnExit() is called.

Execution Events

Sometimes it can be that the game is paused when the coroutine is spawned, meaning that any code put in OnEnter() is called while the coroutine is not supposed to be running. Instead, you can override the OnStart() method which is called as soon as the coroutine becomes active while the game is unpaused (or paused depending on the runMode).

There are also events for when the coroutine is paused and unpaused: OnPause() and OnResume(). By default, these two methods disable updates to the coroutine and re-enable updates again if they were enabled before pausing.

Child Coroutines

To spawn a child coroutine, call


from within the coroutine class.

As soon as a child coroutine finishes or is killed, it fires the OnChildStopped(child) event which you can override. By default, this method then removes the dead coroutine.

Example Coroutine Implementation

The following example illustrates how you could implement a coroutine that runs multiple coroutines in parallel until one of them finishes.

// New coroutine type that waits until one of the given child coroutines finishes.
public class AwaitFirstCoroutine : CoroutineBase
    private readonly CoroutineBase[] coroutines;
    // Constructor that takes the coroutines to run as a parameter.
    // In a "professional" version of this, the constructor should also
    // expose the processMode and runMode parameters instead of
    // hard-coding their values.
    public AwaitFirstCoroutine(params CoroutineBase[] coroutines) 
        : base(CoProcessMode.Inherit, CoRunMode.Inherit)
        this.coroutines = coroutines;

    // Called as soon as this coroutine enters the active coroutine hierarchy,
    // i.e. when Co.Run() / StartCoroutine() is called.
    protected override void OnEnter()
        // If there are no coroutines to run, instantly quit.
        if (coroutines.Length == 0)

    // Called as soon as this coroutine can start (when it is active and
    // the game is not paused).
    protected override void OnStart()
        // Spawn each coroutine as a child coroutine.
        foreach (var coroutine in coroutines)

            // Check that the coroutine that was just started
            // has not finished already, causing this coroutine
            // to also stop.
            if (!IsAlive)

    protected override void OnChildStopped(CoroutineBase child)
        // This removes the child coroutine once it has finished.

        // Stop this coroutine as soon as one of the child coroutines finishes.
        // This also kills the child coroutines.

If you want, you can also extend the Co class to add easy access to this class:

namespace HCoroutines
    public static partial class Co
        public static AwaitFirstCoroutine AwaitFirst(params CoroutineBase[] coroutines)
            => new AwaitFirstCoroutine(coroutines);

Here you could also add additional overloads for common cases.