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numba_dpex.utils.type_conversion_fns module


Provides helper functions to convert from numba types to dpex types.

Currently the module supports the following converter functions:
  • types.npytypes.Array to numba_dpex.core.types.Array.

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-numba_dpex.utils.type_conversion_fns.npytypes_array_to_dpex_array(arrtype, addrspace=1)

Converts Numba’s Array type to numba_dpex.core.types.Array -type.


Numba’s Array type does not have a notion of address space for the data -pointer. To get around the issues, numba_dpex defines its own array type -that is inherits from Numba’s Array type. In the -numba_dpex.core.types.Array type the data pointer has an -associated address space. In addition, the meminfo and the parent -attributes are stored as CPointer types instead of PyObject.


The converter function converts the Numba Array type to -numba_dpex.core.types.Array type with address space of pointer -members typed to the specified address space.

arrtype (numba.types): A numba data type that should be


specified: Defaults to numba_dpex.utils.address_space.GLOBAL.

The SPIR-V address space to which the data pointer of the array -belongs.


Returns: The dpex data type corresponding to the input numba type.

NotImplementedError: If the input numba type is not


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