diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 7bd8cf5625..b13f2e0537 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -300,7 +300,9 @@ The `/diagnostics` topic includes information regarding the device temperatures
- ROS2 Coordinate System: (X: Forward, Y:Left, Z: Up)
- Camera Optical Coordinate System: (X: Right, Y: Down, Z: Forward)
-- References: [REP-0103](https://www.ros.org/reps/rep-0103.html#coordinate-frame-conventions) [REP-0105](https://www.ros.org/reps/rep-0105.html#coordinate-frames)
+- References: [REP-0103](https://www.ros.org/reps/rep-0103.html#coordinate-frame-conventions), [REP-0105](https://www.ros.org/reps/rep-0105.html#coordinate-frames)
+- All data published in our wrapper topics is optical data taken directly from our camera sensors.
+- static and dynamic TF topics publish optical CS and ROS CS to give the user the ability to move from one CS to other CS.
diff --git a/realsense2_camera/src/base_realsense_node.cpp b/realsense2_camera/src/base_realsense_node.cpp
index 8056d44d7a..743fb23f9c 100755
--- a/realsense2_camera/src/base_realsense_node.cpp
+++ b/realsense2_camera/src/base_realsense_node.cpp
@@ -865,9 +865,13 @@ void BaseRealSenseNode::publish_static_tf(const rclcpp::Time& t,
msg.header.stamp = t;
msg.header.frame_id = from;
msg.child_frame_id = to;
+ // Convert x,y,z (taken from camera extrinsics)
+ // from optical cooridnates to ros coordinates
msg.transform.translation.x = trans.z;
msg.transform.translation.y = -trans.x;
msg.transform.translation.z = -trans.y;
msg.transform.rotation.x = q.getX();
msg.transform.rotation.y = q.getY();
msg.transform.rotation.z = q.getZ();
@@ -896,17 +900,25 @@ void BaseRealSenseNode::calcAndPublishStaticTransform(const rs2::stream_profile&
rclcpp::Time transform_ts_ = _node.now();
- rs2_extrinsics ex;
+ // extrinsic from A to B is the position of A relative to B
+ // TF from A to B is the transformation to be done on A to get to B
+ // so, we need to calculate extrinsics in two opposite ways, one for extrinsic topic
+ // and the second is for transformation topic (TF)
+ rs2_extrinsics normal_ex; // used to for extrinsics topic
+ rs2_extrinsics tf_ex; // used for TF
- ex = base_profile.get_extrinsics_to(profile);
+ normal_ex = base_profile.get_extrinsics_to(profile);
+ tf_ex = profile.get_extrinsics_to(base_profile);
catch (std::exception& e)
if (!strcmp(e.what(), "Requested extrinsics are not available!"))
- ROS_WARN_STREAM("(" << rs2_stream_to_string(profile.stream_type()) << ", " << profile.stream_index() << ") -> (" << rs2_stream_to_string(base_profile.stream_type()) << ", " << base_profile.stream_index() << "): " << e.what() << " : using unity as default.");
- ex = rs2_extrinsics({{1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1}, {0,0,0}});
+ ROS_WARN_STREAM("(" << rs2_stream_to_string(base_profile.stream_type()) << ", " << base_profile.stream_index() << ") -> (" << rs2_stream_to_string(profile.stream_type()) << ", " << profile.stream_index() << "): " << e.what() << " : using unity as default.");
+ normal_ex = rs2_extrinsics({{1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1}, {0,0,0}});
+ tf_ex = normal_ex;
@@ -914,13 +926,16 @@ void BaseRealSenseNode::calcAndPublishStaticTransform(const rs2::stream_profile&
- auto Q = rotationMatrixToQuaternion(ex.rotation);
- Q = quaternion_optical * Q * quaternion_optical.inverse();
+ // publish normal extrinsics e.g. /camera/extrinsics/depth_to_color
+ publishExtrinsicsTopic(sip, normal_ex);
- float3 trans{ex.translation[0], ex.translation[1], ex.translation[2]};
+ // publish static TF
+ auto Q = rotationMatrixToQuaternion(tf_ex.rotation);
+ Q = quaternion_optical * Q * quaternion_optical.inverse();
+ float3 trans{tf_ex.translation[0], tf_ex.translation[1], tf_ex.translation[2]};
publish_static_tf(transform_ts_, trans, Q, _base_frame_id, FRAME_ID(sip));
- // Transform stream frame to stream optical frame
+ // Transform stream frame to stream optical frame and publish it
publish_static_tf(transform_ts_, zero_trans, quaternion_optical, FRAME_ID(sip), OPTICAL_FRAME_ID(sip));
if (profile.is() && profile.stream_type() != RS2_STREAM_DEPTH && profile.stream_index() == 1)
@@ -934,8 +949,6 @@ void BaseRealSenseNode::calcAndPublishStaticTransform(const rs2::stream_profile&
publish_static_tf(transform_ts_, zero_trans, zero_rot_quaternions, FRAME_ID(sip), IMU_FRAME_ID);
publish_static_tf(transform_ts_, zero_trans, quaternion_optical, IMU_FRAME_ID, IMU_OPTICAL_FRAME_ID);
- publishExtrinsicsTopic(sip, ex);
void BaseRealSenseNode::SetBaseStream()