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How To Profile Ledger

Tim Sheard


Profiling the ledger is an intricate dance between nix, cabal, and ghc. This document describes how I set all this up to profile some of the property tests in the cardano-ledger-test module. I hope this is useful to others who want to profile other parts of the ledger codebase.


Profiling is an important tool to analyze performance (time and space) in Haskell code. I recommend reading through the GHC users guide.

This is great background, but the guide says almost nothing about how to make it all work in a repository that uses nix and cabal. Hence this document


We list here a high level description of the steps needed. In further sections we go into greater detail about each step

  1. Decide what you want to profile, and arrange the code so this is possible
  2. Choreograph the dance between nix, cabal, and ghc. This has two parts
    1. Adding stuff to files like cabal.project, cabal.project.local
    2. Passing the right flags to cabal, and ghc, running the right nix develop shell,
  3. Recompiling everything so it can be profiled. This takes a very long time (greater than 30 minutes when I did it)
  4. Start up the profiling. I used cabal test with just the right command line arguments.
  5. Inspect the produced .prof file, and decide what to do
  6. Repeat steps 3-5, until satisfied.
  7. Undo all the changes (from steps 1 and 2) made just for profiling.

Deciding what to profile

Usually one wants to profile code that appears to be using too many resources (space or time). Because of the difficulty in getting nix, cabal, and ghc to work together, I have found that co-opting an existing Test.hs file is the way to go. Here are the reasons why this is a good idea

  1. Everything is already set up to compile and run the test file by simply typing: cabal test in the root directory of the module that contains the test.
  2. Is is usually quite easy to rename the main variable in the test file to something else and add your own main, that contains the code you want to profile
  3. Using a quick check property test, allows for your code to consist of multiple "tests" each with a different random input. This means your profiling results are less likely to be biased by a bad choice of input.

Here is how I did it. I edited the file cardano-ledger/libs/cardano-ledger-test/test/Test.hs Here is a synopsis of what it originally looked like, and what it looked like after I edited it.


-- main entry point
main :: IO ()
main = do
  hSetEncoding stdout utf8
  defaultMain tests


import Test.Cardano.Ledger.Generic.Properties (adaIsPreservedBabbage)

mainSave :: IO ()
mainSave = do
  hSetEncoding stdout utf8
  defaultMain tests

main :: IO ()
main = defaultMain adaIsPreservedBabbage

The variable adaIsPreservedBabbage is a property test of type TestTree that takes about 1 minute to run. Similar tests took about 10-20 seconds, so I was interested why it took so long. So now I have a main that runs just this one test. I could see that I have set things up properly by changing directory to cardano-ledger/libs/cardano-ledger-test, the root directory of the module. This is the directory that contains the cardano-ledger-test.cabal file. So I can simply type: cabal test, and the test runs. Now all I need to do is get it to be profiled.

Choreographing the dance

We need to tell nix, cabal, and ghc that we want to profile. We do this by changing a few of the files that build the system, and by passing the right flags to each of the programs.

First we must add (or change if you already have it) cabal.project.local In the root of the ledger repository. Put this in cabal.project.local

ignore-project: False
profiling: True
profiling-detail: all-functions

The final step is to pass the right flags to cabal, ghc, and running the right nix develop shell. Here is a summary.

  1. to start nix, we must use nix develop .#profiling
  2. to build with cabal, we must use cabal build --enable-profiling
  3. to run the test, we must pass extra flags to ghc, so we must use cabal test --test-options="+RTS -i60 -p"

How to build the system for profiling

Be sure you have set up the files cabal.project.local and nix/haskell.nix as described above. Exit the nix shell, if you are running it. Now change directories to the root of the cardano-ledger repository.

Now to start nix type

nix develop .#profiling

(or, e.g. nix develop .#ghc8107.profiling for alternative compiler)

When the nix develop shell completes (this can take a long time, since it must make sure every file in the ledger is compiled with profiling enabled). This might take a while. Be patient. Take the dogs for a walk.

If nix develop .#profiling fails to give you a nix shell this may be related to a problem with plutus-core that uses template Haskell, and happens to trigger a known bug in ghc.

The workaround for this is quite convoluted, but if you fail to get a nix-shell working there are two things you may need to do:

  1. add the following to cabal.project.local:
package plutus-core
   ghc-options: -fexternal-interpreter
  1. uncomment the following in flake.nix:
packages.plutus-core.components.library.ghcOptions = [ "-fexternal-interpreter" ];

Now change directories to the root directory of the module that contains your modified Test.hs file, and type

cabal build --enable-profiling

This might also take a while. Take the dogs for second walk. When this completes you are ready to start profiling!

How to run a profile

In the same directory where you did (cabal build --enable-profiling) type

cabal test --test-options="+RTS  -i60 -p"

This should take slightly longer than running the test without profiling. When it is done, there will be a file in this same directory with extension .prof When I did it, the file was called It is a big file Here are the first few lines.

Fri May  6 14:02 2022 Time and Allocation Profiling Report  (Final)

	   cardano-ledger-test +RTS -i60 -p -RTS

	total time  =       51.05 secs   (51050 ticks @ 1000 us, 1 processor)
	total alloc = 109,620,447,376 bytes  (excludes profiling overheads)

COST CENTRE               MODULE                                SRC                                                            %time %alloc

showsPrec                 Cardano.Ledger.Alonzo.TxInfo          src/Cardano/Ledger/Alonzo/TxInfo.hs:504:13-16                   10.3   19.9
evalScripts               Cardano.Ledger.Alonzo.PlutusScriptApi src/Cardano/Ledger/Alonzo/PlutusScriptApi.hs:(231,1)-(247,55)    7.5    1.6
evalScripts.endMsg        Cardano.Ledger.Alonzo.PlutusScriptApi src/Cardano/Ledger/Alonzo/PlutusScriptApi.hs:(240,7)-(246,11)    6.5   17.8
show                      Cardano.Ledger.Alonzo.Scripts         src/Cardano/Ledger/Alonzo/Scripts.hs:202:3-74                    6.1   14.8
blake2b_libsodium         Cardano.Crypto.Hash.Blake2b           src/Cardano/Crypto/Hash/Blake2b.hs:(37,1)-(43,104)               2.6    1.0
decodeAddrStateT          Cardano.Ledger.CompactAddress         src/Cardano/Ledger/CompactAddress.hs:(287,1)-(304,40)            2.3    1.2
splitSMGen                System.Random.SplitMix                src/System/Random/SplitMix.hs:(225,1)-(229,31)                   1.4    3.2
explainPlutusFailure.line Cardano.Ledger.Alonzo.TxInfo          src/Cardano/Ledger/Alonzo/TxInfo.hs:(665,13)-(673,19)            1.4    2.3
toBuilder                 Codec.CBOR.Write                      src/Codec/CBOR/Write.hs:(102,1)-(103,57)                         1.3    0.5
genValidatedTxAndInfo     Test.Cardano.Ledger.Generic.TxGen     src/Test/Cardano/Ledger/Generic/TxGen.hs:(759,1)-(947,55)        1.3    0.1
runE                      Data.Coders                           src/Data/Coders.hs:(566,1)-(577,20)                              1.3    0.7
showsPrec                 Cardano.Ledger.Alonzo.TxInfo          src/Cardano/Ledger/Alonzo/TxInfo.hs:467:13-16                    1.2    3.2
hashWith                  Cardano.Crypto.Hash.Class             src/Cardano/Crypto/Hash/Class.hs:(125,1)-(129,13)                1.2    0.5
genKeyHash.\              Test.Cardano.Ledger.Generic.GenState  src/Test/Cardano/Ledger/Generic/GenState.hs:369:37-83            1.1    0.4
serializeEncoding         Cardano.Binary.Serialize              src/Cardano/Binary/Serialize.hs:(61,1)-(67,49)                   0.8    2.1
toLazyByteString          Codec.CBOR.Write                      src/Codec/CBOR/Write.hs:86:1-49                                  0.7    4.9

The problem with my test, was that evalScripts was inadvertently showing a large data structure using tellEvent. This was added when debugging and never removed. After fixing this, we had much better results. I hope you experience is just as rewarding.

Don't forget to revert cabal.project.local, nix/haskell.nix and your Test.hs file to their original state.