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Byron - I want to vote on behalf of myself (Become a Sole Voter)

Closed May 16, 2024 100% complete

This is important because many people do only want to vote on their own behalf and therefore do not need to upload metadata

As someone who wants to vote on behalf of myself only

When I choose this option

Then I can register without uploading metadata

Given that I have my wallet connected and I am on the dashboard.

When I click “register to vo…

This is important because many people do only want to vote on their own behalf and therefore do not need to upload metadata

As someone who wants to vote on behalf of myself only

When I choose this option

Then I can register without uploading metadata

Given that I have my wallet connected and I am on the dashboard.

When I click “register to vote on my own behalf” <--- or whatever the latest design says

Then I enter a user journey where I am registered as a DRep and my own voting power is delegated to me in one transaction. I am not given the option to upload metadata.
