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Phidgets Sensors |
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Learn how to use the Phidgets Library and talk with a Phidgets Sound Pressure Level Sensor.
- A Phidgets I/O board. We've used the 8/8/8{:target="_blank"} or the 2/2/2{:target="_blank"}
- Sound Sensor{:target="_blank"}
- A USB female to micro USB Male converter
- Hook up the micro USB male end of the converter to your USB Host port on the Galileo.
- Hook up the USB female end of the converter to your Phidget I/O Board or the USB cable coming out of it.
- Hook up the Sound Sensor to a port on the Phidget I/O Board.
- Create a new project from the template.
- Go to the Quick Downloads section at the Phidgets site{:target="_blank"}.
- Click on the "Phidget21 Libraries" link to download the libaries, unzip the folder, and use the dll and lib under phidget21-windevel\IA32 when compiling your project.
- Copy the phidget21.h file into your project.
- Link your project to the phidget21.lib.
- Place the phidget21.dll into your Galileo's Windows\System32 folder so that any future program using Phidget code can run.
- Replace the existing code in main.cpp with the following code:
{% highlight C++ %} // Main.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application. //
#include "stdafx.h" #include "arduino.h" #include <phidget21.h>
// A handler for when a device is attached that prints the device name and serial number int CCONV AttachHandler(CPhidgetHandle IFK, void *userptr) { int serialNo; const char *name;
CPhidget_getDeviceName(IFK, &name);
CPhidget_getSerialNumber(IFK, &serialNo);
Log(L"%S %10d attached!\n", name, serialNo);
return 0;
// A handler for when a device is detached that prints the device name and serial number int CCONV DetachHandler(CPhidgetHandle IFK, void *userptr) { int serialNo; const char *name;
CPhidget_getDeviceName(IFK, &name);
CPhidget_getSerialNumber(IFK, &serialNo);
Log(L"%S %10d detached!\n", name, serialNo);
return 0;
// A handler for errors int CCONV ErrorHandler(CPhidgetHandle IFK, void *userptr, int ErrorCode, const char *unknown) { Log(L"Error handled. %d - %S", ErrorCode, unknown); return 0; }
//callback that will run if the sensor value changes by more than the OnSensorChange trigger. //Index - Index of the sensor that generated the event, Value - the sensor read value int CCONV SensorChangeHandler(CPhidgetInterfaceKitHandle IFK, void *usrptr, int Index, int Value) { Log(L"Sensor: %d > Value: %d\n", Index, Value); return 0; }
// Sets up the interfacing with Phidgets I/O board and sensors int interfacekit_simple() { int result; const char *err;
//Declare an InterfaceKit handle
CPhidgetInterfaceKitHandle ifKit = 0;
//create the InterfaceKit object
//Set the handlers to be run when the device is plugged in or opened from software, unplugged or closed from software, or generates an error.
CPhidget_set_OnAttach_Handler((CPhidgetHandle)ifKit, AttachHandler, NULL);
CPhidget_set_OnDetach_Handler((CPhidgetHandle)ifKit, DetachHandler, NULL);
CPhidget_set_OnError_Handler((CPhidgetHandle)ifKit, ErrorHandler, NULL);
//Registers a callback that will run if the sensor value changes by more than the OnSensorChange trig-ger.
//Requires the handle for the IntefaceKit, the function that will be called, and an arbitrary pointer that will be supplied to the callback function (may be NULL).
CPhidgetInterfaceKit_set_OnSensorChange_Handler(ifKit, SensorChangeHandler, NULL);
//open the interfacekit for device connections
CPhidget_open((CPhidgetHandle)ifKit, -1);
//get the program to wait for an interface kit device to be attached
Log(L"Waiting for interface kit to be attached....\n");
if ((result = CPhidget_waitForAttachment((CPhidgetHandle)ifKit, 10000)))
CPhidget_getErrorDescription(result, &err);
Log(L"Problem waiting for attachment: %S\n", err);
return 0;
// Phidget 1133 (Audio Sensor is a non Ratiometric device) - set to non Ratiometric mode.
CPhidgetInterfaceKit_setRatiometric(ifKit, 0);
//read interface kit event data
//keep displaying interface kit data until user input is read
Log(L"Press any key to exit\n");
//all done, exit
return 0;
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { interfacekit_simple(); } {% endhighlight %}
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