The webchat build son Azure's Direct Line API. Each session/user needs to be authorised via tokens to be able to connect to and chat with your bot. The Direct Line API provides a simple mechanism for generating user tokens. See example below:'', {
'auth': {
}, (err, res, body) => {
// token is in body
body = JSON.parse(body);
However, as seen in the code sample, the API needs a secret specific to your bot. As a result, you cannot should not use this directly from your website. In this section you will learn how to get the tokens securely by leveraging another Azure service - Azure Functions.
This code sample uses the HTTP Trigger functionality of Azure Functions. If not already familiar with it, you should go build a simple test function to understand how that works.
- This function is merely a proxy in front of the Direct Line API so that your secret is not exposed.
- You can add additional features like throttling and API key based access control via the Azure Functions Dashboard.
- You can log requests by user id to create an audit trail
Make sure you add your domain to the CORS section of Azure Functions Dashboard - otherwise all requests will be rejected.
Your Azure Functions App, like all serverless options, will cold-start if not invoked regularly. This can add 10 seconds or more of delay in the token generation. In this case, you may want to create a scheduled trigger that keeps your function "warm". Alternatively, you could use a hosted server instead of a serverless framework.
Azure Functions supports continuous deployment via integrations with e.g. Github/Bitbucket. You should almost certainly use this to minimise devops effort as well as version mismatches.
It is best practise to read secrets from environment variables rather than files. You can add environment variables under Application Settings in the Azure Functions Dashboard.
This code is pretty straightforward - we replace a call to the Direct Line API with a call to our functions API. There are additional steps in storing the token so that you can reuse it before expiry that are covered in the section - Remember the User.