This is going to be a whole Re-do of YoshiCrafterEngine, engine and hopefully optimize it better. Help is appreciated.
YCE-Opt (or YCO? idk) is going to be more of a Re-write + Optimization of the Popular YoshiCrafterEngine, than just a "New Engine".
Codename Engine is supposed to be better than YCE, it might be, but the way he started CNE, didn't sit right with others. (Personally I didn't care, as long as it was better than YCE, CNE would be a decent Engine).
Allegedly CNE performs Worse than Psych Engine in some cases, and at that point it drew some lines for some people. Yoshi no longer works on CNE due to "Controversy" about things I don't pay attention to so idk what happened.
This Engine is going to try to innovate upon its predecessor Engine, and improve how Engines will work in the future
If you want to see what we plan on adding, go to the toAdd folder.
Currently, helping on a project that has nothing in it won't help but in the future basically you would fork this Repo and making changes on your own github, then requesting a push / pull request here
If you want to help, then DM me on Discord (ItsLJcool#7560) and show me some coding you have done on FNF mods.
If you don't know how to code but still want to help, then suggest some things you might think will fit this YCE-Opt (I guess we are calling it YCO? but I like YCE-Opt).
Thanks to the YCE Community for everything
Join the CNE / YCE Discord Server (Owned by YoshiCrafter29)
And the new YoshiCrafter Engine Discord (Owned by Swordcube)