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Codebook data-dashboard - CoronaWatchNL

Data update

All datasets are updated on a daily base. Availability depends on the publication by RIVM.

Data format


Directory: data-dashboard/data-cases
Daily file format: RIVM_NL_national_dashboard_yyyy-mm-dd.csv
Latest file format: RIVM_NL_national_dashboard_latest.csv
Complete file format: RIVM_NL_national_dashboard.csv

Column name Translation Description Format Example
Datum Date Date of notification YYYY-MM-DD (ISO 8601) 2020-05-09
Type Type Type of measurement (i.e., Totaal, Ziekenhuisopname) character Totaal
Aantal Count Number of newly diagnosed (Totaal) and hospitalized (Ziekenhuisopname) cases as reported by the national dashboard on the date of notification numeric (integer) 289
AantalCumulatief Total count Number of diagnosed (Totaal) and hospitalized (Ziekenhuisopname) cases as reported by the national dashboard on the date of notification since the start of the outbreak numeric (integer) 42402


Estimates (normalized)

Directory: data-dashboard/data-contagious
Complete file format: RIVM_NL_contagious_estimate_normalized.csv

Column name Translation Description Format Example
Datum Date Date of notification YYYY-MM-DD (ISO 8601) 2020-05-29
Type Type Type of measure (i.e., Geschat aantal besmettelijke mensen, Minimum aantal besmettelijke mensen, Maximum aantal besmettelijke mensen) character Geschat aantal besmettelijke mensen
Waarde Value* The (minimum and maximum) estimate of contagious people per 100.000 inhabitants per week numeric 9.9

* This calculated value estimates how many people infected with COVID-19 per 100.000 inhabitants are contagious for others. This value is calculated by RIVM on a weekly basis.


Directory: data-dashboard/data-contagious
Complete file format: RIVM_NL_contagious_estimate.csv

Column name Translation Description Format Example
Datum Date Date of notification YYYY-MM-DD (ISO 8601) 2020-07-10
Type Type Type of measure (i.e., Geschat aantal besmettelijke mensen) character Geschat aantal besmettelijke mensen
Waarde Value* The estimated number of contagious people per week numeric (integer) 2726

* This calculated value estimates how many people infected with COVID-19 are contagious for others. This value is calculated by RIVM on a weekly basis.


Directory: data-dashboard/data-descriptive
Daily file format: RIVM_NL_age_distribution_yyyy-mm-dd.csv
Complete file format: RIVM_NL_age_distribution.csv
Latest file format: RIVM_NL_age_distribution_latest.csv

Column name Translation Description Format Example
Datum Date Date of notification YYYY-MM-DD (ISO 8601) 2020-07-21
LeeftijdGroep Age group Age group (i.e., 0-20, 20-40, 40-60, 60-80, 80+, Unknown) character 20 tot 40
Aantal Aantal The number of positively tested patients per age group on the date of notificiation numeric (integer) 70



Directory: data-dashboard/data-nursery/data-nursery_residents
Complete file format: RIVM_NL_nursery_residents.csv

Column name Translation Description Format Example
Datum Date Date of notification YYYY-MM-DD (ISO 8601) 2020-04-11
Type Type Type of measurment (i.e., Positief geteste bewoners, Overleden besmette bewoners) character Positief geteste bewoners
Aantal Count Number of newly reported (deceased) COVID-19 cases of nursery home residents on the date of notification numeric (integer) 160
AantalCumulatief Total count Number of (deceased) COVID-19 cases of nursery home residents on the date of notification since the start of the outbreak numeric (integer) 4017


Directory: data-dashboard/data-nursery/data-nursery_homes
Complete file format: RIVM_NL_nursery_counts.csv

Column name Translation Description Format Example
Datum Date Date of notification YYYY-MM-DD (ISO 8601) 2020-04-11
Type Type Type of measurment (i.e., Besmette verpleeghuizen) character Besmette verpleeghuizen
Aantal Total count Total number of reported nursery homes with at least one COVID-19 infected resident on the date of notification numeric (integer) 828
NieuwAantal New count Number of newly reported nursery homes with at least one COVID-19 infected resident on the date of notification numeric (integer) 9


Directory: data-dashboard/data-reproduction
Complete file format: RIVM_NL_reproduction_index.csv

Column name Translation Description Format Example
Datum Date* Date of calculated reproduction index YYYY-MM-DD (ISO 8601) 2020-04-11
Type Type Type of reproduction measure (i.e., Reproductie index, Minimum, Maximum) character Reproductie index
Waarde Value** The (minimum and maximum) reproduction index (Reproductie index) per day, indicating how quickly the virus is spreading numeric 0.69

* As the reproduction index is calculated in retrospect, the reproduction index for the most recent dates are still unknown.
** The reproduction index is an estimate made by RIVM based on various data sources. The exact number is unknown. The reproduction index is an average for the entire Netherlands.


Directory: data-dashboard/data-sewage
Complete file format: RIVM_NL_sewage_counts.csv

Column name Translation Description Format Example
Datum Date Date of notification YYYY-MM-DD (ISO 8601) 2020-09-07
Type Type Type of measurement (i.e., Virusdeeltjes per ml rioolwater) character Virusdeeltjes per ml rioolwater
Aantal Count* The number of virus particles measured in one mililiter sewage water per week numeric 47.3
Installaties Count* The number of sewage treatment plants that have reported at least one measurement per week numeric (integer) 236

* Once per week the number of virus particles per mililiter sewage water, obtained at 28 location in the Netherlands, is determined.


Directory: data-dashboard/data-suspects
Complete file format: RIVM_NL_suspects.csv

Column name Translation Description Format Example
Datum Date Date of notification YYYY-MM-DD (ISO 8601) 2020-07-05
Type Type Type of measurement (i.e., Verdachte patiënten) character Verdachte patiënten
Aantal Count The number of GP registered suspected COVID-19 cases per 100.000 inhabitants per week numeric 11.0