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LMFDB Developer's Guide

This document describes the development process of the LMFDB. In addition, it describes the principles behind the pages in the LMFDB, the writing style, the use of knowls, and the URLs of the home pages of mathematical objects. This document is not meant as a rigid set of rules. Rather, it is intended to help speed the creation and adoption of new material, and to help maintain a unified design as the website grows.

If you are interested in developing the LMFDB, it would be a very good idea to introduce yourself to the current developers, who can then help you get involved in current development meetings.


To set up your system for development see Code development and sharing your work.

Adding material to the LMFDB

New pages are developed through an iterative process that involves input from both experts and nonexperts. The goal is to make everyone happy.

A principle to keep in mind is that a novice must be able to click their way around the site, exploring objects about which they might know very little; at the same time, an expert has to be able to quickly find what they are looking for.

Structural Conventions

Below, we describe several of the structural conventions used in the LMFDB. Note that we also have styling conventions for the content of individual pages. These styling conventions are described in

Pages in the LMFDB

  • Each mathematical object in the LMFDB has a "home page".
  • This home page should have a mathematically meaningful URL.
  • The home pages can be reached by browse pages and search pages.
  • On both the "home page" for an object and on the browse pages and search pages, knowls provide information about technical terms.

We elaborate on these four points.


Every object in the LMFDB has a "home page". The home page of a mathematical object is based on the idea of a home page of an individual mathematician, or the wikipedia article of someone famous.

An object's home page should provide a wide variety of information about the object. Basic information, of interest to both experts and non-experts, should appear ear the top. More specialized information should appear near the bottom.

In the upper right corner of each home page should be the "properties" box, summarizing the most basic facts about the object. The information in the properties box should also appear in the body of the page.

Below the properties box is the "Related objects" box, containing links to the home pages of related objects. Below the related objects box is the "Downloads box", containing links to data and code. And below the downloads box is the "Learn more about" box, containing information about the completeness and source of the shown data.

Standard practice for creating the home page for a new object is to copy the template for an existing object with a good home page. (This has often been elliptic curves or global number fields in the past --- classical modular forms have some newer features and might be copied now too). The "Properties box" and other features will already be there, and you can use them without necessarily knowing all the details of how the templates work.

Descriptions of the terminology on the home page for an object should be put in knowls. This allows nonexperts to find basic information without forcing experts to skim through documentation. The links to the knowls should be the words being defined. Don't add extraneous words like "click here".

For a given type of object, all of the home pages should have the same entries. If some piece of data is not known for an object, still list that entry and say "data not computed", or some similar phrase if that does not properly capture the situation. The only exception is if some property only makes sense for certain objects in that class. For example, number field pages only have a section for Reflection fields if the number field is a CM field. But all number field pages have a place to show the regulator even though it has not been computed in all cases.

When creating a new home page for an object, get feedback from both experts and nonexperts about the order in which the information appears on the home page, and the categories in which to group the material. If there is a question about whether something should go on a home page, frequently the answer is "yes"; the main exception is when the information is not of wide interest or if it more properly belongs on the home page of a related object.

In practice, it is a good idea to get feedback from the current group of established LMFDB developers frequently.

Historical note: the properties box is also known as the "Lady Gaga" box, or the "Gaga box". The name comes from John Voight's presentation at an LMFDB workshop, where he used Lady Gaga's Wikipedia article as an illustration of the value of gathering basic information in the upper-right corner of a home page.

Browse and search pages

The entry point to most mathematical objects in the LMFDB is through browse and search pages. The upper portion of these pages (the part that is visible in a typical browser when first visiting the page) should contain two things:

  1. At the top should be a variety of links to specific objects, and to search pages where reasonable search parameters have already been selected. The point is that a novice should be able to click around with their mouse and explore the topic, without needing to fill out a form or even know anything about the topic to proceed.

  2. Below the top section, but still visible without scrolling far, should be a search form which is suitable for use by experts.

Other material can appear in the lower portion of browse and search pages.


In order to be able to write or edit knowls, it is necessary to contact the current developers of the LMFDB.

Anatomy of a knowl

There are three components to a knowl.

  1. Identifier: this indicates where the knowl fits into the hierarchy of information in the LMFDB, but the scheme is not as elaborate or as rigid as URLs.

    Example: ec.q.conductor has ec.q as hierarchies.

    Consult with experts before trying to introduce new first or second-level identifiers. It is tedious to alter identifiers and change the places they are used afterwards.

  2. Description/title: this consists of several words that describes the knowl and helps distinguish it among knowls on similar topics.

    Example: "Conductor of an elliptic curve over Q". Notice that this description would be inadequate if it were any shorter.

  3. Content: this is the text that appears when someone clicks on the knowl.

As originally envisioned by Harald Schilly, knowls should contain a relatively small amount of information (because it is better to have knowls-within-knowls so the reader can determine what additional information is needed), and the content of a knowl is context independent. This means that the information should make sense wherever it might appear.

In the example of "Conductor of an elliptic curve over Q", the definitions in most textbooks may not be suitable for the content of the knowl, because the phrasing may not make sense unless the reader has read previous content in the text.

Note that years of schooling have trained people to write in a linear fashion where each idea flows into the next. This training might not be helpful in writing knowls, as they should be context independent. Try not to think about the specific situation in which you want to use the knowl: write something that makes sense in all other places where others might use it.

Using knowls

Knowls are used in several ways:

  1. To provide supplementary information (such as a definition) on a web page.

  2. To provide all the material on a webpage in a way that can be easily edited. (Though this is relatively rare).

The above is a list of how knowls are currently being used in the LMFDB. This might change over time.


One of the fundamental principles of the LMFDB is that mathematical objects should have a "home page" (described above).

As much as possible, the URLs for home pages of objects in the LMFDB should be

  1. mathematically meaningful
  2. human readable
  3. permanent
  4. suitable for inclusion in a bibliography

Here and throughout this document, we say "should" instead of "must", with the understanding that some compromises will be inevitable.

Here are some principles:

  1. If X is the URL of an object, then L/X is the URL of its standard L-function. According to the Langlands program, other L-functions associated to X have the form L(s, X, rho). Examples include

    • L(s, f, sym^2)
    • L(s, f, spin)

    These should then have URLs, respectively,

    • L/SymmetricPower/2/<url_for_f>
    • L/spin/<url_for_f>
  2. The group comes before the field. For example, GL2/Q could occur in the URL of some object.

  3. The "type of object" should come first. For example, some top level URLs for home pages include

    • /ArtinRepresentation
    • /Character
    • /EllipticCurve
    • /L
    • /ModularForm

    There are other top level URLs, and not all top level URLs have home pages for mathematical objects below them.

  4. "Nicknames" can sometimes be used for popular number fields. These include

    • QsqrtN: where N can be a positive or negative integer. For example, Qsqrt7 or Qsqrt-5
    • Q: the rationals
    • Qi: Q(\sqrt{-1})
    • QzetaN: the Nth cyclotomic field

    For example, the search page allows Qsqrt5 as a search parameter for the coefficient field.

    Note that number fields like Qsqrt5 has an "official name" as well as a nickname. Many discussions have occurred for what appropriate labels for objects should be. Examine the structure of existing objects in the LMFDB very closely to maintain correct labels and relationships.

  5. The URL of an object provides successively narrower descriptions of the object. After some number of levels (depending on the object), one is faced with the issue of naming a specific object. This final specification can be done with a label, or with a hierarchy/directory-style specification.

    For example, the following examples are currently in use, and these URLs should be considered permanent:

    • /ArtinRepresentation/\<dim>/\<conductor>/\<label>
    • /Character/Dirichlet/\<modulus>/\<number>
    • /Character/Hecke/\<number_field>/\<modulus>/\<number>
    • /EllipticCurve/Q/\<label>
    • /GaloisGroup/\<label>
    • /padicField/\<label>
    • /ModularForm/GL2/Q/holomorphic/\<label>
    • /ModularForm/GL2/Q/Maass/\<label>
    • /Motive/Hypergeometric/Q/\<label>
    • /NumberField/\<label>

In practice, prior to deciding on a labelling scheme for new objects, one should talk to the current LMFDB developers (who now have a lot of experience in considering labelling schemes).


Pages are displayed through flask+jinja templates. A template has several typical variables:

  • title - that appears on several places

  • properties - right hand bar, see below

  • bread - breadcrumb hierarchy, i.e. [ ('name', 'url'), ... ]

  • sidebar - additional sidebar entries. The data structure is [ ('topic', [ ('text', 'url'), ...]), ... ].

    • Note that info.downloads, info.friends, and info.learnmore have the same structure, though the names might differ from page to page.
  • credit - small credits note at the bottom

  • support - either a default or a line that says who has supported this.

For more details read templates/homepage.html

The idea is to extend "homepage.html" and replace the content block:

{% block content %}
   ... your stuff ...
{% endblock %}


The css should be kept in the .css files in lmfdb/templates/ and loaded into homepage.html. Preferably, new css should be added to:

  • style.css - contains the majority of the css, for example, for the properties and sidebar variables.

The colors are defined in lmfdb.utils.color, and are available in Jinja as color.header_background for example. Please use the colors defined there rather than specific colors to facilitate future changes.

Code Organization / Blueprints

Each part of the website should be a Python module [1] and a proper flask Blueprint [2]. Look at how /knowledge/ is done, especially knowledge/ and knowledge/ Also, templates and static files specific to the module should be in their respective "templates" and "static" folders, e.g. /knowledge/templates/.

[1] [2]

Code Attribution

Each file should begin with a short copyright information, mentioning the people who are mainly involved in coding this particular python file. In practice,


  • Any contribution to the master LMFDB branch must pass all the tests. From the lmfdb folder:


    It takes a few minutes. If sage or some additional parts are missing it may fail, consider updating (see Getting Started )

  • New blueprints and features should include a test_<name>.py file which runs tests on all functions.

  • A code coverage diagnostic can be obtained via

    ./ html

    it produces beautiful coverage scores in lmfdb/cover/index.html

Pro Tip: Debugging

Just add

  import pdb; pdb.set_trace()

somewhere (e.g. protected inside a sensible if) this magic line and you will end up inside the interactive python debugger. there, you can check for the local variables with dir() you can execute python code (e.g. to introspect objects) and use "pp " to pretty print variables and to continue executing code use the "n" command. When you get lost, the command "bt" shows you exactly where you are and "up" helps you to get on step up on the stack. Of course, "help <command>" will tell you more...

Git Tips

global .gitignore

Please configure Git to have a global .gitignore for all your projects. It should contain all the files which are not project specific, but happen on your machine. E.g. temporary files ending in ...~ or .DS_store.

copy paste ready instructions on github


In your home directory, in the file ~/.gitconfig

        aliases=!git config --get-regexp 'alias.*' | colrm 1 6 | sed 's/[ ]/ = /'
        who=shortlog -s --
        ll = log --oneline --graph --decorate -25
        lla = log --oneline --graph --decorate --all -25
        wdiff=diff --word-diff=color
    ui = auto
    branch = auto
    diff = auto
    interactive = auto
    status = auto

List-table should always be like

<table class="ntdata">

   <tr class="odd"> <td>...</td></tr>
   <tr class="even"><td>...</td></tr>
   <tr class="odd"> <td>...</td></tr>

... we might also switch to CSS3's nth-element selector and forget about this.


The table on the right renders Strings formatted in the following datastructure:

prop = [ ( '<description>', [ '<value 1>', '<value 2>', ...] ), ... ]


prop = [ ( '<description>', '<value>'), ('<description>', '<value>'), ... ]

you can mix list or non-list.

LaTeX Macros

Latex macros are documented in a knowl that will appear when you start editing one.

Server Hook

This is in the hooks/post-receive in the bare Git repo:

# update the lmfdb-git-beta or -prod server depending on the branch
# this is based on

restart() {
    echo "updating $1"
    export GIT_WORK_TREE=/home/lmfdbweb/lmfdb-git-$1
    git checkout $1 -f
    echo 'git HEAD now at' `git rev-parse HEAD`
    bash ~/restart-$1

while read oldrev newrev refname
    branch=$(git rev-parse --symbolic --abbrev-ref $refname)
    case $branch in
        prod) restart $branch

        beta) restart $branch