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This is a Shiki Transformer to support Shaku syntax.

You can use this transformer anywhere shiki is supported with simple integration.

Live demos

1 Astro + Shaku Open in StackBlitz
2 Next + Shaku Open in StackBlitz


import shakuCodeAnnotateShikiTransformer from "shaku-code-annotate-shiki-transformer";
import { codeToHtml } from "shiki";

const unifiedProcessor = unified()
  .use(remarkRehype) // this sanitize html by default

const code = await codeToHtml("foo\bar", {
  lang: "js",
  theme: "vitesse-light",
  transformers: [
    // if you want markdown support in the annotation
    // shakuCodeAnnotateShikiTransformer({
    //   useDangerousRawHtml: true,
    //   markdownToHtmlAndSanitize: (code) =>
    //     unifiedProcessor.processSync(code).toString(),
    // }),

Or in a rehype plugin.

import { unified } from "unified";
import remarkParse from "remark-parse";
import remarkRehype from "remark-rehype";
import rehypeStringify from "rehype-stringify";
import rehypeShiki from "@shikijs/rehype";

const file = await unified()
  .use(rehypeShiki, {
    transformers: [
      // if you want markdown support in the annotation
      // shakuCodeAnnotateShikiTransformer({
      //   useDangerousRawHtml: true,
      //   markdownToHtmlAndSanitize: (code) =>
      //     unifiedProcessor.processSync(code).toString(),
      // }),
    theme: "vitesse-light",
  .process(await fs.readFile("./"));

By default, Shaku will be applied on all code blocks. You can set explicit trigger by pasetting shakuTrigger to be checked against code meta.

  shakuTrigger: /annotate/,

With above setting, we need to explicitly add annotate like below to trigger Shaku.

```js annotate


There is also a util function isLangSupported(lang: unknown) to check if certain language is supported in Shaku transformer.