This is personal project for toying around with software raytracers. Used to support files in the NFF format but now, because it supports path tracing, uses some custom NFF amalgamation. Currently the best renderer is VCM. BPT is also supported but the code is clearly broken.
The following packages are required:
- gcc 4.7 or clang 3.1
- CMake 2.6
- Boost (thread, date_time, program_options)
- libgd (optional for generating PNG images)
On debian based system the packages could be installed as follows:
$ sudo apt-get install gcc cmake libboost-dev libgd-dev
On gentoo make sure that png USE flag is enabled and as root:
$ emerge -a1 cmake gd boost
In the root source directory:
$ cp config.local.example config.local $ mkdir build $ cd build $ cmake .. $ make -j3 $ ./src/ray --help
The help is provided with "--help" command line argument. Use "--bpt" to enable bidirectional path tracing (quite broken) or "--vcm" for vertex connection and merging rendering algorithm. Use "-s" to set the number of samples. The higher the number of samples the longer the rendering will take. The default value is 5.