@inproceedings{ WOS:000449617900004, Author = {Camacho Ojeda, Marta Cecilia and Hurtado Alegria, Julio Ariel and Alvarez Rodriguez, Francisco Javier}, Book-Group-Author = {{IEEE}}, Title = {{An Exploratory Study for Scoping Software Product Lines in a Collaborative Way}}, Booktitle = {{2018 IEEE/ACM 11TH INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON COOPERATIVE AND HUMAN ASPECTS OF SOFTWARE ENGINEERING (CHASE)}}, Year = {{2018}}, Pages = {{17-20}}, Note = {{11th IEEE/ACM International Workshop on Cooperative and Human Aspects of Software Engineering (CHASE), Gothenburg, SWEDEN, MAY 27-JUN 03, 2018}}, Organization = {{IEEE; Assoc Comp Machinery; IEEE Comp Soc; SIGSOFT; IEEE Tech Council Software Engn}}, DOI = {{10.1145/3195836.3195852}}, ISBN = {{978-1-4503-5725-8}}, Unique-ID = {{WOS:000449617900004}}, } @article{ WOS:000256391400002, Author = {Hanssen, Geir K. and Faegri, Tor E.}, Title = {{Process fusion: An industrial case study on agile software product line engineering}}, Journal = {{JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS AND SOFTWARE}}, Year = {{2008}}, Volume = {{81}}, Number = {{6}}, Pages = {{843-854}}, Month = {{JUN}}, DOI = {{10.1016/j.jss.2007.10.025}}, ISSN = {{0164-1212}}, EISSN = {{1873-1228}}, ORCID-Numbers = {{Hanssen, Geir Kjetil/0000-0003-2718-6637}}, Unique-ID = {{WOS:000256391400002}}, } @article{ WOS:000558622100001, Author = {Bhushan, Megha and Negi, Arun and Samant, Piyush and Goel, Shivani and Kumar, Ajay}, Title = {{A classification and systematic review of product line feature model defects}}, Journal = {{SOFTWARE QUALITY JOURNAL}}, Year = {{2020}}, Volume = {{28}}, Number = {{4}}, Pages = {{1507-1550}}, Month = {{DEC}}, DOI = {{10.1007/s11219-020-09522-1}}, Early Access Date = {{AUG 2020}}, ISSN = {{0963-9314}}, EISSN = {{1573-1367}}, ResearcherID-Numbers = {{Samant, Piyush/AAQ-7314-2021 Bhushan, Megha/ABC-8720-2020 Bhushan, Megha/ABB-5077-2020}}, ORCID-Numbers = {{Bhushan, Megha/0000-0003-4309-875X}}, Unique-ID = {{WOS:000558622100001}}, }