This is a Python script for a Flask web application that performs neural style transfer on two uploaded images. The generated image will have the content of the first image and the style of the second image.
- Flask
- Pillow (PIL)
- NumPy
- OpenCV (cv2)
- Tensorflow
- Run the script.
- Navigate to localhost in a web browser.
- Upload a content image and a style image.
- Click the "Upload" button.
- Wait for the script to generate the output image.
- The generated image will be displayed on the web page.
- The script checks if the uploaded files are images in PNG, JPEG, or JPG format.
- If the files are valid, the script saves them to the uploads/ folder.
- The script then uses the load_img() function to load the content and style images as NumPy arrays and preprocesses them.
- The script defines the content and style layers to extract from a pre-trained VGG19 network, which will be used to compute the loss functions.
- The script defines functions to compute the content and style loss functions.
- The script defines a function to generate the target image, which will be the generated image.
- The script defines the train_step() function, which performs a single step of optimization to minimize the total loss.
- The script runs a loop to perform the optimization, using the Adam optimizer to minimize the loss.
- The generated image is saved to the static/ folder with a randomly generated filename.
- The generated image is displayed on the web page.
- This script uses the pre-trained VGG19 network provided by TensorFlow Keras.
- The load_img() function resizes the images to a maximum dimension of 512 while maintaining the aspect ratio.
- The train_step() function performs 1000 iterations of optimization per call.
- The total loss is the sum of the content loss and the style loss multiplied by their respective weights.