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Migration tools for moving projects from the Jasig SVN repositor to GitHub

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Jasig svn2git Utilities

Author Mapping

To better preserve commit history it is good to map Jasig SVN usernames to Git identies. Git uses email address for identity mapping (not your GitHub username) so a mapping entry looks like: edalquist = Eric Dalquist <>

Author mappings are maintained in mappedAuthors.txt and as developers that have commits in the Jasig SVN repository move to Git they should add an appropriate mapping in the file.

Since svn2git requires ALL authors be mapped the file resolvedAuthors.txt has been generated from a list of all SVN committers with name and email information resolved from the Jasig Crowd server using the resolveJasigAuthors.groovy script. MOST USERS CAN IGNORE THIS FILE

SVN to GIT Migration

Install the svn2git tool available here:

Generate Authors File

groovy mergeAuthors.groovy

Create a directory for the new git repository

mkdir /path/to/project_git
cd /path/to/project_git

Run svn2git

svn2git \
    --verbose \
    --authors /path/to/jasig-svn2git-migration/target/mergedAuthors.txt \

Push the changes to GitHub

git remote add origin
git push -u --mirror

Read Only SVN Mirror

A read only mirror of the new git repository can be maintained by using the included script. Unlike git-svn dcommit the method used by works with git merges, though merge information is lost and multiple commits as part of a merge are flattened into a single svn change set. The script uses the svn remote information in the git repository's config file to determine where to commit to.


After following the above instructions to migrate the project take a copy of the local git repository that was created and modify the .git/config file. Find the [remote "origin"] section and change the url attribute to a read-only url like: git://

Place the and the modify repository on a server that can either run the script on schedule or use a GitHub commit hook to trigger its execution. For Jasig projects contact the infrastructure team as Bamboo is used to trigger the sync.

In this example the /opt/git/repositories/uPortal git repository is being synced back to SVN with being the SVN user that makes the commits and the master, umobile-trunk, and rel-3-2-patches branches being synced. /opt/git/repositories/
-g /opt/git/repositories/uPortal
-w /opt/git/repositories/
-b master -b umobile-trunk -b rel-3-2-patches


Migration tools for moving projects from the Jasig SVN repositor to GitHub






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