This is a peer learning course provided by AMRITA VISHWA VIDYAPEETHAM CHENNAI CAMPUS which provides a good initiative for students career.
This course provides a good knowledge about coding and hackathons.
- We can learn coding languages.
- It makes you to use different flatforms for coding.
- This makes people to connect with each other and shares their knowledge,
1. Task-1
- The First task is about to creating a git hub account. Use the github website given for creating an account. GITHUB
2. Task-2
- The second task is about to install GIT to the Laptop whether it is mac or windows or linux.
3. Task-3
The third task is to create a repositary named COGNIZANCE-2020 and create a folder Task-3 and practice all the commands in git with the git bash or command prompt.
For reference git commands.
4. Task-4
The fourth task is about MARKDOWN Language. use mark down language to create a README file for a program or repositary.
- Task-4 file in this repositary has some of the basic programs of C-language
click here to go to Task-4 file.