When working with web components, react, and typescript you will need to help the type system out a bit getting the web components in.
Below is a working example of a file that will put all gux web components into the type system making everyone happy.
import { JSX as LocalJSX } from "@genesys/common-webcomponents";
import { DetailedHTMLProps, HTMLAttributes } from "react";
* NOTES: Had to move them away from [P in keyof T]? because typescript was not happy with the undefined.
* It produced this error for memo and lazy react calls:
* - produces a union type that is too complex to represent
* We are kinda lying here about the types because the gux elements have to be loaded in to exist. I think this lie is fine
* because if you use the web components and did not load them in you will find out quickly during development and then
* add the one line to register them.
type StencilProps<T> = {
[P in keyof T]: Omit<T[P], "ref">;
type ReactProps<T> = {
[P in keyof T]: DetailedHTMLProps<HTMLAttributes<T[P]>, T[P]>;
// These lines below restrict to pulling in just the gux prefex web components.
// You need typescript 4.1 or above
type IsGux<K> = K extends `gux${infer _}` ? K : never;
type GuxKeys<T> = Pick<T, IsGux<keyof T>>;
type StencilToReact = StencilProps<GuxKeys<LocalJSX.IntrinsicElements>> & ReactProps<GuxKeys<HTMLElementTagNameMap>>;
declare global {
export namespace JSX {
interface IntrinsicElements extends StencilToReact {}
export { registerElements } from "@genesys/common-webcomponents";