- initialization from file <-
- basic matching every term <- vector of either
- spaced repetition <- iterating over vector, pushing back not guessed ones, they get questioned later, shuffled
- end-user dealing with typos <- :typo
- hints <- :hint
- colored output <- colored from crates.io
- make exit work just like that <- done using
- print number of cards to learn <- kinda implemented using
- add keyword skip <- done:
for editable input <- done, followed docs -
<- done, usage seen from tplay, flcard - output the right amount of '_'-s even for special (more byte) characers <- done:
- have organized, formatted output <- done: using nice charecters, colors
- save progress <- done using dirs crate, fs::read,write
- flashcards
- levelled knowledge
- delete unnecessary verbs module and therefore every freakin' 2. line
- find duplicates and deal with 'em somehow
- if hint typed more than once, show more help: verbs
- starring words that need learning, high level
- filtering what to learn, like unusual verbforms
- other question types like i dunno
autocompletion of commands:
taking cli arguments: clap
- file name
- delimiter
- mode
- swapping term and definition fully or partially
- help
- shuffling
- verbosity: clap-verbosity-flag
- other great stuff
fetching definitions from
- anki decks
- quizlet decks
- knowt decks
- chatgpt just because everyone is crazy about it
- Dudenswissensnetz
- verbformen
- oxford english dictionary
- lots of other stuff
- using deepl
write docs, man
being able to determine every property itself <- kinda?
everything actually useful knowt or quizlet has
being able to learn verbs with their forms from tables
fuzzy matching words
tests: like in school
very nice statistics, plots
clean main.rs
don't write almost the same functions twice, use generics and all <- init(), quest() now uses traits, generics
basic tests: being cross-platform,
tests -
tests: e.g.: assert_cmd
non-spagethi code with
s -
s -
s -
s - all kinds of crazy stuff
github repo, or some github alternative
website: crablit.com or crablit.io or crab.lit or crablit.rs
being able to share decks
being able to create decks in app
clean API
template files for creating great flashcards with
- delimiter
- mode
- title
- author
- languages
- other great stuff
gui interface: dioxus?
- webapp for learning
- desktop apps
- mobile