diff --git a/.editorconfig b/.editorconfig
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7ef59b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.editorconfig
@@ -0,0 +1,294 @@
+root = true
+charset = utf-8
+end_of_line = crlf
+trim_trailing_whitespace = true
+insert_final_newline = true
+indent_style = space
+indent_size = 3
+tab_width = 3
+# Microsoft .NET properties
+csharp_new_line_before_open_brace = accessors, control_blocks, events, indexers, local_functions, methods, properties, types
+csharp_preferred_modifier_order = public, private, protected, internal, file, new, static, abstract, virtual, sealed, readonly, override, extern, unsafe, volatile, async, required:suggestion
+csharp_space_after_cast = true
+csharp_style_prefer_utf8_string_literals = true:suggestion
+csharp_style_var_elsewhere = true:suggestion
+csharp_style_var_for_built_in_types = true:suggestion
+csharp_style_var_when_type_is_apparent = true:suggestion
+dotnet_naming_rule.constants_rule.import_to_resharper = True
+dotnet_naming_rule.constants_rule.resharper_description = Constant fields (not private)
+dotnet_naming_rule.constants_rule.resharper_guid = 669e5282-fb4b-4e90-91e7-07d269d04b60
+dotnet_naming_rule.constants_rule.severity = warning
+dotnet_naming_rule.constants_rule.style = all_upper_style
+dotnet_naming_rule.constants_rule.symbols = constants_symbols
+dotnet_naming_rule.local_constants_rule.import_to_resharper = True
+dotnet_naming_rule.local_constants_rule.resharper_description = Local constants
+dotnet_naming_rule.local_constants_rule.resharper_guid = a4f433b8-abcd-4e55-a08f-82e78cef0f0c
+dotnet_naming_rule.local_constants_rule.severity = warning
+dotnet_naming_rule.local_constants_rule.style = all_upper_style
+dotnet_naming_rule.local_constants_rule.symbols = local_constants_symbols
+dotnet_naming_rule.private_constants_rule.import_to_resharper = True
+dotnet_naming_rule.private_constants_rule.resharper_description = Constant fields (private)
+dotnet_naming_rule.private_constants_rule.resharper_guid = 236f7aa5-7b06-43ca-bf2a-9b31bfcff09a
+dotnet_naming_rule.private_constants_rule.severity = warning
+dotnet_naming_rule.private_constants_rule.style = all_upper_style
+dotnet_naming_rule.private_constants_rule.symbols = private_constants_symbols
+dotnet_naming_rule.private_static_readonly_rule.import_to_resharper = True
+dotnet_naming_rule.private_static_readonly_rule.resharper_description = Static readonly fields (private)
+dotnet_naming_rule.private_static_readonly_rule.resharper_guid = 15b5b1f1-457c-4ca6-b278-5615aedc07d3
+dotnet_naming_rule.private_static_readonly_rule.severity = warning
+dotnet_naming_rule.private_static_readonly_rule.style = lower_camel_case_style
+dotnet_naming_rule.private_static_readonly_rule.symbols = private_static_readonly_symbols
+dotnet_naming_rule.public_fields_rule.import_to_resharper = True
+dotnet_naming_rule.public_fields_rule.resharper_description = Instance fields (not private)
+dotnet_naming_rule.public_fields_rule.resharper_guid = 53eecf85-d821-40e8-ac97-fdb734542b84
+dotnet_naming_rule.public_fields_rule.severity = warning
+dotnet_naming_rule.public_fields_rule.style = lower_camel_case_style
+dotnet_naming_rule.public_fields_rule.symbols = public_fields_symbols
+dotnet_naming_rule.public_static_fields_rule.import_to_resharper = True
+dotnet_naming_rule.public_static_fields_rule.resharper_description = Static fields (not private)
+dotnet_naming_rule.public_static_fields_rule.resharper_guid = 70345118-4b40-4ece-937c-bbeb7a0b2e70
+dotnet_naming_rule.public_static_fields_rule.severity = warning
+dotnet_naming_rule.public_static_fields_rule.style = lower_camel_case_style
+dotnet_naming_rule.public_static_fields_rule.symbols = public_static_fields_symbols
+dotnet_naming_rule.static_readonly_rule.import_to_resharper = True
+dotnet_naming_rule.static_readonly_rule.resharper_description = Static readonly fields (not private)
+dotnet_naming_rule.static_readonly_rule.resharper_guid = c873eafb-d57f-481d-8c93-77f6863c2f88
+dotnet_naming_rule.static_readonly_rule.severity = warning
+dotnet_naming_rule.static_readonly_rule.style = upper_camel_case_style
+dotnet_naming_rule.static_readonly_rule.symbols = static_readonly_symbols
+dotnet_naming_rule.test_method_rule.import_to_resharper = True
+dotnet_naming_rule.test_method_rule.resharper_description = Test Method
+dotnet_naming_rule.test_method_rule.resharper_guid = f258c361-f99f-4b2c-8d8d-241b2d0eef99
+dotnet_naming_rule.test_method_rule.severity = warning
+dotnet_naming_rule.test_method_rule.style = upper_camel_case_underscore_tolerant_style
+dotnet_naming_rule.test_method_rule.symbols = test_method_symbols
+dotnet_naming_style.all_upper_style.capitalization = all_upper
+dotnet_naming_style.all_upper_style.word_separator = _
+dotnet_naming_style.lower_camel_case_style.capitalization = camel_case
+dotnet_naming_style.lower_camel_case_style.required_prefix = _
+dotnet_naming_style.upper_camel_case_style.capitalization = pascal_case
+dotnet_naming_style.upper_camel_case_underscore_tolerant_style.capitalization = pascal_case
+dotnet_naming_style.upper_camel_case_underscore_tolerant_style.word_separator = _
+dotnet_naming_symbols.constants_symbols.applicable_accessibilities = public, internal, protected, protected_internal, private_protected
+dotnet_naming_symbols.constants_symbols.applicable_kinds = field
+dotnet_naming_symbols.constants_symbols.required_modifiers = const
+dotnet_naming_symbols.constants_symbols.resharper_applicable_kinds = constant_field
+dotnet_naming_symbols.constants_symbols.resharper_required_modifiers = any
+dotnet_naming_symbols.local_constants_symbols.applicable_accessibilities = *
+dotnet_naming_symbols.local_constants_symbols.applicable_kinds = local
+dotnet_naming_symbols.local_constants_symbols.required_modifiers = const
+dotnet_naming_symbols.local_constants_symbols.resharper_applicable_kinds = local_constant
+dotnet_naming_symbols.local_constants_symbols.resharper_required_modifiers = any
+dotnet_naming_symbols.private_constants_symbols.applicable_accessibilities = private
+dotnet_naming_symbols.private_constants_symbols.applicable_kinds = field
+dotnet_naming_symbols.private_constants_symbols.required_modifiers = const
+dotnet_naming_symbols.private_constants_symbols.resharper_applicable_kinds = constant_field
+dotnet_naming_symbols.private_constants_symbols.resharper_required_modifiers = any
+dotnet_naming_symbols.private_static_readonly_symbols.applicable_accessibilities = private
+dotnet_naming_symbols.private_static_readonly_symbols.applicable_kinds = field
+dotnet_naming_symbols.private_static_readonly_symbols.required_modifiers = readonly, static
+dotnet_naming_symbols.private_static_readonly_symbols.resharper_applicable_kinds = readonly_field
+dotnet_naming_symbols.private_static_readonly_symbols.resharper_required_modifiers = static
+dotnet_naming_symbols.public_fields_symbols.applicable_accessibilities = public, internal, protected, protected_internal, private_protected
+dotnet_naming_symbols.public_fields_symbols.applicable_kinds = field
+dotnet_naming_symbols.public_fields_symbols.resharper_applicable_kinds = field, readonly_field
+dotnet_naming_symbols.public_fields_symbols.resharper_required_modifiers = instance
+dotnet_naming_symbols.public_static_fields_symbols.applicable_accessibilities = public, internal, protected, protected_internal, private_protected
+dotnet_naming_symbols.public_static_fields_symbols.applicable_kinds = field
+dotnet_naming_symbols.public_static_fields_symbols.required_modifiers = static
+dotnet_naming_symbols.public_static_fields_symbols.resharper_applicable_kinds = field
+dotnet_naming_symbols.public_static_fields_symbols.resharper_required_modifiers = static
+dotnet_naming_symbols.static_readonly_symbols.applicable_accessibilities = public, internal, protected, protected_internal, private_protected
+dotnet_naming_symbols.static_readonly_symbols.applicable_kinds = field
+dotnet_naming_symbols.static_readonly_symbols.required_modifiers = readonly, static
+dotnet_naming_symbols.static_readonly_symbols.resharper_applicable_kinds = readonly_field
+dotnet_naming_symbols.static_readonly_symbols.resharper_required_modifiers = static
+dotnet_naming_symbols.test_method_symbols.applicable_accessibilities = public
+dotnet_naming_symbols.test_method_symbols.applicable_kinds =
+dotnet_naming_symbols.test_method_symbols.resharper_applicable_kinds = test_member
+dotnet_naming_symbols.test_method_symbols.resharper_required_modifiers = instance
+dotnet_style_parentheses_in_arithmetic_binary_operators = never_if_unnecessary:none
+dotnet_style_parentheses_in_other_binary_operators = always_for_clarity:none
+dotnet_style_parentheses_in_relational_binary_operators = never_if_unnecessary:none
+dotnet_style_predefined_type_for_locals_parameters_members = true:suggestion
+dotnet_style_predefined_type_for_member_access = true:suggestion
+dotnet_style_qualification_for_event = false:suggestion
+dotnet_style_qualification_for_field = false:suggestion
+dotnet_style_qualification_for_method = false:suggestion
+dotnet_style_qualification_for_property = false:suggestion
+dotnet_style_require_accessibility_modifiers = for_non_interface_members:suggestion
+# ReSharper properties
+resharper_align_linq_query = true
+resharper_align_multiline_binary_expressions_chain = false
+resharper_align_multiline_statement_conditions = false
+resharper_always_use_end_of_line_brace_style = true
+resharper_apply_auto_detected_rules = false
+resharper_autodetect_indent_settings = true
+resharper_blank_lines_after_block_statements = 0
+resharper_blank_lines_around_single_line_auto_property = 1
+resharper_blank_lines_around_single_line_local_method = 1
+resharper_csharp_alignment_tab_fill_style = optimal_fill
+resharper_csharp_blank_lines_around_single_line_invocable = 1
+resharper_csharp_empty_block_style = together_same_line
+resharper_csharp_indent_size = 3
+resharper_csharp_indent_style = tab
+resharper_csharp_insert_final_newline = true
+resharper_csharp_int_align_fix_in_adjacent = false
+resharper_csharp_keep_blank_lines_in_code = 1
+resharper_csharp_keep_blank_lines_in_declarations = 1
+resharper_csharp_max_enum_members_on_line = 1
+resharper_csharp_max_line_length = 192
+resharper_csharp_stick_comment = false
+resharper_csharp_tab_width = 3
+resharper_csharp_wrap_after_declaration_lpar = true
+resharper_csharp_wrap_after_invocation_lpar = true
+resharper_csharp_wrap_arguments_style = chop_if_long
+resharper_csharp_wrap_before_binary_opsign = true
+resharper_csharp_wrap_before_first_type_parameter_constraint = true
+resharper_csharp_wrap_parameters_style = chop_if_long
+resharper_enforce_line_ending_style = true
+resharper_event_handler_pattern_long = $object$_On$event$
+resharper_formatter_off_tag = @formatter:off
+resharper_formatter_on_tag = @formatter:on
+resharper_formatter_tags_enabled = true
+resharper_fsharp_insert_final_newline = true
+resharper_fsharp_max_line_length = 192
+resharper_html_alignment_tab_fill_style = optimal_fill
+resharper_keep_existing_embedded_arrangement = false
+resharper_keep_existing_expr_member_arrangement = false
+resharper_keep_existing_initializer_arrangement = false
+resharper_keep_existing_invocation_parens_arrangement = false
+resharper_keep_existing_linebreaks = false
+resharper_keep_existing_property_patterns_arrangement = false
+resharper_keep_existing_switch_expression_arrangement = false
+resharper_max_attribute_length_for_same_line = 64
+resharper_max_formal_parameters_on_line = 9
+resharper_max_initializer_elements_on_line = 9
+resharper_max_invocation_arguments_on_line = 9
+resharper_max_primary_constructor_parameters_on_line = 9
+resharper_parentheses_redundancy_style = remove
+resharper_place_field_attribute_on_same_line = false
+resharper_place_linq_into_on_new_line = false
+resharper_qualified_using_at_nested_scope = true
+resharper_use_continuous_indent_inside_initializer_braces = false
+resharper_use_indent_from_vs = false
+resharper_wrap_array_initializer_style = chop_always
+resharper_wrap_before_eq = true
+resharper_wrap_chained_method_calls = chop_always
+resharper_wrap_object_and_collection_initializer_style = chop_always
+resharper_wrap_tags_and_pi = false
+resharper_xmldoc_alignment_tab_fill_style = optimal_fill
+resharper_xmldoc_attribute_indent = align_by_first_attribute
+resharper_xmldoc_attribute_style = on_single_line
+resharper_xmldoc_blank_line_after_pi = false
+resharper_xmldoc_indent_child_elements = ZeroIndent
+resharper_xmldoc_indent_size = 3
+resharper_xmldoc_indent_text = ZeroIndent
+resharper_xmldoc_keep_user_linebreaks = false
+resharper_xmldoc_linebreaks_inside_tags_for_elements_longer_than = 2100000
+resharper_xmldoc_linebreaks_inside_tags_for_elements_with_child_elements = false
+resharper_xmldoc_linebreak_before_elements = summary, exception, typeparam, param, returns, value, remarks, example, para
+resharper_xmldoc_linebreak_before_multiline_elements = false
+resharper_xmldoc_max_line_length = 128
+resharper_xmldoc_space_before_self_closing = false
+resharper_xmldoc_tab_width = 3
+resharper_xml_blank_line_after_pi = false
+resharper_xml_indent_size = 3
+resharper_xml_insert_final_newline = true
+resharper_xml_linebreaks_inside_tags_for_multiline_elements = false
+resharper_xml_linebreak_before_multiline_elements = false
+resharper_xml_max_blank_lines_between_tags = 1
+resharper_xml_max_line_length = 157
+resharper_xml_tab_width = 3
+resharper_xml_wrap_lines = false
+resharper_xml_wrap_text = true
+# ReSharper inspection severities
+resharper_annotate_can_be_null_parameter_highlighting = suggestion
+resharper_annotate_can_be_null_type_member_highlighting = suggestion
+resharper_annotate_not_null_parameter_highlighting = suggestion
+resharper_annotate_not_null_type_member_highlighting = suggestion
+resharper_arrange_object_creation_when_type_not_evident_highlighting = suggestion
+resharper_arrange_redundant_parentheses_highlighting = hint
+resharper_arrange_this_qualifier_highlighting = hint
+resharper_arrange_type_member_modifiers_highlighting = hint
+resharper_arrange_type_modifiers_highlighting = hint
+resharper_async_void_method_highlighting = warning
+resharper_bad_attribute_brackets_spaces_highlighting = warning
+resharper_bad_braces_spaces_highlighting = warning
+resharper_bad_colon_spaces_highlighting = warning
+resharper_bad_comma_spaces_highlighting = warning
+resharper_bad_control_braces_line_breaks_highlighting = warning
+resharper_bad_declaration_braces_indent_highlighting = warning
+resharper_bad_declaration_braces_line_breaks_highlighting = warning
+resharper_bad_empty_braces_line_breaks_highlighting = warning
+resharper_bad_expression_braces_indent_highlighting = warning
+resharper_bad_expression_braces_line_breaks_highlighting = warning
+resharper_bad_generic_brackets_spaces_highlighting = warning
+resharper_bad_indent_highlighting = warning
+resharper_bad_linq_line_breaks_highlighting = warning
+resharper_bad_list_line_breaks_highlighting = warning
+resharper_bad_member_access_spaces_highlighting = warning
+resharper_bad_namespace_braces_indent_highlighting = warning
+resharper_bad_parens_line_breaks_highlighting = warning
+resharper_bad_parens_spaces_highlighting = warning
+resharper_bad_preprocessor_indent_highlighting = warning
+resharper_bad_semicolon_spaces_highlighting = warning
+resharper_bad_spaces_after_keyword_highlighting = warning
+resharper_bad_square_brackets_spaces_highlighting = warning
+resharper_bad_switch_braces_indent_highlighting = warning
+resharper_bad_symbol_spaces_highlighting = warning
+resharper_built_in_type_reference_style_for_member_access_highlighting = hint
+resharper_built_in_type_reference_style_highlighting = hint
+resharper_compare_non_constrained_generic_with_null_highlighting = warning
+resharper_convert_to_using_declaration_highlighting = hint
+resharper_function_complexity_overflow_highlighting = warning
+resharper_heap_view_implicit_capture_highlighting = suggestion
+resharper_incorrect_blank_lines_near_braces_highlighting = warning
+resharper_lambda_expression_can_be_made_static_highlighting = hint
+resharper_loop_can_be_partly_converted_to_query_highlighting = hint
+resharper_member_can_be_file_local_highlighting = suggestion
+resharper_member_can_be_internal_highlighting = suggestion
+resharper_missing_blank_lines_highlighting = warning
+resharper_missing_indent_highlighting = warning
+resharper_missing_linebreak_highlighting = warning
+resharper_missing_space_highlighting = warning
+resharper_multiple_spaces_highlighting = warning
+resharper_multiple_statements_on_one_line_highlighting = warning
+resharper_multiple_type_members_on_one_line_highlighting = warning
+resharper_nullable_warning_suppression_is_used_highlighting = suggestion
+resharper_outdent_is_off_prev_level_highlighting = warning
+resharper_razor_assembly_not_resolved_highlighting = warning
+resharper_redundant_base_qualifier_highlighting = warning
+resharper_redundant_blank_lines_highlighting = warning
+resharper_redundant_enum_case_label_for_default_section_highlighting = hint
+resharper_redundant_linebreak_highlighting = warning
+resharper_redundant_space_highlighting = warning
+resharper_remove_constructor_invocation_highlighting = suggestion
+resharper_string_ends_with_is_culture_specific_highlighting = warning
+resharper_string_starts_with_is_culture_specific_highlighting = warning
+resharper_struct_member_can_be_made_read_only_highlighting = suggestion
+resharper_suggest_var_or_type_built_in_types_highlighting = hint
+resharper_suggest_var_or_type_elsewhere_highlighting = hint
+resharper_suggest_var_or_type_simple_types_highlighting = hint
+resharper_tabs_and_spaces_mismatch_highlighting = warning
+resharper_tabs_outside_indent_highlighting = warning
+resharper_unnecessary_whitespace_highlighting = hint
+resharper_use_configure_await_false_for_async_disposable_highlighting = suggestion
+resharper_use_nameof_expression_for_part_of_the_string_highlighting = suggestion
+resharper_use_positional_deconstruction_pattern_highlighting = suggestion
+resharper_use_throw_if_null_method_highlighting = suggestion
+resharper_web_config_module_not_resolved_highlighting = warning
+resharper_web_config_type_not_resolved_highlighting = warning
+resharper_web_config_wrong_module_highlighting = warning
+resharper_wrong_indent_size_highlighting = warning
+indent_style = tab
+generated_code = true
diff --git a/.gitattributes b/.gitattributes
deleted file mode 100644
index 412eeda..0000000
--- a/.gitattributes
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-# Auto detect text files and perform LF normalization
-* text=auto
-# Custom for Visual Studio
-*.cs diff=csharp
-*.sln merge=union
-*.csproj merge=union
-*.vbproj merge=union
-*.fsproj merge=union
-*.dbproj merge=union
-# Standard to msysgit
-*.doc diff=astextplain
-*.DOC diff=astextplain
-*.docx diff=astextplain
-*.DOCX diff=astextplain
-*.dot diff=astextplain
-*.DOT diff=astextplain
-*.pdf diff=astextplain
-*.PDF diff=astextplain
-*.rtf diff=astextplain
-*.RTF diff=astextplain
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index d520bca..7af93c0 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1,54 +1,364 @@
+## Ignore Visual Studio temporary files, build results, and
+## files generated by popular Visual Studio add-ons.
+## Get latest from https://github.com/github/gitignore/blob/master/VisualStudio.gitignore
-#OS junk files
-#Visual Studio files
+# User-specific files
+# User-specific files (MonoDevelop/Xamarin Studio)
+# Mono auto generated files
+# Build results
+# Visual Studio 2015/2017 cache/options directory
+# Uncomment if you have tasks that create the project's static files in wwwroot
+# Visual Studio 2017 auto generated files
+Generated\ Files/
+# MSTest test Results
+# NUnit
+# Build Results of an ATL Project
+# Benchmark Results
+# .NET Core
+# ASP.NET Scaffolding
+# StyleCop
+# Files built by Visual Studio
+# Chutzpah Test files
+# Visual C++ cache files
+# Visual Studio profiler
+# Visual Studio Trace Files
+# TFS 2012 Local Workspace
+# Guidance Automation Toolkit
+# ReSharper is a .NET coding add-in
+# TeamCity is a build add-in
+# DotCover is a Code Coverage Tool
-#Subversion files
+# AxoCover is a Code Coverage Tool
-# Office Temp Files
+# Coverlet is a free, cross platform Code Coverage Tool
+# Visual Studio code coverage results
+# NCrunch
+# MightyMoose
+# Web workbench (sass)
+# Installshield output folder
+# DocProject is a documentation generator add-in
+# Click-Once directory
+# Publish Web Output
+# Note: Comment the next line if you want to checkin your web deploy settings,
+# but database connection strings (with potential passwords) will be unencrypted
+# Microsoft Azure Web App publish settings. Comment the next line if you want to
+# checkin your Azure Web App publish settings, but sensitive information contained
+# in these scripts will be unencrypted
+# NuGet Packages
+# NuGet Symbol Packages
+# The packages folder can be ignored because of Package Restore
+# except build/, which is used as an MSBuild target.
+# Uncomment if necessary however generally it will be regenerated when needed
+# NuGet v3's project.json files produces more ignorable files
+# Microsoft Azure Build Output
+# Microsoft Azure Emulator
+# Windows Store app package directories and files
+# Visual Studio cache files
+# files ending in .cache can be ignored
+# but keep track of directories ending in .cache
+# Others
+# Including strong name files can present a security risk
+# (https://github.com/github/gitignore/pull/2483#issue-259490424)
+# Since there are multiple workflows, uncomment next line to ignore bower_components
+# (https://github.com/github/gitignore/pull/1529#issuecomment-104372622)
+# RIA/Silverlight projects
+# Backup & report files from converting an old project file
+# to a newer Visual Studio version. Backup files are not needed,
+# because we have git ;-)
+# SQL Server files
+# Business Intelligence projects
+*- [Bb]ackup.rdl
+*- [Bb]ackup ([0-9]).rdl
+*- [Bb]ackup ([0-9][0-9]).rdl
+# Microsoft Fakes
+# GhostDoc plugin setting file
+# Node.js Tools for Visual Studio
+# Visual Studio 6 build log
+# Visual Studio 6 workspace options file
+# Visual Studio 6 auto-generated workspace file (contains which files were open etc.)
+# Visual Studio LightSwitch build output
+# Paket dependency manager
+# FAKE - F# Make
+# CodeRush personal settings
+# Python Tools for Visual Studio (PTVS)
+# Cake - Uncomment if you are using it
+# tools/**
+# !tools/packages.config
+# Tabs Studio
+# Telerik's JustMock configuration file
+# BizTalk build output
+# OpenCover UI analysis results
+# Azure Stream Analytics local run output
+# MSBuild Binary and Structured Log
+# NVidia Nsight GPU debugger configuration file
+# MFractors (Xamarin productivity tool) working folder
+# Local History for Visual Studio
+# BeatPulse healthcheck temp database
+# Backup folder for Package Reference Convert tool in Visual Studio 2017
+# Ionide (cross platform F# VS Code tools) working folder
+# Fody - auto-generated XML schema
-#generated parser files should not be added!
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.settings/Editor_CodeStyle_C#_FileLayout.DotSettings b/.settings/Editor_CodeStyle_C#_FileLayout.DotSettings
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..801df3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.settings/Editor_CodeStyle_C#_FileLayout.DotSettings
@@ -0,0 +1,335 @@
+ <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
+<Patterns xmlns="urn:schemas-jetbrains-com:member-reordering-patterns">
+ <TypePattern Priority="0" DisplayName="COM interfaces or structs">
+ <TypePattern.Match>
+ <Or>
+ <And>
+ <Kind Is="Interface" />
+ <Or>
+ <HasAttribute Name="System.Runtime.InteropServices.InterfaceTypeAttribute" />
+ <HasAttribute Name="System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComImport" />
+ </Or>
+ </And>
+ <Kind Is="Struct" />
+ </Or>
+ </TypePattern.Match>
+ </TypePattern>
+ <TypePattern Priority="0" DisplayName="NUnit Test Fixtures" RemoveRegions="All">
+ <TypePattern.Match>
+ <And>
+ <Kind Is="Class" />
+ <Or>
+ <HasAttribute Name="NUnit.Framework.TestFixtureAttribute" Inherited="True" />
+ <HasAttribute Name="NUnit.Framework.TestCaseFixtureAttribute" Inherited="True" />
+ </Or>
+ </And>
+ </TypePattern.Match>
+ <Region Name="Setup/Teardown">
+ <Entry DisplayName="Setup/Teardown Methods">
+ <Entry.Match>
+ <And>
+ <Kind Is="Method" />
+ <Or>
+ <HasAttribute Name="NUnit.Framework.SetUpAttribute" Inherited="True" />
+ <HasAttribute Name="NUnit.Framework.TearDownAttribute" Inherited="True" />
+ <HasAttribute Name="NUnit.Framework.OneTimeSetUpAttribute" />
+ <HasAttribute Name="NUnit.Framework.TestFixtureSetUpAttribute" Inherited="True" />
+ <HasAttribute Name="NUnit.Framework.OneTimeTearDownAttribute" />
+ <HasAttribute Name="NUnit.Framework.TestFixtureTearDownAttribute" Inherited="True" />
+ </Or>
+ </And>
+ </Entry.Match>
+ </Entry>
+ </Region>
+ <Entry DisplayName="Test Methods" Priority="100">
+ <Entry.Match>
+ <And>
+ <Kind Is="Method" />
+ <HasAttribute Name="NUnit.Framework.TestAttribute" />
+ </And>
+ </Entry.Match>
+ <Entry.SortBy>
+ <Name />
+ </Entry.SortBy>
+ </Entry>
+ <Entry DisplayName="All other members" />
+ <Entry DisplayName="Static Fields and Constants">
+ <Entry.Match>
+ <Or>
+ <Kind Is="Constant" />
+ <And>
+ <Kind Is="Field" />
+ <Static />
+ </And>
+ </Or>
+ </Entry.Match>
+ <Entry.SortBy>
+ <Kind Is="Member" />
+ <Name />
+ </Entry.SortBy>
+ </Entry>
+ </TypePattern>
+ <TypePattern Priority="0" DisplayName="XUnit Test Fixtures" RemoveRegions="All">
+ <TypePattern.Match>
+ <And>
+ <Kind Is="Class" />
+ <HasMember>
+ <And>
+ <Kind Is="Method" />
+ <Or>
+ <HasAttribute Name="Xunit.FactAttribute" />
+ <HasAttribute Name="Xunit.TheoryAttribute" />
+ <HasAttribute Name="Xunit.SkippableFactAttribute" />
+ <HasAttribute Name="Xunit.SkippableTheoryAttribute" />
+ </Or>
+ </And>
+ </HasMember>
+ </And>
+ </TypePattern.Match>
+ <Region Name="Setup/Teardown">
+ <Entry DisplayName="Setup Constructors">
+ <Entry.Match>
+ <Kind Is="Constructor" />
+ </Entry.Match>
+ </Entry>
+ <Entry DisplayName="Teardown Methods">
+ <Entry.Match>
+ <And>
+ <Kind Is="Method" />
+ <ImplementsInterface Name="IDisposable" />
+ </And>
+ </Entry.Match>
+ </Entry>
+ </Region>
+ <Entry DisplayName="Test Method" Priority="100">
+ <Entry.Match>
+ <And>
+ <Kind Is="Method" />
+ <Or>
+ <HasAttribute Name="Xunit.FactAttribute" />
+ <HasAttribute Name="Xunit.TheoryAttribute" />
+ <HasAttribute Name="Xunit.SkippableFactAttribute" />
+ <HasAttribute Name="Xunit.SkippableTheoryAttribute" />
+ </Or>
+ </And>
+ </Entry.Match>
+ <Entry.SortBy>
+ <Name />
+ </Entry.SortBy>
+ </Entry>
+ <Entry DisplayName="All Other Members" />
+ <Entry DisplayName="Static Fields or Constants" Priority="100">
+ <Entry.Match>
+ <Or>
+ <Kind Is="Constant" />
+ <And>
+ <Kind Is="Field" />
+ <Static />
+ </And>
+ </Or>
+ </Entry.Match>
+ <Entry.SortBy>
+ <Kind Is="Member" />
+ <Name />
+ </Entry.SortBy>
+ </Entry>
+ </TypePattern>
+ <TypePattern Priority="0" DisplayName="Default Pattern">
+ <Region Name="Nested Type: ${1}">
+ <Region.GroupBy>
+ <Access />
+ <Name Is="Enter Pattern Here" />
+ </Region.GroupBy>
+ <Entry DisplayName="Nested Types">
+ <Entry.Match>
+ <Kind Is="Type" />
+ </Entry.Match>
+ <Entry.SortBy>
+ <Access Order="Public Protected ProtectedInternal Internal Private" />
+ <Name Is="Enter Pattern Here" />
+ </Entry.SortBy>
+ </Entry>
+ </Region>
+ <Region Name="${1} Enum" Priority="100">
+ <Region.GroupBy>
+ <Access />
+ <Name Is="Enter Pattern Here" />
+ </Region.GroupBy>
+ <Entry DisplayName="Enums">
+ <Entry.Match>
+ <Kind Is="Enum" />
+ </Entry.Match>
+ <Entry.SortBy>
+ <Access Order="Public Protected ProtectedInternal Internal Private" />
+ <Name Is="Enter Pattern Here" />
+ </Entry.SortBy>
+ </Entry>
+ </Region>
+ <Region Name="Operators">
+ <Entry DisplayName="Operators">
+ <Entry.Match>
+ <Kind Is="Operator" />
+ </Entry.Match>
+ <Entry.SortBy>
+ <Name />
+ </Entry.SortBy>
+ </Entry>
+ </Region>
+ <Entry DisplayName="Static Constructors">
+ <Entry.Match>
+ <And>
+ <Static />
+ <Kind Is="Constructor" />
+ </And>
+ </Entry.Match>
+ </Entry>
+ <Entry DisplayName="Static Factories">
+ <Entry.Match>
+ <And>
+ <Static />
+ <Kind Is="Method" />
+ <Name Is="Create.*" />
+ </And>
+ </Entry.Match>
+ <Entry.SortBy>
+ <Access Order="Public Protected ProtectedInternal Internal Private" />
+ <Name Is="Enter Pattern Here" />
+ </Entry.SortBy>
+ </Entry>
+ <Entry DisplayName="Static Properties">
+ <Entry.Match>
+ <And>
+ <Static />
+ <Kind Is="Property" />
+ </And>
+ </Entry.Match>
+ <Entry.SortBy>
+ <Name />
+ </Entry.SortBy>
+ </Entry>
+ <Entry DisplayName="Static Methods">
+ <Entry.Match>
+ <And>
+ <Static />
+ <Kind Is="Method" />
+ </And>
+ </Entry.Match>
+ </Entry>
+ <Entry DisplayName="Instance Constructors">
+ <Entry.Match>
+ <And>
+ <Not>
+ <Static />
+ </Not>
+ <Kind Is="Constructor" />
+ </And>
+ </Entry.Match>
+ </Entry>
+ <Entry DisplayName="Finalizer">
+ <Entry.Match>
+ <Kind Is="Destructor" />
+ </Entry.Match>
+ </Entry>
+ <Region Name="${0} Members">
+ <Region.GroupBy>
+ <ImplementsInterface Immediate="True" />
+ </Region.GroupBy>
+ <Entry DisplayName="Interface Members">
+ <Entry.Match>
+ <And>
+ <Kind Is="Member" />
+ <ImplementsInterface />
+ </And>
+ </Entry.Match>
+ <Entry.SortBy>
+ <ImplementsInterface Immediate="True" />
+ </Entry.SortBy>
+ </Entry>
+ </Region>
+ <Region Name="Base Class Member Overrides">
+ <Region.GroupBy>
+ <Override />
+ </Region.GroupBy>
+ <Entry DisplayName="Member Overrides">
+ <Entry.Match>
+ <And>
+ <Kind Is="Member" />
+ <Override />
+ </And>
+ </Entry.Match>
+ <Entry.SortBy>
+ <Override />
+ <Name />
+ </Entry.SortBy>
+ </Entry>
+ </Region>
+ <Region Name="Events">
+ <Entry DisplayName="Entry">
+ <Entry.Match>
+ <Kind Is="Event" />
+ </Entry.Match>
+ <Entry.SortBy>
+ <Access />
+ <Name Is="Enter Pattern Here" />
+ </Entry.SortBy>
+ </Entry>
+ </Region>
+ <Region Name="Delegates" Priority="100">
+ <Entry DisplayName="Delegates">
+ <Entry.Match>
+ <Kind Is="Delegate" />
+ </Entry.Match>
+ <Entry.SortBy>
+ <Access Order="Public Protected ProtectedInternal Internal Private" />
+ <Name Is="Enter Pattern Here" />
+ </Entry.SortBy>
+ </Entry>
+ </Region>
+ <Entry DisplayName="Properties, Indexers">
+ <Entry.Match>
+ <Or>
+ <Kind Is="Property" />
+ <Kind Is="Indexer" />
+ </Or>
+ </Entry.Match>
+ <Entry.SortBy>
+ <Kind Is="Member" />
+ <Access />
+ <Name Is="Enter Pattern Here" />
+ </Entry.SortBy>
+ </Entry>
+ <Entry DisplayName="All Other Members" />
+ <Entry DisplayName="Constants and Static Fields">
+ <Entry.Match>
+ <Or>
+ <Kind Is="Constant" />
+ <And>
+ <Static />
+ <Kind Is="Field" />
+ </And>
+ </Or>
+ </Entry.Match>
+ <Entry.SortBy>
+ <Kind Is="Member" />
+ <Access Order="Public Protected ProtectedInternal Internal Private" />
+ <Name Is="Enter Pattern Here" />
+ </Entry.SortBy>
+ </Entry>
+ <Entry DisplayName="Fields">
+ <Entry.Match>
+ <And>
+ <Kind Is="Field" />
+ <Not>
+ <Static />
+ </Not>
+ </And>
+ </Entry.Match>
+ <Entry.SortBy>
+ <Readonly />
+ <Access Order="Public Protected ProtectedInternal Internal Private" />
+ <Name Is="Enter Pattern Here" />
+ </Entry.SortBy>
+ </Entry>
+ </TypePattern>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.settings/Editor_InlayHints.DotSettings b/.settings/Editor_InlayHints.DotSettings
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..753704a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.settings/Editor_InlayHints.DotSettings
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ PushToShowHints
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.settings/Editor_LiveTemplates_C#.DotSettings b/.settings/Editor_LiveTemplates_C#.DotSettings
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7698238
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.settings/Editor_LiveTemplates_C#.DotSettings
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ True
+ True
+ A Static Constructor
+ True
+ cctor
+ True
+ static $classname$(){$END$}
+ True
+ typeName()
+ -1
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/Mnemonics.sln b/JetBrains.Mnemonics.sln
similarity index 88%
rename from src/Mnemonics.sln
rename to JetBrains.Mnemonics.sln
index 23f0661..d255733 100644
--- a/src/Mnemonics.sln
+++ b/JetBrains.Mnemonics.sln
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@ Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 12.00
# Visual Studio 2013
VisualStudioVersion = 12.0.21005.1
MinimumVisualStudioVersion = 10.0.40219.1
-Project("{F2A71F9B-5D33-465A-A702-920D77279786}") = "Mnemonics", "Mnemonics\Mnemonics.fsproj", "{910D73F5-75BA-47AA-BAAD-4434687D1E9B}"
+Project("{F2A71F9B-5D33-465A-A702-920D77279786}") = "Mnemonics", "src\Mnemonics\Mnemonics.fsproj", "{910D73F5-75BA-47AA-BAAD-4434687D1E9B}"
-Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "Mnemonics.XML", "Mnemonics.XML\Mnemonics.XML.csproj", "{384EBCF4-BD1E-40E8-8CDF-B635E411DF03}"
+Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "Mnemonics.Xml", "src\Mnemonics.XML\Mnemonics.Xml.csproj", "{384EBCF4-BD1E-40E8-8CDF-B635E411DF03}"
GlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution
diff --git a/JetBrains.Mnemonics.sln.DotSettings b/JetBrains.Mnemonics.sln.DotSettings
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da5677f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/JetBrains.Mnemonics.sln.DotSettings
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+ True
+ C:\Files\Projects\be.stateless\Extensions\.settings\Editor_CodeStyle_C#_FileLayout.DotSettings
+ ..\.settings\Editor_CodeStyle_C#_FileLayout.DotSettings
+ True
+ 1
+ True
+ C:\Files\Projects\be.stateless\Extensions\.settings\Editor_InlayHints.DotSettings
+ ..\.settings\Editor_InlayHints.DotSettings
+ True
+ 2
+ True
+ C:\Files\Projects\be.stateless\Extensions\.settings\Editor_LiveTemplates_C#.DotSettings
+ ..\.settings\Editor_LiveTemplates_C#.DotSettings
+ True
+ 3
diff --git a/downloads/rider-mnemonics.1.2.1.zip b/downloads/rider-mnemonics.1.2.1.zip
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..45156a4
Binary files /dev/null and b/downloads/rider-mnemonics.1.2.1.zip differ
diff --git a/nuget.Config b/nuget.Config
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..63fdbdc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nuget.Config
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/rider/rider-mnemonics/META-INF/plugin.xml b/rider/rider-mnemonics/META-INF/plugin.xml
index 8355814..32c13c8 100644
--- a/rider/rider-mnemonics/META-INF/plugin.xml
+++ b/rider/rider-mnemonics/META-INF/plugin.xml
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
- com.intellij.rider.mnemonics
- Mnemonic Live Templates
- A set of C# and VB.NET Live Templates to quickly generate code using structured abbreviations (mnemonics), such as "c" for class, "C" for static class, "m" for method, "M" for static Method, etc.
- 1.1.2
- JetBrains
- com.intellij.modules.rider
+ com.intellij.rider.mnemonics
+ Mnemonic Live Templates
+ A set of C# Live Templates to quickly generate code using structured abbreviations (mnemonics), such as "c" for class, "C" for static class, "m" for method, "M" for static Method, etc.
+ 1.2.1
+ JetBrains
+ com.intellij.modules.rider
diff --git a/rider/rider-mnemonics/dotnet/Extensions/com.intellij.rider.mnemonics/settings/templates.DotSettings b/rider/rider-mnemonics/dotnet/Extensions/com.intellij.rider.mnemonics/settings/templates.DotSettings
index 6eca29c..ad92ab0 100644
--- a/rider/rider-mnemonics/dotnet/Extensions/com.intellij.rider.mnemonics/settings/templates.DotSettings
+++ b/rider/rider-mnemonics/dotnet/Extensions/com.intellij.rider.mnemonics/settings/templates.DotSettings
@@ -1,19077 +1,7550 @@
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<decimal> initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- n~m
- True
- private System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<decimal> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<decimal>();
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Double)
- True
- constant("SomeProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- ph.d
- True
- Public Property $propname$ As System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Double)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A static method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<long>
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- M~l
- True
- public static System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<long> $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A subroutine.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- ml.c
- True
- Public Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared field of type System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Double)
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- Vl.d
- True
- Private Shared $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Double)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Single)
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- m~f
- True
- Public Function $methodname$() As System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Single)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of String)
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- vr~s
- True
- Private ReadOnly $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of String)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type $typename$
- True
- constant("SomeProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- pd
- True
- Public Property $propname$ As Double
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<double> with an empty getter and no setter
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- pg~d
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<double> $propname${get {$END$}}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared field of type System.Collections.Generic.List(Of UInteger)
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- Vl.u
- True
- Private Shared $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of UInteger)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.Text.StringBuilder>
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- vh.sb
- True
- private System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.Text.StringBuilder> $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A static field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<uint>
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- Vh.u
- True
- private static System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<uint> $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type $typename$
- True
- constant("SomeProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- pby
- True
- Public Property $propname$ As Byte
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<long>
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 1
- True
- constant("type")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- vrh.l
- True
- private readonly $type$ $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<decimal> initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- nl.m
- True
- private System.Collections.Generic.List<decimal> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.List<decimal>();
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type $typename$ initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- ns
- True
- private string $fieldname$ = "";
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.Text.StringBuilder> initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- nh.sb
- True
- private System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.Text.StringBuilder> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.Text.StringBuilder>();
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Single)
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- vrl.f
- True
- Private ReadOnly $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Single)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Double)
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- v~d
- True
- Private $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Double)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A test method.
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- tby
- True
- [Test] public void $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of UInteger)
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- m~u
- True
- Public Function $methodname$() As System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of UInteger)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<decimal> initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- nh.m
- True
- private System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<decimal> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<decimal>();
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A test method.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- t~l
- True
- <Test> Public Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A static method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.List<float>
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- Ml.f
- True
- public static System.Collections.Generic.List<float> $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<string> with an empty getter and no setter
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- pg~s
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<string> $propname${get {$END$}}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared subroutine.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- Mu
- True
- Public Shared Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared field of type $typename$
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- Vm
- True
- Private Shared $fieldname$ As Decimal
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Single)
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- vl.f
- True
- Private $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Single)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A test method.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- tg
- True
- <Test> Public Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A static method that returns a(n) $typename$
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- Ml
- True
- public static long $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of String)
- True
- constant("SomeProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- p~s
- True
- Public Property $propname$ As System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of String)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared subroutine.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- Md
- True
- Public Shared Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.List(Of System.DateTime)
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- vrl.t
- True
- Private ReadOnly $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of System.DateTime)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<long> initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- n~l
- True
- private System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<long> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<long>();
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared field of type $typename$
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- Vs
- True
- Private Shared $fieldname$ As String
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared method that returns a(n) $typename$
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- Ms
- True
- Public Shared Function $methodname$() As String
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Long)
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- m~l
- True
- Public Function $methodname$() As System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Long)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared subroutine.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- Ml.g
- True
- Public Shared Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A subroutine.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- mh.b
- True
- Public Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type $typename$
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- vi
- True
- private int $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.Guid>
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- p~g
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.Guid> $propname${ get; set; }$END$
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A static field of type $typename$
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- Vl
- True
- private static long $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A static field of type $typename$
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- Vu
- True
- private static uint $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A test method.
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- tt
- True
- [Test] public void $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Byte) initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- n~by
- True
- Private $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Byte) = new System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Byte)()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Boolean) initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- nh.b
- True
- Private $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Boolean) = new System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Boolean)()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.List(Of String)
- True
- constant("SomeProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- pl.s
- True
- Public Property $propname$ As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of String)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<long> initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- o~l
- True
- private readonly System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<long> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<long>();
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<bool> with an empty getter and no setter
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- pg~b
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<bool> $propname${get {$END$}}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared subroutine.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- Mh.b
- True
- Public Shared Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A test method.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- tl.c
- True
- <Test> Public Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type $typename$ initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- ni
- True
- Private $fieldname$ As Integer = 0
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Integer)
- True
- constant("SomeProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- p~i
- True
- Public Property $propname$ As System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Integer)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A subroutine.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- m~u
- True
- Public Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<string>
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- v~s
- True
- private System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<string> $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- True
- constant("MyClass")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- c
- True
- public class $CLASSNAME${$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<string>
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- ph.s
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<string> $propname${ get; set; }$END$
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<decimal>
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- vh.m
- True
- private System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<decimal> $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<bool>
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 1
- True
- constant("type")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- vrl.b
- True
- private readonly $type$ $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type $typename$
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- pt
- True
- public System.DateTime $propname${ get; set; }$END$
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.List<byte>
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- ml.by
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.List<byte> $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A static field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.Text.StringBuilder>
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- Vh.sb
- True
- private static System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.Text.StringBuilder> $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared subroutine.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- Mm
- True
- Public Shared Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.Guid>
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- v~g
- True
- private System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.Guid> $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.List<decimal> with a private setter
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- prl.m
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.List<decimal> $propname${ get; private set; }$END$
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.List<long>
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- pl.l
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.List<long> $propname${ get; set; }$END$
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared field of type $typename$
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- Vt
- True
- Private Shared $fieldname$ As System.DateTime
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Single)
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- v~f
- True
- Private $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Single)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared field of type $typename$
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- Vi
- True
- Private Shared $fieldname$ As Integer
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A static field of type $typename$
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- Vf
- True
- private static float $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<bool>
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- v~b
- True
- private System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<bool> $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<byte>
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- mh.by
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<byte> $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A test method.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- t~f
- True
- <Test> Public Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A method that returns a(n) $typename$
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- ml
- True
- Public Function $methodname$() As Long
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type $typename$
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- vrf
- True
- Private ReadOnly $fieldname$ As Single
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.Guid> with an empty getter and no setter
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- pg~g
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.Guid> $propname${get {$END$}}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type $typename$
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 1
- True
- constant("type")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- vrl
- True
- private readonly $type$ $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<long> initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- nh.l
- True
- private System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<long> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<long>();
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.Text.StringBuilder>
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 1
- True
- constant("type")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- vr~sb
- True
- private readonly $type$ $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<byte>
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- vl.by
- True
- private System.Collections.Generic.List<byte> $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<byte> with a private setter
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- prh.by
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<byte> $propname${ get; private set; }$END$
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<decimal>
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- p~m
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<decimal> $propname${ get; set; }$END$
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A test method.
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- th.f
- True
- [Test] public void $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Decimal)
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- Mh.m
- True
- Public Shared Function $methodname$() As System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Decimal)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<float> initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- ol.f
- True
- private readonly System.Collections.Generic.List<float> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.List<float>();
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A static field of type $typename$
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- Vd
- True
- private static double $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared subroutine.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- Mh.u
- True
- Public Shared Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<string> with a private setter
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- prh.s
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<string> $propname${ get; private set; }$END$
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type $typename$
- True
- constant("SomeProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- pt
- True
- Public Property $propname$ As System.DateTime
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared subroutine.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- Ml.b
- True
- Public Shared Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A static method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<float>
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- Mh.f
- True
- public static System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<float> $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<int> with an empty getter and no setter
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- pgh.i
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<int> $propname${get {$END$}}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type $typename$
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- vt
- True
- private System.DateTime $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.List(Of System.DateTime)
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- ml.t
- True
- Public Function $methodname$() As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of System.DateTime)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<float> initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- nh.f
- True
- private System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<float> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<float>();
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type $typename$
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- vrby
- True
- Private ReadOnly $fieldname$ As Byte
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<char> with an empty getter and no setter
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- pg~c
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<char> $propname${get {$END$}}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared field of type System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Single)
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- Vl.f
- True
- Private Shared $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Single)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<string> initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- nh.s
- True
- private System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<string> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<string>();
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A static method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<bool>
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- Mh.b
- True
- public static System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<bool> $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.List(Of UInteger) initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- ol.u
- True
- Private ReadOnly $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of UInteger) = new System.Collections.Generic.List(Of UInteger)()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of System.Guid) initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- oh.g
- True
- Private ReadOnly $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of System.Guid) = new System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of System.Guid)()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of System.DateTime)
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- V~t
- True
- Private Shared $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of System.DateTime)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<long> initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- oh.l
- True
- private readonly System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<long> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<long>();
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Double)
- True
- constant("SomeProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- pl.d
- True
- Public Property $propname$ As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Double)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<string>
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 1
- True
- constant("type")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- vrh.s
- True
- private readonly $type$ $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A static method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<long>
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- Mh.l
- True
- public static System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<long> $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A static method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<char>
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- M~c
- True
- public static System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<char> $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<char> initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- n~c
- True
- private System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<char> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<char>();
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared subroutine.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- M~by
- True
- Public Shared Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.List<bool> with a private setter
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- prl.b
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.List<bool> $propname${ get; private set; }$END$
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Byte)
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- vrl.by
- True
- Private ReadOnly $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Byte)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A static field of type $typename$
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- Vby
- True
- private static byte $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A subroutine.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- m~d
- True
- Public Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<char> initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- nh.c
- True
- private System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<char> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<char>();
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared subroutine.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- Ml.m
- True
- Public Shared Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared subroutine.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- M~f
- True
- Public Shared Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of System.Guid) initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- n~g
- True
- Private $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of System.Guid) = new System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of System.Guid)()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Byte)
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- m~by
- True
- Public Function $methodname$() As System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Byte)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Byte) initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- o~by
- True
- Private ReadOnly $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Byte) = new System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Byte)()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type $typename$ with an empty getter and no setter
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- pgs
- True
- public string $propname${get {$END$}}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A test method.
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- th.u
- True
- [Test] public void $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<uint>
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- mh.u
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<uint> $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Long)
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- v~l
- True
- Private $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Long)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type $typename$ with an empty getter and no setter
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- pgm
- True
- public decimal $propname${get {$END$}}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<int> with a private setter
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- prh.i
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<int> $propname${ get; private set; }$END$
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<decimal>
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- vl.m
- True
- private System.Collections.Generic.List<decimal> $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared method that returns a(n) $typename$
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- Mb
- True
- Public Shared Function $methodname$() As Boolean
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Byte)
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- Ml.by
- True
- Public Shared Function $methodname$() As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Byte)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type $typename$
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- vg
- True
- private System.Guid $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Byte)
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- Mh.by
- True
- Public Shared Function $methodname$() As System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Byte)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A test method.
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- td
- True
- [Test] public void $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type $typename$
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- vrl
- True
- Private ReadOnly $fieldname$ As Long
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<double>
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- ph.d
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<double> $propname${ get; set; }$END$
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<long>
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- p~l
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<long> $propname${ get; set; }$END$
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A test method.
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- tl
- True
- [Test] public void $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.List(Of String) initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- ol.s
- True
- Private ReadOnly $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of String) = new System.Collections.Generic.List(Of String)()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A test method.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- th.f
- True
- <Test> Public Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared subroutine.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- M~d
- True
- Public Shared Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of System.DateTime)
- True
- constant("SomeProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- p~t
- True
- Public Property $propname$ As System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of System.DateTime)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Decimal)
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- M~m
- True
- Public Shared Function $methodname$() As System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Decimal)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Char)
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- V~c
- True
- Private Shared $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Char)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type $typename$ initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- oc
- True
- Private ReadOnly $fieldname$ As Char = ''
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Single) initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- oh.f
- True
- Private ReadOnly $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Single) = new System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Single)()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of UInteger)
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- M~u
- True
- Public Shared Function $methodname$() As System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of UInteger)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of String)
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- M~s
- True
- Public Shared Function $methodname$() As System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of String)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Long)
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- vrh.l
- True
- Private ReadOnly $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Long)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- True
- constant("IMyInterface")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- i
- True
- public interface $INTERFACENAME${$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of System.DateTime)
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- vr~t
- True
- Private ReadOnly $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of System.DateTime)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of String)
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- V~s
- True
- Private Shared $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of String)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A test method.
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- tl.d
- True
- [Test] public void $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Text.StringBuilder>
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- ml.sb
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Text.StringBuilder> $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared subroutine.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- Ml.i
- True
- Public Shared Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Integer)
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- vrh.i
- True
- Private ReadOnly $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Integer)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A static field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<int>
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- Vh.i
- True
- private static System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<int> $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<char>
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- ph.c
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<char> $propname${ get; set; }$END$
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<string>
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 1
- True
- constant("type")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- vr~s
- True
- private readonly $type$ $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<uint> with an empty getter and no setter
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- pgh.u
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<uint> $propname${get {$END$}}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.List(Of UInteger) initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- nl.u
- True
- Private $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of UInteger) = new System.Collections.Generic.List(Of UInteger)()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type $typename$ with a private setter
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- prt
- True
- public System.DateTime $propname${ get; private set; }$END$
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A test method.
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- tm
- True
- [Test] public void $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Single)
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- vr~f
- True
- Private ReadOnly $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Single)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type $typename$ initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- nl
- True
- private long $fieldname$ = 0;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type $typename$
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 1
- True
- constant("type")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- vrsb
- True
- private readonly $type$ $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Decimal)
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- v~m
- True
- Private $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Decimal)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Double) initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- oh.d
- True
- Private ReadOnly $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Double) = new System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Double)()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type $typename$
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 1
- True
- constant("type")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- vrc
- True
- private readonly $type$ $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.List<byte> with an empty getter and no setter
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- pgl.by
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.List<byte> $propname${get {$END$}}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<bool>
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- vl.b
- True
- private System.Collections.Generic.List<bool> $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A static method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.List<decimal>
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- Ml.m
- True
- public static System.Collections.Generic.List<decimal> $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<char>
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- m~c
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<char> $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<float> with a private setter
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- prh.f
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<float> $propname${ get; private set; }$END$
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type $typename$ with an empty getter and no setter
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- pgb
- True
- public bool $propname${get {$END$}}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A static field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<uint>
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- V~u
- True
- private static System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<uint> $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Single)
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- vrh.f
- True
- Private ReadOnly $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Single)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<bool> initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- nl.b
- True
- private System.Collections.Generic.List<bool> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.List<bool>();
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type $typename$ with an empty getter and no setter
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- pgi
- True
- public int $propname${get {$END$}}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<long>
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 1
- True
- constant("type")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- vrl.l
- True
- private readonly $type$ $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type $typename$ initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- oc
- True
- private readonly char $fieldname$ = 0;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Char)
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- vrl.c
- True
- Private ReadOnly $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Char)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of String)
- True
- constant("SomeProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- ph.s
- True
- Public Property $propname$ As System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of String)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<uint>
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- v~u
- True
- private System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<uint> $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<byte>
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 1
- True
- constant("type")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- vr~by
- True
- private readonly $type$ $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type $typename$
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- psb
- True
- public System.Text.StringBuilder $propname${ get; set; }$END$
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A test method.
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- tc
- True
- [Test] public void $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A test method.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- th.g
- True
- <Test> Public Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type $typename$ initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- nm
- True
- private decimal $fieldname$ = 0M;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<float>
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- p~f
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<float> $propname${ get; set; }$END$
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.List<bool>
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- ml.b
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.List<bool> $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Guid> initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- nl.g
- True
- private System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Guid> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Guid>();
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A test method.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- th.u
- True
- <Test> Public Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Boolean)
- True
- constant("SomeProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- pl.b
- True
- Public Property $propname$ As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Boolean)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.Text.StringBuilder>
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- p~sb
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.Text.StringBuilder> $propname${ get; set; }$END$
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type $typename$
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- vl
- True
- Private $fieldname$ As Long
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared field of type $typename$
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- Vu
- True
- Private Shared $fieldname$ As UInteger
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type $typename$ with an empty getter and no setter
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- pgf
- True
- public float $propname${get {$END$}}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Single)
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- M~f
- True
- Public Shared Function $methodname$() As System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Single)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type $typename$ initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- of
- True
- Private ReadOnly $fieldname$ As Single = 0.0f
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type $typename$ initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- ou
- True
- Private ReadOnly $fieldname$ As UInteger = 0
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<double> initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- oh.d
- True
- private readonly System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<double> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<double>();
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.List<char> with an empty getter and no setter
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- pgl.c
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.List<char> $propname${get {$END$}}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A static method that returns a(n) $typename$
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- Ms
- True
- public static string $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of System.Guid)
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- vh.g
- True
- Private $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of System.Guid)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<byte> initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- ol.by
- True
- private readonly System.Collections.Generic.List<byte> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.List<byte>();
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.Guid>
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- mh.g
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.Guid> $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of UInteger)
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- v~u
- True
- Private $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of UInteger)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Double)
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- M~d
- True
- Public Shared Function $methodname$() As System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Double)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A test method.
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- t~u
- True
- [Test] public void $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A test method.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- tl.m
- True
- <Test> Public Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of System.DateTime)
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- v~t
- True
- Private $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of System.DateTime)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<decimal>
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 1
- True
- constant("type")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- vr~m
- True
- private readonly $type$ $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A subroutine.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- m~l
- True
- Public Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared subroutine.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- Ms
- True
- Public Shared Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of UInteger)
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- Vh.u
- True
- Private Shared $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of UInteger)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<long> with an empty getter and no setter
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- pg~l
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<long> $propname${get {$END$}}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Boolean)
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- vl.b
- True
- Private $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Boolean)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A static field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<double>
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- Vh.d
- True
- private static System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<double> $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type $typename$ initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- og
- True
- Private ReadOnly $fieldname$ As System.Guid = System.Guid.NewGuid()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of System.DateTime)
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- m~t
- True
- Public Function $methodname$() As System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of System.DateTime)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Char) initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- nl.c
- True
- Private $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Char) = new System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Char)()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Double)
- True
- constant("SomeProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- p~d
- True
- Public Property $propname$ As System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Double)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A test method.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- th.t
- True
- <Test> Public Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A test method.
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- t~c
- True
- [Test] public void $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<bool> initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- o~b
- True
- private readonly System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<bool> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<bool>();
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A test method.
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- t~d
- True
- [Test] public void $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Integer)
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- Vh.i
- True
- Private Shared $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Integer)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Text.StringBuilder>
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 1
- True
- constant("type")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- vrl.sb
- True
- private readonly $type$ $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- True
- constant("SomeEnum")
- 0
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- e
- True
- Public Enum $ENUMNAME$
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.Guid> with an empty getter and no setter
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- pgh.g
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.Guid> $propname${get {$END$}}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared subroutine.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- Ml.c
- True
- Public Shared Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Double)
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- ml.d
- True
- Public Function $methodname$() As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Double)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Long) initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- nh.l
- True
- Private $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Long) = new System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Long)()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.List<int> with an empty getter and no setter
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- pgl.i
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.List<int> $propname${get {$END$}}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- True
- constant("ISomeInterface")
- 0
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- i
- True
- Public Interface $INTERFACENAME$
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Long)
- True
- constant("SomeProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- p~l
- True
- Public Property $propname$ As System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Long)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A static method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<string>
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- M~s
- True
- public static System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<string> $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type $typename$ initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- nf
- True
- private float $fieldname$ = 0.0f;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Long)
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- M~l
- True
- Public Shared Function $methodname$() As System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Long)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A test method.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- tl.g
- True
- <Test> Public Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared subroutine.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- Ml
- True
- Public Shared Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Single)
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- ml.f
- True
- Public Function $methodname$() As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Single)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A test method.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- tc
- True
- <Test> Public Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A test method.
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- t~m
- True
- [Test] public void $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<uint> with a private setter
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- pr~u
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<uint> $propname${ get; private set; }$END$
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.List<string>
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- ml.s
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.List<string> $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type $typename$
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- vc
- True
- private char $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Integer)
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- vrl.i
- True
- Private ReadOnly $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Integer)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A test method.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- tl.f
- True
- <Test> Public Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<bool>
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- p~b
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<bool> $propname${ get; set; }$END$
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A test method.
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- t~b
- True
- [Test] public void $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.List<uint> with an empty getter and no setter
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- pgl.u
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.List<uint> $propname${get {$END$}}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of System.Guid)
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- M~g
- True
- Public Shared Function $methodname$() As System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of System.Guid)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Decimal)
- True
- constant("SomeProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- pl.m
- True
- Public Property $propname$ As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Decimal)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<int> with a private setter
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- pr~i
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<int> $propname${ get; private set; }$END$
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type $typename$
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- pd
- True
- public double $propname${ get; set; }$END$
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<int>
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 1
- True
- constant("type")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- vrl.i
- True
- private readonly $type$ $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of String)
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- vh.s
- True
- Private $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of String)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Long) initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- ol.l
- True
- Private ReadOnly $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Long) = new System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Long)()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<uint>
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 1
- True
- constant("type")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- vr~u
- True
- private readonly $type$ $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A subroutine.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- ml.l
- True
- Public Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Char)
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- Ml.c
- True
- Public Shared Function $methodname$() As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Char)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type $typename$
- True
- constant("SomeProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- pi
- True
- Public Property $propname$ As Integer
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type $typename$
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- vrd
- True
- Private ReadOnly $fieldname$ As Double
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<int> with an empty getter and no setter
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- pg~i
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<int> $propname${get {$END$}}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type $typename$
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- vrg
- True
- Private ReadOnly $fieldname$ As System.Guid
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<string> initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- n~s
- True
- private System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<string> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<string>();
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<byte> initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- n~by
- True
- private System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<byte> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<byte>();
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Integer)
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- ml.i
- True
- Public Function $methodname$() As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Integer)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<char>
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- p~c
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<char> $propname${ get; set; }$END$
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A test method.
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- tl.i
- True
- [Test] public void $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<char> initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- oh.c
- True
- private readonly System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<char> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<char>();
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type $typename$ initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- og
- True
- private readonly System.Guid $fieldname$ = System.Guid.NewGuid();
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A static method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<string>
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- Mh.s
- True
- public static System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<string> $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<bool>
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 1
- True
- constant("type")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- vrh.b
- True
- private readonly $type$ $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A test method.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- tu
- True
- <Test> Public Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type $typename$
- True
- constant("SomeProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- pl
- True
- Public Property $propname$ As Long
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type $typename$ initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- oby
- True
- Private ReadOnly $fieldname$ As Byte = 0
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<double> initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- n~d
- True
- private System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<double> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<double>();
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Char)
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- Vh.c
- True
- Private Shared $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Char)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.List(Of UInteger)
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- vl.u
- True
- Private $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of UInteger)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.List<double> with a private setter
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- prl.d
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.List<double> $propname${ get; private set; }$END$
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared field of type $typename$
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- Vd
- True
- Private Shared $fieldname$ As Double
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Text.StringBuilder>
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- pl.sb
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Text.StringBuilder> $propname${ get; set; }$END$
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A test method.
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- t~sb
- True
- [Test] public void $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of System.Guid)
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- mh.g
- True
- Public Function $methodname$() As System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of System.Guid)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<float>
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 1
- True
- constant("type")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- vrh.f
- True
- private readonly $type$ $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A test method.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- tl.u
- True
- <Test> Public Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A test method.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- th.b
- True
- <Test> Public Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared field of type System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Long)
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- Vl.l
- True
- Private Shared $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Long)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Single)
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- Mh.f
- True
- Public Shared Function $methodname$() As System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Single)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Decimal)
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- mh.m
- True
- Public Function $methodname$() As System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Decimal)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Char)
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- Mh.c
- True
- Public Shared Function $methodname$() As System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Char)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<float> with an empty getter and no setter
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- pgh.f
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<float> $propname${get {$END$}}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Boolean)
- True
- constant("SomeProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- ph.b
- True
- Public Property $propname$ As System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Boolean)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A test method.
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- tl.by
- True
- [Test] public void $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<uint> initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- oh.u
- True
- private readonly System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<uint> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<uint>();
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared subroutine.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- Mh.by
- True
- Public Shared Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<bool>
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- ph.b
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<bool> $propname${ get; set; }$END$
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type $typename$ with a private setter
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- prf
- True
- public float $propname${ get; private set; }$END$
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Double) initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- ol.d
- True
- Private ReadOnly $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Double) = new System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Double)()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<byte> with an empty getter and no setter
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- pgh.by
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<byte> $propname${get {$END$}}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.Guid>
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- vh.g
- True
- private System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.Guid> $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Guid>
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- pl.g
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Guid> $propname${ get; set; }$END$
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A static method that returns a(n) $typename$
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- Mf
- True
- public static float $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A test method.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- tl.b
- True
- <Test> Public Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A static method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<double>
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- Mh.d
- True
- public static System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<double> $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A static field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<long>
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- Vh.l
- True
- private static System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<long> $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.Guid> initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- o~g
- True
- private readonly System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.Guid> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.Guid>();
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<uint> with an empty getter and no setter
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- pg~u
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<uint> $propname${get {$END$}}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type $typename$ with a private setter
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- pru
- True
- public uint $propname${ get; private set; }$END$
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A static field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<System.DateTime>
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- Vl.t
- True
- private static System.Collections.Generic.List<System.DateTime> $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type $typename$
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- vm
- True
- Private $fieldname$ As Decimal
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.List<int>
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- ml.i
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.List<int> $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared subroutine.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- M~i
- True
- Public Shared Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<string>
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- vh.s
- True
- private System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<string> $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Byte) initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- oh.by
- True
- Private ReadOnly $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Byte) = new System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Byte)()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.DateTime>
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 1
- True
- constant("type")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- vrh.t
- True
- private readonly $type$ $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A static field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<char>
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- Vh.c
- True
- private static System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<char> $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A test method.
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- t~s
- True
- [Test] public void $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A test method.
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- th.by
- True
- [Test] public void $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.List(Of System.Guid)
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- vrl.g
- True
- Private ReadOnly $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of System.Guid)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A static field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<byte>
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- V~by
- True
- private static System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<byte> $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A static field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<float>
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- V~f
- True
- private static System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<float> $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Decimal)
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- Ml.m
- True
- Public Shared Function $methodname$() As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Decimal)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type $typename$
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- vd
- True
- private double $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A subroutine.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- ml.u
- True
- Public Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<long>
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- m~l
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<long> $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared method that returns a(n) $typename$
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- Mf
- True
- Public Shared Function $methodname$() As Single
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A test method.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- tl.by
- True
- <Test> Public Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A static field of type $typename$
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- Vsb
- True
- private static System.Text.StringBuilder $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type $typename$
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- vby
- True
- private byte $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Byte)
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- ml.by
- True
- Public Function $methodname$() As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Byte)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<long>
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- v~l
- True
- private System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<long> $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared field of type $typename$
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- Vby
- True
- Private Shared $fieldname$ As Byte
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type $typename$ initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- oi
- True
- Private ReadOnly $fieldname$ As Integer = 0
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A static method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.List<long>
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- Ml.l
- True
- public static System.Collections.Generic.List<long> $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Double)
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- vh.d
- True
- Private $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Double)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of String) initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- o~s
- True
- Private ReadOnly $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of String) = new System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of String)()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.List(Of System.DateTime)
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- vl.t
- True
- Private $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of System.DateTime)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A test method.
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- tl.t
- True
- [Test] public void $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type $typename$
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- vm
- True
- private decimal $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A static method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<byte>
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- M~by
- True
- public static System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<byte> $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Char)
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- ml.c
- True
- Public Function $methodname$() As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Char)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Double) initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- nh.d
- True
- Private $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Double) = new System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Double)()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A test method.
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- tsb
- True
- [Test] public void $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<string> initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- oh.s
- True
- private readonly System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<string> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<string>();
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type $typename$ initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- ns
- True
- Private $fieldname$ As String = ""
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A static field of type $typename$
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- Vm
- True
- private static decimal $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A static field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<double>
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- V~d
- True
- private static System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<double> $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Long)
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- mh.l
- True
- Public Function $methodname$() As System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Long)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type $typename$
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- vb
- True
- Private $fieldname$ As Boolean
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type $typename$
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 1
- True
- constant("type")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- vru
- True
- private readonly $type$ $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A test method.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- th.m
- True
- <Test> Public Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<long> with a private setter
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- prh.l
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<long> $propname${ get; private set; }$END$
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of String)
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- v~s
- True
- Private $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of String)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<double>
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- vl.d
- True
- private System.Collections.Generic.List<double> $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type $typename$
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- vg
- True
- Private $fieldname$ As System.Guid
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Decimal) initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- oh.m
- True
- Private ReadOnly $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Decimal) = new System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Decimal)()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Long)
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- Vh.l
- True
- Private Shared $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Long)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.List(Of System.Guid)
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- vl.g
- True
- Private $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of System.Guid)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type $typename$
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- vrb
- True
- Private ReadOnly $fieldname$ As Boolean
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of System.Guid) initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- nh.g
- True
- Private $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of System.Guid) = new System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of System.Guid)()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.List<long> with an empty getter and no setter
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- pgl.l
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.List<long> $propname${get {$END$}}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A subroutine.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- mh.f
- True
- Public Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Decimal)
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- Vh.m
- True
- Private Shared $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Decimal)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.List(Of System.Guid)
- True
- constant("SomeProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- pl.g
- True
- Public Property $propname$ As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of System.Guid)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A static method that returns a(n) $typename$
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- Md
- True
- public static double $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A test method.
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- th.i
- True
- [Test] public void $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A method that returns a(n) $typename$
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- mm
- True
- Public Function $methodname$() As Decimal
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<string> initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- nl.s
- True
- private System.Collections.Generic.List<string> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.List<string>();
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<float> initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- oh.f
- True
- private readonly System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<float> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<float>();
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type $typename$
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- vby
- True
- Private $fieldname$ As Byte
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type $typename$
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- vu
- True
- private uint $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Integer)
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- M~i
- True
- Public Shared Function $methodname$() As System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Integer)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type $typename$
- True
- constant("SomeProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- pf
- True
- Public Property $propname$ As Single
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type $typename$ with a private setter
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- prm
- True
- public decimal $propname${ get; private set; }$END$
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type $typename$
- True
- constant("SomeProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- ps
- True
- Public Property $propname$ As String
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.Text.StringBuilder>
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- mh.sb
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.Text.StringBuilder> $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of String)
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- mh.s
- True
- Public Function $methodname$() As System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of String)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type $typename$
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- vi
- True
- Private $fieldname$ As Integer
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A subroutine.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- m~m
- True
- Public Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Double)
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- vr~d
- True
- Private ReadOnly $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Double)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<int>
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- mh.i
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<int> $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Integer) initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- nh.i
- True
- Private $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Integer) = new System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Integer)()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A subroutine.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- ml.f
- True
- Public Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Long) initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- oh.l
- True
- Private ReadOnly $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Long) = new System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Long)()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A subroutine.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- m~b
- True
- Public Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<double>
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 1
- True
- constant("type")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- vrh.d
- True
- private readonly $type$ $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A static field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<byte>
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- Vl.by
- True
- private static System.Collections.Generic.List<byte> $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type $typename$
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 1
- True
- constant("type")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- vrf
- True
- private readonly $type$ $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared subroutine.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- Mh.c
- True
- Public Shared Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.List(Of String)
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- vl.s
- True
- Private $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of String)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<decimal> with an empty getter and no setter
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- pgh.m
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<decimal> $propname${get {$END$}}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Long)
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- Ml.l
- True
- Public Shared Function $methodname$() As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Long)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Integer)
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- V~i
- True
- Private Shared $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Integer)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Double)
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- vrh.d
- True
- Private ReadOnly $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Double)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<double>
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- vh.d
- True
- private System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<double> $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type $typename$ initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- os
- True
- private readonly string $fieldname$ = "";
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type $typename$ with an empty getter and no setter
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- pgd
- True
- public double $propname${get {$END$}}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A subroutine.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- mh.u
- True
- Public Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of System.Guid)
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- m~g
- True
- Public Function $methodname$() As System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of System.Guid)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A static method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Guid>
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- Ml.g
- True
- public static System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Guid> $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A static field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<float>
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- Vh.f
- True
- private static System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<float> $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.List<char>
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- ml.c
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.List<char> $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of System.Guid)
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- v~g
- True
- Private $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of System.Guid)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared subroutine.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- Mg
- True
- Public Shared Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.Text.StringBuilder> initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- oh.sb
- True
- private readonly System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.Text.StringBuilder> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.Text.StringBuilder>();
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A static field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.DateTime>
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- Vh.t
- True
- private static System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.DateTime> $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared subroutine.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- Ml.t
- True
- Public Shared Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<double>
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- m~d
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<double> $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A method that returns a(n) $typename$
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- mt
- True
- Public Function $methodname$() As System.DateTime
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared subroutine.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- M~m
- True
- Public Shared Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.List<double>
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- ml.d
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.List<double> $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type $typename$
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- vru
- True
- Private ReadOnly $fieldname$ As UInteger
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<float> with a private setter
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- pr~f
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<float> $propname${ get; private set; }$END$
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared subroutine.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- Mc
- True
- Public Shared Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<float>
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 1
- True
- constant("type")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- vr~f
- True
- private readonly $type$ $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<uint> initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- nl.u
- True
- private System.Collections.Generic.List<uint> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.List<uint>();
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared field of type $typename$
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- Vl
- True
- Private Shared $fieldname$ As Long
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type $typename$ initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- of
- True
- private readonly float $fieldname$ = 0.0f;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared method that returns a(n) $typename$
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- Mi
- True
- Public Shared Function $methodname$() As Integer
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared subroutine.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- M~t
- True
- Public Shared Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A subroutine.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- mby
- True
- Public Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A subroutine.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- m~i
- True
- Public Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<byte> initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- nh.by
- True
- private System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<byte> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<byte>();
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- True
- constant("SomeModule")
- 0
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- C
- True
- Public Module $MODULENAME$
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.List<float>
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- pl.f
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.List<float> $propname${ get; set; }$END$
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A method that returns a(n) $typename$
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- mg
- True
- Public Function $methodname$() As System.Guid
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.Text.StringBuilder>
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- m~sb
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.Text.StringBuilder> $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type $typename$
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- vri
- True
- Private ReadOnly $fieldname$ As Integer
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type $typename$
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- vf
- True
- Private $fieldname$ As Single
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A test method.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- th.d
- True
- <Test> Public Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared field of type $typename$
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- Vg
- True
- Private Shared $fieldname$ As System.Guid
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<uint>
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 1
- True
- constant("type")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- vrl.u
- True
- private readonly $type$ $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Long) initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- nl.l
- True
- Private $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Long) = new System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Long)()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Boolean) initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- oh.b
- True
- Private ReadOnly $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Boolean) = new System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Boolean)()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<int>
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- vl.i
- True
- private System.Collections.Generic.List<int> $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Integer) initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- ol.i
- True
- Private ReadOnly $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Integer) = new System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Integer)()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of UInteger)
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- vrh.u
- True
- Private ReadOnly $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of UInteger)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A method that returns a(n) $typename$
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- mb
- True
- Public Function $methodname$() As Boolean
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared subroutine.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- M~c
- True
- Public Shared Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<string> with a private setter
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- pr~s
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<string> $propname${ get; private set; }$END$
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Double)
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- mh.d
- True
- Public Function $methodname$() As System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Double)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.Text.StringBuilder>
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 1
- True
- constant("type")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- vrh.sb
- True
- private readonly $type$ $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Boolean)
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- v~b
- True
- Private $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Boolean)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<bool> with a private setter
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- prh.b
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<bool> $propname${ get; private set; }$END$
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<decimal>
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- m~m
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<decimal> $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type $typename$
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 1
- True
- constant("type")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- vrby
- True
- private readonly $type$ $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A test method.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- t~u
- True
- <Test> Public Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared subroutine.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- M~l
- True
- Public Shared Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A method that returns a(n) $typename$
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- mi
- True
- public int $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A test method.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- t~d
- True
- <Test> Public Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.List<long>
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- ml.l
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.List<long> $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A static field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<char>
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- V~c
- True
- private static System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<char> $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.List<byte> with a private setter
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- prl.by
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.List<byte> $propname${ get; private set; }$END$
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A method that returns a(n) $typename$
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- ms
- True
- public string $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Single) initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- nl.f
- True
- Private $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Single) = new System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Single)()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Guid> with an empty getter and no setter
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- pgl.g
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Guid> $propname${get {$END$}}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of System.DateTime) initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- o~t
- True
- Private ReadOnly $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of System.DateTime) = new System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of System.DateTime)()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<float> initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- nl.f
- True
- private System.Collections.Generic.List<float> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.List<float>();
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of System.DateTime)
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- M~t
- True
- Public Shared Function $methodname$() As System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of System.DateTime)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type $typename$ initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- oby
- True
- private readonly byte $fieldname$ = 0;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<string>
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 1
- True
- constant("type")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- vrl.s
- True
- private readonly $type$ $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A subroutine.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- mg
- True
- Public Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<float> with an empty getter and no setter
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- pg~f
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<float> $propname${get {$END$}}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<char> with a private setter
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- pr~c
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<char> $propname${ get; private set; }$END$
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A static field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Text.StringBuilder>
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- Vl.sb
- True
- private static System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Text.StringBuilder> $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.List<decimal>
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- pl.m
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.List<decimal> $propname${ get; set; }$END$
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A static field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<string>
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- Vl.s
- True
- private static System.Collections.Generic.List<string> $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type $typename$ with a private setter
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- prby
- True
- public byte $propname${ get; private set; }$END$
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared field of type $typename$
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- Vb
- True
- Private Shared $fieldname$ As Boolean
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A static field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.Guid>
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- Vh.g
- True
- private static System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.Guid> $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<int> initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- nl.i
- True
- private System.Collections.Generic.List<int> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.List<int>();
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<decimal> initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- ol.m
- True
- private readonly System.Collections.Generic.List<decimal> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.List<decimal>();
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Decimal) initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- ol.m
- True
- Private ReadOnly $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Decimal) = new System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Decimal)()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of String) initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- n~s
- True
- Private $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of String) = new System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of String)()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Text.StringBuilder> initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- nl.sb
- True
- private System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Text.StringBuilder> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Text.StringBuilder>();
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Byte) initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- nh.by
- True
- Private $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Byte) = new System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Byte)()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A method that returns a(n) $typename$
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- ms
- True
- Public Function $methodname$() As String
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<uint>
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 1
- True
- constant("type")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- vrh.u
- True
- private readonly $type$ $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type $typename$ with an empty getter and no setter
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- pgt
- True
- public System.DateTime $propname${get {$END$}}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Byte)
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- vh.by
- True
- Private $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Byte)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.List<long> with a private setter
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- prl.l
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.List<long> $propname${ get; private set; }$END$
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.DateTime>
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- p~t
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.DateTime> $propname${ get; set; }$END$
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A test method.
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- tu
- True
- [Test] public void $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of UInteger) initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- nh.u
- True
- Private $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of UInteger) = new System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of UInteger)()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<string>
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- mh.s
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<string> $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<bool>
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- mh.b
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<bool> $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A method that returns a(n) $typename$
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- mt
- True
- public System.DateTime $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Long)
- True
- constant("SomeProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- ph.l
- True
- Public Property $propname$ As System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Long)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A method that returns a(n) $typename$
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- m
- True
- public void $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type $typename$ initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- ni
- True
- private int $fieldname$ = 0;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared subroutine.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- Mby
- True
- Public Shared Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of System.Guid)
- True
- constant("SomeProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- p~g
- True
- Public Property $propname$ As System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of System.Guid)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<char>
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- vh.c
- True
- private System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<char> $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A static field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Guid>
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- Vl.g
- True
- private static System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Guid> $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<uint>
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- vl.u
- True
- private System.Collections.Generic.List<uint> $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.DateTime> with an empty getter and no setter
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- pg~t
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.DateTime> $propname${get {$END$}}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A subroutine.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- m~c
- True
- Public Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.List<uint>
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- ml.u
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.List<uint> $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A method that returns a(n) $typename$
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- mf
- True
- public float $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A static field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<char>
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- Vl.c
- True
- private static System.Collections.Generic.List<char> $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Integer)
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- v~i
- True
- Private $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Integer)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<float>
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- m~f
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<float> $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A test method.
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- t~f
- True
- [Test] public void $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A static method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.List<byte>
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- Ml.by
- True
- public static System.Collections.Generic.List<byte> $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Single)
- True
- constant("SomeProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- pl.f
- True
- Public Property $propname$ As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Single)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Byte)
- True
- constant("SomeProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- ph.by
- True
- Public Property $propname$ As System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Byte)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.List<float> with a private setter
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- prl.f
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.List<float> $propname${ get; private set; }$END$
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<char>
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- mh.c
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<char> $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Double)
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- m~d
- True
- Public Function $methodname$() As System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Double)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Text.StringBuilder> with a private setter
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- prl.sb
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Text.StringBuilder> $propname${ get; private set; }$END$
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.DateTime>
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- m~t
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.DateTime> $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Integer)
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- vr~i
- True
- Private ReadOnly $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Integer)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<decimal> initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- o~m
- True
- private readonly System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<decimal> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<decimal>();
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<string> initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- ol.s
- True
- private readonly System.Collections.Generic.List<string> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.List<string>();
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Text.StringBuilder> with an empty getter and no setter
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- pgl.sb
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Text.StringBuilder> $propname${get {$END$}}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.DateTime> initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- oh.t
- True
- private readonly System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.DateTime> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.DateTime>();
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A method that returns a(n) $typename$
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- mby
- True
- Public Function $methodname$() As Byte
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of System.Guid)
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- Vh.g
- True
- Private Shared $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of System.Guid)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A static method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.DateTime>
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- Mh.t
- True
- public static System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.DateTime> $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<decimal>
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- mh.m
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<decimal> $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Byte)
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- V~by
- True
- Private Shared $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Byte)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type $typename$ with an empty getter and no setter
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- pgsb
- True
- public System.Text.StringBuilder $propname${get {$END$}}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<byte>
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- vh.by
- True
- private System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<byte> $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A test method.
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- tl.l
- True
- [Test] public void $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A test method.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- th.s
- True
- <Test> Public Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.List<System.DateTime>
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- pl.t
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.List<System.DateTime> $propname${ get; set; }$END$
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A static field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<long>
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- V~l
- True
- private static System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<long> $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of System.DateTime)
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- Vh.t
- True
- Private Shared $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of System.DateTime)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type $typename$
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- pby
- True
- public byte $propname${ get; set; }$END$
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A subroutine.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- m~t
- True
- Public Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A test method.
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- t~l
- True
- [Test] public void $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.List<System.DateTime>
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- ml.t
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.List<System.DateTime> $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Guid> with a private setter
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- prl.g
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Guid> $propname${ get; private set; }$END$
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A static method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.Guid>
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- Mh.g
- True
- public static System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.Guid> $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Char)
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- vr~c
- True
- Private ReadOnly $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Char)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A static method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.List<int>
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- Ml.i
- True
- public static System.Collections.Generic.List<int> $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Byte)
- True
- constant("SomeProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- p~by
- True
- Public Property $propname$ As System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Byte)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A test method.
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- tf
- True
- [Test] public void $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Char)
- True
- constant("SomeProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- ph.c
- True
- Public Property $propname$ As System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Char)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of System.DateTime)
- True
- constant("SomeProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- ph.t
- True
- Public Property $propname$ As System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of System.DateTime)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Decimal)
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- m~m
- True
- Public Function $methodname$() As System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Decimal)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of UInteger)
- True
- constant("SomeProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- p~u
- True
- Public Property $propname$ As System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of UInteger)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- True
- constant("MyEnum")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- e
- True
- public enum $ENUMNAME${$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type $typename$
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 1
- True
- constant("type")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- vrm
- True
- private readonly $type$ $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.Guid> with a private setter
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- pr~g
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.Guid> $propname${ get; private set; }$END$
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<int>
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 1
- True
- constant("type")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- vr~i
- True
- private readonly $type$ $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of String)
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- vrh.s
- True
- Private ReadOnly $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of String)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Single) initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- ol.f
- True
- Private ReadOnly $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Single) = new System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Single)()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of System.DateTime)
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- vrh.t
- True
- Private ReadOnly $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of System.DateTime)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type $typename$ initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- nd
- True
- Private $fieldname$ As Double = 0.0
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A test method.
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- th.l
- True
- [Test] public void $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<bool>
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- vh.b
- True
- private System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<bool> $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type $typename$
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- vb
- True
- private bool $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.List(Of UInteger)
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- Ml.u
- True
- Public Shared Function $methodname$() As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of UInteger)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A test method.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- ti
- True
- <Test> Public Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<char>
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- v~c
- True
- private System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<char> $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A subroutine.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- m~by
- True
- Public Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<double> initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- ol.d
- True
- private readonly System.Collections.Generic.List<double> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.List<double>();
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.Guid> initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- n~g
- True
- private System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.Guid> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.Guid>();
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A static method that returns a(n) $typename$
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- Mm
- True
- public static decimal $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of UInteger)
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- vr~u
- True
- Private ReadOnly $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of UInteger)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A test method.
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- tl.f
- True
- [Test] public void $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.List<decimal> with an empty getter and no setter
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- pgl.m
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.List<decimal> $propname${get {$END$}}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<System.DateTime>
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 1
- True
- constant("type")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- vrl.t
- True
- private readonly $type$ $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A static field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<string>
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- V~s
- True
- private static System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<string> $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared method that returns a(n) $typename$
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- Ml
- True
- Public Shared Function $methodname$() As Long
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A static method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<int>
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- Mh.i
- True
- public static System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<int> $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared subroutine.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- Mf
- True
- Public Shared Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Double) initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- o~d
- True
- Private ReadOnly $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Double) = new System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Double)()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<int>
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- p~i
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<int> $propname${ get; set; }$END$
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<bool>
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 1
- True
- constant("type")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- vr~b
- True
- private readonly $type$ $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A static field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.Text.StringBuilder>
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- V~sb
- True
- private static System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.Text.StringBuilder> $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared subroutine.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- Mh.f
- True
- Public Shared Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A test method.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- tl
- True
- <Test> Public Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.List(Of UInteger)
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- vrl.u
- True
- Private ReadOnly $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of UInteger)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A method that returns a(n) $typename$
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- ml
- True
- public long $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A static field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<bool>
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- Vh.b
- True
- private static System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<bool> $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type $typename$ initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- ng
- True
- private System.Guid $fieldname$ = System.Guid.NewGuid();
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.DateTime> with a private setter
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- pr~t
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.DateTime> $propname${ get; private set; }$END$
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<decimal>
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 1
- True
- constant("type")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- vrh.m
- True
- private readonly $type$ $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared subroutine.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- Mh.i
- True
- Public Shared Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type $typename$
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- vf
- True
- private float $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A static method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<uint>
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- Mh.u
- True
- public static System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<uint> $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Byte)
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- vrh.by
- True
- Private ReadOnly $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Byte)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared subroutine.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- Ml.by
- True
- Public Shared Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Char) initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- o~c
- True
- Private ReadOnly $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Char) = new System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Char)()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared subroutine.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- Mi
- True
- Public Shared Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<int>
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- ph.i
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<int> $propname${ get; set; }$END$
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<bool> initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- oh.b
- True
- private readonly System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<bool> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<bool>();
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of System.DateTime)
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- mh.t
- True
- Public Function $methodname$() As System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of System.DateTime)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A test method.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- th.by
- True
- <Test> Public Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Single)
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- Vh.f
- True
- Private Shared $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Single)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.List(Of System.DateTime) initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- ol.t
- True
- Private ReadOnly $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of System.DateTime) = new System.Collections.Generic.List(Of System.DateTime)()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<long> initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- nl.l
- True
- private System.Collections.Generic.List<long> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.List<long>();
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Single)
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- mh.f
- True
- Public Function $methodname$() As System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Single)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Boolean)
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- vrl.b
- True
- Private ReadOnly $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Boolean)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared subroutine.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- Mh.l
- True
- Public Shared Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A test method.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- th.l
- True
- <Test> Public Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Boolean)
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- vr~b
- True
- Private ReadOnly $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Boolean)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of System.Guid)
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- V~g
- True
- Private Shared $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of System.Guid)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A test method.
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- t~by
- True
- [Test] public void $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.List(Of System.DateTime)
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- Ml.t
- True
- Public Shared Function $methodname$() As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of System.DateTime)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A test method.
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- tl.s
- True
- [Test] public void $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A test method.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- tby
- True
- <Test> Public Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<int> initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- ol.i
- True
- private readonly System.Collections.Generic.List<int> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.List<int>();
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of System.DateTime)
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- vh.t
- True
- Private $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of System.DateTime)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type $typename$ initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- os
- True
- Private ReadOnly $fieldname$ As String = ""
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<float>
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- v~f
- True
- private System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<float> $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A subroutine.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- md
- True
- Public Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Boolean)
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- mh.b
- True
- Public Function $methodname$() As System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Boolean)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Boolean)
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- V~b
- True
- Private Shared $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Boolean)
- True
- True
- A method that returns a(n) $typename$
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- md
- True
- public double $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.DateTime> with a private setter
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- prh.t
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.DateTime> $propname${ get; private set; }$END$
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A test method.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- t~g
- True
- <Test> Public Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type $typename$ initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- nd
- True
- private double $fieldname$ = 0.0;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Char)
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- vh.c
- True
- Private $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Char)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<bool>
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- m~b
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<bool> $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A static method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<float>
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- M~f
- True
- public static System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<float> $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A subroutine.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- mh.m
- True
- Public Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A static method that returns a(n) $typename$
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- Mc
- True
- public static char $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<bool> initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- ol.b
- True
- private readonly System.Collections.Generic.List<bool> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.List<bool>();
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Decimal)
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- vrh.m
- True
- Private ReadOnly $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Decimal)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A subroutine.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- mh.d
- True
- Public Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Char)
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- vrh.c
- True
- Private ReadOnly $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Char)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.List<System.DateTime> with a private setter
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- prl.t
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.List<System.DateTime> $propname${ get; private set; }$END$
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.Guid>
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 1
- True
- constant("type")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- vrh.g
- True
- private readonly $type$ $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.Text.StringBuilder> with a private setter
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- pr~sb
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.Text.StringBuilder> $propname${ get; private set; }$END$
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared field of type $typename$
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- Vc
- True
- Private Shared $fieldname$ As Char
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<decimal> with a private setter
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- pr~m
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<decimal> $propname${ get; private set; }$END$
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A method that returns a(n) $typename$
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- mc
- True
- Public Function $methodname$() As Char
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared subroutine.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- Mb
- True
- Public Shared Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Double) initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- n~d
- True
- Private $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Double) = new System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Double)()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<byte>
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- ph.by
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<byte> $propname${ get; set; }$END$
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A test method.
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- th.m
- True
- [Test] public void $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A subroutine.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- m~f
- True
- Public Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<char> initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- nl.c
- True
- private System.Collections.Generic.List<char> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.List<char>();
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A subroutine.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- ml.g
- True
- Public Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared field of type $typename$
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- Vf
- True
- Private Shared $fieldname$ As Single
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<decimal> initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- oh.m
- True
- private readonly System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<decimal> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<decimal>();
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type $typename$ initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- ob
- True
- Private ReadOnly $fieldname$ As Boolean = False
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<byte>
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 1
- True
- constant("type")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- vrh.by
- True
- private readonly $type$ $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A test method.
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- tl.c
- True
- [Test] public void $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- True
- constant("SomeClass")
- 0
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- a
- True
- Public MustInherit Class $CLASSNAME$
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Double) initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- nl.d
- True
- Private $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Double) = new System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Double)()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Decimal)
- True
- constant("SomeProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- ph.m
- True
- Public Property $propname$ As System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Decimal)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<long> initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- ol.l
- True
- private readonly System.Collections.Generic.List<long> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.List<long>();
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.Text.StringBuilder>
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- v~sb
- True
- private System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.Text.StringBuilder> $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<uint> with a private setter
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- prh.u
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<uint> $propname${ get; private set; }$END$
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Integer) initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- nl.i
- True
- Private $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Integer) = new System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Integer)()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<char> initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- o~c
- True
- private readonly System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<char> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<char>();
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A static method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.Text.StringBuilder>
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- M~sb
- True
- public static System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.Text.StringBuilder> $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A static field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<int>
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- Vl.i
- True
- private static System.Collections.Generic.List<int> $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A static method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<bool>
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- M~b
- True
- public static System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<bool> $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared subroutine.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- Ml.s
- True
- Public Shared Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A test method.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- tt
- True
- <Test> Public Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Byte)
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- vr~by
- True
- Private ReadOnly $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Byte)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<long>
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- vh.l
- True
- private System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<long> $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type $typename$
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- vt
- True
- Private $fieldname$ As System.DateTime
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of UInteger)
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- mh.u
- True
- Public Function $methodname$() As System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of UInteger)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Single)
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- vh.f
- True
- Private $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Single)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared subroutine.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- Mh.m
- True
- Public Shared Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A subroutine.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- mh.s
- True
- Public Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type $typename$
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- vrm
- True
- Private ReadOnly $fieldname$ As Decimal
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared method that returns a(n) $typename$
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- Md
- True
- Public Shared Function $methodname$() As Double
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<long>
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- ph.l
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<long> $propname${ get; set; }$END$
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of System.DateTime) initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- n~t
- True
- Private $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of System.DateTime) = new System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of System.DateTime)()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A test method.
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- ti
- True
- [Test] public void $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A static field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<uint>
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- Vl.u
- True
- private static System.Collections.Generic.List<uint> $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<long>
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- mh.l
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<long> $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Integer)
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- Mh.i
- True
- Public Shared Function $methodname$() As System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Integer)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type $typename$
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- vd
- True
- Private $fieldname$ As Double
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type $typename$ initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- nm
- True
- Private $fieldname$ As Decimal = 0M
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<double> initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- o~d
- True
- private readonly System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<double> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<double>();
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Byte)
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- M~by
- True
- Public Shared Function $methodname$() As System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Byte)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<double> with an empty getter and no setter
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- pgh.d
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<double> $propname${get {$END$}}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A static method that returns a(n) $typename$
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- M
- True
- public static void $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Decimal) initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- n~m
- True
- Private $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Decimal) = new System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Decimal)()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Double)
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- Ml.d
- True
- Public Shared Function $methodname$() As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Double)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Double)
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- V~d
- True
- Private Shared $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Double)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Integer) initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- n~i
- True
- Private $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Integer) = new System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Integer)()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<bool> initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- n~b
- True
- private System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<bool> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<bool>();
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.List<uint>
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- pl.u
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.List<uint> $propname${ get; set; }$END$
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<double>
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- mh.d
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<double> $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A static field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<bool>
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- V~b
- True
- private static System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<bool> $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Byte)
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- Vh.by
- True
- Private Shared $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Byte)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A static field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<bool>
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- Vl.b
- True
- private static System.Collections.Generic.List<bool> $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.Guid> with a private setter
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- prh.g
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.Guid> $propname${ get; private set; }$END$
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A test method.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- tl.l
- True
- <Test> Public Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<byte>
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 1
- True
- constant("type")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- vrl.by
- True
- private readonly $type$ $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A test method.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- t~s
- True
- <Test> Public Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A static method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Text.StringBuilder>
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- Ml.sb
- True
- public static System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Text.StringBuilder> $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A subroutine.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- mm
- True
- Public Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A static method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.List<char>
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- Ml.c
- True
- public static System.Collections.Generic.List<char> $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<double> with a private setter
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- pr~d
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<double> $propname${ get; private set; }$END$
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<decimal>
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- v~m
- True
- private System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<decimal> $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A static field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<decimal>
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- Vl.m
- True
- private static System.Collections.Generic.List<decimal> $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A subroutine.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- mh.i
- True
- Public Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<decimal>
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- ph.m
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<decimal> $propname${ get; set; }$END$
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.Guid>
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 1
- True
- constant("type")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- vr~g
- True
- private readonly $type$ $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.List(Of System.Guid)
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- ml.g
- True
- Public Function $methodname$() As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of System.Guid)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A static field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<float>
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- Vl.f
- True
- private static System.Collections.Generic.List<float> $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type $typename$
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- vsb
- True
- private System.Text.StringBuilder $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type $typename$
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- vu
- True
- Private $fieldname$ As UInteger
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<char>
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 1
- True
- constant("type")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- vr~c
- True
- private readonly $type$ $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A static method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<decimal>
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- Mh.m
- True
- public static System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<decimal> $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<long> with a private setter
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- pr~l
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<long> $propname${ get; private set; }$END$
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type $typename$
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- vc
- True
- Private $fieldname$ As Char
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared method that returns a(n) $typename$
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- Mu
- True
- Public Shared Function $methodname$() As UInteger
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A subroutine.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- mh.l
- True
- Public Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- True
- constant("SomeClass")
- 0
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- c
- True
- Public Class $CLASSNAME$
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of UInteger) initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- o~u
- True
- Private ReadOnly $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of UInteger) = new System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of UInteger)()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A static method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.List<double>
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- Ml.d
- True
- public static System.Collections.Generic.List<double> $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type $typename$ initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- ol
- True
- Private ReadOnly $fieldname$ As Long = 0
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Byte)
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- vl.by
- True
- Private $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Byte)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Char)
- True
- constant("SomeProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- pl.c
- True
- Public Property $propname$ As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Char)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type $typename$
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 1
- True
- constant("type")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- vrs
- True
- private readonly $type$ $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type $typename$
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- vrs
- True
- Private ReadOnly $fieldname$ As String
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<System.DateTime> initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- nl.t
- True
- private System.Collections.Generic.List<System.DateTime> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.List<System.DateTime>();
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared subroutine.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- Ml.d
- True
- Public Shared Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.List<char>
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- pl.c
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.List<char> $propname${ get; set; }$END$
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.List<string> with an empty getter and no setter
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- pgl.s
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.List<string> $propname${get {$END$}}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Double)
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- Vh.d
- True
- Private Shared $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Double)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Decimal)
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- ml.m
- True
- Public Function $methodname$() As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Decimal)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type $typename$ with a private setter
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- prc
- True
- public char $propname${ get; private set; }$END$
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<string>
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- p~s
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<string> $propname${ get; set; }$END$
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.Text.StringBuilder> with an empty getter and no setter
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- pgh.sb
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.Text.StringBuilder> $propname${get {$END$}}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A method that returns a(n) $typename$
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- mc
- True
- public char $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Char) initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- ol.c
- True
- Private ReadOnly $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Char) = new System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Char)()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.Guid> initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- oh.g
- True
- private readonly System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.Guid> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.Guid>();
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A static method that returns a(n) $typename$
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- Mby
- True
- public static byte $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<double>
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- v~d
- True
- private System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<double> $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of UInteger)
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- vh.u
- True
- Private $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of UInteger)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type $typename$ initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- nby
- True
- Private $fieldname$ As Byte = 0
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type $typename$ initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- ot
- True
- private readonly System.DateTime $fieldname$ = System.DateTime.UtcNow;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared field of type System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Integer)
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- Vl.i
- True
- Private Shared $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Integer)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared field of type System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Boolean)
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- Vl.b
- True
- Private Shared $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Boolean)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<char>
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 1
- True
- constant("type")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- vrl.c
- True
- private readonly $type$ $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type $typename$
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 1
- True
- constant("type")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- vrb
- True
- private readonly $type$ $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Byte)
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- v~by
- True
- Private $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Byte)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Integer)
- True
- constant("SomeProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- pl.i
- True
- Public Property $propname$ As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Integer)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A test method.
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- tl.sb
- True
- [Test] public void $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.List<float> with an empty getter and no setter
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- pgl.f
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.List<float> $propname${get {$END$}}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A subroutine.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- ms
- True
- Public Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Decimal) initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- o~m
- True
- Private ReadOnly $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Decimal) = new System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Decimal)()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<int>
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- vh.i
- True
- private System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<int> $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Double)
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- vrl.d
- True
- Private ReadOnly $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Double)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<int> initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- o~i
- True
- private readonly System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<int> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<int>();
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<float> initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- n~f
- True
- private System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<float> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<float>();
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A test method.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- tb
- True
- <Test> Public Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.List<byte>
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- pl.by
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.List<byte> $propname${ get; set; }$END$
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Long)
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- Mh.l
- True
- Public Shared Function $methodname$() As System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Long)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type $typename$ initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- nc
- True
- private char $fieldname$ = 0;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Long)
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- vr~l
- True
- Private ReadOnly $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Long)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of System.DateTime) initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- nh.t
- True
- Private $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of System.DateTime) = new System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of System.DateTime)()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Single) initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- nh.f
- True
- Private $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Single) = new System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Single)()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A test method.
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- th.c
- True
- [Test] public void $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Decimal) initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- nl.m
- True
- Private $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Decimal) = new System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Decimal)()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Boolean)
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- Vh.b
- True
- Private Shared $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Boolean)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type $typename$ initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- nt
- True
- private System.DateTime $fieldname$ = System.DateTime.UtcNow;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Boolean)
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- Ml.b
- True
- Public Shared Function $methodname$() As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Boolean)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Boolean) initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- ol.b
- True
- Private ReadOnly $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Boolean) = new System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Boolean)()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.DateTime> with an empty getter and no setter
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- pgh.t
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.DateTime> $propname${get {$END$}}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Char)
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- M~c
- True
- Public Shared Function $methodname$() As System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Char)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Byte)
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- mh.by
- True
- Public Function $methodname$() As System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Byte)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared subroutine.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- Ml.l
- True
- Public Shared Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<uint> initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- n~u
- True
- private System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<uint> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<uint>();
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<double>
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- p~d
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<double> $propname${ get; set; }$END$
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Boolean)
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- vh.b
- True
- Private $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Boolean)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A static field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<decimal>
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- Vh.m
- True
- private static System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<decimal> $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Double)
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- vl.d
- True
- Private $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Double)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A method that returns a(n) $typename$
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- msb
- True
- public System.Text.StringBuilder $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Decimal)
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- vh.m
- True
- Private $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Decimal)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type $typename$ initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- od
- True
- Private ReadOnly $fieldname$ As Double = 0.0
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type $typename$
- True
- constant("SomeProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- pg
- True
- Public Property $propname$ As System.Guid
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A static method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.Guid>
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- M~g
- True
- public static System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.Guid> $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A static method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.List<System.DateTime>
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- Ml.t
- True
- public static System.Collections.Generic.List<System.DateTime> $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Single)
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- V~f
- True
- Private Shared $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Single)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.List<string>
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- pl.s
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.List<string> $propname${ get; set; }$END$
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of UInteger)
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- V~u
- True
- Private Shared $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of UInteger)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.List<float>
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- ml.f
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.List<float> $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A subroutine.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- mt
- True
- Public Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type $typename$
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- pg
- True
- public System.Guid $propname${ get; set; }$END$
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A static field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.Guid>
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- V~g
- True
- private static System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.Guid> $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A test method.
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- tl.g
- True
- [Test] public void $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<int>
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- v~i
- True
- private System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<int> $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of System.Guid)
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- vrh.g
- True
- Private ReadOnly $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of System.Guid)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Integer)
- True
- constant("SomeProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- ph.i
- True
- Public Property $propname$ As System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Integer)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.List(Of System.Guid)
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- Ml.g
- True
- Public Shared Function $methodname$() As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of System.Guid)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.DateTime> initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- o~t
- True
- private readonly System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.DateTime> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.DateTime>();
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.Text.StringBuilder> initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- o~sb
- True
- private readonly System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.Text.StringBuilder> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.Text.StringBuilder>();
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of UInteger)
- True
- constant("SomeProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- ph.u
- True
- Public Property $propname$ As System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of UInteger)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A test method.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- td
- True
- <Test> Public Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- True
- constant("MyClass")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- C
- True
- public static class $CLASSNAME${$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A static field of type $typename$
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- Vt
- True
- private static System.DateTime $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.List<int> with a private setter
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- prl.i
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.List<int> $propname${ get; private set; }$END$
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<uint>
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- ph.u
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<uint> $propname${ get; set; }$END$
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared method that returns a(n) $typename$
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- Mc
- True
- Public Shared Function $methodname$() As Char
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Long) initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- n~l
- True
- Private $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Long) = new System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Long)()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Byte) initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- ol.by
- True
- Private ReadOnly $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Byte) = new System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Byte)()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A test method.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- ts
- True
- <Test> Public Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<int>
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 1
- True
- constant("type")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- vrh.i
- True
- private readonly $type$ $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type $typename$ initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- nc
- True
- Private $fieldname$ As Char = ''
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Integer)
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- m~i
- True
- Public Function $methodname$() As System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Integer)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type $typename$ with an empty getter and no setter
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- pgc
- True
- public char $propname${get {$END$}}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A static method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<byte>
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- Mh.by
- True
- public static System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<byte> $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type $typename$
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 1
- True
- constant("type")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- vri
- True
- private readonly $type$ $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Long)
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- ml.l
- True
- Public Function $methodname$() As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Long)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type $typename$ with a private setter
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- prg
- True
- public System.Guid $propname${ get; private set; }$END$
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared method that returns a(n) $typename$
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- Mby
- True
- Public Shared Function $methodname$() As Byte
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A static field of type $typename$
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- Vc
- True
- private static char $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Boolean) initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- nl.b
- True
- Private $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Boolean) = new System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Boolean)()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type $typename$ with a private setter
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- prb
- True
- public bool $propname${ get; private set; }$END$
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type $typename$ with an empty getter and no setter
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- pgl
- True
- public long $propname${get {$END$}}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type $typename$ initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- oi
- True
- private readonly int $fieldname$ = 0;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A subroutine.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- ml.t
- True
- Public Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A test method.
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- tb
- True
- [Test] public void $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<uint>
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- vh.u
- True
- private System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<uint> $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared subroutine.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- M~g
- True
- Public Shared Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A test method.
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- th.sb
- True
- [Test] public void $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared subroutine.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- Mh.t
- True
- Public Shared Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Boolean)
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- M~b
- True
- Public Shared Function $methodname$() As System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Boolean)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A static method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.DateTime>
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- M~t
- True
- public static System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.DateTime> $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type $typename$
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- pm
- True
- public decimal $propname${ get; set; }$END$
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<float>
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 1
- True
- constant("type")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- vrl.f
- True
- private readonly $type$ $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A static method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<char>
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- Mh.c
- True
- public static System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<char> $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.Text.StringBuilder>
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- ph.sb
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.Text.StringBuilder> $propname${ get; set; }$END$
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Double)
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- Mh.d
- True
- Public Shared Function $methodname$() As System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Double)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type $typename$ initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- ng
- True
- Private $fieldname$ As System.Guid = System.Guid.NewGuid()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A test method.
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- ts
- True
- [Test] public void $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A static field of type $typename$
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- Vs
- True
- private static string $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of UInteger) initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- oh.u
- True
- Private ReadOnly $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of UInteger) = new System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of UInteger)()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of String)
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- Mh.s
- True
- Public Shared Function $methodname$() As System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of String)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Byte) initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- nl.by
- True
- Private $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Byte) = new System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Byte)()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared subroutine.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- Mh.g
- True
- Public Shared Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type $typename$ initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- nb
- True
- private bool $fieldname$ = false;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.List(Of System.Guid) initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- ol.g
- True
- Private ReadOnly $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of System.Guid) = new System.Collections.Generic.List(Of System.Guid)()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.DateTime>
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 1
- True
- constant("type")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- vr~t
- True
- private readonly $type$ $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A method that returns a(n) $typename$
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- md
- True
- Public Function $methodname$() As Double
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A static method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.List<string>
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- Ml.s
- True
- public static System.Collections.Generic.List<string> $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A subroutine.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- mh.by
- True
- Public Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A static field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.DateTime>
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- V~t
- True
- private static System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.DateTime> $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.List(Of UInteger)
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- ml.u
- True
- Public Function $methodname$() As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of UInteger)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A test method.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- t~b
- True
- <Test> Public Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.List(Of String)
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- Ml.s
- True
- Public Shared Function $methodname$() As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of String)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Boolean)
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- m~b
- True
- Public Function $methodname$() As System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Boolean)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A test method.
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- th.b
- True
- [Test] public void $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type $typename$
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- vl
- True
- private long $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<uint> initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- ol.u
- True
- private readonly System.Collections.Generic.List<uint> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.List<uint>();
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Text.StringBuilder> initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- ol.sb
- True
- private readonly System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Text.StringBuilder> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Text.StringBuilder>();
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Boolean)
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- Mh.b
- True
- Public Shared Function $methodname$() As System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Boolean)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type $typename$ with a private setter
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- prsb
- True
- public System.Text.StringBuilder $propname${ get; private set; }$END$
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Long)
- True
- constant("SomeProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- pl.l
- True
- Public Property $propname$ As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Long)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A static field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<decimal>
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- V~m
- True
- private static System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<decimal> $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A test method.
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- th.d
- True
- [Test] public void $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.List(Of UInteger)
- True
- constant("SomeProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- pl.u
- True
- Public Property $propname$ As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of UInteger)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<double> initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- nh.d
- True
- private System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<double> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<double>();
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.List<System.DateTime> with an empty getter and no setter
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- pgl.t
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.List<System.DateTime> $propname${get {$END$}}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Char)
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- m~c
- True
- Public Function $methodname$() As System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Char)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type $typename$ initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- ol
- True
- private readonly long $fieldname$ = 0;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Integer) initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- oh.i
- True
- Private ReadOnly $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Integer) = new System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Integer)()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Char)
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- mh.c
- True
- Public Function $methodname$() As System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Char)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<long>
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 1
- True
- constant("type")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- vr~l
- True
- private readonly $type$ $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A test method.
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- th.g
- True
- [Test] public void $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<char>
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- vl.c
- True
- private System.Collections.Generic.List<char> $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type $typename$ with a private setter
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- pri
- True
- public int $propname${ get; private set; }$END$
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Single)
- True
- constant("SomeProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- ph.f
- True
- Public Property $propname$ As System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Single)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type $typename$ initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- om
- True
- Private ReadOnly $fieldname$ As Decimal = 0M
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.List<uint> with a private setter
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- prl.u
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.List<uint> $propname${ get; private set; }$END$
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A static method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<int>
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- M~i
- True
- public static System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<int> $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<double>
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 1
- True
- constant("type")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- vr~d
- True
- private readonly $type$ $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<uint>
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- p~u
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<uint> $propname${ get; set; }$END$
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Decimal)
- True
- constant("SomeProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- p~m
- True
- Public Property $propname$ As System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Decimal)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Long)
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- vh.l
- True
- Private $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Long)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A method that returns a(n) $typename$
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- mm
- True
- public decimal $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<long> with an empty getter and no setter
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- pgh.l
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<long> $propname${get {$END$}}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of UInteger) initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- n~u
- True
- Private $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of UInteger) = new System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of UInteger)()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A subroutine.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- m~s
- True
- Public Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A test method.
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- th.t
- True
- [Test] public void $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A method that returns a(n) $typename$
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- mby
- True
- public byte $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.DateTime>
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- vh.t
- True
- private System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.DateTime> $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type $typename$
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- pu
- True
- public uint $propname${ get; set; }$END$
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<bool> with an empty getter and no setter
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- pgh.b
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<bool> $propname${get {$END$}}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<byte> initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- oh.by
- True
- private readonly System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<byte> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<byte>();
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<uint> initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- nh.u
- True
- private System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<uint> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<uint>();
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A test method.
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- tl.m
- True
- [Test] public void $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A test method.
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- tl.b
- True
- [Test] public void $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A static method that returns a(n) $typename$
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- Mu
- True
- public static uint $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A method that returns a(n) $typename$
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- mb
- True
- public bool $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared field of type System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Decimal)
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- Vl.m
- True
- Private Shared $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Decimal)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A subroutine.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- mu
- True
- Public Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.List(Of System.DateTime) initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- nl.t
- True
- Private $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of System.DateTime) = new System.Collections.Generic.List(Of System.DateTime)()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A static method that returns a(n) $typename$
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- Mi
- True
- public static int $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Long)
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- V~l
- True
- Private Shared $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Long)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A test method.
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- th.s
- True
- [Test] public void $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type $typename$
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- vs
- True
- private string $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<uint>
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- m~u
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<uint> $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<double>
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 1
- True
- constant("type")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- vrl.d
- True
- private readonly $type$ $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type $typename$ initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- nsb
- True
- private System.Text.StringBuilder $fieldname$ = new System.Text.StringBuilder;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.Guid>
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- ph.g
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.Guid> $propname${ get; set; }$END$
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type $typename$ with a private setter
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- prs
- True
- public string $propname${ get; private set; }$END$
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A subroutine.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- m~g
- True
- Public Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Boolean)
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- vrh.b
- True
- Private ReadOnly $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Boolean)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A static field of type $typename$
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- Vi
- True
- private static int $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.List(Of String)
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- vrl.s
- True
- Private ReadOnly $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of String)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Guid>
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- ml.g
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Guid> $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<int> initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- oh.i
- True
- private readonly System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<int> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<int>();
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type $typename$
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- pl
- True
- public long $propname${ get; set; }$END$
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared subroutine.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- Mh.d
- True
- Public Shared Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A subroutine.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- ml.i
- True
- Public Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<decimal>
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 1
- True
- constant("type")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- vrl.m
- True
- private readonly $type$ $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.List<int>
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- pl.i
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.List<int> $propname${ get; set; }$END$
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A test method.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- t~c
- True
- <Test> Public Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.List<char> with a private setter
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- prl.c
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.List<char> $propname${ get; private set; }$END$
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A test method.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- th.i
- True
- <Test> Public Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A subroutine.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- mi
- True
- Public Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A subroutine.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- ml.s
- True
- Public Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Integer)
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- vl.i
- True
- Private $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Integer)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A test method.
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- tg
- True
- [Test] public void $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared field of type System.Collections.Generic.List(Of System.DateTime)
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- Vl.t
- True
- Private Shared $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of System.DateTime)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of System.DateTime) initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- oh.t
- True
- Private ReadOnly $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of System.DateTime) = new System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of System.DateTime)()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<byte> with a private setter
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- pr~by
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<byte> $propname${ get; private set; }$END$
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Char)
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- v~c
- True
- Private $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Char)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<byte>
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- m~by
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<byte> $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of System.Guid) initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- o~g
- True
- Private ReadOnly $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of System.Guid) = new System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of System.Guid)()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of System.Guid)
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- vr~g
- True
- Private ReadOnly $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of System.Guid)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Byte)
- True
- constant("SomeProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- pl.by
- True
- Public Property $propname$ As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Byte)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type $typename$ with a private setter
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- prd
- True
- public double $propname${ get; private set; }$END$
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A test method.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- t~t
- True
- <Test> Public Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared method that returns a(n) $typename$
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- Mt
- True
- Public Shared Function $methodname$() As System.DateTime
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type $typename$
- True
- constant("SomeProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- pu
- True
- Public Property $propname$ As UInteger
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared subroutine.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- Ml.f
- True
- Public Shared Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Char)
- True
- constant("SomeProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- p~c
- True
- Public Property $propname$ As System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Char)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.Text.StringBuilder> initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- n~sb
- True
- private System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.Text.StringBuilder> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.Text.StringBuilder>();
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A static field of type $typename$
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- Vb
- True
- private static bool $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A subroutine.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- ml.d
- True
- Public Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A subroutine.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- mh.t
- True
- Public Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<int> initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- nh.i
- True
- private System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<int> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<int>();
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of UInteger)
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- Mh.u
- True
- Public Shared Function $methodname$() As System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of UInteger)
- True
- True
- A static method that returns a(n) $typename$
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- Mg
- True
- public static System.Guid $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Guid> initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- ol.g
- True
- private readonly System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Guid> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Guid>();
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<string> initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- o~s
- True
- private readonly System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<string> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<string>();
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<double> with a private setter
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- prh.d
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<double> $propname${ get; private set; }$END$
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Char)
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- vl.c
- True
- Private $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Char)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A static field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<double>
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- Vl.d
- True
- private static System.Collections.Generic.List<double> $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of String) initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- oh.s
- True
- Private ReadOnly $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of String) = new System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of String)()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<byte> initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- nl.by
- True
- private System.Collections.Generic.List<byte> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.List<byte>();
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type $typename$ initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- nb
- True
- Private $fieldname$ As Boolean = False
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type $typename$
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- pf
- True
- public float $propname${ get; set; }$END$
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<char>
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 1
- True
- constant("type")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- vrh.c
- True
- private readonly $type$ $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type $typename$ initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- nl
- True
- Private $fieldname$ As Long = 0
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Single)
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- Ml.f
- True
- Public Shared Function $methodname$() As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Single)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A subroutine.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- ml.by
- True
- Public Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared field of type System.Collections.Generic.List(Of String)
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- Vl.s
- True
- Private Shared $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of String)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A method that returns a(n) $typename$
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- mu
- True
- Public Function $methodname$() As UInteger
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<decimal> with an empty getter and no setter
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- pg~m
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<decimal> $propname${get {$END$}}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.DateTime>
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- mh.t
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.DateTime> $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<System.DateTime> initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- ol.t
- True
- private readonly System.Collections.Generic.List<System.DateTime> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.List<System.DateTime>();
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type $typename$ initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- nby
- True
- private byte $fieldname$ = 0;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<float>
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- mh.f
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<float> $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared method that returns a(n) $typename$
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- Mg
- True
- Public Shared Function $methodname$() As System.Guid
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Integer)
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- vh.i
- True
- Private $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Integer)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<char> with an empty getter and no setter
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- pgh.c
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<char> $propname${get {$END$}}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A subroutine.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- ml.b
- True
- Public Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type $typename$ initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- ot
- True
- Private ReadOnly $fieldname$ As System.DateTime = System.DateTime.UtcNow
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<System.DateTime>
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- vl.t
- True
- private System.Collections.Generic.List<System.DateTime> $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Single) initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- o~f
- True
- Private ReadOnly $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Single) = new System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Single)()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Char) initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- nh.c
- True
- Private $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Char) = new System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Char)()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- True
- constant("SomeStructure")
- 0
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- s
- True
- Public Structure $STRUCTNAME$
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of String)
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- Vh.s
- True
- Private Shared $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of String)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<char> with a private setter
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- prh.c
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<char> $propname${ get; private set; }$END$
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.Text.StringBuilder> with a private setter
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- prh.sb
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.Text.StringBuilder> $propname${ get; private set; }$END$
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.List<double> with an empty getter and no setter
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- pgl.d
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.List<double> $propname${get {$END$}}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A method that returns a(n) $typename$
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- mg
- True
- public System.Guid $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Guid>
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 1
- True
- constant("type")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- vrl.g
- True
- private readonly $type$ $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Boolean) initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- n~b
- True
- Private $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Boolean) = new System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Boolean)()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A test method.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- tm
- True
- <Test> Public Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type $typename$ with an empty getter and no setter
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- pgby
- True
- public byte $propname${get {$END$}}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Integer)
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- mh.i
- True
- Public Function $methodname$() As System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Integer)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared subroutine.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- M~b
- True
- Public Shared Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<bool> with a private setter
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- pr~b
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<bool> $propname${ get; private set; }$END$
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Single) initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- n~f
- True
- Private $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Single) = new System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Single)()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<string>
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- vl.s
- True
- private System.Collections.Generic.List<string> $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A static method that returns a(n) $typename$
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- Msb
- True
- public static System.Text.StringBuilder $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared field of type System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Char)
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- Vl.c
- True
- Private Shared $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Char)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A static field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<int>
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- V~i
- True
- private static System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<int> $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type $typename$ initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- osb
- True
- private readonly System.Text.StringBuilder $fieldname$ = new System.Text.StringBuilder;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type $typename$ initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- od
- True
- private readonly double $fieldname$ = 0.0;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<int> initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- n~i
- True
- private System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<int> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<int>();
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type $typename$
- True
- constant("SomeProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- pc
- True
- Public Property $propname$ As Char
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<byte>
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- p~by
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<byte> $propname${ get; set; }$END$
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<int>
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- m~i
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<int> $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<string>
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- m~s
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<string> $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A method that returns a(n) $typename$
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- mf
- True
- Public Function $methodname$() As Single
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A test method.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- tl.d
- True
- <Test> Public Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Integer) initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- o~i
- True
- Private ReadOnly $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Integer) = new System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Integer)()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type $typename$
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- vrt
- True
- Private ReadOnly $fieldname$ As System.DateTime
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Decimal)
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- vrl.m
- True
- Private ReadOnly $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Decimal)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of String)
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- m~s
- True
- Public Function $methodname$() As System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of String)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Long)
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- vrl.l
- True
- Private ReadOnly $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Long)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared field of type System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Byte)
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- Vl.by
- True
- Private Shared $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Byte)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A test method.
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- t~i
- True
- [Test] public void $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of String) initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- nh.s
- True
- Private $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of String) = new System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of String)()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type $typename$ initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- nf
- True
- Private $fieldname$ As Single = 0.0f
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Char) initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- n~c
- True
- Private $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Char) = new System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Char)()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Guid>
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- vl.g
- True
- private System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Guid> $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<char> initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- ol.c
- True
- private readonly System.Collections.Generic.List<char> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.List<char>();
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Integer)
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- Ml.i
- True
- Public Shared Function $methodname$() As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Integer)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type $typename$ initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- ou
- True
- private readonly uint $fieldname$ = 0;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A subroutine.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- ml.m
- True
- Public Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.List(Of String) initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- nl.s
- True
- Private $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of String) = new System.Collections.Generic.List(Of String)()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of System.Guid)
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- Mh.g
- True
- Public Shared Function $methodname$() As System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of System.Guid)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Boolean)
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- ml.b
- True
- Public Function $methodname$() As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Boolean)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<byte> initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- o~by
- True
- private readonly System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<byte> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<byte>();
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type $typename$
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 1
- True
- constant("type")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- vrg
- True
- private readonly $type$ $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A subroutine.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- mc
- True
- Public Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type $typename$
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- ps
- True
- public string $propname${ get; set; }$END$
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.List<string> with a private setter
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- prl.s
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.List<string> $propname${ get; private set; }$END$
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.List<bool>
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- pl.b
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.List<bool> $propname${ get; set; }$END$
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A subroutine.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- mb
- True
- Public Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Boolean) initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- o~b
- True
- Private ReadOnly $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Boolean) = new System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Boolean)()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.DateTime> initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- n~t
- True
- private System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.DateTime> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.DateTime>();
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.List(Of String)
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- ml.s
- True
- Public Function $methodname$() As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of String)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Text.StringBuilder>
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- vl.sb
- True
- private System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Text.StringBuilder> $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Long)
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- vl.l
- True
- Private $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Long)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A static method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.Text.StringBuilder>
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- Mh.sb
- True
- public static System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.Text.StringBuilder> $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<float> initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- o~f
- True
- private readonly System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<float> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<float>();
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type $typename$ with an empty getter and no setter
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- pgg
- True
- public System.Guid $propname${get {$END$}}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Decimal)
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- vl.m
- True
- Private $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of Decimal)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A test method.
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- t~g
- True
- [Test] public void $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Decimal)
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- V~m
- True
- Private Shared $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Decimal)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A static method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.List<uint>
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- Ml.u
- True
- public static System.Collections.Generic.List<uint> $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A test method.
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- tl.u
- True
- [Test] public void $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type $typename$
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- vrc
- True
- Private ReadOnly $fieldname$ As Char
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.DateTime> initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- nh.t
- True
- private System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.DateTime> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.DateTime>();
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type $typename$
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- pi
- True
- public int $propname${ get; set; }$END$
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A static method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.List<bool>
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- Ml.b
- True
- public static System.Collections.Generic.List<bool> $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A static method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<decimal>
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- M~m
- True
- public static System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<decimal> $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<float>
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- ph.f
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<float> $propname${ get; set; }$END$
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type $typename$
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 1
- True
- constant("type")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- vrt
- True
- private readonly $type$ $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared method that returns a(n) $typename$
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- Mm
- True
- Public Shared Function $methodname$() As Decimal
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- True
- constant("MyClass")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- a
- True
- public abstract class $CLASSNAME${$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Char) initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- oh.c
- True
- Private ReadOnly $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Char) = new System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Char)()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A static field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<long>
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- Vl.l
- True
- private static System.Collections.Generic.List<long> $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A subroutine.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- ml
- True
- Public Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type $typename$ initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- ob
- True
- private readonly bool $fieldname$ = false;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A test method.
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- t~t
- True
- [Test] public void $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.DateTime>
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- v~t
- True
- private System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.DateTime> $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type $typename$
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- vs
- True
- Private $fieldname$ As String
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A static field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<string>
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- Vh.s
- True
- private static System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<string> $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A test method.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- tf
- True
- <Test> Public Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A test method.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- tl.s
- True
- <Test> Public Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A subroutine.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- mf
- True
- Public Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A method that returns a(n) $typename$
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- mu
- True
- public uint $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type $typename$
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- pb
- True
- public bool $propname${ get; set; }$END$
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<byte>
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- v~by
- True
- private System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<byte> $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A static method that returns a(n) $typename$
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- Mt
- True
- public static System.DateTime $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.DateTime>
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- ph.t
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.DateTime> $propname${ get; set; }$END$
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared subroutine.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- Mt
- True
- Public Shared Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type $typename$
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 1
- True
- constant("type")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- vrd
- True
- private readonly $type$ $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.Guid>
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- m~g
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.Guid> $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.Text.StringBuilder> with an empty getter and no setter
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- pg~sb
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.Text.StringBuilder> $propname${get {$END$}}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of System.DateTime)
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- Mh.t
- True
- Public Shared Function $methodname$() As System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of System.DateTime)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared subroutine.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- Mh.s
- True
- Public Shared Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A static method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<double>
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- M~d
- True
- public static System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<double> $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.List<decimal>
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- ml.m
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.List<decimal> $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A test method.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- tl.t
- True
- <Test> Public Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.Guid> initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- nh.g
- True
- private System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.Guid> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.Guid>();
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.List<bool> with an empty getter and no setter
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- pgl.b
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.List<bool> $propname${get {$END$}}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<double> initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- nl.d
- True
- private System.Collections.Generic.List<double> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.List<double>();
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type $typename$ initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- nu
- True
- private uint $fieldname$ = 0;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared subroutine.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- M~s
- True
- Public Shared Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type $typename$ initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- nt
- True
- Private $fieldname$ As System.DateTime = System.DateTime.UtcNow
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type $typename$ with a private setter
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- prl
- True
- public long $propname${ get; private set; }$END$
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<bool> initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- nh.b
- True
- private System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<bool> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<bool>();
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type $typename$ initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- om
- True
- private readonly decimal $fieldname$ = 0M;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Boolean)
- True
- constant("SomeProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- p~b
- True
- Public Property $propname$ As System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Boolean)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A subroutine.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- mh.c
- True
- Public Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A static method that returns a(n) $typename$
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- Mb
- True
- public static bool $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<float>
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- vh.f
- True
- private System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<float> $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A test method.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- tl.i
- True
- <Test> Public Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<uint> initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- o~u
- True
- private readonly System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<uint> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<uint>();
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Decimal) initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- nh.m
- True
- Private $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Decimal) = new System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of Decimal)()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<byte> with an empty getter and no setter
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- pg~by
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<byte> $propname${get {$END$}}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A static field of type $typename$
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- Vg
- True
- private static System.Guid $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Single)
- True
- constant("SomeProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- p~f
- True
- Public Property $propname$ As System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Single)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A test method.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- t~m
- True
- <Test> Public Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.List(Of System.Guid) initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- nl.g
- True
- Private $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of System.Guid) = new System.Collections.Generic.List(Of System.Guid)()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A subroutine.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- mh.g
- True
- Public Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Long) initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- o~l
- True
- Private ReadOnly $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Long) = new System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Long)()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A test method.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- th.c
- True
- <Test> Public Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.List(Of System.DateTime)
- True
- constant("SomeProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- pl.t
- True
- Public Property $propname$ As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of System.DateTime)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type $typename$ initialized to the default value.
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- nu
- True
- Private $fieldname$ As UInteger = 0
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared field of type System.Collections.Generic.List(Of System.Guid)
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- Vl.g
- True
- Private Shared $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.List(Of System.Guid)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A static method that returns a(n) System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<uint>
- True
- constant("MyMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- M~u
- True
- public static System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<uint> $methodname$(){$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.List<double>
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- pl.d
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.List<double> $propname${ get; set; }$END$
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type $typename$ with an empty getter and no setter
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- pgu
- True
- public uint $propname${get {$END$}}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<long>
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- vl.l
- True
- private System.Collections.Generic.List<long> $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type $typename$
- True
- constant("SomeProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- pb
- True
- Public Property $propname$ As Boolean
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A static field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<byte>
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- Vh.by
- True
- private static System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<byte> $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type $typename$
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- pc
- True
- public char $propname${ get; set; }$END$
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A test method.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- t~i
- True
- <Test> Public Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<float>
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- vl.f
- True
- private System.Collections.Generic.List<float> $fieldname$;
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<string> with an empty getter and no setter
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- pgh.s
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<string> $propname${get {$END$}}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared subroutine.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- Ml.u
- True
- Public Shared Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Decimal)
- True
- constant("fieldname")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- vr~m
- True
- Private ReadOnly $fieldname$ As System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Decimal)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A test method.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- t~by
- True
- <Test> Public Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<decimal> with a private setter
- True
- constant("MyProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- prh.m
- True
- public System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<decimal> $propname${ get; private set; }$END$
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type $typename$
- True
- constant("SomeProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- pm
- True
- Public Property $propname$ As Decimal
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of System.Guid)
- True
- constant("SomeProperty")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- ph.g
- True
- Public Property $propname$ As System.Collections.Generic.HashSet(Of System.Guid)
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- True
- constant("MyStruct")
- 0
- True
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
- True
- 2.0
- InCSharpTypeMember
- s
- True
- public struct $STRUCTNAME${$END$}
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A shared subroutine.
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- M~u
- True
- Public Shared Sub $methodname$()
- True
- True
- mnemonics
- A method that returns a(n) $typename$
- True
- constant("SomeMethod")
- 0
- True
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeAndNamespace
- True
- Vb8
- InVBTypeMember
- mi
- True
- Public Function $methodname$() As Integer
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A class
+ True
+ c
+ True
+ public class $CLASSNAME${$END$}
+ True
+ constant("MyClass")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An abstract class
+ True
+ a
+ True
+ public abstract class $CLASSNAME${$END$}
+ True
+ constant("MyClass")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A static class
+ True
+ C
+ True
+ public static class $CLASSNAME${$END$}
+ True
+ constant("MyClass")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An interface
+ True
+ i
+ True
+ public interface $INTERFACENAME${$END$}
+ True
+ constant("IMyInterface")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A struct
+ True
+ s
+ True
+ public struct $STRUCTNAME${$END$}
+ True
+ constant("MyStruct")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An enum
+ True
+ e
+ True
+ public enum $ENUMNAME${$END$}
+ True
+ constant("MyEnum")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A field of type bool
+ True
+ fb
+ True
+ private bool $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A field of type char
+ True
+ fc
+ True
+ private char $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A field of type float
+ True
+ ff
+ True
+ private float $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A field of type byte
+ True
+ fby
+ True
+ private byte $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A field of type double
+ True
+ fd
+ True
+ private double $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A field of type int
+ True
+ fi
+ True
+ private int $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A field of type decimal
+ True
+ fm
+ True
+ private decimal $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A field of type string
+ True
+ fs
+ True
+ private string $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A field of type long
+ True
+ fl
+ True
+ private long $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A field of type uint
+ True
+ fu
+ True
+ private uint $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A field of type System.Guid
+ True
+ fg
+ True
+ private System.Guid $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A field of type System.DateTime
+ True
+ ft
+ True
+ private System.DateTime $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A field of type System.Text.StringBuilder
+ True
+ fsb
+ True
+ private System.Text.StringBuilder $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<bool>
+ True
+ fl.b
+ True
+ private System.Collections.Generic.List<bool> $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<char>
+ True
+ fl.c
+ True
+ private System.Collections.Generic.List<char> $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<float>
+ True
+ fl.f
+ True
+ private System.Collections.Generic.List<float> $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<byte>
+ True
+ fl.by
+ True
+ private System.Collections.Generic.List<byte> $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<double>
+ True
+ fl.d
+ True
+ private System.Collections.Generic.List<double> $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<int>
+ True
+ fl.i
+ True
+ private System.Collections.Generic.List<int> $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<decimal>
+ True
+ fl.m
+ True
+ private System.Collections.Generic.List<decimal> $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<string>
+ True
+ fl.s
+ True
+ private System.Collections.Generic.List<string> $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<long>
+ True
+ fl.l
+ True
+ private System.Collections.Generic.List<long> $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<uint>
+ True
+ fl.u
+ True
+ private System.Collections.Generic.List<uint> $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Guid>
+ True
+ fl.g
+ True
+ private System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Guid> $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<System.DateTime>
+ True
+ fl.t
+ True
+ private System.Collections.Generic.List<System.DateTime> $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Text.StringBuilder>
+ True
+ fl.sb
+ True
+ private System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Text.StringBuilder> $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<bool>
+ True
+ fh.b
+ True
+ private System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<bool> $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<char>
+ True
+ fh.c
+ True
+ private System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<char> $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<float>
+ True
+ fh.f
+ True
+ private System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<float> $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<byte>
+ True
+ fh.by
+ True
+ private System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<byte> $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<double>
+ True
+ fh.d
+ True
+ private System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<double> $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<int>
+ True
+ fh.i
+ True
+ private System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<int> $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<decimal>
+ True
+ fh.m
+ True
+ private System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<decimal> $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<string>
+ True
+ fh.s
+ True
+ private System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<string> $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<long>
+ True
+ fh.l
+ True
+ private System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<long> $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<uint>
+ True
+ fh.u
+ True
+ private System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<uint> $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.Guid>
+ True
+ fh.g
+ True
+ private System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.Guid> $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.DateTime>
+ True
+ fh.t
+ True
+ private System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.DateTime> $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.Text.StringBuilder>
+ True
+ fh.sb
+ True
+ private System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.Text.StringBuilder> $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<bool>
+ True
+ f~b
+ True
+ private System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<bool> $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<char>
+ True
+ f~c
+ True
+ private System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<char> $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<float>
+ True
+ f~f
+ True
+ private System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<float> $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<byte>
+ True
+ f~by
+ True
+ private System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<byte> $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<double>
+ True
+ f~d
+ True
+ private System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<double> $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<int>
+ True
+ f~i
+ True
+ private System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<int> $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<decimal>
+ True
+ f~m
+ True
+ private System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<decimal> $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<string>
+ True
+ f~s
+ True
+ private System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<string> $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<long>
+ True
+ f~l
+ True
+ private System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<long> $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<uint>
+ True
+ f~u
+ True
+ private System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<uint> $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.Guid>
+ True
+ f~g
+ True
+ private System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.Guid> $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.DateTime>
+ True
+ f~t
+ True
+ private System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.DateTime> $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.Text.StringBuilder>
+ True
+ f~sb
+ True
+ private System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.Text.StringBuilder> $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A field of type bool initialized to the default value.
+ True
+ fnb
+ True
+ private bool $fieldname$ = default;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A field of type char initialized to the default value.
+ True
+ fnc
+ True
+ private char $fieldname$ = default;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A field of type float initialized to the default value.
+ True
+ fnf
+ True
+ private float $fieldname$ = default;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A field of type byte initialized to the default value.
+ True
+ fnby
+ True
+ private byte $fieldname$ = default;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A field of type double initialized to the default value.
+ True
+ fnd
+ True
+ private double $fieldname$ = default;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A field of type int initialized to the default value.
+ True
+ fni
+ True
+ private int $fieldname$ = default;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A field of type decimal initialized to the default value.
+ True
+ fnm
+ True
+ private decimal $fieldname$ = default;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A field of type string initialized to the default value.
+ True
+ fns
+ True
+ private string $fieldname$ = "";
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A field of type long initialized to the default value.
+ True
+ fnl
+ True
+ private long $fieldname$ = default;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A field of type uint initialized to the default value.
+ True
+ fnu
+ True
+ private uint $fieldname$ = default;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A field of type System.Guid initialized to the default value.
+ True
+ fng
+ True
+ private System.Guid $fieldname$ = System.Guid.NewGuid();
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A field of type System.DateTime initialized to the default value.
+ True
+ fnt
+ True
+ private System.DateTime $fieldname$ = System.DateTime.UtcNow;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A field of type System.Text.StringBuilder initialized to the default value.
+ True
+ fnsb
+ True
+ private System.Text.StringBuilder $fieldname$ = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<bool> initialized to the default value.
+ True
+ fnl.b
+ True
+ private System.Collections.Generic.List<bool> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.List<bool>();
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<char> initialized to the default value.
+ True
+ fnl.c
+ True
+ private System.Collections.Generic.List<char> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.List<char>();
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<float> initialized to the default value.
+ True
+ fnl.f
+ True
+ private System.Collections.Generic.List<float> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.List<float>();
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<byte> initialized to the default value.
+ True
+ fnl.by
+ True
+ private System.Collections.Generic.List<byte> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.List<byte>();
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<double> initialized to the default value.
+ True
+ fnl.d
+ True
+ private System.Collections.Generic.List<double> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.List<double>();
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<int> initialized to the default value.
+ True
+ fnl.i
+ True
+ private System.Collections.Generic.List<int> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.List<int>();
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<decimal> initialized to the default value.
+ True
+ fnl.m
+ True
+ private System.Collections.Generic.List<decimal> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.List<decimal>();
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<string> initialized to the default value.
+ True
+ fnl.s
+ True
+ private System.Collections.Generic.List<string> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.List<string>();
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<long> initialized to the default value.
+ True
+ fnl.l
+ True
+ private System.Collections.Generic.List<long> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.List<long>();
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<uint> initialized to the default value.
+ True
+ fnl.u
+ True
+ private System.Collections.Generic.List<uint> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.List<uint>();
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Guid> initialized to the default value.
+ True
+ fnl.g
+ True
+ private System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Guid> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Guid>();
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<System.DateTime> initialized to the default value.
+ True
+ fnl.t
+ True
+ private System.Collections.Generic.List<System.DateTime> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.List<System.DateTime>();
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Text.StringBuilder> initialized to the default value.
+ True
+ fnl.sb
+ True
+ private System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Text.StringBuilder> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Text.StringBuilder>();
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<bool> initialized to the default value.
+ True
+ fnh.b
+ True
+ private System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<bool> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<bool>();
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<char> initialized to the default value.
+ True
+ fnh.c
+ True
+ private System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<char> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<char>();
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<float> initialized to the default value.
+ True
+ fnh.f
+ True
+ private System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<float> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<float>();
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<byte> initialized to the default value.
+ True
+ fnh.by
+ True
+ private System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<byte> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<byte>();
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<double> initialized to the default value.
+ True
+ fnh.d
+ True
+ private System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<double> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<double>();
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<int> initialized to the default value.
+ True
+ fnh.i
+ True
+ private System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<int> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<int>();
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<decimal> initialized to the default value.
+ True
+ fnh.m
+ True
+ private System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<decimal> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<decimal>();
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<string> initialized to the default value.
+ True
+ fnh.s
+ True
+ private System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<string> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<string>();
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<long> initialized to the default value.
+ True
+ fnh.l
+ True
+ private System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<long> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<long>();
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<uint> initialized to the default value.
+ True
+ fnh.u
+ True
+ private System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<uint> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<uint>();
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.Guid> initialized to the default value.
+ True
+ fnh.g
+ True
+ private System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.Guid> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.Guid>();
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.DateTime> initialized to the default value.
+ True
+ fnh.t
+ True
+ private System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.DateTime> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.DateTime>();
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.Text.StringBuilder> initialized to the default value.
+ True
+ fnh.sb
+ True
+ private System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.Text.StringBuilder> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.Text.StringBuilder>();
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<bool> initialized to the default value.
+ True
+ fn~b
+ True
+ private System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<bool> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<bool>();
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<char> initialized to the default value.
+ True
+ fn~c
+ True
+ private System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<char> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<char>();
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<float> initialized to the default value.
+ True
+ fn~f
+ True
+ private System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<float> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<float>();
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<byte> initialized to the default value.
+ True
+ fn~by
+ True
+ private System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<byte> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<byte>();
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<double> initialized to the default value.
+ True
+ fn~d
+ True
+ private System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<double> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<double>();
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<int> initialized to the default value.
+ True
+ fn~i
+ True
+ private System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<int> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<int>();
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<decimal> initialized to the default value.
+ True
+ fn~m
+ True
+ private System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<decimal> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<decimal>();
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<string> initialized to the default value.
+ True
+ fn~s
+ True
+ private System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<string> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<string>();
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<long> initialized to the default value.
+ True
+ fn~l
+ True
+ private System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<long> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<long>();
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<uint> initialized to the default value.
+ True
+ fn~u
+ True
+ private System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<uint> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<uint>();
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.Guid> initialized to the default value.
+ True
+ fn~g
+ True
+ private System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.Guid> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.Guid>();
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.DateTime> initialized to the default value.
+ True
+ fn~t
+ True
+ private System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.DateTime> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.DateTime>();
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.Text.StringBuilder> initialized to the default value.
+ True
+ fn~sb
+ True
+ private System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.Text.StringBuilder> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.Text.StringBuilder>();
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A readonly field of type bool
+ True
+ frb
+ True
+ private readonly $type$ $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("type")
+ 0
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A readonly field of type char
+ True
+ frc
+ True
+ private readonly $type$ $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("type")
+ 0
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A readonly field of type float
+ True
+ frf
+ True
+ private readonly $type$ $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("type")
+ 0
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A readonly field of type byte
+ True
+ frby
+ True
+ private readonly $type$ $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("type")
+ 0
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A readonly field of type double
+ True
+ frd
+ True
+ private readonly $type$ $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("type")
+ 0
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A readonly field of type int
+ True
+ fri
+ True
+ private readonly $type$ $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("type")
+ 0
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A readonly field of type decimal
+ True
+ frm
+ True
+ private readonly $type$ $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("type")
+ 0
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A readonly field of type string
+ True
+ frs
+ True
+ private readonly $type$ $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("type")
+ 0
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A readonly field of type long
+ True
+ frl
+ True
+ private readonly $type$ $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("type")
+ 0
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A readonly field of type uint
+ True
+ fru
+ True
+ private readonly $type$ $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("type")
+ 0
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A readonly field of type System.Guid
+ True
+ frg
+ True
+ private readonly $type$ $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("type")
+ 0
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A readonly field of type System.DateTime
+ True
+ frt
+ True
+ private readonly $type$ $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("type")
+ 0
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A readonly field of type System.Text.StringBuilder
+ True
+ frsb
+ True
+ private readonly $type$ $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("type")
+ 0
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<bool>
+ True
+ frl.b
+ True
+ private readonly $type$ $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("type")
+ 0
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<char>
+ True
+ frl.c
+ True
+ private readonly $type$ $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("type")
+ 0
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<float>
+ True
+ frl.f
+ True
+ private readonly $type$ $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("type")
+ 0
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<byte>
+ True
+ frl.by
+ True
+ private readonly $type$ $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("type")
+ 0
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<double>
+ True
+ frl.d
+ True
+ private readonly $type$ $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("type")
+ 0
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<int>
+ True
+ frl.i
+ True
+ private readonly $type$ $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("type")
+ 0
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<decimal>
+ True
+ frl.m
+ True
+ private readonly $type$ $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("type")
+ 0
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<string>
+ True
+ frl.s
+ True
+ private readonly $type$ $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("type")
+ 0
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<long>
+ True
+ frl.l
+ True
+ private readonly $type$ $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("type")
+ 0
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<uint>
+ True
+ frl.u
+ True
+ private readonly $type$ $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("type")
+ 0
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Guid>
+ True
+ frl.g
+ True
+ private readonly $type$ $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("type")
+ 0
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<System.DateTime>
+ True
+ frl.t
+ True
+ private readonly $type$ $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("type")
+ 0
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Text.StringBuilder>
+ True
+ frl.sb
+ True
+ private readonly $type$ $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("type")
+ 0
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<bool>
+ True
+ frh.b
+ True
+ private readonly $type$ $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("type")
+ 0
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<char>
+ True
+ frh.c
+ True
+ private readonly $type$ $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("type")
+ 0
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<float>
+ True
+ frh.f
+ True
+ private readonly $type$ $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("type")
+ 0
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<byte>
+ True
+ frh.by
+ True
+ private readonly $type$ $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("type")
+ 0
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<double>
+ True
+ frh.d
+ True
+ private readonly $type$ $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("type")
+ 0
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<int>
+ True
+ frh.i
+ True
+ private readonly $type$ $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("type")
+ 0
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<decimal>
+ True
+ frh.m
+ True
+ private readonly $type$ $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("type")
+ 0
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<string>
+ True
+ frh.s
+ True
+ private readonly $type$ $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("type")
+ 0
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<long>
+ True
+ frh.l
+ True
+ private readonly $type$ $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("type")
+ 0
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<uint>
+ True
+ frh.u
+ True
+ private readonly $type$ $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("type")
+ 0
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.Guid>
+ True
+ frh.g
+ True
+ private readonly $type$ $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("type")
+ 0
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.DateTime>
+ True
+ frh.t
+ True
+ private readonly $type$ $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("type")
+ 0
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.Text.StringBuilder>
+ True
+ frh.sb
+ True
+ private readonly $type$ $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("type")
+ 0
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<bool>
+ True
+ fr~b
+ True
+ private readonly $type$ $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("type")
+ 0
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<char>
+ True
+ fr~c
+ True
+ private readonly $type$ $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("type")
+ 0
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<float>
+ True
+ fr~f
+ True
+ private readonly $type$ $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("type")
+ 0
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<byte>
+ True
+ fr~by
+ True
+ private readonly $type$ $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("type")
+ 0
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<double>
+ True
+ fr~d
+ True
+ private readonly $type$ $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("type")
+ 0
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<int>
+ True
+ fr~i
+ True
+ private readonly $type$ $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("type")
+ 0
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<decimal>
+ True
+ fr~m
+ True
+ private readonly $type$ $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("type")
+ 0
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<string>
+ True
+ fr~s
+ True
+ private readonly $type$ $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("type")
+ 0
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<long>
+ True
+ fr~l
+ True
+ private readonly $type$ $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("type")
+ 0
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<uint>
+ True
+ fr~u
+ True
+ private readonly $type$ $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("type")
+ 0
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.Guid>
+ True
+ fr~g
+ True
+ private readonly $type$ $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("type")
+ 0
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.DateTime>
+ True
+ fr~t
+ True
+ private readonly $type$ $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("type")
+ 0
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.Text.StringBuilder>
+ True
+ fr~sb
+ True
+ private readonly $type$ $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("type")
+ 0
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A readonly field of type bool initialized to the default value.
+ True
+ frnb
+ True
+ private readonly bool $fieldname$ = default;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A readonly field of type char initialized to the default value.
+ True
+ frnc
+ True
+ private readonly char $fieldname$ = default;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A readonly field of type float initialized to the default value.
+ True
+ frnf
+ True
+ private readonly float $fieldname$ = default;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A readonly field of type byte initialized to the default value.
+ True
+ frnby
+ True
+ private readonly byte $fieldname$ = default;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A readonly field of type double initialized to the default value.
+ True
+ frnd
+ True
+ private readonly double $fieldname$ = default;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A readonly field of type int initialized to the default value.
+ True
+ frni
+ True
+ private readonly int $fieldname$ = default;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A readonly field of type decimal initialized to the default value.
+ True
+ frnm
+ True
+ private readonly decimal $fieldname$ = default;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A readonly field of type string initialized to the default value.
+ True
+ frns
+ True
+ private readonly string $fieldname$ = "";
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A readonly field of type long initialized to the default value.
+ True
+ frnl
+ True
+ private readonly long $fieldname$ = default;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A readonly field of type uint initialized to the default value.
+ True
+ frnu
+ True
+ private readonly uint $fieldname$ = default;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A readonly field of type System.Guid initialized to the default value.
+ True
+ frng
+ True
+ private readonly System.Guid $fieldname$ = System.Guid.NewGuid();
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A readonly field of type System.DateTime initialized to the default value.
+ True
+ frnt
+ True
+ private readonly System.DateTime $fieldname$ = System.DateTime.UtcNow;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A readonly field of type System.Text.StringBuilder initialized to the default value.
+ True
+ frnsb
+ True
+ private readonly System.Text.StringBuilder $fieldname$ = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<bool> initialized to the default value.
+ True
+ frnl.b
+ True
+ private readonly System.Collections.Generic.List<bool> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.List<bool>();
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<char> initialized to the default value.
+ True
+ frnl.c
+ True
+ private readonly System.Collections.Generic.List<char> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.List<char>();
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<float> initialized to the default value.
+ True
+ frnl.f
+ True
+ private readonly System.Collections.Generic.List<float> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.List<float>();
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<byte> initialized to the default value.
+ True
+ frnl.by
+ True
+ private readonly System.Collections.Generic.List<byte> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.List<byte>();
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<double> initialized to the default value.
+ True
+ frnl.d
+ True
+ private readonly System.Collections.Generic.List<double> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.List<double>();
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<int> initialized to the default value.
+ True
+ frnl.i
+ True
+ private readonly System.Collections.Generic.List<int> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.List<int>();
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<decimal> initialized to the default value.
+ True
+ frnl.m
+ True
+ private readonly System.Collections.Generic.List<decimal> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.List<decimal>();
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<string> initialized to the default value.
+ True
+ frnl.s
+ True
+ private readonly System.Collections.Generic.List<string> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.List<string>();
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<long> initialized to the default value.
+ True
+ frnl.l
+ True
+ private readonly System.Collections.Generic.List<long> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.List<long>();
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<uint> initialized to the default value.
+ True
+ frnl.u
+ True
+ private readonly System.Collections.Generic.List<uint> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.List<uint>();
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Guid> initialized to the default value.
+ True
+ frnl.g
+ True
+ private readonly System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Guid> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Guid>();
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<System.DateTime> initialized to the default value.
+ True
+ frnl.t
+ True
+ private readonly System.Collections.Generic.List<System.DateTime> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.List<System.DateTime>();
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Text.StringBuilder> initialized to the default value.
+ True
+ frnl.sb
+ True
+ private readonly System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Text.StringBuilder> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Text.StringBuilder>();
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<bool> initialized to the default value.
+ True
+ frnh.b
+ True
+ private readonly System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<bool> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<bool>();
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<char> initialized to the default value.
+ True
+ frnh.c
+ True
+ private readonly System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<char> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<char>();
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<float> initialized to the default value.
+ True
+ frnh.f
+ True
+ private readonly System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<float> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<float>();
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<byte> initialized to the default value.
+ True
+ frnh.by
+ True
+ private readonly System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<byte> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<byte>();
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<double> initialized to the default value.
+ True
+ frnh.d
+ True
+ private readonly System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<double> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<double>();
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<int> initialized to the default value.
+ True
+ frnh.i
+ True
+ private readonly System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<int> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<int>();
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<decimal> initialized to the default value.
+ True
+ frnh.m
+ True
+ private readonly System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<decimal> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<decimal>();
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<string> initialized to the default value.
+ True
+ frnh.s
+ True
+ private readonly System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<string> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<string>();
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<long> initialized to the default value.
+ True
+ frnh.l
+ True
+ private readonly System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<long> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<long>();
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<uint> initialized to the default value.
+ True
+ frnh.u
+ True
+ private readonly System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<uint> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<uint>();
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.Guid> initialized to the default value.
+ True
+ frnh.g
+ True
+ private readonly System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.Guid> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.Guid>();
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.DateTime> initialized to the default value.
+ True
+ frnh.t
+ True
+ private readonly System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.DateTime> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.DateTime>();
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.Text.StringBuilder> initialized to the default value.
+ True
+ frnh.sb
+ True
+ private readonly System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.Text.StringBuilder> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.Text.StringBuilder>();
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<bool> initialized to the default value.
+ True
+ frn~b
+ True
+ private readonly System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<bool> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<bool>();
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<char> initialized to the default value.
+ True
+ frn~c
+ True
+ private readonly System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<char> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<char>();
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<float> initialized to the default value.
+ True
+ frn~f
+ True
+ private readonly System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<float> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<float>();
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<byte> initialized to the default value.
+ True
+ frn~by
+ True
+ private readonly System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<byte> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<byte>();
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<double> initialized to the default value.
+ True
+ frn~d
+ True
+ private readonly System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<double> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<double>();
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<int> initialized to the default value.
+ True
+ frn~i
+ True
+ private readonly System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<int> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<int>();
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<decimal> initialized to the default value.
+ True
+ frn~m
+ True
+ private readonly System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<decimal> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<decimal>();
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<string> initialized to the default value.
+ True
+ frn~s
+ True
+ private readonly System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<string> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<string>();
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<long> initialized to the default value.
+ True
+ frn~l
+ True
+ private readonly System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<long> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<long>();
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<uint> initialized to the default value.
+ True
+ frn~u
+ True
+ private readonly System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<uint> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<uint>();
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.Guid> initialized to the default value.
+ True
+ frn~g
+ True
+ private readonly System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.Guid> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.Guid>();
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.DateTime> initialized to the default value.
+ True
+ frn~t
+ True
+ private readonly System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.DateTime> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.DateTime>();
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A readonly field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.Text.StringBuilder> initialized to the default value.
+ True
+ frn~sb
+ True
+ private readonly System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.Text.StringBuilder> $fieldname$ = new System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.Text.StringBuilder>();
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A static field of type bool
+ True
+ Fb
+ True
+ private static bool $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A static field of type char
+ True
+ Fc
+ True
+ private static char $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A static field of type float
+ True
+ Ff
+ True
+ private static float $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A static field of type byte
+ True
+ Fby
+ True
+ private static byte $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A static field of type double
+ True
+ Fd
+ True
+ private static double $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A static field of type int
+ True
+ Fi
+ True
+ private static int $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A static field of type decimal
+ True
+ Fm
+ True
+ private static decimal $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A static field of type string
+ True
+ Fs
+ True
+ private static string $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A static field of type long
+ True
+ Fl
+ True
+ private static long $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A static field of type uint
+ True
+ Fu
+ True
+ private static uint $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A static field of type System.Guid
+ True
+ Fg
+ True
+ private static System.Guid $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A static field of type System.DateTime
+ True
+ Ft
+ True
+ private static System.DateTime $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A static field of type System.Text.StringBuilder
+ True
+ Fsb
+ True
+ private static System.Text.StringBuilder $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A static field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<bool>
+ True
+ Fl.b
+ True
+ private static System.Collections.Generic.List<bool> $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A static field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<char>
+ True
+ Fl.c
+ True
+ private static System.Collections.Generic.List<char> $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A static field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<float>
+ True
+ Fl.f
+ True
+ private static System.Collections.Generic.List<float> $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A static field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<byte>
+ True
+ Fl.by
+ True
+ private static System.Collections.Generic.List<byte> $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A static field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<double>
+ True
+ Fl.d
+ True
+ private static System.Collections.Generic.List<double> $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A static field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<int>
+ True
+ Fl.i
+ True
+ private static System.Collections.Generic.List<int> $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A static field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<decimal>
+ True
+ Fl.m
+ True
+ private static System.Collections.Generic.List<decimal> $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A static field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<string>
+ True
+ Fl.s
+ True
+ private static System.Collections.Generic.List<string> $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A static field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<long>
+ True
+ Fl.l
+ True
+ private static System.Collections.Generic.List<long> $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A static field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<uint>
+ True
+ Fl.u
+ True
+ private static System.Collections.Generic.List<uint> $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A static field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Guid>
+ True
+ Fl.g
+ True
+ private static System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Guid> $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A static field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<System.DateTime>
+ True
+ Fl.t
+ True
+ private static System.Collections.Generic.List<System.DateTime> $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A static field of type System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Text.StringBuilder>
+ True
+ Fl.sb
+ True
+ private static System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Text.StringBuilder> $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A static field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<bool>
+ True
+ Fh.b
+ True
+ private static System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<bool> $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A static field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<char>
+ True
+ Fh.c
+ True
+ private static System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<char> $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A static field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<float>
+ True
+ Fh.f
+ True
+ private static System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<float> $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A static field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<byte>
+ True
+ Fh.by
+ True
+ private static System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<byte> $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A static field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<double>
+ True
+ Fh.d
+ True
+ private static System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<double> $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A static field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<int>
+ True
+ Fh.i
+ True
+ private static System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<int> $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A static field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<decimal>
+ True
+ Fh.m
+ True
+ private static System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<decimal> $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A static field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<string>
+ True
+ Fh.s
+ True
+ private static System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<string> $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A static field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<long>
+ True
+ Fh.l
+ True
+ private static System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<long> $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A static field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<uint>
+ True
+ Fh.u
+ True
+ private static System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<uint> $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A static field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.Guid>
+ True
+ Fh.g
+ True
+ private static System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.Guid> $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A static field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.DateTime>
+ True
+ Fh.t
+ True
+ private static System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.DateTime> $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A static field of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.Text.StringBuilder>
+ True
+ Fh.sb
+ True
+ private static System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.Text.StringBuilder> $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A static field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<bool>
+ True
+ F~b
+ True
+ private static System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<bool> $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A static field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<char>
+ True
+ F~c
+ True
+ private static System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<char> $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A static field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<float>
+ True
+ F~f
+ True
+ private static System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<float> $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A static field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<byte>
+ True
+ F~by
+ True
+ private static System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<byte> $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A static field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<double>
+ True
+ F~d
+ True
+ private static System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<double> $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A static field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<int>
+ True
+ F~i
+ True
+ private static System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<int> $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A static field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<decimal>
+ True
+ F~m
+ True
+ private static System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<decimal> $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A static field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<string>
+ True
+ F~s
+ True
+ private static System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<string> $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A static field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<long>
+ True
+ F~l
+ True
+ private static System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<long> $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A static field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<uint>
+ True
+ F~u
+ True
+ private static System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<uint> $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A static field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.Guid>
+ True
+ F~g
+ True
+ private static System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.Guid> $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A static field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.DateTime>
+ True
+ F~t
+ True
+ private static System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.DateTime> $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A static field of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.Text.StringBuilder>
+ True
+ F~sb
+ True
+ private static System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.Text.StringBuilder> $fieldname$;
+ True
+ constant("fieldname")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A method that returns a void
+ True
+ m
+ True
+ public void $methodname$(){$END$}
+ True
+ constant("MyMethod")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A method that returns a bool
+ True
+ mb
+ True
+ public bool $methodname$(){$END$}
+ True
+ constant("MyMethod")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A method that returns a char
+ True
+ mc
+ True
+ public char $methodname$(){$END$}
+ True
+ constant("MyMethod")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A method that returns a float
+ True
+ mf
+ True
+ public float $methodname$(){$END$}
+ True
+ constant("MyMethod")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A method that returns a byte
+ True
+ mby
+ True
+ public byte $methodname$(){$END$}
+ True
+ constant("MyMethod")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A method that returns a double
+ True
+ md
+ True
+ public double $methodname$(){$END$}
+ True
+ constant("MyMethod")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A method that returns a int
+ True
+ mi
+ True
+ public int $methodname$(){$END$}
+ True
+ constant("MyMethod")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A method that returns a decimal
+ True
+ mm
+ True
+ public decimal $methodname$(){$END$}
+ True
+ constant("MyMethod")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A method that returns a string
+ True
+ ms
+ True
+ public string $methodname$(){$END$}
+ True
+ constant("MyMethod")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A method that returns a long
+ True
+ ml
+ True
+ public long $methodname$(){$END$}
+ True
+ constant("MyMethod")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A method that returns a uint
+ True
+ mu
+ True
+ public uint $methodname$(){$END$}
+ True
+ constant("MyMethod")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A method that returns a System.Guid
+ True
+ mg
+ True
+ public System.Guid $methodname$(){$END$}
+ True
+ constant("MyMethod")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A method that returns a System.DateTime
+ True
+ mt
+ True
+ public System.DateTime $methodname$(){$END$}
+ True
+ constant("MyMethod")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A method that returns a System.Text.StringBuilder
+ True
+ msb
+ True
+ public System.Text.StringBuilder $methodname$(){$END$}
+ True
+ constant("MyMethod")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A method that returns a System.Collections.Generic.List<bool>
+ True
+ ml.b
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.List<bool> $methodname$(){$END$}
+ True
+ constant("MyMethod")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A method that returns a System.Collections.Generic.List<char>
+ True
+ ml.c
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.List<char> $methodname$(){$END$}
+ True
+ constant("MyMethod")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A method that returns a System.Collections.Generic.List<float>
+ True
+ ml.f
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.List<float> $methodname$(){$END$}
+ True
+ constant("MyMethod")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A method that returns a System.Collections.Generic.List<byte>
+ True
+ ml.by
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.List<byte> $methodname$(){$END$}
+ True
+ constant("MyMethod")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A method that returns a System.Collections.Generic.List<double>
+ True
+ ml.d
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.List<double> $methodname$(){$END$}
+ True
+ constant("MyMethod")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A method that returns a System.Collections.Generic.List<int>
+ True
+ ml.i
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.List<int> $methodname$(){$END$}
+ True
+ constant("MyMethod")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A method that returns a System.Collections.Generic.List<decimal>
+ True
+ ml.m
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.List<decimal> $methodname$(){$END$}
+ True
+ constant("MyMethod")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A method that returns a System.Collections.Generic.List<string>
+ True
+ ml.s
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.List<string> $methodname$(){$END$}
+ True
+ constant("MyMethod")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A method that returns a System.Collections.Generic.List<long>
+ True
+ ml.l
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.List<long> $methodname$(){$END$}
+ True
+ constant("MyMethod")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A method that returns a System.Collections.Generic.List<uint>
+ True
+ ml.u
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.List<uint> $methodname$(){$END$}
+ True
+ constant("MyMethod")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A method that returns a System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Guid>
+ True
+ ml.g
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Guid> $methodname$(){$END$}
+ True
+ constant("MyMethod")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A method that returns a System.Collections.Generic.List<System.DateTime>
+ True
+ ml.t
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.List<System.DateTime> $methodname$(){$END$}
+ True
+ constant("MyMethod")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A method that returns a System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Text.StringBuilder>
+ True
+ ml.sb
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Text.StringBuilder> $methodname$(){$END$}
+ True
+ constant("MyMethod")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A method that returns a System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<bool>
+ True
+ mh.b
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<bool> $methodname$(){$END$}
+ True
+ constant("MyMethod")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A method that returns a System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<char>
+ True
+ mh.c
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<char> $methodname$(){$END$}
+ True
+ constant("MyMethod")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A method that returns a System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<float>
+ True
+ mh.f
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<float> $methodname$(){$END$}
+ True
+ constant("MyMethod")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A method that returns a System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<byte>
+ True
+ mh.by
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<byte> $methodname$(){$END$}
+ True
+ constant("MyMethod")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A method that returns a System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<double>
+ True
+ mh.d
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<double> $methodname$(){$END$}
+ True
+ constant("MyMethod")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A method that returns a System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<int>
+ True
+ mh.i
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<int> $methodname$(){$END$}
+ True
+ constant("MyMethod")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A method that returns a System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<decimal>
+ True
+ mh.m
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<decimal> $methodname$(){$END$}
+ True
+ constant("MyMethod")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A method that returns a System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<string>
+ True
+ mh.s
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<string> $methodname$(){$END$}
+ True
+ constant("MyMethod")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A method that returns a System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<long>
+ True
+ mh.l
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<long> $methodname$(){$END$}
+ True
+ constant("MyMethod")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A method that returns a System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<uint>
+ True
+ mh.u
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<uint> $methodname$(){$END$}
+ True
+ constant("MyMethod")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A method that returns a System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.Guid>
+ True
+ mh.g
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.Guid> $methodname$(){$END$}
+ True
+ constant("MyMethod")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A method that returns a System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.DateTime>
+ True
+ mh.t
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.DateTime> $methodname$(){$END$}
+ True
+ constant("MyMethod")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A method that returns a System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.Text.StringBuilder>
+ True
+ mh.sb
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.Text.StringBuilder> $methodname$(){$END$}
+ True
+ constant("MyMethod")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A method that returns a System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<bool>
+ True
+ m~b
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<bool> $methodname$(){$END$}
+ True
+ constant("MyMethod")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A method that returns a System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<char>
+ True
+ m~c
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<char> $methodname$(){$END$}
+ True
+ constant("MyMethod")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A method that returns a System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<float>
+ True
+ m~f
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<float> $methodname$(){$END$}
+ True
+ constant("MyMethod")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A method that returns a System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<byte>
+ True
+ m~by
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<byte> $methodname$(){$END$}
+ True
+ constant("MyMethod")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A method that returns a System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<double>
+ True
+ m~d
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<double> $methodname$(){$END$}
+ True
+ constant("MyMethod")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A method that returns a System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<int>
+ True
+ m~i
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<int> $methodname$(){$END$}
+ True
+ constant("MyMethod")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A method that returns a System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<decimal>
+ True
+ m~m
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<decimal> $methodname$(){$END$}
+ True
+ constant("MyMethod")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A method that returns a System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<string>
+ True
+ m~s
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<string> $methodname$(){$END$}
+ True
+ constant("MyMethod")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A method that returns a System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<long>
+ True
+ m~l
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<long> $methodname$(){$END$}
+ True
+ constant("MyMethod")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A method that returns a System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<uint>
+ True
+ m~u
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<uint> $methodname$(){$END$}
+ True
+ constant("MyMethod")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A method that returns a System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.Guid>
+ True
+ m~g
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.Guid> $methodname$(){$END$}
+ True
+ constant("MyMethod")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A method that returns a System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.DateTime>
+ True
+ m~t
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.DateTime> $methodname$(){$END$}
+ True
+ constant("MyMethod")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A method that returns a System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.Text.StringBuilder>
+ True
+ m~sb
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.Text.StringBuilder> $methodname$(){$END$}
+ True
+ constant("MyMethod")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A static method that returns a void
+ True
+ M
+ True
+ public static void $methodname$(){$END$}
+ True
+ constant("MyMethod")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A static method that returns a bool
+ True
+ Mb
+ True
+ public static bool $methodname$(){$END$}
+ True
+ constant("MyMethod")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A static method that returns a char
+ True
+ Mc
+ True
+ public static char $methodname$(){$END$}
+ True
+ constant("MyMethod")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A static method that returns a float
+ True
+ Mf
+ True
+ public static float $methodname$(){$END$}
+ True
+ constant("MyMethod")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A static method that returns a byte
+ True
+ Mby
+ True
+ public static byte $methodname$(){$END$}
+ True
+ constant("MyMethod")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A static method that returns a double
+ True
+ Md
+ True
+ public static double $methodname$(){$END$}
+ True
+ constant("MyMethod")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A static method that returns a int
+ True
+ Mi
+ True
+ public static int $methodname$(){$END$}
+ True
+ constant("MyMethod")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A static method that returns a decimal
+ True
+ Mm
+ True
+ public static decimal $methodname$(){$END$}
+ True
+ constant("MyMethod")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A static method that returns a string
+ True
+ Ms
+ True
+ public static string $methodname$(){$END$}
+ True
+ constant("MyMethod")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A static method that returns a long
+ True
+ Ml
+ True
+ public static long $methodname$(){$END$}
+ True
+ constant("MyMethod")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A static method that returns a uint
+ True
+ Mu
+ True
+ public static uint $methodname$(){$END$}
+ True
+ constant("MyMethod")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A static method that returns a System.Guid
+ True
+ Mg
+ True
+ public static System.Guid $methodname$(){$END$}
+ True
+ constant("MyMethod")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A static method that returns a System.DateTime
+ True
+ Mt
+ True
+ public static System.DateTime $methodname$(){$END$}
+ True
+ constant("MyMethod")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A static method that returns a System.Text.StringBuilder
+ True
+ Msb
+ True
+ public static System.Text.StringBuilder $methodname$(){$END$}
+ True
+ constant("MyMethod")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A static method that returns a System.Collections.Generic.List<bool>
+ True
+ Ml.b
+ True
+ public static System.Collections.Generic.List<bool> $methodname$(){$END$}
+ True
+ constant("MyMethod")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A static method that returns a System.Collections.Generic.List<char>
+ True
+ Ml.c
+ True
+ public static System.Collections.Generic.List<char> $methodname$(){$END$}
+ True
+ constant("MyMethod")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A static method that returns a System.Collections.Generic.List<float>
+ True
+ Ml.f
+ True
+ public static System.Collections.Generic.List<float> $methodname$(){$END$}
+ True
+ constant("MyMethod")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A static method that returns a System.Collections.Generic.List<byte>
+ True
+ Ml.by
+ True
+ public static System.Collections.Generic.List<byte> $methodname$(){$END$}
+ True
+ constant("MyMethod")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A static method that returns a System.Collections.Generic.List<double>
+ True
+ Ml.d
+ True
+ public static System.Collections.Generic.List<double> $methodname$(){$END$}
+ True
+ constant("MyMethod")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A static method that returns a System.Collections.Generic.List<int>
+ True
+ Ml.i
+ True
+ public static System.Collections.Generic.List<int> $methodname$(){$END$}
+ True
+ constant("MyMethod")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A static method that returns a System.Collections.Generic.List<decimal>
+ True
+ Ml.m
+ True
+ public static System.Collections.Generic.List<decimal> $methodname$(){$END$}
+ True
+ constant("MyMethod")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A static method that returns a System.Collections.Generic.List<string>
+ True
+ Ml.s
+ True
+ public static System.Collections.Generic.List<string> $methodname$(){$END$}
+ True
+ constant("MyMethod")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A static method that returns a System.Collections.Generic.List<long>
+ True
+ Ml.l
+ True
+ public static System.Collections.Generic.List<long> $methodname$(){$END$}
+ True
+ constant("MyMethod")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A static method that returns a System.Collections.Generic.List<uint>
+ True
+ Ml.u
+ True
+ public static System.Collections.Generic.List<uint> $methodname$(){$END$}
+ True
+ constant("MyMethod")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A static method that returns a System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Guid>
+ True
+ Ml.g
+ True
+ public static System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Guid> $methodname$(){$END$}
+ True
+ constant("MyMethod")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A static method that returns a System.Collections.Generic.List<System.DateTime>
+ True
+ Ml.t
+ True
+ public static System.Collections.Generic.List<System.DateTime> $methodname$(){$END$}
+ True
+ constant("MyMethod")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A static method that returns a System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Text.StringBuilder>
+ True
+ Ml.sb
+ True
+ public static System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Text.StringBuilder> $methodname$(){$END$}
+ True
+ constant("MyMethod")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A static method that returns a System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<bool>
+ True
+ Mh.b
+ True
+ public static System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<bool> $methodname$(){$END$}
+ True
+ constant("MyMethod")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A static method that returns a System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<char>
+ True
+ Mh.c
+ True
+ public static System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<char> $methodname$(){$END$}
+ True
+ constant("MyMethod")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A static method that returns a System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<float>
+ True
+ Mh.f
+ True
+ public static System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<float> $methodname$(){$END$}
+ True
+ constant("MyMethod")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A static method that returns a System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<byte>
+ True
+ Mh.by
+ True
+ public static System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<byte> $methodname$(){$END$}
+ True
+ constant("MyMethod")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A static method that returns a System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<double>
+ True
+ Mh.d
+ True
+ public static System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<double> $methodname$(){$END$}
+ True
+ constant("MyMethod")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A static method that returns a System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<int>
+ True
+ Mh.i
+ True
+ public static System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<int> $methodname$(){$END$}
+ True
+ constant("MyMethod")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A static method that returns a System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<decimal>
+ True
+ Mh.m
+ True
+ public static System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<decimal> $methodname$(){$END$}
+ True
+ constant("MyMethod")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A static method that returns a System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<string>
+ True
+ Mh.s
+ True
+ public static System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<string> $methodname$(){$END$}
+ True
+ constant("MyMethod")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A static method that returns a System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<long>
+ True
+ Mh.l
+ True
+ public static System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<long> $methodname$(){$END$}
+ True
+ constant("MyMethod")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A static method that returns a System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<uint>
+ True
+ Mh.u
+ True
+ public static System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<uint> $methodname$(){$END$}
+ True
+ constant("MyMethod")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A static method that returns a System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.Guid>
+ True
+ Mh.g
+ True
+ public static System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.Guid> $methodname$(){$END$}
+ True
+ constant("MyMethod")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A static method that returns a System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.DateTime>
+ True
+ Mh.t
+ True
+ public static System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.DateTime> $methodname$(){$END$}
+ True
+ constant("MyMethod")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A static method that returns a System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.Text.StringBuilder>
+ True
+ Mh.sb
+ True
+ public static System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.Text.StringBuilder> $methodname$(){$END$}
+ True
+ constant("MyMethod")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A static method that returns a System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<bool>
+ True
+ M~b
+ True
+ public static System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<bool> $methodname$(){$END$}
+ True
+ constant("MyMethod")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A static method that returns a System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<char>
+ True
+ M~c
+ True
+ public static System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<char> $methodname$(){$END$}
+ True
+ constant("MyMethod")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A static method that returns a System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<float>
+ True
+ M~f
+ True
+ public static System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<float> $methodname$(){$END$}
+ True
+ constant("MyMethod")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A static method that returns a System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<byte>
+ True
+ M~by
+ True
+ public static System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<byte> $methodname$(){$END$}
+ True
+ constant("MyMethod")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A static method that returns a System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<double>
+ True
+ M~d
+ True
+ public static System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<double> $methodname$(){$END$}
+ True
+ constant("MyMethod")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A static method that returns a System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<int>
+ True
+ M~i
+ True
+ public static System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<int> $methodname$(){$END$}
+ True
+ constant("MyMethod")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A static method that returns a System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<decimal>
+ True
+ M~m
+ True
+ public static System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<decimal> $methodname$(){$END$}
+ True
+ constant("MyMethod")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A static method that returns a System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<string>
+ True
+ M~s
+ True
+ public static System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<string> $methodname$(){$END$}
+ True
+ constant("MyMethod")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A static method that returns a System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<long>
+ True
+ M~l
+ True
+ public static System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<long> $methodname$(){$END$}
+ True
+ constant("MyMethod")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A static method that returns a System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<uint>
+ True
+ M~u
+ True
+ public static System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<uint> $methodname$(){$END$}
+ True
+ constant("MyMethod")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A static method that returns a System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.Guid>
+ True
+ M~g
+ True
+ public static System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.Guid> $methodname$(){$END$}
+ True
+ constant("MyMethod")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A static method that returns a System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.DateTime>
+ True
+ M~t
+ True
+ public static System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.DateTime> $methodname$(){$END$}
+ True
+ constant("MyMethod")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ A static method that returns a System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.Text.StringBuilder>
+ True
+ M~sb
+ True
+ public static System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.Text.StringBuilder> $methodname$(){$END$}
+ True
+ constant("MyMethod")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type bool
+ True
+ pb
+ True
+ public bool $propname${ get; set; }$END$
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type char
+ True
+ pc
+ True
+ public char $propname${ get; set; }$END$
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type float
+ True
+ pf
+ True
+ public float $propname${ get; set; }$END$
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type byte
+ True
+ pby
+ True
+ public byte $propname${ get; set; }$END$
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type double
+ True
+ pd
+ True
+ public double $propname${ get; set; }$END$
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type int
+ True
+ pi
+ True
+ public int $propname${ get; set; }$END$
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type decimal
+ True
+ pm
+ True
+ public decimal $propname${ get; set; }$END$
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type string
+ True
+ ps
+ True
+ public string $propname${ get; set; }$END$
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type long
+ True
+ pl
+ True
+ public long $propname${ get; set; }$END$
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type uint
+ True
+ pu
+ True
+ public uint $propname${ get; set; }$END$
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Guid
+ True
+ pg
+ True
+ public System.Guid $propname${ get; set; }$END$
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.DateTime
+ True
+ pt
+ True
+ public System.DateTime $propname${ get; set; }$END$
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Text.StringBuilder
+ True
+ psb
+ True
+ public System.Text.StringBuilder $propname${ get; set; }$END$
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.List<bool>
+ True
+ pl.b
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.List<bool> $propname${ get; set; }$END$
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.List<char>
+ True
+ pl.c
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.List<char> $propname${ get; set; }$END$
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.List<float>
+ True
+ pl.f
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.List<float> $propname${ get; set; }$END$
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.List<byte>
+ True
+ pl.by
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.List<byte> $propname${ get; set; }$END$
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.List<double>
+ True
+ pl.d
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.List<double> $propname${ get; set; }$END$
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.List<int>
+ True
+ pl.i
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.List<int> $propname${ get; set; }$END$
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.List<decimal>
+ True
+ pl.m
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.List<decimal> $propname${ get; set; }$END$
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.List<string>
+ True
+ pl.s
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.List<string> $propname${ get; set; }$END$
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.List<long>
+ True
+ pl.l
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.List<long> $propname${ get; set; }$END$
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.List<uint>
+ True
+ pl.u
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.List<uint> $propname${ get; set; }$END$
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Guid>
+ True
+ pl.g
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Guid> $propname${ get; set; }$END$
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.List<System.DateTime>
+ True
+ pl.t
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.List<System.DateTime> $propname${ get; set; }$END$
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Text.StringBuilder>
+ True
+ pl.sb
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Text.StringBuilder> $propname${ get; set; }$END$
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<bool>
+ True
+ ph.b
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<bool> $propname${ get; set; }$END$
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<char>
+ True
+ ph.c
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<char> $propname${ get; set; }$END$
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<float>
+ True
+ ph.f
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<float> $propname${ get; set; }$END$
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<byte>
+ True
+ ph.by
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<byte> $propname${ get; set; }$END$
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<double>
+ True
+ ph.d
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<double> $propname${ get; set; }$END$
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<int>
+ True
+ ph.i
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<int> $propname${ get; set; }$END$
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<decimal>
+ True
+ ph.m
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<decimal> $propname${ get; set; }$END$
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<string>
+ True
+ ph.s
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<string> $propname${ get; set; }$END$
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<long>
+ True
+ ph.l
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<long> $propname${ get; set; }$END$
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<uint>
+ True
+ ph.u
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<uint> $propname${ get; set; }$END$
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.Guid>
+ True
+ ph.g
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.Guid> $propname${ get; set; }$END$
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.DateTime>
+ True
+ ph.t
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.DateTime> $propname${ get; set; }$END$
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.Text.StringBuilder>
+ True
+ ph.sb
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.Text.StringBuilder> $propname${ get; set; }$END$
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<bool>
+ True
+ p~b
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<bool> $propname${ get; set; }$END$
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<char>
+ True
+ p~c
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<char> $propname${ get; set; }$END$
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<float>
+ True
+ p~f
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<float> $propname${ get; set; }$END$
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<byte>
+ True
+ p~by
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<byte> $propname${ get; set; }$END$
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<double>
+ True
+ p~d
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<double> $propname${ get; set; }$END$
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<int>
+ True
+ p~i
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<int> $propname${ get; set; }$END$
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<decimal>
+ True
+ p~m
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<decimal> $propname${ get; set; }$END$
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<string>
+ True
+ p~s
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<string> $propname${ get; set; }$END$
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<long>
+ True
+ p~l
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<long> $propname${ get; set; }$END$
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<uint>
+ True
+ p~u
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<uint> $propname${ get; set; }$END$
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.Guid>
+ True
+ p~g
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.Guid> $propname${ get; set; }$END$
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.DateTime>
+ True
+ p~t
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.DateTime> $propname${ get; set; }$END$
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.Text.StringBuilder>
+ True
+ p~sb
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.Text.StringBuilder> $propname${ get; set; }$END$
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type bool with a private setter
+ True
+ prb
+ True
+ public bool $propname${ get; private set; }$END$
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type char with a private setter
+ True
+ prc
+ True
+ public char $propname${ get; private set; }$END$
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type float with a private setter
+ True
+ prf
+ True
+ public float $propname${ get; private set; }$END$
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type byte with a private setter
+ True
+ prby
+ True
+ public byte $propname${ get; private set; }$END$
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type double with a private setter
+ True
+ prd
+ True
+ public double $propname${ get; private set; }$END$
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type int with a private setter
+ True
+ pri
+ True
+ public int $propname${ get; private set; }$END$
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type decimal with a private setter
+ True
+ prm
+ True
+ public decimal $propname${ get; private set; }$END$
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type string with a private setter
+ True
+ prs
+ True
+ public string $propname${ get; private set; }$END$
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type long with a private setter
+ True
+ prl
+ True
+ public long $propname${ get; private set; }$END$
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type uint with a private setter
+ True
+ pru
+ True
+ public uint $propname${ get; private set; }$END$
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Guid with a private setter
+ True
+ prg
+ True
+ public System.Guid $propname${ get; private set; }$END$
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.DateTime with a private setter
+ True
+ prt
+ True
+ public System.DateTime $propname${ get; private set; }$END$
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Text.StringBuilder with a private setter
+ True
+ prsb
+ True
+ public System.Text.StringBuilder $propname${ get; private set; }$END$
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.List<bool> with a private setter
+ True
+ prl.b
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.List<bool> $propname${ get; private set; }$END$
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.List<char> with a private setter
+ True
+ prl.c
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.List<char> $propname${ get; private set; }$END$
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.List<float> with a private setter
+ True
+ prl.f
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.List<float> $propname${ get; private set; }$END$
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.List<byte> with a private setter
+ True
+ prl.by
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.List<byte> $propname${ get; private set; }$END$
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.List<double> with a private setter
+ True
+ prl.d
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.List<double> $propname${ get; private set; }$END$
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.List<int> with a private setter
+ True
+ prl.i
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.List<int> $propname${ get; private set; }$END$
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.List<decimal> with a private setter
+ True
+ prl.m
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.List<decimal> $propname${ get; private set; }$END$
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.List<string> with a private setter
+ True
+ prl.s
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.List<string> $propname${ get; private set; }$END$
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.List<long> with a private setter
+ True
+ prl.l
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.List<long> $propname${ get; private set; }$END$
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.List<uint> with a private setter
+ True
+ prl.u
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.List<uint> $propname${ get; private set; }$END$
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Guid> with a private setter
+ True
+ prl.g
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Guid> $propname${ get; private set; }$END$
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.List<System.DateTime> with a private setter
+ True
+ prl.t
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.List<System.DateTime> $propname${ get; private set; }$END$
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Text.StringBuilder> with a private setter
+ True
+ prl.sb
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Text.StringBuilder> $propname${ get; private set; }$END$
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<bool> with a private setter
+ True
+ prh.b
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<bool> $propname${ get; private set; }$END$
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<char> with a private setter
+ True
+ prh.c
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<char> $propname${ get; private set; }$END$
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<float> with a private setter
+ True
+ prh.f
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<float> $propname${ get; private set; }$END$
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<byte> with a private setter
+ True
+ prh.by
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<byte> $propname${ get; private set; }$END$
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<double> with a private setter
+ True
+ prh.d
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<double> $propname${ get; private set; }$END$
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<int> with a private setter
+ True
+ prh.i
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<int> $propname${ get; private set; }$END$
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<decimal> with a private setter
+ True
+ prh.m
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<decimal> $propname${ get; private set; }$END$
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<string> with a private setter
+ True
+ prh.s
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<string> $propname${ get; private set; }$END$
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<long> with a private setter
+ True
+ prh.l
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<long> $propname${ get; private set; }$END$
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<uint> with a private setter
+ True
+ prh.u
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<uint> $propname${ get; private set; }$END$
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.Guid> with a private setter
+ True
+ prh.g
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.Guid> $propname${ get; private set; }$END$
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.DateTime> with a private setter
+ True
+ prh.t
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.DateTime> $propname${ get; private set; }$END$
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.Text.StringBuilder> with a private setter
+ True
+ prh.sb
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.Text.StringBuilder> $propname${ get; private set; }$END$
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<bool> with a private setter
+ True
+ pr~b
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<bool> $propname${ get; private set; }$END$
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<char> with a private setter
+ True
+ pr~c
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<char> $propname${ get; private set; }$END$
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<float> with a private setter
+ True
+ pr~f
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<float> $propname${ get; private set; }$END$
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<byte> with a private setter
+ True
+ pr~by
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<byte> $propname${ get; private set; }$END$
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<double> with a private setter
+ True
+ pr~d
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<double> $propname${ get; private set; }$END$
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<int> with a private setter
+ True
+ pr~i
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<int> $propname${ get; private set; }$END$
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<decimal> with a private setter
+ True
+ pr~m
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<decimal> $propname${ get; private set; }$END$
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<string> with a private setter
+ True
+ pr~s
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<string> $propname${ get; private set; }$END$
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<long> with a private setter
+ True
+ pr~l
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<long> $propname${ get; private set; }$END$
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<uint> with a private setter
+ True
+ pr~u
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<uint> $propname${ get; private set; }$END$
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.Guid> with a private setter
+ True
+ pr~g
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.Guid> $propname${ get; private set; }$END$
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.DateTime> with a private setter
+ True
+ pr~t
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.DateTime> $propname${ get; private set; }$END$
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.Text.StringBuilder> with a private setter
+ True
+ pr~sb
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.Text.StringBuilder> $propname${ get; private set; }$END$
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type bool with an empty getter and no setter
+ True
+ pgb
+ True
+ public bool $propname${get {$END$}}
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type char with an empty getter and no setter
+ True
+ pgc
+ True
+ public char $propname${get {$END$}}
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type float with an empty getter and no setter
+ True
+ pgf
+ True
+ public float $propname${get {$END$}}
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type byte with an empty getter and no setter
+ True
+ pgby
+ True
+ public byte $propname${get {$END$}}
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type double with an empty getter and no setter
+ True
+ pgd
+ True
+ public double $propname${get {$END$}}
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type int with an empty getter and no setter
+ True
+ pgi
+ True
+ public int $propname${get {$END$}}
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type decimal with an empty getter and no setter
+ True
+ pgm
+ True
+ public decimal $propname${get {$END$}}
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type string with an empty getter and no setter
+ True
+ pgs
+ True
+ public string $propname${get {$END$}}
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type long with an empty getter and no setter
+ True
+ pgl
+ True
+ public long $propname${get {$END$}}
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type uint with an empty getter and no setter
+ True
+ pgu
+ True
+ public uint $propname${get {$END$}}
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Guid with an empty getter and no setter
+ True
+ pgg
+ True
+ public System.Guid $propname${get {$END$}}
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.DateTime with an empty getter and no setter
+ True
+ pgt
+ True
+ public System.DateTime $propname${get {$END$}}
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Text.StringBuilder with an empty getter and no setter
+ True
+ pgsb
+ True
+ public System.Text.StringBuilder $propname${get {$END$}}
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.List<bool> with an empty getter and no setter
+ True
+ pgl.b
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.List<bool> $propname${get {$END$}}
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.List<char> with an empty getter and no setter
+ True
+ pgl.c
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.List<char> $propname${get {$END$}}
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.List<float> with an empty getter and no setter
+ True
+ pgl.f
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.List<float> $propname${get {$END$}}
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.List<byte> with an empty getter and no setter
+ True
+ pgl.by
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.List<byte> $propname${get {$END$}}
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.List<double> with an empty getter and no setter
+ True
+ pgl.d
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.List<double> $propname${get {$END$}}
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.List<int> with an empty getter and no setter
+ True
+ pgl.i
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.List<int> $propname${get {$END$}}
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.List<decimal> with an empty getter and no setter
+ True
+ pgl.m
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.List<decimal> $propname${get {$END$}}
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.List<string> with an empty getter and no setter
+ True
+ pgl.s
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.List<string> $propname${get {$END$}}
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.List<long> with an empty getter and no setter
+ True
+ pgl.l
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.List<long> $propname${get {$END$}}
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.List<uint> with an empty getter and no setter
+ True
+ pgl.u
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.List<uint> $propname${get {$END$}}
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Guid> with an empty getter and no setter
+ True
+ pgl.g
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Guid> $propname${get {$END$}}
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.List<System.DateTime> with an empty getter and no setter
+ True
+ pgl.t
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.List<System.DateTime> $propname${get {$END$}}
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Text.StringBuilder> with an empty getter and no setter
+ True
+ pgl.sb
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Text.StringBuilder> $propname${get {$END$}}
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<bool> with an empty getter and no setter
+ True
+ pgh.b
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<bool> $propname${get {$END$}}
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<char> with an empty getter and no setter
+ True
+ pgh.c
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<char> $propname${get {$END$}}
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<float> with an empty getter and no setter
+ True
+ pgh.f
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<float> $propname${get {$END$}}
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<byte> with an empty getter and no setter
+ True
+ pgh.by
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<byte> $propname${get {$END$}}
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<double> with an empty getter and no setter
+ True
+ pgh.d
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<double> $propname${get {$END$}}
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<int> with an empty getter and no setter
+ True
+ pgh.i
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<int> $propname${get {$END$}}
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<decimal> with an empty getter and no setter
+ True
+ pgh.m
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<decimal> $propname${get {$END$}}
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<string> with an empty getter and no setter
+ True
+ pgh.s
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<string> $propname${get {$END$}}
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<long> with an empty getter and no setter
+ True
+ pgh.l
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<long> $propname${get {$END$}}
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<uint> with an empty getter and no setter
+ True
+ pgh.u
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<uint> $propname${get {$END$}}
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.Guid> with an empty getter and no setter
+ True
+ pgh.g
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.Guid> $propname${get {$END$}}
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.DateTime> with an empty getter and no setter
+ True
+ pgh.t
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.DateTime> $propname${get {$END$}}
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.Text.StringBuilder> with an empty getter and no setter
+ True
+ pgh.sb
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.Text.StringBuilder> $propname${get {$END$}}
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<bool> with an empty getter and no setter
+ True
+ pg~b
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<bool> $propname${get {$END$}}
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<char> with an empty getter and no setter
+ True
+ pg~c
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<char> $propname${get {$END$}}
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<float> with an empty getter and no setter
+ True
+ pg~f
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<float> $propname${get {$END$}}
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<byte> with an empty getter and no setter
+ True
+ pg~by
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<byte> $propname${get {$END$}}
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<double> with an empty getter and no setter
+ True
+ pg~d
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<double> $propname${get {$END$}}
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<int> with an empty getter and no setter
+ True
+ pg~i
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<int> $propname${get {$END$}}
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<decimal> with an empty getter and no setter
+ True
+ pg~m
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<decimal> $propname${get {$END$}}
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<string> with an empty getter and no setter
+ True
+ pg~s
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<string> $propname${get {$END$}}
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<long> with an empty getter and no setter
+ True
+ pg~l
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<long> $propname${get {$END$}}
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<uint> with an empty getter and no setter
+ True
+ pg~u
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<uint> $propname${get {$END$}}
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.Guid> with an empty getter and no setter
+ True
+ pg~g
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.Guid> $propname${get {$END$}}
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.DateTime> with an empty getter and no setter
+ True
+ pg~t
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.DateTime> $propname${get {$END$}}
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ An automatic property of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.Text.StringBuilder> with an empty getter and no setter
+ True
+ pg~sb
+ True
+ public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.Text.StringBuilder> $propname${get {$END$}}
+ True
+ constant("MyProperty")
+ 0
+ True
+ 2.0
+ InCSharpTypeMember
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/Mnemonics.XML/Mnemonics.XML.csproj b/src/Mnemonics.XML/Mnemonics.XML.csproj
index a9998f6..05670cf 100644
--- a/src/Mnemonics.XML/Mnemonics.XML.csproj
+++ b/src/Mnemonics.XML/Mnemonics.XML.csproj
@@ -1,68 +1,9 @@
- Debug
- AnyCPU
- {384EBCF4-BD1E-40E8-8CDF-B635E411DF03}
- Library
- Properties
- Mnemonics.XML
- Mnemonics.XML
- v4.5
- 512
- true
- full
- false
- ..\..\bin\
- prompt
- 4
- pdbonly
- true
- ..\..\bin\
- prompt
- 4
- ..\packages\DotNetZip.1.12.0\lib\net20\DotNetZip.dll
- True
- Designer
- Designer
\ No newline at end of file
+ net8.0
+ enable
+ enable
diff --git a/src/Mnemonics.XML/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs b/src/Mnemonics.XML/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d5511f..0000000
--- a/src/Mnemonics.XML/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-using System.Reflection;
-using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
-using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
-// General Information about an assembly is controlled through the following
-// set of attributes. Change these attribute values to modify the information
-// associated with an assembly.
-[assembly: AssemblyTitle("Mnemonics.XML")]
-[assembly: AssemblyDescription("")]
-[assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("")]
-[assembly: AssemblyCompany("")]
-[assembly: AssemblyProduct("Mnemonics.XML")]
-[assembly: AssemblyCopyright("Copyright © 2012")]
-[assembly: AssemblyTrademark("")]
-[assembly: AssemblyCulture("")]
-// Setting ComVisible to false makes the types in this assembly not visible
-// to COM components. If you need to access a type in this assembly from
-// COM, set the ComVisible attribute to true on that type.
-[assembly: ComVisible(false)]
-// The following GUID is for the ID of the typelib if this project is exposed to COM
-[assembly: Guid("35c08b3f-2fd6-4ea7-bdae-8975c04d9e86")]
-// Version information for an assembly consists of the following four values:
-// Major Version
-// Minor Version
-// Build Number
-// Revision
-// You can specify all the values or you can default the Build and Revision Numbers
-// by using the '*' as shown below:
-// [assembly: AssemblyVersion("1.0.*")]
-[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]
-[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")]
diff --git a/src/Mnemonics.XML/Schemas/Idea.xsd b/src/Mnemonics.XML/Schemas/Idea.xsd
index aa9bbb5..9006b93 100644
--- a/src/Mnemonics.XML/Schemas/Idea.xsd
+++ b/src/Mnemonics.XML/Schemas/Idea.xsd
@@ -1,41 +1,41 @@
diff --git a/src/Mnemonics.XML/Schemas/ReSharper.xsd b/src/Mnemonics.XML/Schemas/ReSharper.xsd
index d6d5bb4..4d7f665 100644
--- a/src/Mnemonics.XML/Schemas/ReSharper.xsd
+++ b/src/Mnemonics.XML/Schemas/ReSharper.xsd
@@ -1,49 +1,49 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/Mnemonics.XML/dotsettings_template.xsl b/src/Mnemonics.XML/dotsettings_template.xsl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..121fbe9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Mnemonics.XML/dotsettings_template.xsl
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+ True
+ True
+ mnemonics
+ True
+ True
+ InCSharpTypeAndNamespace
+ True
+ InCSharpTypeMember
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/Mnemonics.XML/packages.config b/src/Mnemonics.XML/packages.config
deleted file mode 100644
index 70ac32b..0000000
--- a/src/Mnemonics.XML/packages.config
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/Mnemonics.sln.DotSettings b/src/Mnemonics.sln.DotSettings
deleted file mode 100644
index 11f2c26..0000000
--- a/src/Mnemonics.sln.DotSettings
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
- <data><IncludeFilters /><ExcludeFilters /></data>
- <data />
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/Mnemonics/App.config b/src/Mnemonics/App.config
deleted file mode 100644
index 41071ea..0000000
--- a/src/Mnemonics/App.config
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/Mnemonics/CPlusPlus.fs b/src/Mnemonics/CPlusPlus.fs
index 3afd94b..0d70109 100644
--- a/src/Mnemonics/CPlusPlus.fs
+++ b/src/Mnemonics/CPlusPlus.fs
@@ -3,93 +3,50 @@
open Types
let cppTypes =
- [
- ("b", "bool", "false")
- ("c", "char", "0")
- ("f", "float", "0.0f")
- ("d", "double", "0.0")
- ("i", "int", "0")
- ("s", "std::string", "\"\"")
- ("l", "long", "0")
- ("u", "unsigned int", "0")
- ];
+ [ ("b", "bool", "false")
+ ("c", "char", "0")
+ ("f", "float", "0.0f")
+ ("d", "double", "0.0")
+ ("i", "int", "0")
+ ("s", "std::string", "\"\"")
+ ("l", "long", "0")
+ ("u", "unsigned int", "0") ]
-let cppStructureTemplates =
- [
- (
- "c",
- [
- Text "class "
- Constant ("CLASSNAME", "MyClass")
+let cppStructureTemplates =
+ [ ("c",
+ [ Text "class "
+ Constant("CLASSNAME", "MyClass")
Scope [ endConstant ]
- semiColon
- ]
- )
- (
- "s",
- [
- Text "struct "
- Constant ("STRUCTNAME", "MyStruct")
+ semiColon ])
+ ("s",
+ [ Text "struct "
+ Constant("STRUCTNAME", "MyStruct")
Scope [ endConstant ]
- semiColon
- ]
- )
- (
- "e",
- [
- Text "enum class "
- Constant ("ENUMNAME", "MyEnum")
+ semiColon ])
+ ("e",
+ [ Text "enum class "
+ Constant("ENUMNAME", "MyEnum")
Scope [ endConstant ]
- semiColon
- ]
- )
- ]
+ semiColon ]) ]
let cppMemberTemplates =
- [
- (
- "m",
- [
- Text "A method that returns a(n) "
- FixedType
- ],
- [
- FixedType
+ [ ("m",
+ [ Text "A method that returns a(n) "; FixedType ],
+ [ FixedType
Text " "
Constant("methodname", "MyMethod")
Text "()"
- Scope [
- endConstant
- ]
- ]
- )
- (
- "v",
- [
- Text "A field of type "
- FixedType
- ],
- [
- FixedType
- Text " "
- Constant("fieldname", "fieldname")
- semiColon;
- ]
- )
- (
- "p",
- [
- Text "A property of type "
- FixedType
- ],
- [
- FixedType
+ Scope [ endConstant ] ])
+ ("v", [ Text "A field of type "; FixedType ], [ FixedType; Text " "; Constant("fieldname", "fieldname"); semiColon ])
+ ("p",
+ [ Text "A property of type "; FixedType ],
+ [ FixedType
Text " _"
Constant("fieldname", "fieldname")
Text "__declspec(property(get=get"
Constant("fieldname", "fieldname")
Text ", put=put"
@@ -100,28 +57,17 @@ let cppMemberTemplates =
Constant("fieldname", "fieldname")
Text "void put"
Constant("fieldname", "fieldname")
Text "("
Text " value) "
- Scope [
- Text "_"
- Constant("fieldname", "fieldname")
- Text " = value;"
- ]
+ Scope [ Text "_"; Constant("fieldname", "fieldname"); Text " = value;" ]
Text " get"
Constant("fieldname", "fieldname")
Text "() "
- Scope [
- Text "return _"
- Constant("fieldname", "fieldname")
- semiColon
- ]
- ]
- )
- ]
\ No newline at end of file
+ Scope [ Text "return _"; Constant("fieldname", "fieldname"); semiColon ] ]) ]
diff --git a/src/Mnemonics/CSharp.fs b/src/Mnemonics/CSharp.fs
index c94b8d6..d0defcf 100644
--- a/src/Mnemonics/CSharp.fs
+++ b/src/Mnemonics/CSharp.fs
@@ -2,294 +2,140 @@
open Types
-let csContext =
- new TemplatesExportTemplateContextCSharpContext (
- context = "TypeMember, TypeAndNamespace",
- minimumLanguageVersion = 2.0M
- )
+let csharpStructureContext =
+ TemplatesExportTemplateContextCSharpContext(context = "TypeMember, TypeAndNamespace", minimumLanguageVersion = 2.0M)
+let csharpMemberContext =
+ TemplatesExportTemplateContextCSharpContext(context = "TypeMember", minimumLanguageVersion = 2.0M)
let csharpTypes =
- [
- ("b", "bool", "false")
- ("c", "char", "0")
- ("f", "float", "0.0f")
- ("by", "byte", "0")
- ("d", "double", "0.0")
- ("i", "int", "0")
- ("m", "decimal", "0M")
- ("s", "string", "\"\"")
- ("l", "long", "0")
- ("u", "uint", "0")
- ("g", "System.Guid", "System.Guid.NewGuid()")
- ("t", "System.DateTime", "System.DateTime.UtcNow")
- ("sb", "System.Text.StringBuilder", "new System.Text.StringBuilder")
- ]
+ [ ("b", "bool", "default")
+ ("c", "char", "default")
+ ("f", "float", "default")
+ ("by", "byte", "default")
+ ("d", "double", "default")
+ ("i", "int", "default")
+ ("m", "decimal", "default")
+ ("s", "string", "\"\"")
+ ("l", "long", "default")
+ ("u", "uint", "default")
+ ("g", "System.Guid", "System.Guid.NewGuid()")
+ ("t", "System.DateTime", "System.DateTime.UtcNow")
+ ("sb", "System.Text.StringBuilder", "new System.Text.StringBuilder()") ]
let cSharpStructureTemplates =
- [
- (
- "c",
- [
- Text "public class "
- Constant ("CLASSNAME", "MyClass")
- Scope [
- endConstant
- ]
- ]
- )
- (
- "a",
- [
- Text "public abstract class "
- Constant ("CLASSNAME", "MyClass")
- Scope [
- endConstant
- ]
- ]
- )
- (
- "C",
- [
- Text "public static class "
- Constant ("CLASSNAME", "MyClass")
- Scope [
- endConstant
- ]
- ]
- )
- (
- "i",
- [
- Text "public interface "
- Constant ("INTERFACENAME", "IMyInterface")
- Scope [ endConstant ]
- ]
- )
- (
- "s",
- [
- Text "public struct "
- Constant ("STRUCTNAME", "MyStruct")
- Scope [ endConstant ]
- ]
- )
- (
- "e",
- [
- Text "public enum "
- Constant ("ENUMNAME", "MyEnum")
- Scope [ endConstant ]
- ]
- )
- ]
+ [ ("c",
+ [ Text "A class" ],
+ [ Text "public class "
+ Constant("CLASSNAME", "MyClass")
+ Scope [ endConstant ] ])
+ ("a",
+ [ Text "An abstract class" ],
+ [ Text "public abstract class "
+ Constant("CLASSNAME", "MyClass")
+ Scope [ endConstant ] ])
+ ("C",
+ [ Text "A static class" ],
+ [ Text "public static class "
+ Constant("CLASSNAME", "MyClass")
+ Scope [ endConstant ] ])
+ ("i",
+ [ Text "An interface" ],
+ [ Text "public interface "
+ Constant("INTERFACENAME", "IMyInterface")
+ Scope [ endConstant ] ])
+ ("s",
+ [ Text "A struct" ],
+ [ Text "public struct "
+ Constant("STRUCTNAME", "MyStruct")
+ Scope [ endConstant ] ])
+ ("e", [ Text "An enum" ], [ Text "public enum "; Constant("ENUMNAME", "MyEnum"); Scope [ endConstant ] ]) ]
let cSharpMemberTemplates =
- [
- (
- "v",
- [
- Text "A field of type "
- FixedType
- ],
- [
- Text "private "
- FixedType
- Text " "
- Constant ("fieldname", "fieldname")
- semiColon
- ]
- )
- (
- "vr",
- [
- Text "A readonly field of type "
- FixedType
- ],
- [
- Text "private readonly "
- Constant ("type", "type")
- Text " "
- Constant ("fieldname", "fieldname")
- semiColon
- ]
- )
- (
- "V",
- [
- Text "A static field of type "
- FixedType
- ],
- [
- Text "private static "
+ [ ("f",
+ [ Text "A field of type "; FixedType ],
+ [ Text "private "
Text " "
- Constant ("fieldname", "fieldname")
- semiColon
- ]
- )
- (
- "n",
- [
- Text "A field of type "
+ Constant("fieldname", "fieldname")
+ semiColon ])
+ ("fn",
+ [ Text "A field of type "
- Text " initialized to the default value."
- ],
- [
- Text "private "
+ Text " initialized to the default value." ],
+ [ Text "private "
Text " "
- Constant ("fieldname", "fieldname")
+ Constant("fieldname", "fieldname")
Text " = "
- semiColon
- ]
- )
- (
- "o",
- [
- Text "A readonly field of type "
+ semiColon ])
+ ("fr",
+ [ Text "A readonly field of type "; FixedType ],
+ [ Text "private readonly "
+ Constant("type", "type")
+ Text " "
+ Constant("fieldname", "fieldname")
+ semiColon ])
+ ("frn",
+ [ Text "A readonly field of type "
- Text " initialized to the default value."
- ],
- [
- Text "private readonly "
+ Text " initialized to the default value." ],
+ [ Text "private readonly "
Text " "
- Constant ("fieldname", "fieldname")
+ Constant("fieldname", "fieldname")
Text " = "
- semiColon
- ]
- )
- (
- "t",
- [
- Text "A test method."
- ],
- [
- Text "[Test] public void "
- Constant ("methodname", "MyMethod")
- Text "()"
- Scope [
- endConstant
- ]
- ]
- )
- (
- "m",
- [
- Text "A method that returns a(n) "
+ semiColon ])
+ ("F",
+ [ Text "A static field of type "; FixedType ],
+ [ Text "private static "
- ],
- [
- Text "public"
+ Text " "
+ Constant("fieldname", "fieldname")
+ semiColon ])
+ ("m",
+ [ Text "A method that returns a "; FixedType ],
+ [ Text "public"
- Constant ("methodname", "MyMethod")
+ Constant("methodname", "MyMethod")
Text "()"
- Scope [
- endConstant
- ]
- ]
- )
- (
- "M",
- [
- Text "A static method that returns a(n) "
- FixedType
- ],
- [
- Text "public static "
+ Scope [ endConstant ] ])
+ ("M",
+ [ Text "A static method that returns a "; FixedType ],
+ [ Text "public static "
- Constant ("methodname", "MyMethod")
+ Constant("methodname", "MyMethod")
Text "()"
- Scope [
- endConstant
- ]
- ]
- )
- (
- "p",
- [
- Text "An automatic property of type "
- FixedType
- ],
- [
- Text "public "
+ Scope [ endConstant ] ])
+ ("p",
+ [ Text "An automatic property of type "; FixedType ],
+ [ Text "public "
Constant("propname", "MyProperty")
Text "{ get; set; }"
- endConstant
- ]
- )
- (
- "pr",
- [
- Text "An automatic property of type "
+ endConstant ])
+ ("pr",
+ [ Text "An automatic property of type "
- Text " with a private setter"
- ],
- [
- Text "public "
+ Text " with a private setter" ],
+ [ Text "public "
Constant("propname", "MyProperty")
Text "{ get; private set; }"
- endConstant
- ]
- )
- (
- "pg",
- [
- Text "An automatic property of type "
+ endConstant ])
+ ("pg",
+ [ Text "An automatic property of type "
- Text " with an empty getter and no setter"
- ],
- [
- Text "public "
+ Text " with an empty getter and no setter" ],
+ [ Text "public "
Text " "
Constant("propname", "MyProperty")
- Scope [
- Text "get "
- Scope [ endConstant ]
- ]
- ]
- )
-// (
-// "d",
-// [
-// Text "A dependency property of type "
-// FixedType
-// Text "."
-// ],
-// [
-// Text "public "
-// FixedType
-// Text " "
-// Constant("propname", "MyProperty")
-// Scope [
-// Text "get "
-// Scope [
-// Text "return ("
-// FixedType
-// Text ")GetValue("
-// Constant("propname", "MyProperty")
-// Text "Property);"
-// ]
-// Text "set "
-// Scope [
-// Text "SetValue("
-// Constant("propname", "MyProperty")
-// Text "Property, value);"
-// ]
-// ]
-// Text "public static readonly System.Windows.DependencyProperty "
-// Constant("propname", "MyProperty")
-// Text "Property ="
-// ]
-// )
- ]
\ No newline at end of file
+ Scope [ Text "get "; Scope [ endConstant ] ] ]) ]
diff --git a/src/Mnemonics/DotNet.fs b/src/Mnemonics/DotNet.fs
index d8ceaae..3438ff6 100644
--- a/src/Mnemonics/DotNet.fs
+++ b/src/Mnemonics/DotNet.fs
@@ -1,11 +1,7 @@
module DotNet
-open Types
let dotNetGenericTypes =
- [
- ("l.", "System.Collections.Generic.List", 1)
- ("h.", "System.Collections.Generic.HashSet", 1)
- (*"di.", "System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary", 2*)
- ("~", "System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable", 1)
- ]
\ No newline at end of file
+ [ ("l.", "System.Collections.Generic.List", 1)
+ ("h.", "System.Collections.Generic.HashSet", 1)
+ (*"di.", "System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary", 2*)
+ ("~", "System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable", 1) ]
diff --git a/src/Mnemonics/Java.fs b/src/Mnemonics/Java.fs
index 33e0500..9e07c82 100644
--- a/src/Mnemonics/Java.fs
+++ b/src/Mnemonics/Java.fs
@@ -6,165 +6,83 @@ let entity10 = "
let ideaLineBreak = System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlDecode entity10
let javaPrimitiveTypes =
- [
- ("c", "char", "''")
- ("f", "float", "0.0f")
- ("b", "boolean", "false")
- ("by", "byte", "0")
- ("d", "double", "0.0")
- ("i", "int", "0")
- ("s", "String", "\"\"")
- ("l", "long", "0")
- ("t", "java.util.Date", "new java.util.Date()")
- ]
+ [ ("c", "char", "''")
+ ("f", "float", "0.0f")
+ ("b", "boolean", "false")
+ ("by", "byte", "0")
+ ("d", "double", "0.0")
+ ("i", "int", "0")
+ ("s", "String", "\"\"")
+ ("l", "long", "0")
+ ("t", "java.util.Date", "new java.util.Date()") ]
let javaGenericTypes =
- [
- ("l.", "java.util.ArrayList", 1)
- ("h.", "java.util.HasSet", 1)
- ("di.", "java.util.HashMap", 2)
- ("~", "java.lang.Iterable", 1) // <-- somewhat unnecessary, unlike in .NET
- ]
+ [ ("l.", "java.util.ArrayList", 1)
+ ("h.", "java.util.HasSet", 1)
+ ("di.", "java.util.HashMap", 2)
+ ("~", "java.lang.Iterable", 1) ] // <-- somewhat unnecessary, unlike in .NET
let javaStructureTemplates =
- [
- (
- "c",
- [
- Text "public class "
- Constant ("CLASSNAME", "MyClass")
- Scope [
- endConstant
- ]
- ]
- )
- (
- "C",
- [
- Text "public static class "
- Constant ("CLASSNAME", "MyClass")
- Scope [
- endConstant
- ]
- ]
- )
- (
- "a",
- [
- Text "public abstract class "
- className
- Scope [ endConstant ]
- ]
- )
- (
- "i",
- [
- Text "public interface "
- interfaceName
- Scope [ endConstant ]
- ]
- )
- (
- "e",
- [
- Text "public enum "
- Constant ("ENUMNAME", "MyEnum")
- Scope [ endConstant ]
- ]
- )
- ]
+ [ ("c",
+ [ Text "public class "
+ Constant("CLASSNAME", "MyClass")
+ Scope [ endConstant ] ])
+ ("C",
+ [ Text "public static class "
+ Constant("CLASSNAME", "MyClass")
+ Scope [ endConstant ] ])
+ ("a", [ Text "public abstract class "; className; Scope [ endConstant ] ])
+ ("i", [ Text "public interface "; interfaceName; Scope [ endConstant ] ])
+ ("e", [ Text "public enum "; Constant("ENUMNAME", "MyEnum"); Scope [ endConstant ] ]) ]
let javaMemberTemplates =
- [
- (
- "v",
- [
- Text "A field of type "
- FixedType
- ],
- [
- Text "private "
+ [ ("v",
+ [ Text "A field of type "; FixedType ],
+ [ Text "private "
Text " "
- Constant ("fieldname", "fieldname")
- semiColon
- ]
- )
- (
- "V",
- [
- Text "A static field of type "
- FixedType
- ],
- [
- Text "private static "
+ Constant("fieldname", "fieldname")
+ semiColon ])
+ ("V",
+ [ Text "A static field of type "; FixedType ],
+ [ Text "private static "
Text " "
- Constant ("fieldname", "fieldname")
- semiColon
- ]
- )
- (
- "n",
- [
- Text "A field of type "
+ Constant("fieldname", "fieldname")
+ semiColon ])
+ ("n",
+ [ Text "A field of type "
- Text " initialized to the default value."
- ],
- [
- Text "private "
+ Text " initialized to the default value." ],
+ [ Text "private "
Text " "
- Constant ("fieldname", "fieldname")
+ Constant("fieldname", "fieldname")
Text " = "
- semiColon
- ]
- )
- (
- "m",
- [
- Text "A method that returns a(n) "
- FixedType
- ],
- [
- Text "public"
+ semiColon ])
+ ("m",
+ [ Text "A method that returns a(n) "; FixedType ],
+ [ Text "public"
- Constant ("methodname", "MyMethod")
+ Constant("methodname", "MyMethod")
Text "()"
- Scope [
- endConstant
- ]
- ]
- )
- (
- "M",
- [
- Text "A static method that returns a(n) "
- FixedType
- ],
- [
- Text "public static "
+ Scope [ endConstant ] ])
+ ("M",
+ [ Text "A static method that returns a(n) "; FixedType ],
+ [ Text "public static "
- Constant ("methodname", "MyMethod")
+ Constant("methodname", "MyMethod")
Text "()"
- Scope [
- endConstant
- ]
- ]
- )
- (
- "p",
- [
- Text "A property of type "
+ Scope [ endConstant ] ])
+ ("p",
+ [ Text "A property of type "
- Text " with generated getter/setter methods."
- ],
- [
- Text "private "
+ Text " with generated getter/setter methods." ],
+ [ Text "private "
@@ -176,11 +94,7 @@ let javaMemberTemplates =
Text "get"
Text "()"
- Scope [
- Text "return "
- propName
- semiColon
- ]
+ Scope [ Text "return "; propName; semiColon ]
Text "public void set"
@@ -189,13 +103,4 @@ let javaMemberTemplates =
Text ")"
- Scope [
- Text "this."
- propName
- Text " = "
- propName
- semiColon
- ]
- ]
- )
- ]
\ No newline at end of file
+ Scope [ Text "this."; propName; Text " = "; propName; semiColon ] ]) ]
diff --git a/src/Mnemonics/Kotlin.fs b/src/Mnemonics/Kotlin.fs
index 19271e1..e63ef45 100644
--- a/src/Mnemonics/Kotlin.fs
+++ b/src/Mnemonics/Kotlin.fs
@@ -3,130 +3,63 @@
(* Kotlin comes with a few ready-made templates but we stick to predefined notations here *)
open Types
-open Java
let kotlinPrimitiveTypes =
- [
- ("c", "Character", "''")
- ("f", "Float", "0.0f")
- ("b", "Boolean", "false")
- ("by", "Byte", "0")
- ("d", "Double", "0.0")
- ("i", "Int", "0")
- ("s", "String", "\"\"")
- ("l", "Long", "0")
- ("t", "java.util.Date", "new java.util.Date()")
- ]
+ [ ("c", "Character", "''")
+ ("f", "Float", "0.0f")
+ ("b", "Boolean", "false")
+ ("by", "Byte", "0")
+ ("d", "Double", "0.0")
+ ("i", "Int", "0")
+ ("s", "String", "\"\"")
+ ("l", "Long", "0")
+ ("t", "java.util.Date", "new java.util.Date()") ]
(* note: no static classes, interfaces are traits *)
let kotlinStructureTemplates =
- [
- (
- "c",
- [
- Text "public class "
- Constant ("CLASSNAME", "MyClass")
- Scope [
- endConstant
- ]
- ]
- )
- (
- "a",
- [
- Text "public abstract class "
- className
- Scope [ endConstant ]
- ]
- )
- (
- "i",
- [
- Text "public trait "
- traitName
- Scope [ endConstant ]
- ]
- )
- (
- "e",
- [
- Text "public enum class "
- Constant ("ENUMNAME", "MyEnum")
- Scope [ endConstant ]
- ]
- )
- ]
+ [ ("c",
+ [ Text "public class "
+ Constant("CLASSNAME", "MyClass")
+ Scope [ endConstant ] ])
+ ("a", [ Text "public abstract class "; className; Scope [ endConstant ] ])
+ ("i", [ Text "public trait "; traitName; Scope [ endConstant ] ])
+ ("e",
+ [ Text "public enum class "
+ Constant("ENUMNAME", "MyEnum")
+ Scope [ endConstant ] ]) ]
let kotlinMemberTemplates =
- [
- (* there are no fields *)
- (
- "m", (* same as 'fun' but no params *)
- [
- Text "A method that returns a(n) "
- FixedType
- ],
- [
- Text "public fun "
- Constant ("methodname", "MyMethod")
+ [
+ (* there are no fields *)
+ ("m", (* same as 'fun' but no params *)
+ [ Text "A method that returns a(n) "; FixedType ],
+ [ Text "public fun "
+ Constant("methodname", "MyMethod")
Text "() : "
- Scope [
- endConstant
- ]
- ]
- )
- (
- "p",
- [
- Text "A property of type "
- FixedType
- ],
- [
- Text "public var "
- propName
- Text ": "
- FixedType
- Text " = "
- DefaultValue
- ]
- )
- (
- "pr",
- [
- Text "A property of type "
- FixedType
- Text " with a private setter"
- ],
- [
- Text "public var "
+ Scope [ endConstant ] ])
+ ("p", [ Text "A property of type "; FixedType ], [ Text "public var "; propName; Text ": "; FixedType; Text " = "; DefaultValue ])
+ ("pr",
+ [ Text "A property of type "; FixedType; Text " with a private setter" ],
+ [ Text "public var "
Text ": "
Text " = "
- Text ideaLineBreak
- Text "private set"
- ]
- )
- (
- "pg",
- [
- Text "A property of type "
+ Text "ideaLineBreak"
+ Text "private set" ])
+ ("pg",
+ [ Text "A property of type "
- Text " with an empty getter and no setter"
- ],
- [
- Text "public var "
+ Text " with an empty getter and no setter" ],
+ [ Text "public var "
Text ": "
Text " = "
- Text ideaLineBreak
+ Text "ideaLineBreak"
Text "get () "
- Scope [ endConstant ]
- ]
- )
- ]
\ No newline at end of file
+ Scope [ endConstant ] ]) ]
diff --git a/src/Mnemonics/Mnemonics.fsproj b/src/Mnemonics/Mnemonics.fsproj
index e2a5983..a3e16f3 100644
--- a/src/Mnemonics/Mnemonics.fsproj
+++ b/src/Mnemonics/Mnemonics.fsproj
@@ -1,94 +1,25 @@
- Debug
- AnyCPU
- 2.0
- 910d73f5-75ba-47aa-baad-4434687d1e9b
- Exe
- Mnemonics
- Mnemonics
- v4.5
- Mnemonics
- true
- full
- false
- false
- ..\..\bin\
- 3
- AnyCPU
- true
- pdbonly
- true
- true
- ..\..\bin\
- 3
- AnyCPU
- true
- True
- ..\packages\DotNetZip.\lib\net20\Ionic.Zip.dll
- Mnemonics.XML
- {384ebcf4-bd1e-40e8-8cdf-b635e411df03}
- True
- 11
- $(MSBuildExtensionsPath32)\..\Microsoft SDKs\F#\3.0\Framework\v4.0\Microsoft.FSharp.Targets
- $(MSBuildExtensionsPath32)\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v$(VisualStudioVersion)\FSharp\Microsoft.FSharp.Targets
\ No newline at end of file
+ Exe
+ net8.0
+ Mnemonics
diff --git a/src/Mnemonics/ObjectiveC.fs b/src/Mnemonics/ObjectiveC.fs
deleted file mode 100644
index 06bf408..0000000
--- a/src/Mnemonics/ObjectiveC.fs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-module ObjectiveC
diff --git a/src/Mnemonics/Program.fs b/src/Mnemonics/Program.fs
index 0a46695..cf44d2f 100644
--- a/src/Mnemonics/Program.fs
+++ b/src/Mnemonics/Program.fs
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
open System
open System.Collections.Generic
open System.IO
+open System.IO.Compression
open System.Linq
open System.Text
open System.Xml.Serialization
-open Ionic.Zip
open Types
open DotNet
open CSharp
@@ -16,440 +16,482 @@ open CPlusPlus
let version = "0.5"
type StringBuilder with
- member x.AppendString (s:string) = ignore <| x.Append s
- member x.AppendStrings (ss:string list) =
- for s in ss do ignore <| x.Append s
-let rec pairs l = seq {
- for a in l do
- for b in l do
- yield (a,b)
- }
+ member x.AppendString(s: string) = ignore <| x.Append s
-let newGuid() = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().ToLower()
+ member x.AppendStrings(ss: string list) =
+ for s in ss do
+ ignore <| x.Append s
-/// Renders an XML template for C#, VB.NET and F#
-let renderReSharper() =
- let te = new TemplatesExport(family = "Live Templates")
- let templates = new List()
- // debugging switches :)
- let renderCSharp, renderVBNET = true, true
- let printExpressions expressions (vars:List) defValue =
- let rec impl exps (builder:StringBuilder) =
- match exps with
- | Text(txt) :: t ->
- builder.AppendString txt
- impl t builder
- | DefaultValue :: t ->
- builder.AppendString defValue
- impl t builder
- | Variable(name, value) :: t ->
- let v = new TemplatesExportTemplateVariable()
- v.name <- name
- v.initialRange <- 0
- v.expression <- value
- vars.Add(v)
- builder.AppendStrings ["$"; name; "$"]
- impl t builder
- | Constant(name,text) :: t ->
- if name <> "END" then begin
- let v = new TemplatesExportTemplateVariable()
- v.name <- name
- v.initialRange <- 0
- v.expression <- "constant(\"" + text + "\")"
- if not(vars.Any(fun v' -> v.name.Equals(v'.name))) then vars.Add(v)
- end
- builder.AppendStrings ["$"; name; "$"]
- impl t builder
- | Scope(content) :: t ->
- builder.AppendString "{"
- impl content builder
- builder.AppendString "}"
- impl t builder
- | FixedType :: t ->
- builder.AppendString "$typename$" // replaced later
- impl t builder
- | [] -> ()
- let sb = new StringBuilder()
- impl expressions sb
- sb.ToString();
- // first, process structures
- if renderCSharp then
- for (s,exprs) in cSharpStructureTemplates do
- let t = new TemplatesExportTemplate(shortcut=s)
- let vars = new List()
- t.description <- String.Empty
- t.reformat <- "True"
- t.uid <- newGuid()
- t.text <- printExpressions exprs vars String.Empty
+let rec pairs l =
+ seq {
+ for a in l do
+ for b in l do
+ yield (a, b)
+ }
- t.Context <- new TemplatesExportTemplateContext(CSharpContext = csContext)
- t.Variables <- vars.ToArray()
- templates.Add t
- done
+let newGuid () = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N").ToUpper()
- if renderVBNET then
- for (s,exprs) in vbStructureTemplates do
- let t = new TemplatesExportTemplate(shortcut=s)
- let vars = new List()
- t.description <- String.Empty
- t.reformat <- "False" // critical difference with C#!!!
- t.uid <- newGuid()
- t.text <- printExpressions exprs vars String.Empty
- t.Context <- new TemplatesExportTemplateContext(VBContext = vbContext)
- t.Variables <- vars.ToArray()
- templates.Add t
- done
- // now process members
- if renderCSharp then
- for (s,doc,exprs) in cSharpMemberTemplates do
- // simple types; methods can be void
- let types = (if Char.ToLower(s.Chars(0)) ='m' then ("", "void", "") :: csharpTypes else csharpTypes)
- for (tk,tv,defValue) in types do
- let t = new TemplatesExportTemplate(shortcut=(s+tk))
- let vars = new List()
- t.description <- printExpressions doc vars defValue
- t.reformat <- "True"
- t.shortenQualifiedReferences <- "True"
- t.text <- (printExpressions exprs vars defValue)
- .Replace("$typename$", if String.IsNullOrEmpty(tv) then "void" else tv)
- t.uid <- newGuid()
- t.Context <- new TemplatesExportTemplateContext(CSharpContext = csContext)
- t.Variables <- vars.ToArray()
- templates.Add t
- done
- // generically specialized types
- for (gk,gv,genArgCount) in dotNetGenericTypes do
- match genArgCount with
- | 1 ->
- for (tk,tv,_) in csharpTypes do
- let t0 = new TemplatesExportTemplate(shortcut=s+gk+tk)
- let vars0 = new List()
- let genericArgs = gv + "<" + tv + ">"
- let defValue = "new " + genericArgs + "()"
- t0.description <- (printExpressions doc vars0 defValue).Replace("$typename$", genericArgs)
- t0.reformat <- "True"
- t0.shortenQualifiedReferences <- "True"
- t0.text <- (printExpressions exprs vars0 defValue).Replace("$typename$", genericArgs)
- t0.uid <- newGuid()
- t0.Context <- new TemplatesExportTemplateContext(CSharpContext = csContext)
- t0.Variables <- vars0.ToArray()
- templates.Add t0
- done
- | 2 -> // maybe this is not such a good idea because we get n^2 templates
- for ((tk0,tv0,_),(tk1,tv1,_)) in pairs csharpTypes do
- let t = new TemplatesExportTemplate(shortcut=s+gk+tk0+tk1)
+/// Renders an XML template for C#, VB.NET and F#
+let renderReSharper () =
+ let te = TemplatesExport(family = "Live Templates")
+ let templates = List()
+ // debugging switches :)
+ let renderCSharp, renderVBNET = true, false
+ let printExpressions expressions (vars: List) defValue =
+ let rec impl exps (builder: StringBuilder) =
+ match exps with
+ | Text(txt) :: t ->
+ builder.AppendString txt
+ impl t builder
+ | DefaultValue :: t ->
+ builder.AppendString defValue
+ impl t builder
+ | Variable(name, value) :: t ->
+ let v = TemplatesExportTemplateVariable()
+ v.name <- name
+ v.initialRange <- 0
+ v.expression <- value
+ vars.Add(v)
+ builder.AppendStrings [ "$"; name; "$" ]
+ impl t builder
+ | Constant(name, text) :: t ->
+ if name <> "END" then
+ begin
+ let v = TemplatesExportTemplateVariable()
+ v.name <- name
+ v.initialRange <- 0
+ v.expression <- "constant(\"" + text + "\")"
+ if not (vars.Any(fun v' -> v.name.Equals(v'.name))) then
+ vars.Add(v)
+ end
+ builder.AppendStrings [ "$"; name; "$" ]
+ impl t builder
+ | Scope(content) :: t ->
+ builder.AppendString "{"
+ impl content builder
+ builder.AppendString "}"
+ impl t builder
+ | FixedType :: t ->
+ builder.AppendString "$typename$" // replaced later
+ impl t builder
+ | [] -> ()
+ let sb = StringBuilder()
+ impl expressions sb
+ sb.ToString()
+ // first, process structures
+ if renderCSharp then
+ for (s, doc, exprs) in cSharpStructureTemplates do
+ let t = TemplatesExportTemplate(shortcut = s)
+ let vars = List()
+ t.description <- printExpressions doc vars String.Empty
+ t.reformat <- "True"
+ t.uid <- newGuid ()
+ t.text <- printExpressions exprs vars String.Empty
+ t.Context <- TemplatesExportTemplateContext(CSharpContext = csharpStructureContext)
+ t.Variables <- vars.ToArray()
+ templates.Add t
+ if renderVBNET then
+ for (s, doc, exprs) in vbStructureTemplates do
+ let t = TemplatesExportTemplate(shortcut = s)
+ let vars = List()
+ t.description <- printExpressions doc vars String.Empty
+ t.reformat <- "False" // critical difference with C#!!!
+ t.uid <- newGuid ()
+ t.text <- printExpressions exprs vars String.Empty
+ t.Context <- TemplatesExportTemplateContext(VBContext = vbContext)
+ t.Variables <- vars.ToArray()
+ templates.Add t
+ // now process members
+ if renderCSharp then
+ for (s, doc, exprs) in cSharpMemberTemplates do
+ // simple types; methods can be void
+ let types =
+ (if Char.ToLower(s.Chars(0)) = 'm' then
+ ("", "void", "") :: csharpTypes
+ else
+ csharpTypes)
+ for (tk, tv, defValue) in types do
+ let t = TemplatesExportTemplate(shortcut = (s + tk))
let vars = List()
- let genericArgs = gv + "<" + tv0 + "," + tv1 + ">"
- let defValue = "new " + genericArgs + "()"
- t.description <- (printExpressions doc vars defValue).Replace("$typename$", genericArgs)
+ t.description <-
+ (printExpressions doc vars defValue)
+ .Replace("$typename$", (if String.IsNullOrEmpty(tv) then "void" else tv))
t.reformat <- "True"
t.shortenQualifiedReferences <- "True"
- t.text <- (printExpressions exprs vars defValue).Replace("$typename$", genericArgs)
- t.uid <- newGuid()
- t.Context <- new TemplatesExportTemplateContext(CSharpContext = csContext)
+ t.text <-
+ (printExpressions exprs vars defValue)
+ .Replace("$typename$", (if String.IsNullOrEmpty(tv) then "void" else tv))
+ t.uid <- newGuid ()
+ t.Context <- TemplatesExportTemplateContext(CSharpContext = csharpMemberContext)
t.Variables <- vars.ToArray()
templates.Add t
- done
- | _ -> raise <| new Exception("We don't support this few/many args")
- done
- done
- if renderVBNET then
- for (s,doc,exprs) in vbMemberTemplates do
- // simple types; methods can be void
- for (tk,tv,defValue) in vbTypes do
- let t = new TemplatesExportTemplate(shortcut=(s+tk))
- let vars = new List()
- t.description <- printExpressions doc vars defValue
- t.reformat <- "True"
- t.shortenQualifiedReferences <- "True"
- t.text <- (printExpressions exprs vars defValue)
- .Replace("$typename$", if String.IsNullOrEmpty(tv) then "void" else tv)
- t.uid <- newGuid()
- t.Context <- new TemplatesExportTemplateContext(VBContext = vbContext)
- t.Variables <- vars.ToArray()
- templates.Add t
- done
- // generically specialized types
- for (gk,gv,genArgCount) in dotNetGenericTypes do
- match genArgCount with
- | 1 ->
- for (tk,tv,_) in vbTypes do
- let t0 = new TemplatesExportTemplate(shortcut=s+gk+tk)
- let vars0 = new List()
- let genericArgs = gv + "(Of " + tv + ")"
- let defValue = "new " + genericArgs + "()"
- t0.description <- (printExpressions doc vars0 defValue).Replace("$typename$", genericArgs)
- t0.reformat <- "True"
- t0.shortenQualifiedReferences <- "True"
- t0.text <- (printExpressions exprs vars0 defValue).Replace("$typename$", genericArgs)
- t0.uid <- newGuid()
- t0.Context <- new TemplatesExportTemplateContext(VBContext = vbContext)
- t0.Variables <- vars0.ToArray()
- templates.Add t0
- done
- | 2 -> // maybe this is not such a good idea because we get n^2 templates
- for ((tk0,tv0,_),(tk1,tv1,_)) in pairs vbTypes do
- let t = new TemplatesExportTemplate(shortcut=s+gk+tk0+tk1)
+ // generically specialized types
+ for (gk, gv, genArgCount) in dotNetGenericTypes do
+ match genArgCount with
+ | 1 ->
+ for (tk, tv, _) in csharpTypes do
+ let t0 = TemplatesExportTemplate(shortcut = s + gk + tk)
+ let vars0 = List()
+ let genericArgs = gv + "<" + tv + ">"
+ let defValue = "new " + genericArgs + "()"
+ t0.description <- (printExpressions doc vars0 defValue).Replace("$typename$", genericArgs)
+ t0.reformat <- "True"
+ t0.shortenQualifiedReferences <- "True"
+ t0.text <- (printExpressions exprs vars0 defValue).Replace("$typename$", genericArgs)
+ t0.uid <- newGuid ()
+ t0.Context <- TemplatesExportTemplateContext(CSharpContext = csharpMemberContext)
+ t0.Variables <- vars0.ToArray()
+ templates.Add t0
+ | 2 -> // maybe this is not such a good idea because we get n^2 templates
+ for ((tk0, tv0, _), (tk1, tv1, _)) in pairs csharpTypes do
+ let t = TemplatesExportTemplate(shortcut = s + gk + tk0 + tk1)
+ let vars = List()
+ let genericArgs = gv + "<" + tv0 + "," + tv1 + ">"
+ let defValue = "new " + genericArgs + "()"
+ t.description <- (printExpressions doc vars defValue).Replace("$typename$", genericArgs)
+ t.reformat <- "True"
+ t.shortenQualifiedReferences <- "True"
+ t.text <- (printExpressions exprs vars defValue).Replace("$typename$", genericArgs)
+ t.uid <- newGuid ()
+ t.Context <- TemplatesExportTemplateContext(CSharpContext = csharpMemberContext)
+ t.Variables <- vars.ToArray()
+ templates.Add t
+ | _ -> raise <| Exception("We don't support this few/many args")
+ if renderVBNET then
+ for (s, doc, exprs) in vbMemberTemplates do
+ // simple types; methods can be void
+ for (tk, tv, defValue) in vbTypes do
+ let t = TemplatesExportTemplate(shortcut = (s + tk))
let vars = List()
- let genericArgs = gv + "(Of " + tv0 + ", Of" + tv1 + ")"
- let defValue = "new " + genericArgs + "()"
- t.description <- (printExpressions doc vars defValue).Replace("$typename$", genericArgs)
+ t.description <-
+ (printExpressions doc vars defValue)
+ .Replace("$typename$", (if String.IsNullOrEmpty(tv) then "void" else tv))
t.reformat <- "True"
t.shortenQualifiedReferences <- "True"
- t.text <- (printExpressions exprs vars defValue).Replace("$typename$", genericArgs)
- t.uid <- newGuid()
- t.Context <- new TemplatesExportTemplateContext(VBContext = vbContext)
+ t.text <-
+ (printExpressions exprs vars defValue)
+ .Replace("$typename$", (if String.IsNullOrEmpty(tv) then "void" else tv))
+ t.uid <- newGuid ()
+ t.Context <- TemplatesExportTemplateContext(VBContext = vbContext)
t.Variables <- vars.ToArray()
templates.Add t
- done
- | _ -> raise <| new Exception("We don't support this few/many args")
- done
- done
- te.Template <- templates.ToArray()
- let filename = "ReSharperMnemonics.xml"
- File.Delete(filename)
- let xs = new XmlSerializer(te.GetType())
- use fs = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)
- xs.Serialize(fs, te)
- printfn "%A ReSharper templates exported" (te.Template.Length)
+ // generically specialized types
+ for (gk, gv, genArgCount) in dotNetGenericTypes do
+ match genArgCount with
+ | 1 ->
+ for (tk, tv, _) in vbTypes do
+ let t0 = TemplatesExportTemplate(shortcut = s + gk + tk)
+ let vars0 = List()
+ let genericArgs = gv + "(Of " + tv + ")"
+ let defValue = "new " + genericArgs + "()"
+ t0.description <- (printExpressions doc vars0 defValue).Replace("$typename$", genericArgs)
+ t0.reformat <- "True"
+ t0.shortenQualifiedReferences <- "True"
+ t0.text <- (printExpressions exprs vars0 defValue).Replace("$typename$", genericArgs)
+ t0.uid <- newGuid ()
+ t0.Context <- TemplatesExportTemplateContext(VBContext = vbContext)
+ t0.Variables <- vars0.ToArray()
+ templates.Add t0
+ | 2 -> // maybe this is not such a good idea because we get n^2 templates
+ for ((tk0, tv0, _), (tk1, tv1, _)) in pairs vbTypes do
+ let t = TemplatesExportTemplate(shortcut = s + gk + tk0 + tk1)
+ let vars = List()
+ let genericArgs = gv + "(Of " + tv0 + ", Of" + tv1 + ")"
+ let defValue = "new " + genericArgs + "()"
+ t.description <- (printExpressions doc vars defValue).Replace("$typename$", genericArgs)
+ t.reformat <- "True"
+ t.shortenQualifiedReferences <- "True"
+ t.text <- (printExpressions exprs vars defValue).Replace("$typename$", genericArgs)
+ t.uid <- newGuid ()
+ t.Context <- TemplatesExportTemplateContext(VBContext = vbContext)
+ t.Variables <- vars.ToArray()
+ templates.Add t
+ | _ -> raise <| Exception("We don't support this few/many args")
+ te.Template <- templates.ToArray()
+ let filename =
+ "C:\\Files\\Projects\\be.stateless\\JetBrains.Mnemonics\\downloads\\ReSharperMnemonics.xml"
+ File.Delete(filename)
+ let xs = XmlSerializer(te.GetType())
+ use fs = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write)
+ xs.Serialize(fs, te)
+ printfn $"%A{te.Template.Length} ReSharper templates exported"
/// Renders a JAR for Java, Kotlin, Scala and C++
-let renderJava() =
- let javaDeclContext =
- [| new templateSetTemplateOption(name="JAVA_DECLARATION",value=true) |]
- let kotlinDeclContext =
- [| new templateSetTemplateOption(name="KOTLIN_EXPRESSION",value=true) |]
- // unverified
- let cppDeclContext =
- [| new templateSetTemplateOption(name="OC_DECLARATION_CPP", value=true) |]
- let printExpressions expressions (vars:List) defValue =
- let rec impl exps (builder:StringBuilder) =
- match exps with
- | Text(txt) :: t ->
- builder.AppendString txt
- impl t builder
- | DefaultValue :: t ->
- builder.AppendString defValue
- impl t builder
- | Variable(name, value) :: t ->
- let v = new templateSetTemplateVariable()
- v.name <- name
- v.expression <- value
- v.alwaysStopAt <- true
- vars.Add(v)
- if not (vars.Any(fun v' -> v.name.Equals(v'.name))) then vars.Add(v)
- builder.AppendStrings ["$"; name; "$"]
- impl t builder
- | Constant(name,text) :: t ->
- if name <> "END" then begin
- let v = new templateSetTemplateVariable()
- v.name <- name
- v.defaultValue <- "\"" + text + "\"" // note the quotes
- v.expression <- String.Empty
- v.alwaysStopAt <- true
- if not (vars.Any(fun v' -> v.name.Equals(v'.name))) then vars.Add(v)
- end
- builder.AppendStrings ["$"; name; "$"]
- impl t builder
- | Scope(content) :: t ->
- builder.AppendStrings [ideaLineBreak; "{"; ideaLineBreak]
- impl content builder
- builder.AppendStrings [ideaLineBreak; "}"]
- impl t builder
- | FixedType :: t ->
- builder.AppendString "$typename$" // replaced later
- impl t builder
- | [] -> ()
- let sb = new StringBuilder()
- impl expressions sb
- sb.ToString();
- // this saves the template set under a filename
- let saveFile filename ts =
- let xs = new XmlSerializer(ts.GetType())
- use sw = new StringWriter()
- xs.Serialize(sw, ts)
- let textToWrite = sw.ToString().Replace("
", entity10) // .NET knows better :)
- File.WriteAllText(filename, textToWrite)
- Directory.CreateDirectory(".\\jar") |> ignore
- Directory.CreateDirectory(".\\jar\\templates") |> ignore
- (***************** JAVA **********************************************)
- let ts = new templateSet()
- let templates = new List()
- ts.group <- "mnemnics-java" // todo: investigate 'properietary' groups
- let filename = ".\\jar\\templates\\" + ts.group + ".xml"
- // java structures
- for (s, exprs) in javaStructureTemplates do
- let t = new templateSetTemplate(name=s)
- let vars = new List()
- t.description <- String.Empty
- t.toReformat <- true
- t.toShortenFQNames <- true
- t.context <- javaDeclContext
- t.value <- (printExpressions exprs vars String.Empty)
- t.variable <- vars.ToArray()
- templates.Add t
- done
- // java members
- for (s, doc, exprs) in javaMemberTemplates do
- // simple types; methods can be void
- let types = if Char.ToLower(s.Chars(0)) = 'm'
- then ("", "void", "") :: javaPrimitiveTypes
- else javaPrimitiveTypes
- for (tk,tv,defValue) in types do
- let t = new templateSetTemplate()
- let vars = new List()
- t.name <- s + tk
- t.description <- (printExpressions doc vars defValue)
- .Replace("$typename$", if String.IsNullOrEmpty(tv) then "void" else tv)
+let renderJava () =
+ let javaDeclContext =
+ [| templateSetTemplateOption (name = "JAVA_DECLARATION", value = true) |]
+ let kotlinDeclContext =
+ [| templateSetTemplateOption (name = "KOTLIN_EXPRESSION", value = true) |]
+ // unverified
+ let cppDeclContext =
+ [| templateSetTemplateOption (name = "OC_DECLARATION_CPP", value = true) |]
+ let printExpressions expressions (vars: List) defValue =
+ let rec impl exps (builder: StringBuilder) =
+ match exps with
+ | Text(txt) :: t ->
+ builder.AppendString txt
+ impl t builder
+ | DefaultValue :: t ->
+ builder.AppendString defValue
+ impl t builder
+ | Variable(name, value) :: t ->
+ let v = templateSetTemplateVariable ()
+ v.name <- name
+ v.expression <- value
+ v.alwaysStopAt <- true
+ vars.Add(v)
+ if not (vars.Any(fun v' -> v.name.Equals(v'.name))) then
+ vars.Add(v)
+ builder.AppendStrings [ "$"; name; "$" ]
+ impl t builder
+ | Constant(name, text) :: t ->
+ if name <> "END" then
+ begin
+ let v = templateSetTemplateVariable ()
+ v.name <- name
+ v.defaultValue <- "\"" + text + "\"" // note the quotes
+ v.expression <- String.Empty
+ v.alwaysStopAt <- true
+ if not (vars.Any(fun v' -> v.name.Equals(v'.name))) then
+ vars.Add(v)
+ end
+ builder.AppendStrings [ "$"; name; "$" ]
+ impl t builder
+ | Scope(content) :: t ->
+ builder.AppendStrings [ ideaLineBreak; "{"; ideaLineBreak ]
+ impl content builder
+ builder.AppendStrings [ ideaLineBreak; "}" ]
+ impl t builder
+ | FixedType :: t ->
+ builder.AppendString "$typename$" // replaced later
+ impl t builder
+ | [] -> ()
+ let sb = StringBuilder()
+ impl expressions sb
+ sb.ToString()
+ // this saves the template set under a filename
+ let saveFile filename ts =
+ let xs = XmlSerializer(ts.GetType())
+ use sw = new StringWriter()
+ xs.Serialize(sw, ts)
+ let textToWrite = sw.ToString().Replace("
", entity10) // .NET knows better :)
+ File.WriteAllText(filename, textToWrite)
+ Directory.CreateDirectory(".\\jar") |> ignore
+ Directory.CreateDirectory(".\\jar\\templates") |> ignore
+ (***************** JAVA **********************************************)
+ let ts = templateSet ()
+ let templates = List()
+ ts.group <- "mnemonics-java" // todo: investigate 'proprietary' groups
+ let filename = ".\\jar\\templates\\" + ts.group + ".xml"
+ // java structures
+ for (s, exprs) in javaStructureTemplates do
+ let t = templateSetTemplate (name = s)
+ let vars = List()
+ t.description <- String.Empty
t.toReformat <- true
t.toShortenFQNames <- true
t.context <- javaDeclContext
- t.value <- (printExpressions exprs vars defValue)
- .Replace("$typename$", if String.IsNullOrEmpty(tv) then "void" else tv)
+ t.value <- (printExpressions exprs vars String.Empty)
t.variable <- vars.ToArray()
templates.Add t
- done
- done
- ts.template <- templates.ToArray()
- saveFile filename ts
- (***************** KOTLIN ********************************************)
- let ts = new templateSet()
- let templates = new List()
- ts.group <- "mnemonics-kotlin" // todo: investigate 'properietary' groups
- let filename = ".\\jar\\templates\\" + ts.group + ".xml"
- // structures
- for (s, exprs) in kotlinStructureTemplates do
- let t = new templateSetTemplate(name=s)
- let vars = new List()
- t.description <- String.Empty
- t.toReformat <- true
- t.toShortenFQNames <- true
- t.context <- kotlinDeclContext
- t.value <- (printExpressions exprs vars String.Empty)
- t.variable <- vars.ToArray()
- templates.Add t
- done
- // members
- for (s, doc, exprs) in kotlinMemberTemplates do
- // simple types; methods can be void
- let types = if Char.ToLower(s.Chars(0)) = 'm'
- then ("", "Unit", "") :: kotlinPrimitiveTypes
- else kotlinPrimitiveTypes
- for (tk,tv,defValue) in types do
- let t = new templateSetTemplate()
- let vars = new List()
- t.name <- s + tk
- t.description <- (printExpressions doc vars defValue)
- .Replace("$typename$", if String.IsNullOrEmpty(tv) then "Unit" else tv)
+ // java members
+ for (s, doc, exprs) in javaMemberTemplates do
+ // simple types; methods can be void
+ let types =
+ if Char.ToLower(s.Chars(0)) = 'm' then
+ ("", "void", "") :: javaPrimitiveTypes
+ else
+ javaPrimitiveTypes
+ for (tk, tv, defValue) in types do
+ let t = templateSetTemplate ()
+ let vars = List()
+ t.name <- s + tk
+ t.description <-
+ (printExpressions doc vars defValue)
+ .Replace("$typename$", (if String.IsNullOrEmpty(tv) then "void" else tv))
+ t.toReformat <- true
+ t.toShortenFQNames <- true
+ t.context <- javaDeclContext
+ t.value <-
+ (printExpressions exprs vars defValue)
+ .Replace("$typename$", (if String.IsNullOrEmpty(tv) then "void" else tv))
+ t.variable <- vars.ToArray()
+ templates.Add t
+ ts.template <- templates.ToArray()
+ saveFile filename ts
+ (***************** KOTLIN ********************************************)
+ let ts = templateSet ()
+ let templates = List()
+ ts.group <- "mnemonics-kotlin" // todo: investigate 'proprietary' groups
+ let filename = ".\\jar\\templates\\" + ts.group + ".xml"
+ // structures
+ for (s, exprs) in kotlinStructureTemplates do
+ let t = templateSetTemplate (name = s)
+ let vars = List()
+ t.description <- String.Empty
t.toReformat <- true
t.toShortenFQNames <- true
t.context <- kotlinDeclContext
- t.value <- (printExpressions exprs vars defValue)
- .Replace("$typename$", if String.IsNullOrEmpty(tv) then "Unit" else tv)
+ t.value <- (printExpressions exprs vars String.Empty)
t.variable <- vars.ToArray()
templates.Add t
- done
- done
- ts.template <- templates.ToArray()
- saveFile filename ts
- (*************************** C++ (be afraid!) *****************************************)
- let ts = new templateSet();
- let templates = new List()
- ts.group <- "mnemonics-cpp"
- let filename = ".\\jar\\templates\\" + ts.group + ".xml"
- // structures (note these end with semi-colons)
- for (s, exprs) in cppStructureTemplates do
- let t = new templateSetTemplate(name=s)
- let vars = new List()
- t.description <- String.Empty
- t.toReformat <- true
- t.toShortenFQNames <- true
- t.context <- cppDeclContext
- t.value <- (printExpressions exprs vars String.Empty)
- t.variable <- vars.ToArray()
- templates.Add t
- done
- // members
- for (s, doc, exprs) in cppMemberTemplates do
- // simple types; methods can be void
- let types = if Char.ToLower(s.Chars(0)) = 'm'
- then ("", "void", "") :: cppTypes
- else cppTypes
- for (tk,tv,defValue) in types do
- let t = new templateSetTemplate()
- let vars = new List()
- t.name <- s + tk
- t.description <- (printExpressions doc vars defValue)
- .Replace("$typename$", if String.IsNullOrEmpty(tv) then "void" else tv)
+ // members
+ for (s, doc, exprs) in kotlinMemberTemplates do
+ // simple types; methods can be void
+ let types =
+ if Char.ToLower(s.Chars(0)) = 'm' then
+ ("", "Unit", "") :: kotlinPrimitiveTypes
+ else
+ kotlinPrimitiveTypes
+ for (tk, tv, defValue) in types do
+ let t = templateSetTemplate ()
+ let vars = List()
+ t.name <- s + tk
+ t.description <-
+ (printExpressions doc vars defValue)
+ .Replace("$typename$", (if String.IsNullOrEmpty(tv) then "Unit" else tv))
+ t.toReformat <- true
+ t.toShortenFQNames <- true
+ t.context <- kotlinDeclContext
+ t.value <-
+ (printExpressions exprs vars defValue)
+ .Replace("$typename$", (if String.IsNullOrEmpty(tv) then "Unit" else tv))
+ t.variable <- vars.ToArray()
+ templates.Add t
+ ts.template <- templates.ToArray()
+ saveFile filename ts
+ (*************************** C++ (be afraid!) *****************************************)
+ let ts = templateSet ()
+ let templates = List()
+ ts.group <- "mnemonics-cpp"
+ let filename = ".\\jar\\templates\\" + ts.group + ".xml"
+ // structures (note these end with semicolons)
+ for (s, exprs) in cppStructureTemplates do
+ let t = templateSetTemplate (name = s)
+ let vars = List()
+ t.description <- String.Empty
t.toReformat <- true
t.toShortenFQNames <- true
t.context <- cppDeclContext
- t.value <- (printExpressions exprs vars defValue)
- .Replace("$typename$", if String.IsNullOrEmpty(tv) then "void" else tv)
+ t.value <- (printExpressions exprs vars String.Empty)
t.variable <- vars.ToArray()
templates.Add t
- done
- done
- ts.template <- templates.ToArray()
- saveFile filename ts
+ // members
+ for (s, doc, exprs) in cppMemberTemplates do
+ // simple types; methods can be void
+ let types =
+ if Char.ToLower(s.Chars(0)) = 'm' then
+ ("", "void", "") :: cppTypes
+ else
+ cppTypes
+ for (tk, tv, defValue) in types do
+ let t = templateSetTemplate ()
+ let vars = List()
+ t.name <- s + tk
+ t.description <-
+ (printExpressions doc vars defValue)
+ .Replace("$typename$", (if String.IsNullOrEmpty(tv) then "void" else tv))
+ t.toReformat <- true
+ t.toShortenFQNames <- true
+ t.context <- cppDeclContext
+ t.value <-
+ (printExpressions exprs vars defValue)
+ .Replace("$typename$", (if String.IsNullOrEmpty(tv) then "void" else tv))
+ t.variable <- vars.ToArray()
+ templates.Add t
+ ts.template <- templates.ToArray()
+ saveFile filename ts
+ // TODO: java and kotlin generics
+ let ideaFileName = "IntelliJ IDEA Global Settings"
+ File.WriteAllText(".\\jar\\" + ideaFileName, String.Empty)
- // TODO: java and kotlin generics
- let ideaFileName = "IntelliJ IDEA Global Settings"
- File.WriteAllText(".\\jar\\" + ideaFileName, String.Empty)
+ // now wrap it in a jar. use of 3rd-party zipper unavoidable
+ let jarFileName = "IdeaMnemonics.jar"
+ File.Delete jarFileName
+ ZipFile.CreateFromDirectory(".\\jar", jarFileName)
- // now wrap it in a jar. use of 3rd-party zipper unavoidable
- let jarFileName = "IdeaMnemonics.jar"
- File.Delete jarFileName
- let jarFile = new ZipFile(jarFileName)
- let templatesDir = jarFile.AddDirectory(".\\jar")
- jarFile.Save()
- printfn "%A IDEA templates exported" templates.Count
+ printfn $"%A{templates.Count} IDEA templates exported"
-let main argv =
- renderReSharper()
- renderJava()
- //Console.ReadKey() |> ignore
- 0
\ No newline at end of file
+let main _ =
+ renderReSharper ()
+ // renderJava ()
+ //Console.ReadKey() |> ignore
+ 0
diff --git a/src/Mnemonics/Python.fs b/src/Mnemonics/Python.fs
index e24e14a..3573e15 100644
--- a/src/Mnemonics/Python.fs
+++ b/src/Mnemonics/Python.fs
@@ -1,16 +1,8 @@
module Python
open Types
(* Python doesn't benefit so much from mnemonics because it is already very concise *)
let pythonStructureTemplates =
- [
- (
- "c",
- [
- Text "class "
- Constant ("CLASSNAME", "MyClass")
- Text ":"
- ]
- )
- ]
\ No newline at end of file
+ [ ("c", [ Text "class "; Constant("CLASSNAME", "MyClass"); Text ":" ]) ]
diff --git a/src/Mnemonics/Ruby.fs b/src/Mnemonics/Ruby.fs
deleted file mode 100644
index 94709bd..0000000
--- a/src/Mnemonics/Ruby.fs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-module Ruby
diff --git a/src/Mnemonics/Types.fs b/src/Mnemonics/Types.fs
index a60572c..1e79140 100644
--- a/src/Mnemonics/Types.fs
+++ b/src/Mnemonics/Types.fs
@@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
module Types
type Expression =
- | Text of string // plain text, output as-is
- | FixedType // primary expression type, substituted
- | Variable of string * string // variable, result of LT function eval
- | Constant of string * string // constant, has a default value
- | Scope of Expression list // curly-brace-delimited scope
- | DefaultValue // default value, taken from type enumeration
+ | Text of string // plain text, output as-is
+ | FixedType // primary expression type, substituted
+ | Variable of string * string // variable, result of LT function eval
+ | Constant of string * string // constant, has a default value
+ | Scope of Expression list // curly-brace-delimited scope
+ | DefaultValue // default value, taken from type enumeration
let space = Text " "
-let endConstant = Constant ("END", "")
+let endConstant = Constant("END", "")
let semiColon = Text ";"
let lineBreak = Text "\n"
-let className = Constant ("CLASSNAME", "MyClass")
-let interfaceName = Constant ("INTERFACENAME", "MyInterface")
+let className = Constant("CLASSNAME", "MyClass")
+let interfaceName = Constant("INTERFACENAME", "MyInterface")
let traitName = Constant("TRAITNAME", "MyTrait")
-let propName = Constant("propname", "MyProperty")
\ No newline at end of file
+let propName = Constant("propname", "MyProperty")
diff --git a/src/Mnemonics/VB.NET.fs b/src/Mnemonics/VB.NET.fs
index ed29d28..84873b8 100644
--- a/src/Mnemonics/VB.NET.fs
+++ b/src/Mnemonics/VB.NET.fs
@@ -2,220 +2,84 @@
open Types
-let vbContext =
- new TemplatesExportTemplateContextVBContext (
- context = "TypeMember, TypeAndNamespace",
- minimumLanguageVersion = 2.0M
- )
+let vbContext =
+ new TemplatesExportTemplateContextVBContext(context = "TypeMember, TypeAndNamespace", minimumLanguageVersion = 2.0M)
let vbTypes =
- [
- ("b", "Boolean", "False")
- ("c", "Char", "''")
- ("f", "Single", "0.0f")
- ("by", "Byte", "0")
- ("d", "Double", "0.0")
- ("i", "Integer", "0")
- ("m", "Decimal", "0M")
- ("s", "String", "\"\"")
- ("l", "Long", "0")
- ("u", "UInteger", "0")
- ("g", "System.Guid", "System.Guid.NewGuid()")
- ("t", "System.DateTime", "System.DateTime.UtcNow")
- ]
+ [ ("b", "Boolean", "False")
+ ("c", "Char", "''")
+ ("f", "Single", "0.0f")
+ ("by", "Byte", "0")
+ ("d", "Double", "0.0")
+ ("i", "Integer", "0")
+ ("m", "Decimal", "0M")
+ ("s", "String", "\"\"")
+ ("l", "Long", "0")
+ ("u", "UInteger", "0")
+ ("g", "System.Guid", "System.Guid.NewGuid()")
+ ("t", "System.DateTime", "System.DateTime.UtcNow") ]
// note: vb structures are self-closing, so it makes sense to just print the header
let vbStructureTemplates =
- [
- (
- "c",
- [
- Text "Public Class "
- Constant ("CLASSNAME", "SomeClass")
- ]
- )
- (
- "a",
- [
- Text "Public MustInherit Class "
- Constant ("CLASSNAME", "SomeClass")
- ]
- )
- (
- "C",
- [
- Text "Public Module "
- Constant ("MODULENAME", "SomeModule")
- ]
- )
- (
- "i",
- [
- Text "Public Interface "
- Constant ("INTERFACENAME", "ISomeInterface")
- ]
- )
- (
- "s",
- [
- Text "Public Structure "
- Constant ("STRUCTNAME", "SomeStructure")
- ]
- )
- (
- "e",
- [
- Text "Public Enum "
- Constant ("ENUMNAME", "SomeEnum")
- ]
- )
- ]
+ [ ("c", [ Text "A Class" ], [ Text "Public Class "; Constant("CLASSNAME", "SomeClass") ])
+ ("a", [ Text "A MustInherit Class" ], [ Text "Public MustInherit Class "; Constant("CLASSNAME", "SomeClass") ])
+ ("C", [ Text "A Module" ], [ Text "Public Module "; Constant("MODULENAME", "SomeModule") ])
+ ("i", [ Text "An Interface" ], [ Text "Public Interface "; Constant("INTERFACENAME", "ISomeInterface") ])
+ ("s", [ Text "A Structure" ], [ Text "Public Structure "; Constant("STRUCTNAME", "SomeStructure") ])
+ ("e", [ Text "An Enum" ], [ Text "Public Enum "; Constant("ENUMNAME", "SomeEnum") ]) ]
let vbMemberTemplates =
- [
- (
- "v",
- [
- Text "A field of type "
- FixedType
- ],
- [
- Text "Private "
- Constant ("fieldname", "fieldname")
+ [ ("v", [ Text "A field of type "; FixedType ], [ Text "Private "; Constant("fieldname", "fieldname"); Text " As "; FixedType ])
+ ("vr",
+ [ Text "A readonly field of type "; FixedType ],
+ [ Text "Private ReadOnly "
+ Constant("fieldname", "fieldname")
Text " As "
- FixedType
- ]
- )
- (
- "vr",
- [
- Text "A readonly field of type "
- FixedType
- ],
- [
- Text "Private ReadOnly "
- Constant ("fieldname", "fieldname")
+ FixedType ])
+ ("V",
+ [ Text "A shared field of type "; FixedType ],
+ [ Text "Private Shared "
+ Constant("fieldname", "fieldname")
Text " As "
+ FixedType ])
+ ("n",
+ [ Text "A field of type "
- ]
- )
- (
- "V",
- [
- Text "A shared field of type "
- FixedType
- ],
- [
- Text "Private Shared "
- Constant ("fieldname", "fieldname")
- Text " As "
- FixedType
- ]
- )
- (
- "n",
- [
- Text "A field of type "
- FixedType
- Text " initialized to the default value."
- ],
- [
- Text "Private "
- Constant ("fieldname", "fieldname")
+ Text " initialized to the default value." ],
+ [ Text "Private "
+ Constant("fieldname", "fieldname")
Text " As "
Text " = "
- DefaultValue
- ]
- )
- (
- "o",
- [
- Text "A readonly field of type "
+ DefaultValue ])
+ ("o",
+ [ Text "A readonly field of type "
- Text " initialized to the default value."
- ],
- [
- Text "Private ReadOnly "
- Constant ("fieldname", "fieldname")
+ Text " initialized to the default value." ],
+ [ Text "Private ReadOnly "
+ Constant("fieldname", "fieldname")
Text " As "
Text " = "
- DefaultValue
- ]
- )
- (
- "t",
- [
- Text "A test method."
- ],
- [
- Text " Public Sub "
- Constant ("methodname", "SomeMethod")
- Text "()"
- ]
- )
- (
- "m",
- [
- Text "A subroutine."
- ],
- [
- Text "Public Sub "
- Constant ("methodname", "SomeMethod")
- Text "()"
- ]
- )
- (
- "M",
- [
- Text "A shared subroutine."
- ],
- [
- Text "Public Shared Sub "
- Constant ("methodname", "SomeMethod")
- Text "()"
- ]
- )
- (* methods in VB.NET branch into Functions and Subs
- this covers only functions*)
- (
- "m",
- [
- Text "A method that returns a(n) "
- FixedType
- ],
- [
- Text "Public Function "
+ DefaultValue ])
+ ("m", [ Text "A subroutine." ], [ Text "Public Sub "; Constant("methodname", "SomeMethod"); Text "()" ])
+ ("M", [ Text "A shared subroutine." ], [ Text "Public Shared Sub "; Constant("methodname", "SomeMethod"); Text "()" ])
+ (* methods in VB.NET branch into Functions and Subs this covers only functions*)
+ ("m",
+ [ Text "A method that returns a "; FixedType ],
+ [ Text "Public Function "
Constant("methodname", "SomeMethod")
Text "() As "
- FixedType
- ]
- )
- (
- "M",
- [
- Text "A shared method that returns a(n) "
- FixedType
- ],
- [
- Text "Public Shared Function "
+ FixedType ])
+ ("M",
+ [ Text "A shared method that returns a "; FixedType ],
+ [ Text "Public Shared Function "
Constant("methodname", "SomeMethod")
Text "() As "
- FixedType
- ]
- )
- (
- "p",
- [
- Text "An automatic property of type "
- FixedType
- ],
- [
- Text "Public Property "
+ FixedType ])
+ ("p",
+ [ Text "An automatic property of type "; FixedType ],
+ [ Text "Public Property "
Constant("propname", "SomeProperty")
Text " As "
- FixedType
- ]
- )
- ]
\ No newline at end of file
+ FixedType ]) ]