- 将Transformer直接运用于图片,完全抛弃CNN
- 如果直接把pix作为token扔进去,sequence长度太长,也不Scalable
- 用超大规模的数据预训练,再再下游任务微调,即题目中的 at scale
Transfromer 与 CNN 的比较
- inductive bias of CNN: locality and translation equivariance 贯穿于CNN-arch始终
- Transformer没有这个先验/regularization, 所以需要更大规模的数据学出来
- 实验结果证明了上述推断:在超大数据集上ViT才能打败ResNet
- Hybrid Architecture: CNN first, flatten the spatial dims as transformer input sequence
- fintuneing at highter resolution images:
- 这里的做法: patch_size不变,effective sequence length 变长, position embedding 2D差值
- My Opinion:
可以压缩到原始的resolution更 make sence, 因为图片更大而patch_size不变,相对的 receptive field 就变了- if pix level prediction task, patch should be fixed 16x16
- linear-few-shot-eval
- take a subset of samples, use the frozen reprezentation as input x, solving a regularized Least Square regression problem, then take 5 samples for each class for eval (5-shot eval)
- for fast one-the-fly eval where fine tuning is costly
- Metrics
- 数据集大小 ~ Top1Acc
- 大数据预训练 number_of_samples ~ few-shot-eval Top1Acc
- pretraining FLOPS ~ Transfer acc
- 另外关注:随着数据集/模型大小的增长perfromance是否饱和?都没有
- Inspect
- 学到的LinearEmbedding层参数, RGB embedding filters (first 28 principal components)
- input -> mask (remove 75% patchs) + pos_embedding -> Encoder -> latent
- concate(latent, MASK) + pos_embedding -> Deocder -> reconstruct_loss
- 进入Encoder的只有 visiable patch, 为了减少计算量和内存占用,使得Encoder可以更大
- lightweight decoder, decoder only used in pre-training and discarded when finetune
- Linear probing: fixed fature map, do not tune
- 意义:证明 CNN 和 Transformer 都不是必需的, MLP也足以达到相同的performence
- 分别在 patch 和 channels 两个维度上使用MLP
- 在 patch 维度上的 MLP 代替了 self_attention
- 在 channels 维度上的 MLP 就是 positional_feed_forward
- 2 trainable modules:
MLP_1(patch_size -> patch_size)
,MLP_2(c -> c)
- 要解决的问题:high resolution image, too many patches, thus very long sequence length for transformer
- 解决方式:我觉得就是个缝合怪,这里面所有的要素之前都有类似想法
- hierarchical:
- attention scrore 只看附近的。 Masked/sparse attention
- 逐层merge扩大感受野,类似于CNN。 merged patch 使得sequence_length变短,所以channels每次要翻倍
- 相邻patch之间没有信息传递怎么办?shifted window
- todo: 工程实现 efficient self-attention in shifted window partitioning
- hierarchical:
token-mixer是什么不重要,重要的transformer这个结构:TokenMixer -> (add and norm) -> ChannelMLP -> (add and norm)
可以是 Attention
, SptialMLP
, even Pooling