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NLP and seq models


  • teacher-student paradiam. Distillation loss $L = \sum_c t_c * log(s_c)$
    • CrossEntropy loss with soft label: here $t_c$ is soft
    • compare with MSE loss.
  • softmax-temperatrue, it's like label smoothing
  • supervised training loss $L_{mlm}$
  • cosine embedding loss $L_{cos}$
  • use RoBERTa train tricks: very large batch (use gradient accumulation impl), dynamic mask (my impl in BERT code), without nsp task.
  • Student Arch: 只减少层数num_layersd_model不变,因为

Most of the operations ... are highly optimized in modern linear algebra frameworks and ... variations on the last dimension of the tensor (hidden size dimension) have a smaller impact on computation efficiency. Thus we focus on reducing the number of layers.




  • 数据集
    • 数据集大小:完全没有想象中那么多,BookCorpors压缩后1.1G 解压后4.6G. txt 和 int 都可以完全放进内存
    • Vocab构建速度:立等可取,纯python无优化
  • Model Parallel. base and large 实现了pytorch模型并行。关于效率问题的讨论 Summarize: pytorch model parallel 就是打不满GPU, pipeline又太麻烦。
  • model struct:
def forward(self, batch):
    is_next, sx, sy, msk, seg = batch
    # sx, sy, msk, seg (seq_len, bz); is_next (bz,)
    src = self.emb(sx) + self.seg_emb(seg) + self.__pos_emb(sx.shape[0])
    mem = self.encoder(src, src_key_padding_mask=self.__key_padding_mask(sx))
    # next sentence prediction
    nsp_yh = self.nsp_module(mem[0, :, :]).view(-1)  # (bz, )
    nsp_loss = self.nsp_loss_fn(nsp_yh, is_next.float())
    # masked language model
    mlm_yh = self.mlm_module(mem)  # (seq_len, bz, VOCAB_SIZE)
    mlm_loss_all = self.mlm_loss_fn(mlm_yh.flatten(0,1), sy.flatten(0,1))
    mlm_loss = torch.mean(mlm_loss_all[msk.flatten(0,1)])
    return mlm_loss + nsp_loss

Attention is all you need


  • src -> Encoder -> memroy -> +tgt decoder -> yh && shifted_y -> loss && backward
  • evaluation: predict yh step-by-step

seq2seq machine translation


  • padding. BucketIterator minimize total num of padding, by batching similar seq_len records together
  • decoder is step-by-step, use teacher_forcing with a prob for some token

实现这个最初是因为 自己实现GNN遇到“同一个batch node个数不同”的问题,想参考一下NLP中类似问题如何处理,这里用了padding的方法。回到GNN的问题,一般就两种思路:

  1. flatten, ie. batch small grpah to one large unconnected garph.
    • This works for the most common case that graph struct is invarient, and is torch_geometric's way
    • But if we need to change graph struct through layers, eg. GraphPooling, should tackle to not generate edge accross originaly different graphs, maybe use something like batch_mask? yes! Ref to torch_geometric impl of dense_diff_pool (use mask: BoolTensor (bz, max_num_nodes)) and topk (use batch: LongTensor [0,0,1,1,1,2,2...9])
  2. padding && pass padding_mask
    • LSTM do not consider anything like padding_mask, we can consider this in loss function CrossEntropyLoss(igore_index=PADDING_IDX)
    • (TODO) TransformerEncoder accept padding mask: src_key_padding_mask