- "model" is estimating the env: modeling
$\eta$ :$P(s_{t+1}|s_t,a_t)$ ,$R(s_t, a_t)$ - Model-based RL: Learn model from experience, and plan value function and/or policy from simulated experience
- Dyna: learn and plan ...
- Dyna-Q altrithom: 在平行世界里(in previsous state s)用model代替env,再多更新几次Q(s,a)
- MC tree search
- from current root
- only search sub-paths of the tree: search and evaluate dynamically, only go deeper to current best (greedy search)
- DQN. Playing Atari with Deep Reinforcement Learning
- DQN + target Q net. Human-level control through deep reinforcement learning
- Policy Gradient. Policy Gradient Methods for RL with Function Approximation 主要是推导得到了 Policy gradient Themorm
- A3C. Asynchronous Methods for Deep Reinforcement Learning
- Duel Q network. Dueling Network Architectures for Deep Reinforcement Learning
- high dimentional continguous control using GAE
Action Branching Architectures for Deep Reinforcement Learning 解决action是多维的问题,这个方法正常人都能想出来。 based on dualing q network.
by MSRA. 看视频就ok
- Encode tiles as 4 * 34 matrix
- model: 5 models combine with descition flow。 Models are if_吃/碰/杠 and 丢牌模型.
- mdoel input: D * 34 * 1, D contains private tiles, open hands, history, manaully features etc.
- model output: 34 * 1 for discard model; scaler for chi/pong/kong model.
- 3 * 1 Conv with 256 channels repeat 50x skip connected.
- training: supervised learning using human players action as label, then self-play with the trained models as policy.
- trick 1: Oracle guiding. use full infomation as teacher 常见套路
- trick 2: global reward predictor as critic. 考虑风险偏好下的reward?
- trick 3: online "finetune" to priavate tiles at hand
- Encode card as 4 * 15 matrix
- state: history moves encode to (T, 4, 15) tensor
- action: leagal movement encode to (4, 15) matrix
- model: for each leagal movement ie. action,
Concate(a, LSTM(s)) | MLP(6,512) | scaler
, output is state action valueQ(s,a)
- use MC with DNN
- why MC? long horizon and sparse reward
- why not DQN? large and variable action space,
max_a Q(s,a)
is computational expensive - why not policy gradient? inifinte action space. While action as feature can generalize eg.
滴滴打车派单算法 Large-Scale Order Dispatch in On-Demand Ride-Hailing Platforms: A Learning and Planning Approach
- define one day as one episode,
- state defined as
s = (grid, time)
, offline learnV(s)
, thus we knowQ(s,a) = r + V(s')
- oneline dispatch: solve
a = argmax_a Q(s, a)
with KM algriom. 一种确定性算法,输入二分图及其权重,输出一个使权值和最大的匹配方案,这里权重就是offline估计出来的Q(s,a)
Mastering the game of Go with deep neural networks and tree search
- Supervised Learning (SL), learn policy net
$p_\sigma$ from human expert - RL policy net: init by
$p_\sigma$ , self-play training, got$p_\rho$ - train Value net
$V_\theta$ with RL self-play data and MSE loss - infer: combine fast policy net
$p_\pi$ (for rollout), value net$V$ and MCTS
model arch:
- input: 19 x 19 x C. board current state, history and domain knowledge features (broadcast to 19x19 if is scaler)
- model: 13 layer Conv
About MCTS:
- 围棋游戏复杂度
$b^d$ 其中$b$ 为宽度,即可选择的action个数,=19*19;$d$为深度,即游戏长度,=100~200 - 简化搜索树无非是从两个方面 1. sample actions (
$b$ ) using policy net; 2. truncate$d$ using value net - 具体方式:ref to paper or David Silver course ppt
- trained solely by self-play RL
- only raw board features
- sinlge model, output value and policy:
$(p, v) = f_\theta(s)$ - simpler tree search (as target
$\pi$ ) - train: make policy
$p$ closer to tree search policy$\pi$ , value$v$ closer to simulated game output$z$