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Adam edited this page Mar 22, 2021 · 2 revisions


Description: Open a player inventory like a chest. Mimics layout of player inventory - from top left, first four rows are main inventory with hotbar on the bottom. The final row has armor contents starting with helmet on the left, then the off hand slot, and finally slots to drop items as if the dropper was the player.
Permission: OpenInv.openinv
Usage: /openinv [player]

  • Parameter [player]: Optional player name or UUID. Defaults to last opened player or self if no player inventory previously opened.

Aliases: oi, inv, open


Description: Open a player ender chest.
Permission: OpenInv.openender
Usage: /openender [player]

  • Parameter [player]: Optional player name or UUID. Defaults to last opened player or self if no ender chest previously opened.

Aliases: oe


Description: List all players online with a certain item in their inventory.
Usage: /searchinv <material> [minAmount]

  • Parameter <material>: Required parameter. The name of the material to search for.
  • Parameter [minAmount]: The minimum amount of the material. Defaults to 1.

Aliases: si


Description: List all players online with a certain item in their ender chest.
Usage: /searchender <material> [minAmount]

  • Parameter <material>: Required parameter. The name of the material to search for.
  • Parameter [minAmount]: The minimum amount of the material. Defaults to 1.

Aliases: se


Description: List all players online with a certain enchantment.
Permission: OpenInv.searchenchant
Usage: /searchenchant <[enchantment] [minLevel]>

  • Note: Must supply at least one parameter, however, both are optional. I.E. /searchenchant DAMAGE_ALL, /searchenchant 10, and /searchenchant DIG_SPEED 5 are all valid commands.
  • Parameter [enchantment]: The name of the enchantment to search for.
  • Parameter [minLevel]: The minimum level of enchantment to search for.

Aliases: searchenchants


Description: List all containers.
Usage: /searchcontainer <material> [chunkRadius]

  • Parameter <material>: Required parameter. The name of the material to search for.
  • Parameter [chunkRadius]: Note: This is a radius of CHUNKS. Chunks are 16 blocks each, and a radius checks (radius * 2 + 1) ^ 2 chunks! The default value of 5 checks a 176x176 area. LARGE VALUES MAY CRASH YOUR SERVER.

Aliases: searchchest


Description: Open blocked containers.
Permission: OpenInv.anychest
Usage: /anycontainer [parameter]

  • Parameter [parameter]: Optional value. Specify state with on or off, check current state with check.

Aliases: ac, anychest


Description: Open containers silently.
Permission: OpenInv.silent
Usage: /silentcontainer [parameter]

  • Parameter [parameter]: Optional value. Specify state with on or off, check current state with check.

Aliases: sc, silentchest

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