Basic OpenGL constructs and functions to construct a cube out of vertex buffer objects, and different vertex and fragment shaders applied different coloration effects to the surfaces of 3D models.
SURFACE SHADER PROGRAMS: CUBE VERTEX BUFFERS: In the Mesh class, which can be found in scene/mesh.h, createCube() fills std::vectors with vertex data for the following attributes of a cube that spans the range [-1, 1] in the X, Y, and Z axes (in world space): Position (glm::vec4) Normal (glm::vec4) UV (glm::vec2)
SURFACE SHADER UNIFORM HANDLE: Integer member variable in SurfaceShader() class acts as a handle to a uniform vec3 in the surface shader that represents the camera's position in world space.
Lambert Shader
Blinn-Phong Shader
Matcap Red Clay Shader
Matcap Chrome Shader
Iridescent Heat Map Shader
Gaussian Blur Post Process Shader
Greyscale Post Process Shader
Bloom Post Process Shader
Sobel Post Process Shader
Worley Noise Pixellated Process Shader