#!/bin/bash # get argv[1] and argv[2] # argv[1] is the action name (build, run, clean) etc # argv[2] is the package name echo "----------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "JimniOS/docker-pkgbuilder : docker container for building packages" echo "----------------------------------------------------------------------" if [ ! -d "build" ]; then mkdir build fi if [ "$1" == "help" ]; then echo "Usage: ./jimni.sh [action] [package name]" echo "Example: ./jimni.sh build neofetch" echo "----------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "Available actions:" echo "build : build a package" echo "run : run container" echo "download : download PKGBUILD files for all packages" exit 0 fi if [ "$1" == "run" ]; then echo "Running container" sudo docker build -t jimni . docker run -it --rm jimni bash -c "bash" exit 0 fi if [ "$1" == "build" ]; then echo "Building $2" sudo docker build -t jimni . docker run -it --rm jimni bash -c 'cd /tmp/packages && sudo -u user bash ./compile.sh $2 && bash' exit 0 fi #autobuild if [ "$1" == "autobuild" ]; then echo "Building all packages" sudo docker build -t jimni . --build-arg autobuild=true chmod +xrw build && chmod +xrw packages/* docker run -v $PWD/build:/tmp/build -it --rm jimni bash -c 'sudo chmod 777 /tmp/packages/neofetch && sudo chmod 777 /tmp/build && cd /tmp/packages && sudo -u user bash ./compile.sh' #docker rm -f jimni exit 0 fi if [ "$1" == "download" ]; then echo "Downloading PKGBUILD files for all packages" # download PKGBUILD for neofetch from github latest release (jimnios/neofetch) chmod +xrw build && chmod +xrw packages/* bash ./download.sh exit 0 fi