Have a look at these examples to learn how to use Lua-Adapter.
#include "../LuaAdapter.hpp"
int main(){
LuaAdapter lua{"test.lua"};
int width {0};
lua.Get("width", width); // width=600
return 0;
$ g++-8 test.cpp -std=c++17 -llua -ldl -Wall -DLUA_ADAPTER_DEBUG
See test.cpp for more examples.
#include "../LuaTable.hpp"
int main(){
LuaAdapter lua{"test.lua"};
LuaTable table{lua};
if (table.Open("Table1")) {
int ID {0};
table.Get("ID", ID);
return 0;
$ g++-8 tables.cpp -std=c++17 -llua -ldl -Wall -DLUA_ADAPTER_DEBUG
Please see tables.cpp for more examples.
#include "../LuaFunction.hpp"
/* This C++-function can be called from Lua. (See test.lua) */
static int test_function(lua_State *L);
int main(){
LuaAdapter lua{"test.lua"};
LuaFunction function{lua};
function.Call("Print", (std::string)"Hello!");
return 0;
$ g++-8 functions.cpp -std=c++17 -llua -ldl -fconcepts -Wall -DLUA_ADAPTER_DEBUG
See functions.cpp for even more examples.
If you need help or if you have questions, send me an e-mail to jlnwntr@gmail.com