This project was created to help enigneers, technicians, and hobbyist quicky get the TMP36 Low Voltage Temperature Sensor working in their own projects.
I have tested several TMP36GT9Z, TMP36GZ, TMP36G, and TMP37FT9Z devices from different vendors.
Throw all of these away, and never buy a TMP35/TMP36/TMP37 again. This is the worst designed IC circuit I think I have ever seen. The ouptut jumps all over the place and it is extremely sensitive to the slightest electromagnetic radiation. Unpredictable. I was shocked at how bad this IC is. You cannot design a reliable circuit around this part.
Buy the MCP9701A-E/TO instead and never look back. The MCP9701A-E/TO behaves exactly the way you would expect.
See information on the MCP9701A-E/TO here:
The information provided includes characteristic equations that make it relatively easy to design your circuit around the MCP9701A.
Also recommended: