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Harald Schilly edited this page Dec 21, 2012 · 1 revision

#summary how the development is organized

= Basics =

  • for meetings, we have irc://

= Issue Handling =

handle the ticket

 * e.g. please label it with the appropriate `lmfdb-*` category, to tell the designated manager of that topic that you are working on this part.

indicate in the comment where the improved code is (default is just your clone's default branch, maybe it's a non-default branch or other clone)

label with !NeedsReview if the manager of the category or someone else should check what you are doing.

set status to Finished if you have merged with the master and it works for you. [Testing make sure nothing is broken], too! (technically, the ticket is still open, but you indicate that your work is done.)

label with !PullRequest if one of the owners should pull-push your code to the master. re-check if merging with master is necessary and still working if necessary :-)

set status to Fixed if it is ready to be closed (issue vanishes from the default list)

= Documents =

  • [ DEVELINFO.txt] - check this included file for more info