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Commit Helper

Commit Helper

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What does it do?

The commit-helper do exactly what it’s name suggest: helps you create and maintain your commit policy by tailoring your commit message into a commit convention.

Why should I use this?

Keeping a commit policy may sound like an easy thing to do, but in reality we both know that it isn’t.

Sometimes we, the developers, go full-loco while programming and make mistakes when commiting. That’s fine, everyone makes mistakes. But, what if those mistakes could be avoided?


Cannot load image gifs/generate-file.gif

Normal commit

Cannot load image gifs/commit.gif

Commit without generating a configuration file

Cannot load image gifs/--no-file.gif

Co-authored commit

Cannot load image gifs/co-author.gif

Fast commit

Cannot load image gifs/single-line.gif

Debugging and commiting

Cannot load image gifs/--debug.gif

All-in-one commit

Cannot load image gifs/all.gif


Cannot load image gifs/flag-h.gif

Getting help for writing in a convention

Cannot load image gifs/tag-help.gif


In order to install one of our older versions, check our [previous releases](PREVIOUS_VERSIONS). To install the latest (pip) version, just follow the commands below:

$ pip3 install commit-helper

Updating your current version

If you already have one of our pip releases installed in your machine and want to update to the latest version, use the command:

$ pip3 install --upgrade commit-helper

Usage and configuration

This program has a cli that you can take advantage of. Running commit --help will show you the usage and options for your commit. All of them are optional for the sake of not losing your precious time.

$ commit -h
usage: commit [-h] [-t TAG] [-m MESSAGE] [-ct CONTEXT] [-ca CO_AUTHOR] [-nf]
              [-c {angular,karma,tagged,symphony,message,atom,john}] [-d] [-s]

A commit formatter tool to help you follow commit conventions.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -t TAG, --tag TAG     Pass your commit tag directly
  -m MESSAGE, --message MESSAGE
                        Pass your commit message directly
  -ct CONTEXT, --context CONTEXT
                        Pass your commit context directly
  -ca CO_AUTHOR, --co-author CO_AUTHOR
                        Make your friend an co-author to the commit
  -nf, --no-file        Disables the creation of a commiter.yml file
  -c {angular,karma,tagged,symphony,message,atom,john}, --convention {angular,karma,tagged,symphony,message,atom,john}
                        Selects a convention to be used for the commit. Required if there's no commiter.yml file.
  -d, --debug           Toggles debug option
  -s, --show            Shows the rules of a given convention

So, if you want to write a co-authored commit, you should use:

$ commit --co-author "foo bar doritous <>"

Or if you are using this for the first time in your project:

$ commit --convention tagged

To work even more smoothly, have in your working directory a file named commiter.yml or commit-helper.yml. In this file you must pass the commit convention that you want to use, following the example:

convention: angular   # tag(context): commit message

# or

convention: karma   # tag(context): commit message

# or

convention: tagged # TAG: commit message

# or

convention: symphony  # [Tag] commit message

# and if you're feeling adventurous

convention: none      # Commit message

In case that you or your organization does already have a commit convention that is not listed above, you can configure it in the commiter.yml or commit-helper.yml file as following:

convention: custom
# considering a commit message like '{add} (stuff) ~> in file'
commit_pattern: '{tag} (context) ~> message'
# tag, message and context are reserved words that will be replaced in your commit message
context: true # this is a must have field! If your pattern doesn't have one, assign false to it

Supported conventions available:

  • angular

  • karma

  • tagged

  • symphony

  • atom

  • john

  • only message (no convention)

  • a custom one that you may create :)


If after you’ve installed commit-helper the commit or commit-helper commands are not usable at the command line, check if $HOME/.local/bin is on your PATH. If not, add it on your .bashrc file by running:

$ echo "export PATH=$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH" >> .bashrc

Project’s maintainers

Name Username Relationship to repo

André de Sousa Costa Filho


original author

John Russell


fork author

Their collaborators

Collaborators from the original repository.

Name Username

Arthur José Benedito de Oliveira Assis


Matheus Richard Torres Gomes de Melo
