The com.sunya.electionguard.keyceremony.KeyCeremonyRemoteTrustee command line program creates a Remote Guardian in a process separate from the KeyCeremonyRemote, in order to keep the Guardian's secret information safe.
Usage: java -classpath electionguard-java-all.jar
com.sunya.electionguard.keyceremony.KeyCeremonyRemoteTrustee [options]
* -name
Guardian name
This KeyCeremonyRemoteTrustee port
Default: 0
The KeyCeremonyRemote server port
Default: 17111
* -out
Directory where the Guardian state is written
-h, --help
Display this help and exit
The Guardian name is required and must be unique among all the Guardians used in this election.
The port which this KeyCeremonyRemoteTrustee will run on may be assigned, otherwise a random one will be used.
The port which the KeyCeremonyRemote will run on may be assigned, otherwise the default port will be used.
The output directory where the Guardian state needed for decryption will be written. This contains secret information and must be kept secure.
java -classpath electionguard-java-all.jar com.sunya.electionguard.keyceremony.KeyCeremonyRemoteTrustee \
-name JohnLCaron \
-out /local/secret/place
The program exits with a 0 on success, > 0 on failure. Typical (successful) output looks like:
Command java -classpath build/libs/electionguard-java-0.9.1-SNAPSHOT-all.jar com.sunya.electionguard.keyceremony.KeyCeremonyRemoteTrustee \
-name JohnLCaron -out /local/secret/place
*** KeyCeremonyRemote localhost:17111 with args JohnLCaron localhost:22458
response JohnLCaron-3 3 2
---- KeyCeremonyRemoteService started, listening on 22458 ----
Apr 05, 2021 8:38:39 AM com.sunya.electionguard.keyceremony.KeyCeremonyRemoteTrustee receivePublicKeys
INFO: KeyCeremonyRemoteTrustee receivePublicKeys remoteTrustee-1
Apr 05, 2021 8:38:39 AM com.sunya.electionguard.keyceremony.KeyCeremonyRemoteTrustee receivePublicKeys
INFO: KeyCeremonyRemoteTrustee receivePublicKeys remoteTrustee-2
Apr 05, 2021 8:38:39 AM com.sunya.electionguard.keyceremony.KeyCeremonyRemoteTrustee sendPublicKeys
INFO: KeyCeremonyRemoteTrustee sendPublicKeys JohnLCaron-3
Apr 05, 2021 8:38:39 AM com.sunya.electionguard.keyceremony.KeyCeremonyRemoteTrustee verifyPartialKeyBackup
INFO: KeyCeremonyRemoteTrustee verifyPartialKeyBackup remoteTrustee-1
Apr 05, 2021 8:38:39 AM com.sunya.electionguard.keyceremony.KeyCeremonyRemoteTrustee verifyPartialKeyBackup
INFO: KeyCeremonyRemoteTrustee verifyPartialKeyBackup remoteTrustee-2
Apr 05, 2021 8:38:39 AM com.sunya.electionguard.keyceremony.KeyCeremonyRemoteTrustee sendPartialKeyBackup
INFO: KeyCeremonyRemoteTrustee sendPartialKeyBackup remoteTrustee-1
Apr 05, 2021 8:38:39 AM com.sunya.electionguard.keyceremony.KeyCeremonyRemoteTrustee sendPartialKeyBackup
INFO: KeyCeremonyRemoteTrustee sendPartialKeyBackup remoteTrustee-2
Apr 05, 2021 8:38:39 AM com.sunya.electionguard.keyceremony.KeyCeremonyRemoteTrustee sendJointPublicKey
INFO: KeyCeremonyRemoteTrustee sendJointPublicKey JohnLCaron-3
Apr 05, 2021 8:38:39 AM com.sunya.electionguard.keyceremony.KeyCeremonyRemoteTrustee saveState
INFO: KeyCeremonyRemoteTrustee saveState JohnLCaron-3
Apr 05, 2021 8:38:39 AM com.sunya.electionguard.keyceremony.KeyCeremonyRemoteTrustee finish
INFO: KeyCeremonyRemoteTrustee finish ok = true
*** shutting down gRPC server since JVM is shutting down
*** server shut down
---Done status = true
The output contains the Guardians' secret keys in plaintext, and so this process must be run in a secure way that is unspecified here.