As a Users unfamiliar with the application I want to see a list of options
Acceptance Criteria:
- If the user selects 1, they see "Please enter a User-Name:"
- If the user selects 2, they see "Not so fast! Who are you?"
- If the user selects 3, they see "What do you want to do?"
- If the user selects 4, they see "What kind of search you want to do?"
- If the user selects 5, they see "There are notes in the database"
- If the user types in anything else, they should see "Sorry buddy, is not a valid selection." and the menu should be printed out again
> ./ruby_notes
Welcome to Ruby_Notes
What do you want to do?
1.==> Register as User
2.==> Create a Note
3.==> Modify a Note
4.==> Search
5.==> Count all my Notes
As a User I want to register to be alble to use all the application functionality
Acceptance Criteria:
- Unique Users will be added to the database
- Duplicate Users can't be added
> ./ruby_notes
Welcome to Ruby_Notes
What do you want to do?
1.==> Register as User
2.==> Create a Note
3.==> Modify a Note
4.==> Search
5.==> Count all my Notes
- 1
Please enter a User-Name:
- John
John has been added as a User.
As a registered User I want to be alble to Create a new Note
Acceptance Criteria:
- Unique Users will add any number of Notes they want
- A tag wil be added to the new Note
- Duplicate Note titles can are allowed
> ./ruby_notes
Welcome to Ruby_Notes
What do you want to do?
1.==> Register as User
2.==> Create a Note
3.==> Modify a Note
4.==> Search
5.==> Count all my Notes
- 2
What is the title of the note you want to create?
- Sunset
Please write a tag for your note:
- travel
Sunset has been added as been created and saved in the database!