diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 4517ce3..ce13f9f 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -2,6 +2,52 @@ [Project I.G.I](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_I.G.I.) Editor is all in one game editor which lets you edit all game objects including _Buildings/3D/AI/Weapons_ and lets you to design your own _custom level_ in the game and lets you _upload/download_ your level to server and share with your friends. +## Pre-Requisite +- **General section.** +- [DLL File](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dynamic-link_library) - This project uses [IGI Natives.dll](https://github.com/IGI-Research-Devs/IGI_Internal/) file and inject that into Game to call game native methods. .
+- [DLL Injection](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DLL_injection) - This project needs DLL injection into _IGI_ game.
+- **Game specific section.** +- [IGI Graphs Structure](https://github.com/IGI-Research-Devs/IGI-Research-Data/blob/main/Research/GRAPH/Graph-Structure.txt) - Project IGI 1 Graph structure data. +- [IGI 3D Models](https://github.com/IGI-Research-Devs/IGI-Research-Data/blob/main/Research/Natives/IGI-Models.txt) - Project IGI uses 3D models in +form of _MEF_ (**M**esh **E**xternal **F**ile). +- [IGI Camera View](https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Definition-of-pitch-roll-and-yaw-angle-for-camera-state-estimation_fig15_273225757) - IGI use game Camera called [Viewport](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Viewport) to display the game. + +## Editor components. +Editor has several components which it needs in order to work fully to its functionality. +- Server : Located at [OrgFree](http://igiresearchdevelopers.orgfree.com/) which contains Mission files and Resources like Weapon/A.I images for editor. +- Database : Located at Github Gist private repo contains privacy information like _I.P,Mac Address_ and _Key_ for Editor. +- Internal DLL : Located at [IGI-Internals](https://github.com/IGI-Research-Devs/IGI_Internal) is used to call IGI Game internal native methods. +- QEditor - Located at path `C:\Users\my_username\AppData\Roaming\QEditor` This is appdata file comes pre-installed with any version of editor and can be downloaded from here [QEditor Full Version](https://cutt.ly/p1ASiQX).
+ +## QEditor components. +**Q**Editor was the initial name of the project because editor actually modifies **Q** files of games like _QVM,QSC,QAS_ files but later it was changed.
+ + . + ├── AIFiles # AI Script and Path files. + ├── QCompiler # Compiler/Decompiler for IGI. + ├── QFiles # Source files - QSC, Binary files - QVM. + ├── QGraphs # Graphs files and areas. + ├── QMissions # Custom Missions files. + ├── QWeapons # Custom Weapons files. + ├── Void # Empty Mission files. + ├── aiIdle.qvm # File for setting AI to idle state. + ├── IGIModels.txt # Contains 3D Models information. + ├── keywords.txt # Keywords for QVM Editor. + ├── QChecks.dat # Contain MD5 Hashes to check file integrity. + └── weaponconfig.qvm # Weapon config file. + + +## Editor Working flow. +Editor most of the time just compiles the script file _QSC_ called _Q_ script source into _QVM_ called _Q_ virtual machine and Restart the level in order to see the affected changes. +Here is workflow mentioned. +1. Get game level and select proper source file of level located at `QEditor\QFiles\IGI_QSC\missions\location0\level`.
+2. Updates the script file with new script depends upon logic Add/Update/Delete commands.
+**Internal compiler**
+3. Copies script file from Editor `C:\IGI-Editor` to `D:\IGI\` and compiles them to binary _QVM_ file and moves them to proper destination.
+**External compiler**
+3. Copies script file from Editor `C:\IGI-Editor` to `QEditor\QCompiler\Compile\input` and compiles them to binary _QVM_ file and convert compiled QVM v7 (IGI 2) to QVM v5 (IGI 1) using _DConv_ tool and moves them to proper destination.
+4. Restart the level and see the changes.
+ ## Editor sections. ### Level Editor: **Level Editor**: Lets you to `Add` or `Remove` Building/Objects in level at any position you want select list of objects to add in level and add then in `Edit mode`.
@@ -56,7 +102,7 @@ This section supports **[ONLINE MODE]**. ### IGI Editor License Key: This editor requires _license key_ to run contact via _email_ or _discord_ and mention your **Username** to identify yourself.
-And within no time you will get your _license key_ to use Editor.
+And now you can generate Key from KeyGen for your editor for free.
### IGI Editor demo limit: This editor only offers _3 Levels_, and some features are disabled at the moment like **3D/Resource/Compiler/PlayerProfile editor.**
@@ -96,3 +142,5 @@ If you encounter any issues with Editor just contact me at
- Email: igiproz.hm@gmail.com
- Follow Project: [GitHub](https://github.com/IGI-Research-Devs/)
- Subscribe Channel: [YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChGryl0a0dii81NfDZ12LwA/)
+ +Original Author : _HeavenHM@2022_.