This work has the objective is help researchers and developers in the test steps of HEVC encoder development process.
To compile correctly, the tool requires the following libraries that can be installed via apt-get.
Install the C ++ compiler using the following command
$sudo apt-get install build-essential
Install the Boots and GNUPlot library, needed to generate the graphics.
$sudo apt-get install libboost-dev libboost-filesystem-dev gnuplot
Finally, install the Make program, which will do all the work of calling the appropriate compiler for each file, create the necessary directories, unpack the test files, and link each file with its header.
$sudo apt-get install make
In the directory "codec_test_tool", usu the make command for generate the executable program.
Run the binary program using the ./bin/EncoderTest and the parameters of the test.
./bin/EncoderTest -mod 1 -thr 2 -f 300 -fr 30 -eva test/encoder/eva -ref test/encoder/ref -vin 1 test/vin/video.yuv -vout test/vout/ -cfg 1 test/cfg/config.cfg -outl test/log/ -qp 4 22 27 32 37
Command | Description | Default values |
-thr | Number of encoder instances running simultaneously* | 2 |
-eva | Encoder to be evaluated | test/encoder/eva |
-ref | Reference encoder | test/encoder/ref |
-dec | Default decoder (use only to objective metrics) | test/decoder/dec |
-vin | Number of videos followed by the input video sequences | 1 test/vin/video.yuv |
-outv | Output video path | test/vout/ |
-outl | Output log file path | test/log/ |
-cfg | Number of cfg files followed by the cfg path files | 1 test/cfg/config.cfg |
-f | Total frames used in test | 130 |
-fr | Frame rate | 30 |
-wdt | Video resolution width | 352 |
-hgt | Video resolution height | 288 |
-bdepth | Bit depth per color component | 8 |
-subsamp | Chroma subsampling | 4:2:0 |
-qp | Number of QP followed by the QPs | 4 22 27 32 37 |
-bd | Bjontegaard metric. | true |
-ssim | Structural Similarity Index metric. | false |
-pwssim | Perceptual Weighting Structural Similarity Index metric. | false |
*Check the number of CPU cores in your computer!.
If you use this project in your research please cite:
author = {José Raimundo Barbosa and Jean Felipe Fonseca de Oliveira and Carlos Danilo Miranda Regis and Ruan Delgado Gomes and Marcelo Sampaio de Alencar},
title = {A Test Automation Engine for the ITU-T/ISO-IEC Reference Video Encoders},
year = {2018}