This subfolder contains the development of an embedding of the functional
programming language λsmart
into Coq.
theories/Ast.v contains the definition of the
language. -
theories/EvalE.v contains an interpreter for
language. -
theories/pcuic/ contains translation from
expression to PCUIC terms, proof of soundness and various auxiliary lemmas for that proof. -
examples/ contains examples of smart contract verification: verification of
list functions, integration with the execution framework. -
examples/Demo.v contains a demonstration using our framework to write definitions using the deep embedding, convert them to Coq functions, compute with the interpreter and prove simple properties using the shallow embedding.
examples/ExecFrameworkIntegration.v is an "end-to-end" example of writing a contract in
, translating it to Gallina, and integrating it with the execution framework to prove safety properties about it.