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blockapps-js is a library that exposes a number of functions for interacting with the Blockchain via the BlockApps API. Currently it has strong support for compiling Solidity code, creating the resulting contract, and querying its variables or calling its functions through Javascript code.


npm install blockapps-js


Documentation is available at Below is the API for this particular module.

API Overview

All functionality is included in the blockapps-js module:

var blockapps = require('blockapps-js');

Many functions, in fact any that require interacting directly with the blockchain, take an apiURL parameter and a callback parameter.

The apiURL names a Blockapps node where the query is made, and can be "" for the local machine, if it is running such a node. The choice of this URL is of minor effect, except for the usual network latency issues and the possibility that different nodes may be at different degrees of synchronicity with the Ethereum network.

The callback is run on various appropriate response values when the query is complete. In the future we will also provide promises from these methods, for finer control over success and failure of the query.

Quick start

It is virtually certain that you want to start using this library in the following way:

// Say your document has text fields with these IDs
var privkey = document.getElementById('privkey');
var code = document.getElementById('code');

// This should be whatever Blockapps node you like
var apiURL = "http://localhost:3000";

// This should be an action for some user event, say a button press
function submitCode() {
    // Constructs a Solidity code object
    api.Solidity(code.value).toContract({ // Makes a contract from it
        fromAccount:api.Contract({privkey: privkey.value}),
    }, displayContract ) // Does this with the contract

function displayContract(contract) {
    // The actual display is a callback to sync()
    function addToAbidata() {
        // This is a pretty boring way to use a contract,
        // but illustrates how to use it to query the state variables.
        abidata.value = "Balance: " + contract.balance;
        abidata.value += "\n\nContract state variables:"
        for (var sym in contract.get) {
            val = contract.get[sym]
            abidata.value += "\n" + sym + " = " + val;
            if (val.isMapping) {
                abidata.value += " : 1729 => " + val(api.Types.Int(1729));

    // You have to sync before you can read the state.
    contract.sync("", addToAbidata);


The Contract object is the hub of the API. Its fields and methods mirror the structure of an Ethereum contract. There are three subtypes of Contract, but a user would only create two of them directly:

  • User account: var account = Contract({ privkey: <hexString> }); a human possessing a certain amount of ether. It can send any transaction, or receive value tranfers.
    • account.address: the account's Ethereum address, derived from the private key.
    • account.balance: the account's quantity of ether.
    • account.nonce: the account's nonce (number of valid transactions sent).
    • account.sync(apiURL, callback): fetches the current balance and nonce from the Blockapps node atapiURL, then runs callback().
  • Null contract: var nullContract = Contract(); used in contract-creation transactions: sending a transaction to nullContract turns it into a contract creation rather than a message.

The third, most featureful type of contract is constructed from Solidity code, as described below. It has the following structure.

  • Solidity contract: var contract = Contract({address: 0x<20 bytes>, symtab: <symtab>}). This object mirrors the syntactic declarations of the Solidity code that it was constructed from.
    • contract.address: the Ethereum address, passed in the constructor (determined from the creating account's address and nonce).
    • contract.balance: the ether quantity held by this contract.
    • contract.nonce: the nonce of this contract.
    • contract.sync(apiURL, callback): queries the Blockapps node at apiURL for the nonce, balance, and current storage contents of the contract,, thus updating the values of all variables, then calls callback().
    • contract.get(apiURL, callback, varName): first synchronizes as above, then calls callback on the value of variable called varName in the Solidity source code.
      • contract.get[varName]: directly returns the value of varName, current as of the last call to contract.sync or contract.get, but does not update the storage.
    •, callback, { funcName:<string>, fromAccount:<Contract>, value:<ether amount>, gasPrice:<ether amount>, gasLimit:<ether amount> }, args): if funcName is the name of a function defined in the Solidity source, this sends a message transaction "calling" that function on the arguments args, with the parameters given. It then calls callback(<retVal>) on the function's return value, if any.
      •[funcName]: the Javascript function f accomplishing the above, which is equivalent to f(apiURL, callback, argObj, args..), where argObj is the object passed to contract.callFunc.

Function calls have the following syntax:

funcName({arg: argValue, ...})

where arg runs through the names of the arguments to the Solidity function. Currently, unnamed arguments are not supported. The values argValue may be Javascript objects of an appropriate type and will be cast to the Solidity types internally. The calls return Solidity types described in the Types section below.


The Solidity object manipulates code in the Ethereum domain-specific language Solidity.

  • var solCode = Solidity(<code>); initializes the object.
    • solCode.code: the <code> originally passed.
    • solCode.vmCode: the compiled EVM bytecode, initially undefined.
    • solCode.symtab: the "symbol table" of the Solidity code. This records all top-level declarations of types, functions, and variables, including all contracts it defines. It assigns a memory layout to the variables in compliance with the Solidity conventions (see the Solidity tutorial) and records their types. Normally, a user should not need to know the details of this data structure.
    • solCode.compile(apiURL, callback): compiles the code and stores its EVM bytecode and symbol table, then calls callback(solCode).
    • solCode.submit({apiURL:<URL>, fromAccount:<Contract>, value:<ether amount>, gasPrice:<ether amount>, gasLimit:<ether amount>}, callback): submits the code to the Blockapps node at apiURL (thus, creating the contracts defined in it), which produces a contract at some address, and calls callback(address). The remaining parameters in the argument object determine the details of this transaction.
    • solCode.toContract(argObj, callback): does both of the above in one operation, as well as constructing a Contract object contract, then calls callback(contract), with argObj being the same as in solCode.submit.


The Transaction object represents an Ethereum transaction between two accounts or contracts. Its constructor takes the parameters required by Ethereum, except for the nonce and the cryptographic fields.

  • var tx = Transaction({ fromAccount: <Contract>, toAccount: <Contract>, data: <hex string>, value: <ether amount>, gasPrice: <ether amount>, gasLimit: <ether amount> }); creates an object but does not send the transaction.
    • tx.from: equal to fromAccount.address
    • if toAccount is not the null contract, is equal to toAccount.address.
    • tx.codeOrData: equal to data. In the case of a message transaction, this typically encodes a call to a Solidity function (and is constructed by, described above). In the case of contract creation, when toAccount is the null contract, it represents the code that creates the new contract (and is constructed by solCode.compile).
    • tx.value, tx.gasPrice, tx.gasLimit: are as given in the constructor.
    • tx.nonce: initially undefined. The nonce of fromAccount at the time the transaction is sent.
    • tx.r, tx.s, tx.v, tx.hash: the cryptographic data constituting the transaction's signature. Constructing this data requires the fromAccount be an account rather than a Solidity contract, as it needs to have a private key.
    • tx.send(apiURL, callback): posts the contract to the Blockapps node at apiURL, waits for it to be mined on the Ethereum network, and calls callback(tx) when this is done. Further queries to Blockapps can be done using tx.hash via the /transactionResult/<hash> route. This API provides the two most useful, however, so this call need not be made unless transferring value directly.
    • tx.contractCreated(apiURL, callback): queries the Blockapps node at apiURL for the address (as type Address) created by a contract-creation transaction, and calls callback(address). Currently, we do not support Solidity code that creates multiple contracts simultaneously.


The Internal object has four members but is not intendend to be used normally.

  • Storage, which abstracts the Ethereum VM storage.
  • EthWord, which abstracts Ethereum's 256-bit words.
  • Crypto, which contains the sha3 hash function used by Ethereum (and, eventually, others).
  • Types, below.


This section provides a little more detail on the values returned by storage queries, but its technical details are not important for normal use.

The Types object aggregates the types available in Solidity, exposed as Javascript types. Each of these has the following standard properties:

  • encoding(): renders the object as a byte string as required by the Ethereum Contract ABI.
  • toString(): renders the object as a human-friendly string.
  • toJSON(): renders the object as JSON.
  • isFixed: whether the object represents a Solidity type of fixed size (i.e. uint32, bytes8[10]) or not (i.e. string, int[]).

The types are:

  • Address, which is a Buffer type.
  • Array which is a Javascript array containing various Solidity types.
  • Bool, which is a Javascript boolean.
  • Bytes, which is also a Buffer.
  • Enum, which is an enum type. Values of Enum type are actually vlues of enum, and the actual enumeration tpe is not available.
  • Int, which is a big-integer type.
  • Mapping, which is just a Javascript taking arguments and returning values in Javascript of the same types (from among those given here) as the mapping in Solidity.
  • String, which is a Node.js string type rather than the Javascript String.
  • Struct, whih is a Javascript Object whose enumerable properties are those of the Solidity type.


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