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🏥 The Clinic - API Rest

A simulation of a clinic management system where users can manage appointments, patients, and medical staff. The system includes roles for Administrators, Doctors, and Patients, allowing them to perform tasks such as scheduling appointments, managing patient records, and more.

✨ Features

  • Administrator Role:

    • Manage users (doctors, patients) with roles, permissions, and credentials.
    • Oversee clinic operations and generate reports.
    • Add and manage medical services provided by the clinic.
  • Doctor Role:

    • View their appointment schedule.
    • Manage patient records, including medical history, prescriptions, and notes.
  • Patient Role:

    • Schedule appointments with available doctors.
    • View their medical records and appointment history.

🛠️ Technologies

  • Backend:
    • Node.js
    • Express.js
    • TypeScript
    • MongoDB
    • Prisma ORM
    • Swagger for API documentation
    • Class-validator and class-transformer for data validation and transformation

⚙️ Setup

1. Clone the repository:

git clone
cd node-express-api-rest

2. Install dependencies:

yarn install

3. Rename the .env.template file to .env and configure the following variables:



Obtain Cloudinary Credentials

  1. Create a Cloudinary Account

    If you don't have an account yet, sign up at Cloudinary. Complete the registration process by providing your email and creating a password.

  2. Log in to the Cloudinary Dashboard

    Once you have created your account, log in to your Cloudinary account using your credentials.

  3. Access the Settings Panel

    In the Cloudinary dashboard, click on the user icon (usually in the upper right corner) and select "Account".

  4. Obtain the Cloud Name (CLOUDINARY_CLOUD_NAME)

    • Go to the "Dashboard" tab in the left sidebar.
    • Look for the "Cloud name" section. There you will find your CLOUDINARY_CLOUD_NAME.
  5. Obtain the API Key (CLOUDINARY_API_KEY)

    • Within the same "Dashboard" section, look for "API Key". Copy the key value, which will be your CLOUDINARY_API_KEY.
  6. Obtain the API Secret (CLOUDINARY_API_SECRET)

    • In the "Settings" tab in the left sidebar, go to the "Security" section.
    • In "API Secret", you will see your CLOUDINARY_API_SECRET. For security reasons, you may need to click "Show" to see the full value.
  7. Store the Credentials Securely

    Make sure to store CLOUDINARY_CLOUD_NAME, CLOUDINARY_API_KEY, and CLOUDINARY_API_SECRET in a safe place. You can save them in a .env file for use in your application.


5. Generate Prisma Client:

npx prisma generate

6. Run the seed script:

yarn seed

Important: Running the seed script is crucial as it populates the database with initial data required for the application to function correctly. This includes default users, medical services, and other necessary records to get started.

  "email": "",
  "password": "Admin@123"
You can log in with this user to start managing the clinic system right away.

7. Run the development server:

yarn dev

🚀 Usage

📜 API Documentation

The API is documented using Swagger. You can access the documentation at http://localhost:3000/api-docs

📄 License

This project is licensed under the MIT License.

Package Information

Claro, aquí tienes la lista de dependencias y devDependencies con los números corregidos:


  1. @prisma/client

    • Description: Prisma Client is an auto-generated query builder for TypeScript and Node.js.
    • Version: 5.5.2
    • Yarn Page
  2. @types/compression

    • Description: Type definitions for compression middleware.
    • Version: ^1.7.5
    • Yarn Page
  3. @types/swagger-ui-express

    • Description: Type definitions for swagger-ui-express, middleware to serve Swagger API documentation.
    • Version: ^4.1.6
    • Yarn Page
  4. @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin

    • Description: ESLint plugin for TypeScript code linting.
    • Version: ^7.17.0
    • Yarn Page
  5. @typescript-eslint/parser

    • Description: ESLint parser to lint TypeScript code.
    • Version: ^7.17.0
    • Yarn Page
  6. bcryptjs

    • Description: Library for hashing passwords.
    • Version: ^2.4.3
    • Yarn Page
  7. class-transformer

    • Description: Library to transform objects between classes and plain objects.
    • Version: ^0.5.1
    • Yarn Page
  8. class-validator

    • Description: Library to validate class objects using decorators.
    • Version: ^0.14.0
    • Yarn Page
  9. class-validator-jsonschema

    • Description: Class-validator extension for JSON Schema.
    • Version: ^5.0.1
    • Yarn Page
  10. cloudinary

    • Description: Cloudinary library for managing cloud-based image and video storage.
    • Version: ^1.41.0
    • Yarn Page
  11. compression

    • Description: Middleware to compress HTTP responses.
    • Version: ^1.7.4
    • Yarn Page
  12. cors

    • Description: Middleware to enable Cross-Origin Resource Sharing.
    • Version: ^2.8.5
    • Yarn Page
  13. date-fns

    • Description: Modern JavaScript date utility library.
    • Version: ^2.30.0
    • Yarn Page
  14. env-var

    • Description: Library to parse and validate environment variables.
    • Version: ^7.4.1
    • Yarn Page
  15. eslint

    • Description: Tool for identifying and reporting on patterns found in ECMAScript/JavaScript code.
    • Version: 9.x
    • Yarn Page
  16. express

    • Description: Web application framework for Node.js.
    • Version: ^4.18.2
    • Yarn Page
  17. express-fileupload

    • Description: Middleware for handling file uploads.
    • Version: ^1.4.3
    • Yarn Page
  18. jsonwebtoken

    • Description: Library to sign, verify, and decode JSON Web Tokens.
    • Version: ^9.0.2
    • Yarn Page
  19. module-alias

    • Description: Library to handle module aliasing.
    • Version: ^2.2.3
    • Yarn Page
  20. openapi-types

    • Description: Type definitions for OpenAPI specification.
    • Version: ^12.1.3
    • Yarn Page
  21. prettier

    • Description: Code formatter to ensure consistent style.
    • Version: ^3.3.3
    • Yarn Page
  22. reflect-metadata

    • Description: Metadata reflection API for TypeScript.
    • Version: ^0.1.13
    • Yarn Page
  23. swagger-ui-express

    • Description: Middleware to serve Swagger API documentation.
    • Version: ^5.0.1
    • Yarn Page
  24. tsconfig-paths

    • Description: TypeScript utility to resolve module paths based on tsconfig.json.
    • Version: ^4.2.0
    • Yarn Page
  25. winston

    • Description: A logging library for Node.js.
    • Version: ^3.13.1
    • Yarn Page


  1. @eslint/js

    • Description: Provides a JavaScript code analysis tool to identify problematic patterns in JavaScript code.
    • Version: ^9.7.0
    • Yarn Page
  2. @types/bcryptjs

    • Description: Type definitions for bcryptjs, a library to hash passwords.
    • Version: ^2.4.6
    • Yarn Page
  3. @types/cors

    • Description: Type definitions for cors middleware.
    • Version: ^2.8.17
    • Yarn Page
  4. @types/express-fileupload

    • Description: Type definitions for express-fileupload middleware.
    • Version: ^1.4.4
    • Yarn Page
  5. @types/jest

    • Description: Type definitions for Jest, a JavaScript testing framework.
    • Version: ^29.5.6
    • Yarn Page
  6. @types/jsonwebtoken

    • Description: Type definitions for jsonwebtoken library.
    • Version: ^9.0.5
    • Yarn Page
  7. @types/node

    • Description: Type definitions for Node.js.
    • Version: ^20.8.7
    • Yarn Page
  8. jest

    • Description: A JavaScript testing framework.
    • Version: ^29.7.0
    • Yarn Page
  9. prisma

    • Description: Prisma is an open-source ORM for Node.js and TypeScript.
    • Version: 5.5.2
    • Yarn Page
  10. rimraf

    • Description: Utility for removing files and directories.
    • Version: ^5.0.5
    • Yarn Page
  11. supertest

    • Description: SuperAgent driven library for testing HTTP servers.
    • Version: ^6.3.3
    • Yarn Page
  12. ts-jest

    • Description: A Jest transformer that lets you use TypeScript with Jest.
    • Version: ^29.1.1
    • Yarn Page
  13. ts-node-dev

    • Description: Fast TypeScript execution with automatic restarting.
    • Version: ^2.0.0
    • Yarn Page
  14. typescript

    • Description: A strongly typed programming language that builds on JavaScript.
    • Version: ^5.2.2
    • Yarn Page
  15. typescript-eslint

    • Description: TypeScript and ESLint integration.
    • Version: ^7.17.0
    • Yarn Page