GNUSim8085 depends on other open source applications/libraries which are not available on app store. You can install these dependencies from repositories Fink, MacPorts or Brew.
Build dependencies (Mandatory)
- GTK3 (>= 3.10.0) development package
- GtkSourceView3 (>= 3.10.0) development package
- meson OR autoconf and automake
Build dependencies (Optional)
- gettext (>= 0.18)
- markdown (discount or similar package that provides markdown binary)
To install from source, run the following commands
$ meson builddir
$ cd builddir
$ ninja
$ sudo ninja install
Note: If you are using brew to install dependencies then simply run command 'brew bundle' from the source root. This will fetch all the necessary packages.
To install from source, run the following commands
$ ./
$ ./configure
$ make
$ sudo make install
Note: If you are using brew to install dependencies then run command 'brew bundle' followed by 'brew install autoconf' and 'brew install automake' This will fetch all the necessary packages.