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2877 lines (2868 loc) · 209 KB
Julia Version 1.5.0-DEV.431
Commit 4085873ec6 (2020-03-10 23:48 UTC)
Platform Info:
OS: Linux (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)
CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(R) Silver 4114 CPU @ 2.20GHz
LIBM: libopenlibm
LLVM: libLLVM-9.0.1 (ORCJIT, skylake)
JULIA_DEPOT_PATH = ::/usr/local/share/julia
Resolving package versions...
Installed AxisAlgorithms ──────────── v1.0.0
Installed CoordinateTransformations ─ v0.5.1
Installed AbstractFFTs ────────────── v0.5.0
Installed Polynomials ─────────────── v0.6.1
Installed NIfTI ───────────────────── v0.4.0
Installed BinaryProvider ──────────── v0.5.8
Installed Colors ──────────────────── v0.9.6
Installed ColorTypes ──────────────── v0.8.1
Installed FillArrays ──────────────── v0.8.5
Installed SpecialFunctions ────────── v0.8.0
Installed Arpack ──────────────────── v0.4.0
Installed IterativeSolvers ────────── v0.8.1
Installed StaticArrays ────────────── v0.12.1
Installed Rmath_jll ───────────────── v0.2.2+0
Installed Requires ────────────────── v1.0.1
Installed Reexport ────────────────── v0.2.0
Installed QuadGK ──────────────────── v2.3.1
Installed ImageAxes ───────────────── v0.6.4
Installed ImageFiltering ──────────── v0.6.9
Installed ImageCore ───────────────── v0.8.11
Installed DataStructures ──────────── v0.17.10
Installed MRIReco ─────────────────── v0.2.1
Installed MKL_jll ─────────────────── v2019.0.117+2
Installed WoodburyMatrices ────────── v0.5.1
Installed ImageMagick ─────────────── v0.7.5
Installed SortingAlgorithms ───────── v0.3.1
Installed Graphics ────────────────── v0.4.0
Installed ImageTransformations ────── v0.8.3
Installed ImageDistances ──────────── v0.2.7
Installed LinearOperators ─────────── v1.0.1
Installed IntervalSets ────────────── v0.4.0
Installed TimerOutputs ────────────── v0.5.3
Installed Ratios ──────────────────── v0.4.0
Installed IdentityRanges ──────────── v0.3.1
Installed StatsFuns ───────────────── v0.9.4
Installed SparsityOperators ───────── v0.1.5
Installed Compat ──────────────────── v2.2.0
Installed OffsetArrays ────────────── v0.11.4
Installed MacroTools ──────────────── v0.5.4
Installed PDMats ──────────────────── v0.9.11
Installed ProgressMeter ───────────── v1.2.0
Installed GZip ────────────────────── v0.5.1
Installed DataAPI ─────────────────── v1.1.0
Installed Rotations ───────────────── v0.13.0
Installed PaddedViews ─────────────── v0.5.3
Installed CMake ───────────────────── v1.2.0
Installed ImageUtils ──────────────── v0.2.0
Installed ComputationalResources ──── v0.3.1
Installed Wavelets ────────────────── v0.9.0
Installed Distributions ───────────── v0.21.12
Installed Interpolations ──────────── v0.12.5
Installed EllipsisNotation ────────── v0.4.0
Installed IndirectArrays ──────────── v0.5.1
Installed Parameters ──────────────── v0.12.0
Installed FFTW ────────────────────── v1.2.0
Installed RangeArrays ─────────────── v0.3.2
Installed AxisArrays ──────────────── v0.3.3
Installed RecipesBase ─────────────── v0.8.0
Installed BinDeps ─────────────────── v1.0.0
Installed ImageMorphology ─────────── v0.2.5
Installed OpenBLAS_jll ────────────── v0.3.7+7
Installed OrderedCollections ──────── v1.1.0
Installed Arpack_jll ──────────────── v3.5.0+2
Installed ImageMetadata ───────────── v0.7.2
Installed CustomUnitRanges ────────── v1.0.0
Installed Missings ────────────────── v0.4.3
Installed HDF5 ────────────────────── v0.12.5
Installed LightXML ────────────────── v0.8.1
Installed FFTW_jll ────────────────── v3.3.9+4
Installed Blosc ───────────────────── v0.5.1
Installed Images ──────────────────── v0.18.0
Installed SimpleTraits ────────────── v0.9.1
Installed CMakeWrapper ────────────── v0.2.3
Installed MappedArrays ────────────── v0.2.2
Installed Distances ───────────────── v0.8.2
Installed FileIO ──────────────────── v1.2.3
Installed IntelOpenMP_jll ─────────── v2018.0.3+0
Installed FastClosures ────────────── v0.3.2
Installed Unitful ─────────────────── v0.17.0
Installed CatIndices ──────────────── v0.2.1
Installed TiledIteration ──────────── v0.2.4
Installed RegularizedLeastSquares ─── v0.5.1
Installed FFTViews ────────────────── v0.3.1
Installed ColorVectorSpace ────────── v0.7.1
Installed FixedPointNumbers ───────── v0.6.1
Installed NFFT ────────────────────── v0.5.0
Installed URIParser ───────────────── v0.4.0
Installed StatsBase ───────────────── v0.32.2
Installed NaNMath ─────────────────── v0.3.3
Installed IterTools ───────────────── v1.3.0
Installed DSP ─────────────────────── v0.6.3
Installed ImageShow ───────────────── v0.2.3
Installed Rmath ───────────────────── v0.6.1
#=#=# ######################################################################## 100.0%
#=#=# # 1.8%##### 7.3%######### 13.6%################ 22.8%####################### 33.2%################################### 48.6%############################################# 63.4%########################################################### 83.3%######################################################################## 100.0%
#=#=# ######################################################################## 100.0%
#=#=# ############# 18.9%########################## 37.1%############################### 44.4%############################################################# 85.2%######################################################################## 100.0%
#=#=# ######################################################################## 100.0%
Updating `~/.julia/environments/v1.5/Project.toml`
bdf86e05 + MRIReco v0.2.1
Updating `~/.julia/environments/v1.5/Manifest.toml`
621f4979 + AbstractFFTs v0.5.0
7d9fca2a + Arpack v0.4.0
68821587 + Arpack_jll v3.5.0+2
13072b0f + AxisAlgorithms v1.0.0
39de3d68 + AxisArrays v0.3.3
9e28174c + BinDeps v1.0.0
b99e7846 + BinaryProvider v0.5.8
a74b3585 + Blosc v0.5.1
631607c0 + CMake v1.2.0
d5fb7624 + CMakeWrapper v0.2.3
aafaddc9 + CatIndices v0.2.1
3da002f7 + ColorTypes v0.8.1
c3611d14 + ColorVectorSpace v0.7.1
5ae59095 + Colors v0.9.6
34da2185 + Compat v2.2.0
ed09eef8 + ComputationalResources v0.3.1
150eb455 + CoordinateTransformations v0.5.1
dc8bdbbb + CustomUnitRanges v1.0.0
717857b8 + DSP v0.6.3
9a962f9c + DataAPI v1.1.0
864edb3b + DataStructures v0.17.10
b4f34e82 + Distances v0.8.2
31c24e10 + Distributions v0.21.12
da5c29d0 + EllipsisNotation v0.4.0
4f61f5a4 + FFTViews v0.3.1
7a1cc6ca + FFTW v1.2.0
f5851436 + FFTW_jll v3.3.9+4
9aa1b823 + FastClosures v0.3.2
5789e2e9 + FileIO v1.2.3
1a297f60 + FillArrays v0.8.5
53c48c17 + FixedPointNumbers v0.6.1
92fee26a + GZip v0.5.1
a2bd30eb + Graphics v0.4.0
f67ccb44 + HDF5 v0.12.5
bbac6d45 + IdentityRanges v0.3.1
2803e5a7 + ImageAxes v0.6.4
a09fc81d + ImageCore v0.8.11
51556ac3 + ImageDistances v0.2.7
6a3955dd + ImageFiltering v0.6.9
6218d12a + ImageMagick v0.7.5
bc367c6b + ImageMetadata v0.7.2
787d08f9 + ImageMorphology v0.2.5
4e3cecfd + ImageShow v0.2.3
02fcd773 + ImageTransformations v0.8.3
8ad4436d + ImageUtils v0.2.0
916415d5 + Images v0.18.0
9b13fd28 + IndirectArrays v0.5.1
1d5cc7b8 + IntelOpenMP_jll v2018.0.3+0
a98d9a8b + Interpolations v0.12.5
8197267c + IntervalSets v0.4.0
c8e1da08 + IterTools v1.3.0
42fd0dbc + IterativeSolvers v0.8.1
9c8b4983 + LightXML v0.8.1
5c8ed15e + LinearOperators v1.0.1
856f044c + MKL_jll v2019.0.117+2
bdf86e05 + MRIReco v0.2.1
1914dd2f + MacroTools v0.5.4
dbb5928d + MappedArrays v0.2.2
e1d29d7a + Missings v0.4.3
efe261a4 + NFFT v0.5.0
a3a9e032 + NIfTI v0.4.0
77ba4419 + NaNMath v0.3.3
6fe1bfb0 + OffsetArrays v0.11.4
4536629a + OpenBLAS_jll v0.3.7+7
bac558e1 + OrderedCollections v1.1.0
90014a1f + PDMats v0.9.11
5432bcbf + PaddedViews v0.5.3
d96e819e + Parameters v0.12.0
f27b6e38 + Polynomials v0.6.1
92933f4c + ProgressMeter v1.2.0
1fd47b50 + QuadGK v2.3.1
b3c3ace0 + RangeArrays v0.3.2
c84ed2f1 + Ratios v0.4.0
3cdcf5f2 + RecipesBase v0.8.0
189a3867 + Reexport v0.2.0
1e9c538a + RegularizedLeastSquares v0.5.1
ae029012 + Requires v1.0.1
79098fc4 + Rmath v0.6.1
f50d1b31 + Rmath_jll v0.2.2+0
6038ab10 + Rotations v0.13.0
699a6c99 + SimpleTraits v0.9.1
a2af1166 + SortingAlgorithms v0.3.1
a5ff1dd3 + SparsityOperators v0.1.5
276daf66 + SpecialFunctions v0.8.0
90137ffa + StaticArrays v0.12.1
2913bbd2 + StatsBase v0.32.2
4c63d2b9 + StatsFuns v0.9.4
06e1c1a7 + TiledIteration v0.2.4
a759f4b9 + TimerOutputs v0.5.3
30578b45 + URIParser v0.4.0
1986cc42 + Unitful v0.17.0
29a6e085 + Wavelets v0.9.0
efce3f68 + WoodburyMatrices v0.5.1
2a0f44e3 + Base64
ade2ca70 + Dates
8bb1440f + DelimitedFiles
8ba89e20 + Distributed
b77e0a4c + InteractiveUtils
76f85450 + LibGit2
8f399da3 + Libdl
37e2e46d + LinearAlgebra
56ddb016 + Logging
d6f4376e + Markdown
a63ad114 + Mmap
44cfe95a + Pkg
de0858da + Printf
3fa0cd96 + REPL
9a3f8284 + Random
ea8e919c + SHA
9e88b42a + Serialization
1a1011a3 + SharedArrays
6462fe0b + Sockets
2f01184e + SparseArrays
10745b16 + Statistics
4607b0f0 + SuiteSparse
8dfed614 + Test
cf7118a7 + UUIDs
4ec0a83e + Unicode
Building SpecialFunctions → `~/.julia/packages/SpecialFunctions/ne2iw/deps/build.log`
Building ImageMagick ─────→ `~/.julia/packages/ImageMagick/vMfoS/deps/build.log`
Building CMake ───────────→ `~/.julia/packages/CMake/ULbyn/deps/build.log`
Building FFTW ────────────→ `~/.julia/packages/FFTW/qqcBj/deps/build.log`
Building Blosc ───────────→ `~/.julia/packages/Blosc/lzFr0/deps/build.log`
Building HDF5 ────────────→ `~/.julia/packages/HDF5/Zh9on/deps/build.log`
Building LightXML ────────→ `~/.julia/packages/LightXML/W8FVT/deps/build.log`
Testing MRIReco
#=#=# ##################################### 51.8%######################################################################## 100.0%
Status `/tmp/jl_m5fsCt/Project.toml`
31c24e10 Distributions v0.21.12
7a1cc6ca FFTW v1.2.0
5789e2e9 FileIO v1.2.3
a2bd30eb Graphics v0.4.0
f67ccb44 HDF5 v0.12.5
cd3eb016 HTTP v0.8.12
8ad4436d ImageUtils v0.2.0
9c8b4983 LightXML v0.8.1
5c8ed15e LinearOperators v1.0.1
bdf86e05 MRIReco v0.2.1
efe261a4 NFFT v0.5.0
a3a9e032 NIfTI v0.4.0
92933f4c ProgressMeter v1.2.0
189a3867 Reexport v0.2.0
1e9c538a RegularizedLeastSquares v0.5.1
a5ff1dd3 SparsityOperators v0.1.5
2913bbd2 StatsBase v0.32.2
1986cc42 Unitful v0.17.0
29a6e085 Wavelets v0.9.0
8ba89e20 Distributed
37e2e46d LinearAlgebra
9a3f8284 Random
8dfed614 Test
Status `/tmp/jl_m5fsCt/Manifest.toml`
621f4979 AbstractFFTs v0.5.0
7d9fca2a Arpack v0.4.0
68821587 Arpack_jll v3.5.0+2
13072b0f AxisAlgorithms v1.0.0
39de3d68 AxisArrays v0.3.3
9e28174c BinDeps v1.0.0
b99e7846 BinaryProvider v0.5.8
a74b3585 Blosc v0.5.1
631607c0 CMake v1.2.0
d5fb7624 CMakeWrapper v0.2.3
aafaddc9 CatIndices v0.2.1
3da002f7 ColorTypes v0.8.1
c3611d14 ColorVectorSpace v0.7.1
5ae59095 Colors v0.9.6
34da2185 Compat v2.2.0
ed09eef8 ComputationalResources v0.3.1
150eb455 CoordinateTransformations v0.5.1
dc8bdbbb CustomUnitRanges v1.0.0
717857b8 DSP v0.6.3
9a962f9c DataAPI v1.1.0
864edb3b DataStructures v0.17.10
b4f34e82 Distances v0.8.2
31c24e10 Distributions v0.21.12
da5c29d0 EllipsisNotation v0.4.0
4f61f5a4 FFTViews v0.3.1
7a1cc6ca FFTW v1.2.0
f5851436 FFTW_jll v3.3.9+4
9aa1b823 FastClosures v0.3.2
5789e2e9 FileIO v1.2.3
1a297f60 FillArrays v0.8.5
53c48c17 FixedPointNumbers v0.6.1
92fee26a GZip v0.5.1
a2bd30eb Graphics v0.4.0
f67ccb44 HDF5 v0.12.5
cd3eb016 HTTP v0.8.12
bbac6d45 IdentityRanges v0.3.1
2803e5a7 ImageAxes v0.6.4
a09fc81d ImageCore v0.8.11
51556ac3 ImageDistances v0.2.7
6a3955dd ImageFiltering v0.6.9
6218d12a ImageMagick v0.7.5
bc367c6b ImageMetadata v0.7.2
787d08f9 ImageMorphology v0.2.5
4e3cecfd ImageShow v0.2.3
02fcd773 ImageTransformations v0.8.3
8ad4436d ImageUtils v0.2.0
916415d5 Images v0.18.0
9b13fd28 IndirectArrays v0.5.1
83e8ac13 IniFile v0.5.0
1d5cc7b8 IntelOpenMP_jll v2018.0.3+0
a98d9a8b Interpolations v0.12.5
8197267c IntervalSets v0.4.0
c8e1da08 IterTools v1.3.0
42fd0dbc IterativeSolvers v0.8.1
9c8b4983 LightXML v0.8.1
5c8ed15e LinearOperators v1.0.1
856f044c MKL_jll v2019.0.117+2
bdf86e05 MRIReco v0.2.1
1914dd2f MacroTools v0.5.4
dbb5928d MappedArrays v0.2.2
739be429 MbedTLS v1.0.1
c8ffd9c3 MbedTLS_jll v2.16.0+1
e1d29d7a Missings v0.4.3
efe261a4 NFFT v0.5.0
a3a9e032 NIfTI v0.4.0
77ba4419 NaNMath v0.3.3
6fe1bfb0 OffsetArrays v0.11.4
4536629a OpenBLAS_jll v0.3.7+7
bac558e1 OrderedCollections v1.1.0
90014a1f PDMats v0.9.11
5432bcbf PaddedViews v0.5.3
d96e819e Parameters v0.12.0
f27b6e38 Polynomials v0.6.1
92933f4c ProgressMeter v1.2.0
1fd47b50 QuadGK v2.3.1
b3c3ace0 RangeArrays v0.3.2
c84ed2f1 Ratios v0.4.0
3cdcf5f2 RecipesBase v0.8.0
189a3867 Reexport v0.2.0
1e9c538a RegularizedLeastSquares v0.5.1
ae029012 Requires v1.0.1
79098fc4 Rmath v0.6.1
f50d1b31 Rmath_jll v0.2.2+0
6038ab10 Rotations v0.13.0
699a6c99 SimpleTraits v0.9.1
a2af1166 SortingAlgorithms v0.3.1
a5ff1dd3 SparsityOperators v0.1.5
276daf66 SpecialFunctions v0.8.0
90137ffa StaticArrays v0.12.1
2913bbd2 StatsBase v0.32.2
4c63d2b9 StatsFuns v0.9.4
06e1c1a7 TiledIteration v0.2.4
a759f4b9 TimerOutputs v0.5.3
30578b45 URIParser v0.4.0
1986cc42 Unitful v0.17.0
29a6e085 Wavelets v0.9.0
efce3f68 WoodburyMatrices v0.5.1
2a0f44e3 Base64
ade2ca70 Dates
8bb1440f DelimitedFiles
8ba89e20 Distributed
b77e0a4c InteractiveUtils
76f85450 LibGit2
8f399da3 Libdl
37e2e46d LinearAlgebra
56ddb016 Logging
d6f4376e Markdown
a63ad114 Mmap
44cfe95a Pkg
de0858da Printf
3fa0cd96 REPL
9a3f8284 Random
ea8e919c SHA
9e88b42a Serialization
1a1011a3 SharedArrays
6462fe0b Sockets
2f01184e SparseArrays
10745b16 Statistics
4607b0f0 SuiteSparse
8dfed614 Test
cf7118a7 UUIDs
4ec0a83e Unicode
Test Summary: | Pass Total
Trajectories | 9 9
Test Summary: | Pass Total
IO | 2 2
[ Info: Testing simulating kdata with NFFT and exact evaluation
Simulating kdata using NFFT
0.021618 seconds (24.63 k allocations: 742.219 KiB)
[ Info: Simulating kdata rigorously
0.006163 seconds (24.70 k allocations: 743.375 KiB)
Relative error NFFT vs EXACT: 0.0
[ Info: Testing simulating multiple 2d-slices with NFFT and exact evaluation
Simulating kdata using NFFT
Simulating data... 33%|███████████ | ETA: 0:00:07[KSimulating data...100%|█████████████████████████████████| Time: 0:00:03[K
4.444377 seconds (4.50 M allocations: 241.018 MiB, 4.81% gc time)
[ Info: Simulating kdata rigorously
0.002881 seconds (906 allocations: 941.344 KiB)
Relative error NFFT vs EXACT: 0.0
[ Info: Testing simulating 3d-kdata with NFFT and exact evaluation
Simulating kdata using NFFT
2.223166 seconds (1.58 M allocations: 77.569 MiB, 1.21% gc time)
[ Info: Simulating kdata rigorously
0.001746 seconds (372 allocations: 522.031 KiB)
Relative error NFFT vs EXACT: 0.0
[ Info: Testing simulating kdata with correctionterm
Simulating kdata using NFFT to approx. correctionterm ...
1.281867 seconds (1.16 M allocations: 57.559 MiB, 5.07% gc time)
Simulating kdata using Least Squares to approx. correctionterm...
0.040625 seconds (8.87 k allocations: 2.791 MiB)
Simulating kdata rigorously...
0.046040 seconds (8.92 k allocations: 2.792 MiB)
Relative Error of leastsquare method: 2.422932878895068e-17
Relative Error of leastsquare method: 2.422932878895068e-17
[ Info: Testing simulating kdata with multiple echoes
[ Info: Testing simulating kdata with NFFT and exact evaluation
0.005515 seconds (24.64 k allocations: 742.391 KiB)
Relative error EXACT vs NOISY: 0.02040360638121846
[ Info: Testing reduction of encoding size
Test Summary: | Pass Total
simulations | 9 9
Relative error ExplicitOp: 8.706603999388097e-15
Relative error adj. ExplicitOp: 8.731602309786389e-15
Relative error NFFT: 0.0008973231565750143
Relative error adj. NFFT: 0.0004328649678082906
Test Summary: | Pass Total
Linear Operator | 10 10
Using leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 0%| | ETA: 10:24:08[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 0%| | ETA: 2:17:42[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 0%| | ETA: 1:58:45[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 0%| | ETA: 1:43:40[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 0%| | ETA: 1:34:27[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 0%| | ETA: 1:30:50[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 0%| | ETA: 1:21:07[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 0%| | ETA: 1:13:33[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 0%| | ETA: 1:09:49[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 0%| | ETA: 1:08:25[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 0%| | ETA: 1:06:27[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 0%| | ETA: 1:06:39[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 0%| | ETA: 1:06:12[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 0%| | ETA: 1:07:13[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 0%| | ETA: 1:04:51[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 1%| | ETA: 1:04:36[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 1%| | ETA: 1:04:10[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 1%| | ETA: 1:04:50[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 1%| | ETA: 1:06:06[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 1%| | ETA: 1:06:17[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 1%| | ETA: 1:06:21[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 1%| | ETA: 1:06:44[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 1%| | ETA: 1:06:10[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 1%| | ETA: 1:07:37[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 1%| | ETA: 1:07:59[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 1%| | ETA: 1:06:28[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 1%| | ETA: 1:06:39[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 1%| | ETA: 1:06:20[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 1%| | ETA: 1:06:04[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 1%| | ETA: 1:06:15[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 1%| | ETA: 1:06:35[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 1%| | ETA: 1:07:24[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 1%| | ETA: 1:06:41[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 1%| | ETA: 1:06:25[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 1%| | ETA: 1:06:43[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 1%| | ETA: 1:06:31[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 1%| | ETA: 1:06:15[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 1%| | ETA: 1:05:51[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 1%| | ETA: 1:06:12[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 1%| | ETA: 1:06:02[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 1%| | ETA: 1:05:58[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 1%| | ETA: 1:06:14[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 1%|▏ | ETA: 1:06:22[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 1%|▏ | ETA: 1:06:10[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 1%|▏ | ETA: 1:06:35[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 1%|▏ | ETA: 1:06:47[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 1%|▏ | ETA: 1:06:40[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 1%|▏ | ETA: 1:06:39[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 1%|▏ | ETA: 1:07:00[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 1%|▏ | ETA: 1:06:53[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 1%|▏ | ETA: 1:06:23[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 2%|▏ | ETA: 1:06:22[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 2%|▏ | ETA: 1:05:51[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 2%|▏ | ETA: 1:06:13[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 2%|▏ | ETA: 1:06:00[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 2%|▏ | ETA: 1:05:31[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 2%|▏ | ETA: 1:05:53[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 2%|▏ | ETA: 1:05:47[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 2%|▏ | ETA: 1:06:02[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 2%|▏ | ETA: 1:05:26[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 2%|▏ | ETA: 1:05:04[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 2%|▏ | ETA: 1:05:23[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 2%|▏ | ETA: 1:05:47[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 2%|▏ | ETA: 1:05:40[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 2%|▏ | ETA: 1:05:35[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 2%|▏ | ETA: 1:05:11[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 2%|▏ | ETA: 1:05:23[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 2%|▏ | ETA: 1:04:59[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 2%|▏ | ETA: 1:05:05[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 2%|▏ | ETA: 1:05:14[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 2%|▏ | ETA: 1:05:18[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 2%|▏ | ETA: 1:04:58[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 2%|▏ | ETA: 1:05:02[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 2%|▏ | ETA: 1:05:10[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 2%|▏ | ETA: 1:05:21[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 2%|▏ | ETA: 1:05:41[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 2%|▏ | ETA: 1:06:00[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 2%|▏ | ETA: 1:06:00[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 2%|▏ | ETA: 1:06:00[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 2%|▏ | ETA: 1:05:15[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 2%|▏ | ETA: 1:05:17[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 2%|▏ | ETA: 1:05:04[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 2%|▏ | ETA: 1:04:57[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 2%|▏ | ETA: 1:04:33[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 3%|▏ | ETA: 1:04:24[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 3%|▏ | ETA: 1:04:10[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 3%|▏ | ETA: 1:04:23[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 3%|▏ | ETA: 1:04:28[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 3%|▏ | ETA: 1:04:31[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 3%|▏ | ETA: 1:04:28[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 3%|▏ | ETA: 1:04:26[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 3%|▏ | ETA: 1:04:28[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 3%|▏ | ETA: 1:04:31[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 3%|▏ | ETA: 1:04:38[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 3%|▏ | ETA: 1:04:36[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 3%|▏ | ETA: 1:04:47[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 3%|▏ | ETA: 1:04:54[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 3%|▏ | ETA: 1:04:51[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 3%|▏ | ETA: 1:04:38[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 3%|▏ | ETA: 1:04:36[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 3%|▏ | ETA: 1:04:48[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 3%|▏ | ETA: 1:04:58[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 3%|▏ | ETA: 1:05:12[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 3%|▏ | ETA: 1:05:07[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 3%|▏ | ETA: 1:04:47[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 3%|▏ | ETA: 1:04:37[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 3%|▏ | ETA: 1:04:30[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 3%|▏ | ETA: 1:04:25[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 3%|▏ | ETA: 1:04:13[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 3%|▏ | ETA: 1:04:03[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 3%|▏ | ETA: 1:04:05[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 3%|▏ | ETA: 1:03:59[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 3%|▏ | ETA: 1:04:07[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 3%|▏ | ETA: 1:04:19[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 3%|▏ | ETA: 1:03:58[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 3%|▏ | ETA: 1:04:02[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 3%|▏ | ETA: 1:03:58[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 3%|▏ | ETA: 1:03:59[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 3%|▏ | ETA: 1:04:00[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 4%|▏ | ETA: 1:03:59[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 4%|▏ | ETA: 1:04:07[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 4%|▏ | ETA: 1:04:16[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 4%|▏ | ETA: 1:04:19[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 4%|▏ | ETA: 1:04:17[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 4%|▏ | ETA: 1:03:48[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 4%|▏ | ETA: 1:03:38[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 4%|▏ | ETA: 1:03:40[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 4%|▎ | ETA: 1:03:31[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 4%|▎ | ETA: 1:03:34[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 4%|▎ | ETA: 1:03:29[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 4%|▎ | ETA: 1:03:30[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 4%|▎ | ETA: 1:03:36[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 4%|▎ | ETA: 1:03:38[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 4%|▎ | ETA: 1:03:35[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 4%|▎ | ETA: 1:03:33[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 4%|▎ | ETA: 1:03:37[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 4%|▎ | ETA: 1:03:32[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 4%|▎ | ETA: 1:03:21[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 4%|▎ | ETA: 1:02:26[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 4%|▎ | ETA: 1:02:31[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 4%|▎ | ETA: 1:02:26[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 4%|▎ | ETA: 1:02:22[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 4%|▎ | ETA: 1:02:11[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 4%|▎ | ETA: 1:01:55[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 4%|▎ | ETA: 1:01:30[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 4%|▎ | ETA: 1:01:16[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 4%|▎ | ETA: 1:01:05[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 4%|▎ | ETA: 1:01:11[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 5%|▎ | ETA: 1:01:16[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 5%|▎ | ETA: 1:01:12[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 5%|▎ | ETA: 1:01:08[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 5%|▎ | ETA: 1:01:05[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 5%|▎ | ETA: 1:01:02[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 5%|▎ | ETA: 1:01:02[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 5%|▎ | ETA: 1:01:01[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 5%|▎ | ETA: 1:01:14[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 5%|▎ | ETA: 1:01:19[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 5%|▎ | ETA: 1:01:21[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 5%|▎ | ETA: 1:01:23[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 5%|▎ | ETA: 1:01:18[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 5%|▎ | ETA: 1:01:19[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 5%|▎ | ETA: 1:01:10[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 5%|▎ | ETA: 1:01:03[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 5%|▎ | ETA: 1:01:04[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 5%|▎ | ETA: 1:01:04[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 5%|▎ | ETA: 1:00:53[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 5%|▎ | ETA: 1:00:50[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 5%|▎ | ETA: 1:00:56[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 5%|▎ | ETA: 1:01:02[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 5%|▎ | ETA: 1:01:05[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 5%|▎ | ETA: 1:01:11[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 5%|▎ | ETA: 1:01:15[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 5%|▎ | ETA: 1:01:22[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 5%|▎ | ETA: 1:01:29[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 5%|▎ | ETA: 1:01:35[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 5%|▎ | ETA: 1:01:42[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 5%|▎ | ETA: 1:01:45[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 5%|▎ | ETA: 1:01:45[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 5%|▎ | ETA: 1:01:52[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 5%|▎ | ETA: 1:01:57[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 5%|▎ | ETA: 1:01:59[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 5%|▎ | ETA: 1:01:52[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 5%|▎ | ETA: 1:01:48[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 5%|▎ | ETA: 1:01:48[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 5%|▎ | ETA: 1:01:39[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 6%|▎ | ETA: 1:01:26[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 6%|▎ | ETA: 1:01:22[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 6%|▎ | ETA: 1:01:16[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 6%|▎ | ETA: 1:01:23[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 6%|▎ | ETA: 1:01:24[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 6%|▎ | ETA: 1:01:24[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 6%|▎ | ETA: 1:01:19[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 6%|▎ | ETA: 1:01:16[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 6%|▎ | ETA: 1:01:09[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 6%|▎ | ETA: 1:00:59[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 6%|▎ | ETA: 1:01:03[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 6%|▎ | ETA: 1:01:00[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 6%|▎ | ETA: 1:01:01[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 6%|▎ | ETA: 1:00:32[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 6%|▎ | ETA: 1:00:33[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 6%|▎ | ETA: 1:00:28[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 6%|▎ | ETA: 1:00:38[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 6%|▎ | ETA: 1:00:41[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 6%|▎ | ETA: 1:00:45[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 6%|▎ | ETA: 1:00:48[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 6%|▎ | ETA: 1:00:52[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 6%|▎ | ETA: 1:00:48[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 6%|▎ | ETA: 1:00:45[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 6%|▎ | ETA: 1:00:46[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 6%|▍ | ETA: 1:00:37[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 6%|▍ | ETA: 1:00:35[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 6%|▍ | ETA: 1:00:25[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 6%|▍ | ETA: 1:00:23[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 6%|▍ | ETA: 1:00:30[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 6%|▍ | ETA: 1:00:16[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 6%|▍ | ETA: 1:00:10[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 7%|▍ | ETA: 1:00:06[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 7%|▍ | ETA: 1:00:04[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 7%|▍ | ETA: 1:00:06[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 7%|▍ | ETA: 1:00:03[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 7%|▍ | ETA: 0:59:58[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 7%|▍ | ETA: 1:00:00[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 7%|▍ | ETA: 0:59:59[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 7%|▍ | ETA: 1:00:01[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 7%|▍ | ETA: 1:00:03[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 7%|▍ | ETA: 1:00:03[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 7%|▍ | ETA: 0:59:58[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 7%|▍ | ETA: 0:59:59[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 7%|▍ | ETA: 0:59:47[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 7%|▍ | ETA: 0:59:38[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 7%|▍ | ETA: 0:59:36[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 7%|▍ | ETA: 0:59:41[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 7%|▍ | ETA: 0:59:44[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 7%|▍ | ETA: 0:59:46[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 7%|▍ | ETA: 0:59:48[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 7%|▍ | ETA: 0:59:48[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 7%|▍ | ETA: 0:59:48[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 7%|▍ | ETA: 0:59:38[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 7%|▍ | ETA: 0:59:42[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 7%|▍ | ETA: 0:59:44[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 7%|▍ | ETA: 0:59:51[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 7%|▍ | ETA: 0:59:54[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 7%|▍ | ETA: 0:59:51[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 7%|▍ | ETA: 0:59:49[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 7%|▍ | ETA: 0:59:48[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 7%|▍ | ETA: 0:59:46[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 7%|▍ | ETA: 0:59:41[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 7%|▍ | ETA: 0:59:39[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 7%|▍ | ETA: 0:59:40[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 7%|▍ | ETA: 0:59:31[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 8%|▍ | ETA: 0:59:26[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 8%|▍ | ETA: 0:59:24[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 8%|▍ | ETA: 0:59:28[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 8%|▍ | ETA: 0:59:29[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 8%|▍ | ETA: 0:59:33[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 8%|▍ | ETA: 0:59:36[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 8%|▍ | ETA: 0:59:40[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 8%|▍ | ETA: 0:59:44[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 8%|▍ | ETA: 0:59:50[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 8%|▍ | ETA: 0:59:53[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 8%|▍ | ETA: 0:59:59[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 8%|▍ | ETA: 1:00:07[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 8%|▍ | ETA: 1:00:11[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 8%|▍ | ETA: 1:00:17[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 8%|▍ | ETA: 1:00:20[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 8%|▍ | ETA: 1:00:22[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 8%|▍ | ETA: 1:00:17[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 8%|▍ | ETA: 1:00:17[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 8%|▍ | ETA: 1:00:19[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 8%|▍ | ETA: 1:00:18[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 8%|▍ | ETA: 1:00:18[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 8%|▍ | ETA: 1:00:16[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 8%|▍ | ETA: 1:00:15[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 8%|▍ | ETA: 1:00:15[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 8%|▍ | ETA: 1:00:18[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 8%|▍ | ETA: 1:00:17[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 8%|▍ | ETA: 1:00:17[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 8%|▍ | ETA: 1:00:14[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 8%|▍ | ETA: 1:00:17[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 8%|▍ | ETA: 1:00:15[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 8%|▍ | ETA: 1:00:07[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 8%|▍ | ETA: 1:00:09[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 8%|▍ | ETA: 1:00:12[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 8%|▍ | ETA: 1:00:17[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 8%|▍ | ETA: 1:00:19[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 8%|▍ | ETA: 1:00:23[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 8%|▍ | ETA: 1:00:24[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 8%|▍ | ETA: 1:00:26[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 8%|▍ | ETA: 1:00:24[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 8%|▍ | ETA: 1:00:24[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 9%|▍ | ETA: 1:00:25[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 9%|▍ | ETA: 1:00:25[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 9%|▍ | ETA: 1:00:24[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 9%|▍ | ETA: 1:00:21[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 9%|▍ | ETA: 1:00:22[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 9%|▍ | ETA: 1:00:27[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 9%|▍ | ETA: 1:00:28[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 9%|▍ | ETA: 1:00:25[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 9%|▍ | ETA: 1:00:22[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 9%|▌ | ETA: 1:00:14[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 9%|▌ | ETA: 1:00:15[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 9%|▌ | ETA: 1:00:17[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 9%|▌ | ETA: 1:00:17[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 9%|▌ | ETA: 1:00:18[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 9%|▌ | ETA: 1:00:20[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 9%|▌ | ETA: 1:00:22[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 9%|▌ | ETA: 1:00:19[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 9%|▌ | ETA: 1:00:22[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 9%|▌ | ETA: 1:00:20[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 9%|▌ | ETA: 1:00:22[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 9%|▌ | ETA: 1:00:25[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 9%|▌ | ETA: 1:00:26[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 9%|▌ | ETA: 1:00:21[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 9%|▌ | ETA: 1:00:06[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 9%|▌ | ETA: 1:00:03[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 9%|▌ | ETA: 1:00:02[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 9%|▌ | ETA: 0:59:58[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 9%|▌ | ETA: 0:59:59[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 9%|▌ | ETA: 0:59:57[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 9%|▌ | ETA: 1:00:00[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 9%|▌ | ETA: 0:59:39[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 9%|▌ | ETA: 0:59:41[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 9%|▌ | ETA: 0:59:43[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 9%|▌ | ETA: 0:59:40[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 10%|▌ | ETA: 0:59:37[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 10%|▌ | ETA: 0:59:30[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 10%|▌ | ETA: 0:59:30[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 10%|▌ | ETA: 0:59:23[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 10%|▌ | ETA: 0:59:18[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 10%|▌ | ETA: 0:59:20[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 10%|▌ | ETA: 0:59:19[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 10%|▌ | ETA: 0:59:22[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 10%|▌ | ETA: 0:59:19[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 10%|▌ | ETA: 0:59:20[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 10%|▌ | ETA: 0:59:20[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 10%|▌ | ETA: 0:59:20[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 10%|▌ | ETA: 0:59:09[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 10%|▌ | ETA: 0:59:06[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 10%|▌ | ETA: 0:59:03[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 10%|▌ | ETA: 0:59:01[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 10%|▌ | ETA: 0:58:59[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 10%|▌ | ETA: 0:58:53[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 10%|▌ | ETA: 0:58:52[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 10%|▌ | ETA: 0:58:46[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 10%|▌ | ETA: 0:58:43[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 10%|▌ | ETA: 0:58:44[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 10%|▌ | ETA: 0:58:42[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 10%|▌ | ETA: 0:58:40[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 10%|▌ | ETA: 0:58:32[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 10%|▌ | ETA: 0:58:25[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 10%|▌ | ETA: 0:58:21[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 10%|▌ | ETA: 0:58:18[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 10%|▌ | ETA: 0:58:20[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 10%|▌ | ETA: 0:58:20[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 10%|▌ | ETA: 0:58:19[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 11%|▌ | ETA: 0:58:20[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 11%|▌ | ETA: 0:58:09[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 11%|▌ | ETA: 0:58:05[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 11%|▌ | ETA: 0:58:00[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 11%|▌ | ETA: 0:57:59[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 11%|▌ | ETA: 0:57:54[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 11%|▌ | ETA: 0:57:53[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 11%|▌ | ETA: 0:57:55[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 11%|▌ | ETA: 0:57:54[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 11%|▌ | ETA: 0:57:54[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 11%|▌ | ETA: 0:57:52[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 11%|▌ | ETA: 0:57:54[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 11%|▌ | ETA: 0:57:51[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 11%|▌ | ETA: 0:57:45[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 11%|▌ | ETA: 0:57:41[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 11%|▌ | ETA: 0:57:35[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 11%|▌ | ETA: 0:57:25[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 11%|▌ | ETA: 0:57:18[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 11%|▌ | ETA: 0:57:19[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 11%|▌ | ETA: 0:57:17[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 11%|▌ | ETA: 0:57:15[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 11%|▋ | ETA: 0:57:14[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 11%|▋ | ETA: 0:57:10[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 11%|▋ | ETA: 0:57:11[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 11%|▋ | ETA: 0:57:08[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 11%|▋ | ETA: 0:57:09[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 11%|▋ | ETA: 0:57:10[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 11%|▋ | ETA: 0:57:09[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 11%|▋ | ETA: 0:57:08[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 11%|▋ | ETA: 0:57:05[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 12%|▋ | ETA: 0:57:06[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 12%|▋ | ETA: 0:57:04[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 12%|▋ | ETA: 0:57:03[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 12%|▋ | ETA: 0:56:59[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 12%|▋ | ETA: 0:56:59[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 12%|▋ | ETA: 0:56:58[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 12%|▋ | ETA: 0:57:00[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 12%|▋ | ETA: 0:57:03[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 12%|▋ | ETA: 0:57:03[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 12%|▋ | ETA: 0:57:04[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 12%|▋ | ETA: 0:57:05[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 12%|▋ | ETA: 0:57:04[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 12%|▋ | ETA: 0:57:04[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 12%|▋ | ETA: 0:57:03[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 12%|▋ | ETA: 0:57:02[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 12%|▋ | ETA: 0:56:55[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 12%|▋ | ETA: 0:56:53[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 12%|▋ | ETA: 0:56:51[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 12%|▋ | ETA: 0:56:51[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 12%|▋ | ETA: 0:56:51[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 12%|▋ | ETA: 0:56:49[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 12%|▋ | ETA: 0:56:51[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 12%|▋ | ETA: 0:56:53[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 12%|▋ | ETA: 0:56:51[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 12%|▋ | ETA: 0:56:53[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 12%|▋ | ETA: 0:56:53[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 12%|▋ | ETA: 0:56:54[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 12%|▋ | ETA: 0:56:52[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 12%|▋ | ETA: 0:56:52[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 12%|▋ | ETA: 0:56:49[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 12%|▋ | ETA: 0:56:48[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 12%|▋ | ETA: 0:56:49[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 12%|▋ | ETA: 0:56:49[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 12%|▋ | ETA: 0:56:46[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 12%|▋ | ETA: 0:56:48[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 12%|▋ | ETA: 0:56:48[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 13%|▋ | ETA: 0:56:49[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 13%|▋ | ETA: 0:56:48[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 13%|▋ | ETA: 0:56:46[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 13%|▋ | ETA: 0:56:44[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 13%|▋ | ETA: 0:56:41[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 13%|▋ | ETA: 0:56:39[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 13%|▋ | ETA: 0:56:40[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 13%|▋ | ETA: 0:56:35[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 13%|▋ | ETA: 0:56:27[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 13%|▋ | ETA: 0:56:20[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 13%|▋ | ETA: 0:56:15[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 13%|▋ | ETA: 0:56:11[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 13%|▋ | ETA: 0:56:12[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 13%|▋ | ETA: 0:56:10[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 13%|▋ | ETA: 0:56:08[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 13%|▋ | ETA: 0:56:08[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 13%|▋ | ETA: 0:56:07[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 13%|▋ | ETA: 0:56:08[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 13%|▋ | ETA: 0:56:09[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 13%|▋ | ETA: 0:56:09[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 13%|▋ | ETA: 0:56:10[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 13%|▋ | ETA: 0:56:12[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 13%|▋ | ETA: 0:56:14[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 13%|▋ | ETA: 0:56:14[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 13%|▋ | ETA: 0:56:15[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 13%|▋ | ETA: 0:56:13[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 13%|▋ | ETA: 0:56:06[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 13%|▋ | ETA: 0:56:04[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 13%|▋ | ETA: 0:56:00[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 13%|▋ | ETA: 0:55:59[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 13%|▋ | ETA: 0:56:00[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 13%|▋ | ETA: 0:56:00[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 13%|▋ | ETA: 0:56:01[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 14%|▋ | ETA: 0:56:02[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 14%|▋ | ETA: 0:56:02[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 14%|▋ | ETA: 0:56:02[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 14%|▋ | ETA: 0:56:06[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 14%|▋ | ETA: 0:56:06[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 14%|▋ | ETA: 0:56:07[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 14%|▋ | ETA: 0:56:06[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 14%|▋ | ETA: 0:56:06[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 14%|▋ | ETA: 0:56:06[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 14%|▋ | ETA: 0:56:06[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 14%|▋ | ETA: 0:56:08[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 14%|▊ | ETA: 0:56:09[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 14%|▊ | ETA: 0:56:11[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 14%|▊ | ETA: 0:56:13[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 14%|▊ | ETA: 0:56:16[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 14%|▊ | ETA: 0:56:18[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 14%|▊ | ETA: 0:56:17[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 14%|▊ | ETA: 0:56:18[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 14%|▊ | ETA: 0:56:18[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 14%|▊ | ETA: 0:56:18[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 14%|▊ | ETA: 0:56:18[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 14%|▊ | ETA: 0:56:16[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 14%|▊ | ETA: 0:56:16[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 14%|▊ | ETA: 0:56:13[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 14%|▊ | ETA: 0:56:12[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 14%|▊ | ETA: 0:56:15[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 14%|▊ | ETA: 0:56:14[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 14%|▊ | ETA: 0:56:15[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 14%|▊ | ETA: 0:56:16[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 14%|▊ | ETA: 0:56:16[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 14%|▊ | ETA: 0:56:17[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 14%|▊ | ETA: 0:56:16[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 14%|▊ | ETA: 0:56:16[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 14%|▊ | ETA: 0:56:17[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 14%|▊ | ETA: 0:56:17[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 14%|▊ | ETA: 0:56:17[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 14%|▊ | ETA: 0:56:16[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 14%|▊ | ETA: 0:56:17[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 14%|▊ | ETA: 0:56:17[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 14%|▊ | ETA: 0:56:19[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 14%|▊ | ETA: 0:56:17[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 15%|▊ | ETA: 0:56:16[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 15%|▊ | ETA: 0:56:12[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 15%|▊ | ETA: 0:56:13[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 15%|▊ | ETA: 0:56:14[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 15%|▊ | ETA: 0:56:16[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 15%|▊ | ETA: 0:56:16[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 15%|▊ | ETA: 0:56:15[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 15%|▊ | ETA: 0:56:07[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 15%|▊ | ETA: 0:56:07[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 15%|▊ | ETA: 0:56:03[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 15%|▊ | ETA: 0:56:02[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 15%|▊ | ETA: 0:56:06[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 15%|▊ | ETA: 0:56:08[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 15%|▊ | ETA: 0:56:09[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 15%|▊ | ETA: 0:56:10[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 15%|▊ | ETA: 0:56:08[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 15%|▊ | ETA: 0:56:08[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 15%|▊ | ETA: 0:56:06[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 15%|▊ | ETA: 0:56:06[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 15%|▊ | ETA: 0:56:08[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 15%|▊ | ETA: 0:56:07[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 15%|▊ | ETA: 0:56:02[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 15%|▊ | ETA: 0:56:04[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 15%|▊ | ETA: 0:56:04[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 15%|▊ | ETA: 0:56:05[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 15%|▊ | ETA: 0:56:06[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 15%|▊ | ETA: 0:56:05[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 15%|▊ | ETA: 0:56:05[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 15%|▊ | ETA: 0:56:05[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 15%|▊ | ETA: 0:56:05[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 15%|▊ | ETA: 0:56:03[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 15%|▊ | ETA: 0:56:00[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 15%|▊ | ETA: 0:56:00[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 15%|▊ | ETA: 0:55:59[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 15%|▊ | ETA: 0:55:53[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 15%|▊ | ETA: 0:55:54[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 15%|▊ | ETA: 0:55:54[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 16%|▊ | ETA: 0:55:55[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 16%|▊ | ETA: 0:55:52[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 16%|▊ | ETA: 0:55:54[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 16%|▊ | ETA: 0:55:56[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 16%|▊ | ETA: 0:55:57[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 16%|▊ | ETA: 0:55:59[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 16%|▊ | ETA: 0:56:00[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 16%|▊ | ETA: 0:56:02[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 16%|▊ | ETA: 0:56:00[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 16%|▊ | ETA: 0:55:57[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 16%|▊ | ETA: 0:55:54[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 16%|▊ | ETA: 0:55:52[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 16%|▊ | ETA: 0:55:50[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 16%|▊ | ETA: 0:55:46[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 16%|▊ | ETA: 0:55:41[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 16%|▊ | ETA: 0:55:37[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 16%|▊ | ETA: 0:55:36[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 16%|▊ | ETA: 0:55:34[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 16%|▊ | ETA: 0:55:35[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 16%|▊ | ETA: 0:55:37[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 16%|▊ | ETA: 0:55:36[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 16%|▊ | ETA: 0:55:34[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 16%|▊ | ETA: 0:55:34[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 16%|▊ | ETA: 0:55:35[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 16%|▊ | ETA: 0:55:36[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 16%|▊ | ETA: 0:55:36[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 17%|▉ | ETA: 0:54:12[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 17%|▉ | ETA: 0:54:13[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 17%|▉ | ETA: 0:54:11[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 17%|▉ | ETA: 0:54:13[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 17%|▉ | ETA: 0:54:13[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 17%|▉ | ETA: 0:54:16[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 17%|▉ | ETA: 0:54:12[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 17%|▉ | ETA: 0:54:08[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 17%|▉ | ETA: 0:54:04[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 17%|▉ | ETA: 0:54:04[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 17%|▉ | ETA: 0:54:02[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 17%|▉ | ETA: 0:54:03[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 17%|▉ | ETA: 0:54:04[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 17%|▉ | ETA: 0:54:03[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 17%|▉ | ETA: 0:54:02[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 17%|▉ | ETA: 0:54:01[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 17%|▉ | ETA: 0:54:01[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 17%|▉ | ETA: 0:53:59[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 17%|▉ | ETA: 0:53:58[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 17%|▉ | ETA: 0:53:59[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 17%|▉ | ETA: 0:53:58[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 17%|▉ | ETA: 0:53:57[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 17%|▉ | ETA: 0:53:58[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 17%|▉ | ETA: 0:53:59[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 17%|▉ | ETA: 0:53:59[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 17%|▉ | ETA: 0:53:57[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 17%|▉ | ETA: 0:53:57[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 17%|▉ | ETA: 0:53:55[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 17%|▉ | ETA: 0:53:56[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 17%|▉ | ETA: 0:53:56[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 17%|▉ | ETA: 0:53:56[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 17%|▉ | ETA: 0:53:56[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 17%|▉ | ETA: 0:53:56[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 17%|▉ | ETA: 0:53:55[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 17%|▉ | ETA: 0:53:54[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 17%|▉ | ETA: 0:53:52[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 18%|▉ | ETA: 0:53:50[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 18%|▉ | ETA: 0:53:47[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 18%|▉ | ETA: 0:53:45[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 18%|▉ | ETA: 0:53:46[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 18%|▉ | ETA: 0:53:46[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 18%|▉ | ETA: 0:53:46[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 18%|▉ | ETA: 0:53:44[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 18%|▉ | ETA: 0:53:43[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 18%|▉ | ETA: 0:53:41[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 18%|▉ | ETA: 0:53:39[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 18%|▉ | ETA: 0:53:40[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 18%|▉ | ETA: 0:53:37[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 18%|▉ | ETA: 0:53:35[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 18%|▉ | ETA: 0:53:36[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 18%|▉ | ETA: 0:53:38[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 18%|▉ | ETA: 0:53:37[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 18%|▉ | ETA: 0:53:35[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 18%|▉ | ETA: 0:53:35[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 18%|▉ | ETA: 0:53:32[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 18%|▉ | ETA: 0:53:31[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 18%|▉ | ETA: 0:53:29[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 18%|▉ | ETA: 0:53:27[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 18%|▉ | ETA: 0:53:27[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 18%|▉ | ETA: 0:53:22[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 18%|▉ | ETA: 0:53:22[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 18%|▉ | ETA: 0:53:22[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 18%|▉ | ETA: 0:53:22[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 18%|▉ | ETA: 0:53:21[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 18%|▉ | ETA: 0:53:18[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 18%|▉ | ETA: 0:53:20[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 18%|▉ | ETA: 0:53:20[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 18%|▉ | ETA: 0:53:21[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 18%|▉ | ETA: 0:53:21[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 18%|▉ | ETA: 0:53:23[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 18%|▉ | ETA: 0:53:24[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 18%|▉ | ETA: 0:53:24[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 18%|▉ | ETA: 0:53:25[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 18%|▉ | ETA: 0:53:26[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 19%|▉ | ETA: 0:53:26[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 19%|▉ | ETA: 0:53:26[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 19%|▉ | ETA: 0:53:25[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 19%|▉ | ETA: 0:53:25[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 19%|▉ | ETA: 0:53:23[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 19%|▉ | ETA: 0:53:21[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 19%|▉ | ETA: 0:53:20[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 19%|▉ | ETA: 0:53:17[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 19%|▉ | ETA: 0:53:18[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 19%|█ | ETA: 0:53:18[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 19%|█ | ETA: 0:53:20[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 19%|█ | ETA: 0:53:17[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 19%|█ | ETA: 0:53:17[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 19%|█ | ETA: 0:53:17[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 19%|█ | ETA: 0:53:17[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 19%|█ | ETA: 0:53:15[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 19%|█ | ETA: 0:53:15[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 19%|█ | ETA: 0:53:15[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 19%|█ | ETA: 0:53:15[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 19%|█ | ETA: 0:53:14[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 19%|█ | ETA: 0:53:14[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 19%|█ | ETA: 0:53:13[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 19%|█ | ETA: 0:53:13[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 19%|█ | ETA: 0:53:14[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 19%|█ | ETA: 0:53:13[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 19%|█ | ETA: 0:53:12[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 19%|█ | ETA: 0:53:13[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 19%|█ | ETA: 0:53:13[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 19%|█ | ETA: 0:53:13[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 19%|█ | ETA: 0:53:08[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 19%|█ | ETA: 0:53:00[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 19%|█ | ETA: 0:52:56[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 19%|█ | ETA: 0:52:50[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 19%|█ | ETA: 0:52:48[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 20%|█ | ETA: 0:52:49[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 20%|█ | ETA: 0:52:48[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 20%|█ | ETA: 0:52:49[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 20%|█ | ETA: 0:52:49[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 20%|█ | ETA: 0:52:51[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 20%|█ | ETA: 0:52:50[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 20%|█ | ETA: 0:52:49[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 20%|█ | ETA: 0:52:47[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 20%|█ | ETA: 0:52:47[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 20%|█ | ETA: 0:52:45[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 20%|█ | ETA: 0:52:45[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 20%|█ | ETA: 0:52:43[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 20%|█ | ETA: 0:52:43[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 20%|█ | ETA: 0:52:41[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 20%|█ | ETA: 0:52:40[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 20%|█ | ETA: 0:52:40[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 20%|█ | ETA: 0:52:37[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 20%|█ | ETA: 0:52:36[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 20%|█ | ETA: 0:52:35[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 20%|█ | ETA: 0:52:34[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 20%|█ | ETA: 0:52:32[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 20%|█ | ETA: 0:52:29[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 20%|█ | ETA: 0:52:28[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 20%|█ | ETA: 0:52:24[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 20%|█ | ETA: 0:52:21[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 20%|█ | ETA: 0:52:14[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 20%|█ | ETA: 0:52:10[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 20%|█ | ETA: 0:52:04[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 20%|█ | ETA: 0:52:03[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 20%|█ | ETA: 0:51:59[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 20%|█ | ETA: 0:51:59[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 20%|█ | ETA: 0:51:58[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 21%|█ | ETA: 0:51:59[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 21%|█ | ETA: 0:52:00[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 21%|█ | ETA: 0:52:00[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 21%|█ | ETA: 0:52:01[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 21%|█ | ETA: 0:52:00[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 21%|█ | ETA: 0:51:54[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 21%|█ | ETA: 0:51:52[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 21%|█ | ETA: 0:51:50[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 21%|█ | ETA: 0:51:49[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 21%|█ | ETA: 0:51:47[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 21%|█ | ETA: 0:51:48[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 21%|█ | ETA: 0:51:47[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 21%|█ | ETA: 0:51:47[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 21%|█ | ETA: 0:51:46[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 21%|█ | ETA: 0:51:46[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 21%|█ | ETA: 0:51:41[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 21%|█ | ETA: 0:51:41[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 21%|█ | ETA: 0:51:40[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 21%|█ | ETA: 0:51:39[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 21%|█ | ETA: 0:51:37[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 21%|█ | ETA: 0:51:39[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 21%|█ | ETA: 0:51:39[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 21%|█ | ETA: 0:51:40[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 21%|█ | ETA: 0:51:41[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 21%|█ | ETA: 0:51:41[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 21%|█ | ETA: 0:51:40[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 21%|█ | ETA: 0:51:39[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 21%|█▏ | ETA: 0:51:37[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 21%|█▏ | ETA: 0:51:35[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 21%|█▏ | ETA: 0:51:32[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 21%|█▏ | ETA: 0:51:26[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 21%|█▏ | ETA: 0:51:18[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 22%|█▏ | ETA: 0:51:11[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 22%|█▏ | ETA: 0:51:09[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 22%|█▏ | ETA: 0:51:07[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 22%|█▏ | ETA: 0:51:01[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 22%|█▏ | ETA: 0:50:57[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 22%|█▏ | ETA: 0:50:58[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 22%|█▏ | ETA: 0:50:58[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 22%|█▏ | ETA: 0:50:59[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 22%|█▏ | ETA: 0:50:56[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 22%|█▏ | ETA: 0:50:54[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 22%|█▏ | ETA: 0:50:48[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 22%|█▏ | ETA: 0:50:49[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 22%|█▏ | ETA: 0:50:46[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 22%|█▏ | ETA: 0:50:45[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 22%|█▏ | ETA: 0:50:44[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 22%|█▏ | ETA: 0:50:43[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 22%|█▏ | ETA: 0:50:43[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 22%|█▏ | ETA: 0:50:43[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 22%|█▏ | ETA: 0:50:43[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 22%|█▏ | ETA: 0:50:43[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 22%|█▏ | ETA: 0:50:42[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 22%|█▏ | ETA: 0:50:42[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 22%|█▏ | ETA: 0:50:41[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 22%|█▏ | ETA: 0:50:40[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 22%|█▏ | ETA: 0:50:39[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 22%|█▏ | ETA: 0:50:39[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 22%|█▏ | ETA: 0:50:38[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 22%|█▏ | ETA: 0:50:37[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 22%|█▏ | ETA: 0:50:37[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 22%|█▏ | ETA: 0:50:35[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 22%|█▏ | ETA: 0:50:34[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 22%|█▏ | ETA: 0:50:32[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 22%|█▏ | ETA: 0:50:29[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 23%|█▏ | ETA: 0:50:28[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 23%|█▏ | ETA: 0:50:27[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 23%|█▏ | ETA: 0:50:23[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 23%|█▏ | ETA: 0:50:24[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 23%|█▏ | ETA: 0:50:23[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 23%|█▏ | ETA: 0:50:23[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 23%|█▏ | ETA: 0:50:22[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 23%|█▏ | ETA: 0:50:19[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 23%|█▏ | ETA: 0:50:16[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 23%|█▏ | ETA: 0:50:13[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 23%|█▏ | ETA: 0:50:12[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 23%|█▏ | ETA: 0:50:10[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 23%|█▏ | ETA: 0:50:08[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 23%|█▏ | ETA: 0:50:07[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 23%|█▏ | ETA: 0:50:05[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 23%|█▏ | ETA: 0:50:05[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 23%|█▏ | ETA: 0:50:03[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 23%|█▏ | ETA: 0:50:03[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 23%|█▏ | ETA: 0:50:03[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 23%|█▏ | ETA: 0:50:03[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 23%|█▏ | ETA: 0:50:03[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 23%|█▏ | ETA: 0:50:02[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 23%|█▏ | ETA: 0:50:03[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 23%|█▏ | ETA: 0:50:03[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 23%|█▏ | ETA: 0:50:03[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 23%|█▏ | ETA: 0:50:03[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 23%|█▏ | ETA: 0:50:04[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 23%|█▏ | ETA: 0:50:05[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 23%|█▏ | ETA: 0:50:03[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 23%|█▏ | ETA: 0:50:03[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 23%|█▏ | ETA: 0:50:02[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 23%|█▏ | ETA: 0:50:02[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 23%|█▏ | ETA: 0:50:02[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 23%|█▏ | ETA: 0:50:00[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 23%|█▏ | ETA: 0:49:59[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 23%|█▏ | ETA: 0:49:59[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 23%|█▏ | ETA: 0:49:57[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 24%|█▏ | ETA: 0:49:54[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 24%|█▏ | ETA: 0:49:51[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 24%|█▏ | ETA: 0:49:49[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 24%|█▏ | ETA: 0:49:47[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 24%|█▏ | ETA: 0:49:47[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 24%|█▏ | ETA: 0:49:45[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 24%|█▏ | ETA: 0:49:42[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 24%|█▎ | ETA: 0:49:40[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 24%|█▎ | ETA: 0:49:35[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 24%|█▎ | ETA: 0:49:35[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 24%|█▎ | ETA: 0:49:33[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 24%|█▎ | ETA: 0:49:31[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 24%|█▎ | ETA: 0:49:30[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 24%|█▎ | ETA: 0:49:29[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 24%|█▎ | ETA: 0:49:28[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 24%|█▎ | ETA: 0:49:24[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 24%|█▎ | ETA: 0:49:23[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 24%|█▎ | ETA: 0:49:22[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 24%|█▎ | ETA: 0:49:20[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 24%|█▎ | ETA: 0:49:20[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 24%|█▎ | ETA: 0:49:18[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 24%|█▎ | ETA: 0:49:18[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 24%|█▎ | ETA: 0:49:17[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 24%|█▎ | ETA: 0:49:16[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 24%|█▎ | ETA: 0:49:17[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 24%|█▎ | ETA: 0:49:15[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 24%|█▎ | ETA: 0:49:11[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 24%|█▎ | ETA: 0:49:10[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 24%|█▎ | ETA: 0:49:09[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 24%|█▎ | ETA: 0:49:09[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 24%|█▎ | ETA: 0:49:10[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 24%|█▎ | ETA: 0:49:09[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 25%|█▎ | ETA: 0:49:10[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 25%|█▎ | ETA: 0:49:09[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 25%|█▎ | ETA: 0:49:08[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 25%|█▎ | ETA: 0:49:08[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 25%|█▎ | ETA: 0:49:08[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 25%|█▎ | ETA: 0:49:07[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 25%|█▎ | ETA: 0:49:08[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 25%|█▎ | ETA: 0:49:06[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 25%|█▎ | ETA: 0:49:04[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 25%|█▎ | ETA: 0:49:02[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 25%|█▎ | ETA: 0:49:00[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 25%|█▎ | ETA: 0:48:59[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 25%|█▎ | ETA: 0:48:59[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 25%|█▎ | ETA: 0:48:56[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 25%|█▎ | ETA: 0:48:55[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 25%|█▎ | ETA: 0:48:55[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 25%|█▎ | ETA: 0:48:55[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 25%|█▎ | ETA: 0:48:55[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 25%|█▎ | ETA: 0:48:54[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 25%|█▎ | ETA: 0:48:53[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 25%|█▎ | ETA: 0:48:53[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 25%|█▎ | ETA: 0:48:52[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 25%|█▎ | ETA: 0:48:51[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 25%|█▎ | ETA: 0:48:49[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 25%|█▎ | ETA: 0:48:45[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 25%|█▎ | ETA: 0:48:44[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 25%|█▎ | ETA: 0:48:41[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 25%|█▎ | ETA: 0:48:40[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 25%|█▎ | ETA: 0:48:35[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 25%|█▎ | ETA: 0:48:32[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 25%|█▎ | ETA: 0:48:32[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 25%|█▎ | ETA: 0:48:33[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 25%|█▎ | ETA: 0:48:33[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 25%|█▎ | ETA: 0:48:33[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 26%|█▎ | ETA: 0:48:30[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 26%|█▎ | ETA: 0:48:29[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 26%|█▎ | ETA: 0:48:27[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 26%|█▎ | ETA: 0:48:27[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 26%|█▎ | ETA: 0:48:25[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 26%|█▎ | ETA: 0:48:23[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 26%|█▎ | ETA: 0:48:22[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 26%|█▎ | ETA: 0:48:22[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 26%|█▎ | ETA: 0:48:20[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 26%|█▎ | ETA: 0:48:18[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 26%|█▎ | ETA: 0:48:18[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 26%|█▎ | ETA: 0:48:16[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 26%|█▎ | ETA: 0:48:16[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 26%|█▎ | ETA: 0:48:15[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 26%|█▎ | ETA: 0:48:14[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 26%|█▎ | ETA: 0:48:12[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 26%|█▎ | ETA: 0:48:09[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 26%|█▎ | ETA: 0:48:08[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 26%|█▎ | ETA: 0:48:08[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 26%|█▎ | ETA: 0:48:07[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 26%|█▎ | ETA: 0:48:07[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 26%|█▎ | ETA: 0:48:04[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 26%|█▎ | ETA: 0:47:55[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 26%|█▍ | ETA: 0:47:51[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 26%|█▍ | ETA: 0:47:49[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 26%|█▍ | ETA: 0:47:49[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 26%|█▍ | ETA: 0:47:49[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 26%|█▍ | ETA: 0:47:49[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 26%|█▍ | ETA: 0:47:48[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 26%|█▍ | ETA: 0:47:48[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 26%|█▍ | ETA: 0:47:48[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 26%|█▍ | ETA: 0:47:48[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 27%|█▍ | ETA: 0:47:47[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 27%|█▍ | ETA: 0:47:44[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 27%|█▍ | ETA: 0:47:39[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 27%|█▍ | ETA: 0:47:35[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 27%|█▍ | ETA: 0:47:24[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 27%|█▍ | ETA: 0:47:18[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 27%|█▍ | ETA: 0:47:15[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 27%|█▍ | ETA: 0:47:10[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 27%|█▍ | ETA: 0:47:05[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 27%|█▍ | ETA: 0:47:04[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 27%|█▍ | ETA: 0:47:02[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 27%|█▍ | ETA: 0:47:01[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 27%|█▍ | ETA: 0:47:01[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 27%|█▍ | ETA: 0:47:01[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 27%|█▍ | ETA: 0:47:01[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 27%|█▍ | ETA: 0:47:00[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 27%|█▍ | ETA: 0:46:56[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 27%|█▍ | ETA: 0:46:51[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 27%|█▍ | ETA: 0:46:50[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 27%|█▍ | ETA: 0:46:49[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 27%|█▍ | ETA: 0:46:47[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 27%|█▍ | ETA: 0:46:47[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 27%|█▍ | ETA: 0:46:46[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 27%|█▍ | ETA: 0:46:47[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 27%|█▍ | ETA: 0:46:47[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 27%|█▍ | ETA: 0:46:46[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 27%|█▍ | ETA: 0:46:46[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 28%|█▍ | ETA: 0:46:43[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 28%|█▍ | ETA: 0:46:43[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 28%|█▍ | ETA: 0:46:43[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 28%|█▍ | ETA: 0:46:42[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 28%|█▍ | ETA: 0:46:41[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 28%|█▍ | ETA: 0:46:40[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 28%|█▍ | ETA: 0:46:39[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 28%|█▍ | ETA: 0:46:40[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 28%|█▍ | ETA: 0:46:39[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 28%|█▍ | ETA: 0:46:39[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 28%|█▍ | ETA: 0:46:38[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 28%|█▍ | ETA: 0:46:38[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 28%|█▍ | ETA: 0:46:33[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 28%|█▍ | ETA: 0:46:31[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 28%|█▍ | ETA: 0:46:30[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 28%|█▍ | ETA: 0:46:26[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 28%|█▍ | ETA: 0:46:24[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 28%|█▍ | ETA: 0:46:20[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 28%|█▍ | ETA: 0:46:16[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 28%|█▍ | ETA: 0:46:14[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 28%|█▍ | ETA: 0:46:14[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 28%|█▍ | ETA: 0:46:14[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 28%|█▍ | ETA: 0:46:14[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 28%|█▍ | ETA: 0:46:14[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 28%|█▍ | ETA: 0:46:13[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 28%|█▍ | ETA: 0:46:12[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 28%|█▍ | ETA: 0:46:12[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 28%|█▍ | ETA: 0:46:11[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 28%|█▍ | ETA: 0:46:11[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 28%|█▍ | ETA: 0:46:11[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 28%|█▍ | ETA: 0:46:10[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 28%|█▍ | ETA: 0:46:09[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 28%|█▍ | ETA: 0:46:09[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 28%|█▍ | ETA: 0:46:09[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 29%|█▍ | ETA: 0:46:08[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 29%|█▍ | ETA: 0:46:07[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 29%|█▍ | ETA: 0:46:06[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 29%|█▍ | ETA: 0:46:07[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 29%|█▍ | ETA: 0:46:06[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 29%|█▍ | ETA: 0:46:04[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 29%|█▍ | ETA: 0:46:03[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 29%|█▍ | ETA: 0:46:02[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 29%|█▍ | ETA: 0:46:02[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 29%|█▌ | ETA: 0:46:02[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 29%|█▌ | ETA: 0:46:03[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 29%|█▌ | ETA: 0:46:03[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 29%|█▌ | ETA: 0:46:03[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 29%|█▌ | ETA: 0:46:02[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 29%|█▌ | ETA: 0:46:02[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 29%|█▌ | ETA: 0:46:02[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 29%|█▌ | ETA: 0:46:02[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 29%|█▌ | ETA: 0:46:01[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 29%|█▌ | ETA: 0:46:00[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 29%|█▌ | ETA: 0:46:00[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 29%|█▌ | ETA: 0:45:59[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 29%|█▌ | ETA: 0:45:58[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 29%|█▌ | ETA: 0:45:56[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 29%|█▌ | ETA: 0:45:55[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 29%|█▌ | ETA: 0:45:54[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 29%|█▌ | ETA: 0:45:52[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 29%|█▌ | ETA: 0:45:52[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 29%|█▌ | ETA: 0:45:52[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 29%|█▌ | ETA: 0:45:51[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 29%|█▌ | ETA: 0:45:50[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 29%|█▌ | ETA: 0:45:50[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 29%|█▌ | ETA: 0:45:50[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 29%|█▌ | ETA: 0:45:50[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 29%|█▌ | ETA: 0:45:50[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 29%|█▌ | ETA: 0:45:50[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 29%|█▌ | ETA: 0:45:50[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 29%|█▌ | ETA: 0:45:50[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 29%|█▌ | ETA: 0:45:48[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 29%|█▌ | ETA: 0:45:48[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 29%|█▌ | ETA: 0:45:48[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 30%|█▌ | ETA: 0:45:48[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 30%|█▌ | ETA: 0:45:48[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 30%|█▌ | ETA: 0:45:48[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 30%|█▌ | ETA: 0:45:48[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 30%|█▌ | ETA: 0:45:48[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 30%|█▌ | ETA: 0:45:48[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 30%|█▌ | ETA: 0:45:47[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 30%|█▌ | ETA: 0:45:45[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 30%|█▌ | ETA: 0:45:43[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 30%|█▌ | ETA: 0:45:41[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 30%|█▌ | ETA: 0:45:39[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 30%|█▌ | ETA: 0:45:36[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 30%|█▌ | ETA: 0:45:35[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 30%|█▌ | ETA: 0:45:34[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 30%|█▌ | ETA: 0:45:34[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 30%|█▌ | ETA: 0:45:34[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 30%|█▌ | ETA: 0:45:29[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 30%|█▌ | ETA: 0:45:26[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 30%|█▌ | ETA: 0:45:25[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 30%|█▌ | ETA: 0:45:24[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 30%|█▌ | ETA: 0:45:24[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 30%|█▌ | ETA: 0:45:23[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 30%|█▌ | ETA: 0:45:23[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 30%|█▌ | ETA: 0:45:23[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 30%|█▌ | ETA: 0:45:23[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 30%|█▌ | ETA: 0:45:24[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 30%|█▌ | ETA: 0:45:24[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 30%|█▌ | ETA: 0:45:24[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 30%|█▌ | ETA: 0:45:24[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 30%|█▌ | ETA: 0:45:24[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 30%|█▌ | ETA: 0:45:24[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 30%|█▌ | ETA: 0:45:24[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 30%|█▌ | ETA: 0:45:22[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 30%|█▌ | ETA: 0:45:22[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 30%|█▌ | ETA: 0:45:18[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 30%|█▌ | ETA: 0:45:16[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 31%|█▌ | ETA: 0:45:14[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 31%|█▌ | ETA: 0:45:14[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 31%|█▌ | ETA: 0:45:13[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 31%|█▌ | ETA: 0:45:12[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 31%|█▌ | ETA: 0:45:10[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 31%|█▌ | ETA: 0:45:07[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 31%|█▌ | ETA: 0:45:07[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 31%|█▌ | ETA: 0:45:06[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 31%|█▌ | ETA: 0:45:06[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 31%|█▌ | ETA: 0:45:05[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 31%|█▌ | ETA: 0:45:05[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 31%|█▌ | ETA: 0:45:01[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 31%|█▌ | ETA: 0:45:00[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 31%|█▌ | ETA: 0:44:59[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 31%|█▌ | ETA: 0:44:57[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 31%|█▌ | ETA: 0:44:56[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 31%|█▌ | ETA: 0:44:55[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 31%|█▌ | ETA: 0:44:53[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 31%|█▌ | ETA: 0:44:50[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 31%|█▌ | ETA: 0:44:49[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 31%|█▌ | ETA: 0:44:49[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 31%|█▌ | ETA: 0:44:47[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 31%|█▌ | ETA: 0:44:45[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 31%|█▌ | ETA: 0:44:43[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 31%|█▋ | ETA: 0:44:40[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 31%|█▋ | ETA: 0:44:39[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 31%|█▋ | ETA: 0:44:39[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 31%|█▋ | ETA: 0:44:38[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 31%|█▋ | ETA: 0:44:38[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 31%|█▋ | ETA: 0:44:38[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 31%|█▋ | ETA: 0:44:38[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 31%|█▋ | ETA: 0:44:37[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 31%|█▋ | ETA: 0:44:37[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 31%|█▋ | ETA: 0:44:37[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 32%|█▋ | ETA: 0:44:36[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 32%|█▋ | ETA: 0:44:36[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 32%|█▋ | ETA: 0:44:35[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 32%|█▋ | ETA: 0:44:35[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 32%|█▋ | ETA: 0:44:36[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 32%|█▋ | ETA: 0:44:36[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 32%|█▋ | ETA: 0:44:37[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 32%|█▋ | ETA: 0:44:36[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 32%|█▋ | ETA: 0:44:36[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 32%|█▋ | ETA: 0:44:36[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 32%|█▋ | ETA: 0:44:35[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 32%|█▋ | ETA: 0:44:36[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 32%|█▋ | ETA: 0:44:36[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 32%|█▋ | ETA: 0:44:35[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 32%|█▋ | ETA: 0:44:36[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 32%|█▋ | ETA: 0:44:36[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 32%|█▋ | ETA: 0:44:35[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 32%|█▋ | ETA: 0:44:35[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 32%|█▋ | ETA: 0:44:34[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 32%|█▋ | ETA: 0:44:32[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 32%|█▋ | ETA: 0:44:32[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 32%|█▋ | ETA: 0:44:31[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 32%|█▋ | ETA: 0:44:30[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 32%|█▋ | ETA: 0:44:30[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 32%|█▋ | ETA: 0:44:29[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 32%|█▋ | ETA: 0:44:29[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 32%|█▋ | ETA: 0:44:28[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 32%|█▋ | ETA: 0:44:27[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 32%|█▋ | ETA: 0:44:27[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 32%|█▋ | ETA: 0:44:26[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 32%|█▋ | ETA: 0:44:27[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 32%|█▋ | ETA: 0:44:26[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 32%|█▋ | ETA: 0:44:25[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 32%|█▋ | ETA: 0:44:25[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 32%|█▋ | ETA: 0:44:25[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 32%|█▋ | ETA: 0:44:24[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 32%|█▋ | ETA: 0:44:24[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 32%|█▋ | ETA: 0:44:25[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 32%|█▋ | ETA: 0:44:23[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 32%|█▋ | ETA: 0:44:23[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 32%|█▋ | ETA: 0:44:23[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 32%|█▋ | ETA: 0:44:24[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 32%|█▋ | ETA: 0:44:23[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 33%|█▋ | ETA: 0:44:23[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 33%|█▋ | ETA: 0:44:23[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 33%|█▋ | ETA: 0:44:23[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 33%|█▋ | ETA: 0:44:21[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 33%|█▋ | ETA: 0:44:22[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 33%|█▋ | ETA: 0:44:22[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 33%|█▋ | ETA: 0:44:22[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 33%|█▋ | ETA: 0:44:21[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 33%|█▋ | ETA: 0:44:21[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 33%|█▋ | ETA: 0:44:21[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 33%|█▋ | ETA: 0:44:21[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 33%|█▋ | ETA: 0:44:21[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 33%|█▋ | ETA: 0:44:21[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 33%|█▋ | ETA: 0:44:19[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 33%|█▋ | ETA: 0:44:18[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 33%|█▋ | ETA: 0:44:18[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 33%|█▋ | ETA: 0:44:18[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 33%|█▋ | ETA: 0:44:18[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 33%|█▋ | ETA: 0:44:16[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 33%|█▋ | ETA: 0:44:16[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 33%|█▋ | ETA: 0:44:16[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 33%|█▋ | ETA: 0:44:16[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 33%|█▋ | ETA: 0:44:16[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 33%|█▋ | ETA: 0:44:15[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 33%|█▋ | ETA: 0:44:15[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 33%|█▋ | ETA: 0:44:14[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 33%|█▋ | ETA: 0:44:12[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 33%|█▋ | ETA: 0:44:11[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 33%|█▋ | ETA: 0:44:11[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 33%|█▋ | ETA: 0:44:10[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 33%|█▋ | ETA: 0:44:10[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 33%|█▋ | ETA: 0:44:09[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 33%|█▋ | ETA: 0:44:09[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 33%|█▋ | ETA: 0:44:08[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 33%|█▋ | ETA: 0:44:08[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 33%|█▋ | ETA: 0:44:08[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 33%|█▋ | ETA: 0:44:07[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 33%|█▋ | ETA: 0:44:06[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 33%|█▋ | ETA: 0:44:06[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 33%|█▋ | ETA: 0:44:06[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 33%|█▋ | ETA: 0:44:05[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 33%|█▋ | ETA: 0:44:05[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 33%|█▋ | ETA: 0:44:03[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 34%|█▋ | ETA: 0:44:01[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 34%|█▋ | ETA: 0:43:58[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 34%|█▋ | ETA: 0:43:57[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 34%|█▋ | ETA: 0:43:55[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 34%|█▋ | ETA: 0:43:53[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 34%|█▋ | ETA: 0:43:50[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 34%|█▋ | ETA: 0:43:49[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 34%|█▊ | ETA: 0:43:47[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 34%|█▊ | ETA: 0:43:46[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 34%|█▊ | ETA: 0:43:42[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 34%|█▊ | ETA: 0:43:41[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 34%|█▊ | ETA: 0:43:39[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 34%|█▊ | ETA: 0:43:38[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 34%|█▊ | ETA: 0:43:36[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 34%|█▊ | ETA: 0:43:33[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 34%|█▊ | ETA: 0:43:31[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 34%|█▊ | ETA: 0:43:31[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 34%|█▊ | ETA: 0:43:28[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 34%|█▊ | ETA: 0:43:27[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 34%|█▊ | ETA: 0:43:26[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 34%|█▊ | ETA: 0:43:25[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 34%|█▊ | ETA: 0:43:23[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 34%|█▊ | ETA: 0:43:22[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 34%|█▊ | ETA: 0:43:21[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 34%|█▊ | ETA: 0:43:21[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 34%|█▊ | ETA: 0:43:21[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 34%|█▊ | ETA: 0:43:20[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 34%|█▊ | ETA: 0:43:18[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 34%|█▊ | ETA: 0:43:18[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 34%|█▊ | ETA: 0:43:17[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 34%|█▊ | ETA: 0:43:16[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 35%|█▊ | ETA: 0:43:15[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 35%|█▊ | ETA: 0:43:13[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 35%|█▊ | ETA: 0:43:09[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 35%|█▊ | ETA: 0:43:06[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 35%|█▊ | ETA: 0:43:05[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 35%|█▊ | ETA: 0:43:05[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 35%|█▊ | ETA: 0:43:04[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 35%|█▊ | ETA: 0:43:03[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 35%|█▊ | ETA: 0:43:02[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 35%|█▊ | ETA: 0:43:00[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 35%|█▊ | ETA: 0:42:59[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 35%|█▊ | ETA: 0:42:58[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 35%|█▊ | ETA: 0:42:57[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 35%|█▊ | ETA: 0:42:56[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 35%|█▊ | ETA: 0:42:56[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 35%|█▊ | ETA: 0:42:55[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 35%|█▊ | ETA: 0:42:55[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 35%|█▊ | ETA: 0:42:53[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 35%|█▊ | ETA: 0:42:51[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 35%|█▊ | ETA: 0:42:50[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 35%|█▊ | ETA: 0:42:49[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 35%|█▊ | ETA: 0:42:48[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 35%|█▊ | ETA: 0:42:47[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 35%|█▊ | ETA: 0:42:46[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 35%|█▊ | ETA: 0:42:45[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 35%|█▊ | ETA: 0:42:44[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 35%|█▊ | ETA: 0:42:43[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 35%|█▊ | ETA: 0:42:42[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 35%|█▊ | ETA: 0:42:41[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 35%|█▊ | ETA: 0:42:41[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 35%|█▊ | ETA: 0:42:40[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 35%|█▊ | ETA: 0:42:40[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 35%|█▊ | ETA: 0:42:38[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 35%|█▊ | ETA: 0:42:37[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 35%|█▊ | ETA: 0:42:36[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 36%|█▊ | ETA: 0:42:35[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 36%|█▊ | ETA: 0:42:33[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 36%|█▊ | ETA: 0:42:30[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 36%|█▊ | ETA: 0:42:29[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 36%|█▊ | ETA: 0:42:27[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 36%|█▊ | ETA: 0:42:26[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 36%|█▊ | ETA: 0:42:25[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 36%|█▊ | ETA: 0:42:24[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 36%|█▊ | ETA: 0:42:23[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 36%|█▊ | ETA: 0:42:21[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 36%|█▊ | ETA: 0:42:21[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 36%|█▊ | ETA: 0:42:21[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 36%|█▊ | ETA: 0:42:19[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 36%|█▊ | ETA: 0:42:19[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 36%|█▊ | ETA: 0:42:17[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 36%|█▊ | ETA: 0:42:15[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 36%|█▊ | ETA: 0:42:14[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 36%|█▊ | ETA: 0:42:13[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 36%|█▊ | ETA: 0:42:12[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 36%|█▊ | ETA: 0:42:11[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 36%|█▊ | ETA: 0:42:09[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 36%|█▊ | ETA: 0:42:08[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 36%|█▊ | ETA: 0:42:06[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 36%|█▊ | ETA: 0:42:05[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 36%|█▊ | ETA: 0:42:04[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 36%|█▉ | ETA: 0:42:03[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 36%|█▉ | ETA: 0:42:02[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 36%|█▉ | ETA: 0:42:02[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 36%|█▉ | ETA: 0:42:01[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 36%|█▉ | ETA: 0:42:00[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 36%|█▉ | ETA: 0:42:00[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 36%|█▉ | ETA: 0:41:59[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 36%|█▉ | ETA: 0:41:58[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 36%|█▉ | ETA: 0:41:57[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 36%|█▉ | ETA: 0:41:56[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 37%|█▉ | ETA: 0:41:56[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 37%|█▉ | ETA: 0:41:55[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 37%|█▉ | ETA: 0:41:54[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 37%|█▉ | ETA: 0:41:53[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 37%|█▉ | ETA: 0:41:51[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 37%|█▉ | ETA: 0:41:49[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 37%|█▉ | ETA: 0:41:48[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 37%|█▉ | ETA: 0:41:47[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 37%|█▉ | ETA: 0:41:44[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 37%|█▉ | ETA: 0:41:42[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 37%|█▉ | ETA: 0:41:41[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 37%|█▉ | ETA: 0:41:38[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 37%|█▉ | ETA: 0:41:38[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 37%|█▉ | ETA: 0:41:36[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 37%|█▉ | ETA: 0:41:33[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 37%|█▉ | ETA: 0:41:31[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 37%|█▉ | ETA: 0:41:30[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 37%|█▉ | ETA: 0:41:29[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 37%|█▉ | ETA: 0:41:27[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 37%|█▉ | ETA: 0:41:24[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 37%|█▉ | ETA: 0:41:21[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 37%|█▉ | ETA: 0:41:19[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 37%|█▉ | ETA: 0:41:18[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 37%|█▉ | ETA: 0:41:17[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 37%|█▉ | ETA: 0:41:16[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 37%|█▉ | ETA: 0:41:15[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 37%|█▉ | ETA: 0:41:12[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 37%|█▉ | ETA: 0:41:09[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 37%|█▉ | ETA: 0:41:06[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 38%|█▉ | ETA: 0:41:05[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 38%|█▉ | ETA: 0:41:03[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 38%|█▉ | ETA: 0:41:00[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 38%|█▉ | ETA: 0:40:58[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 38%|█▉ | ETA: 0:40:54[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 38%|█▉ | ETA: 0:40:51[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 38%|█▉ | ETA: 0:40:48[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 38%|█▉ | ETA: 0:40:47[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 38%|█▉ | ETA: 0:40:45[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 38%|█▉ | ETA: 0:40:43[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 38%|█▉ | ETA: 0:40:43[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 38%|█▉ | ETA: 0:40:41[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 38%|█▉ | ETA: 0:40:39[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 38%|█▉ | ETA: 0:40:38[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 38%|█▉ | ETA: 0:40:37[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 38%|█▉ | ETA: 0:40:36[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 38%|█▉ | ETA: 0:40:36[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 38%|█▉ | ETA: 0:40:35[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 38%|█▉ | ETA: 0:40:34[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 38%|█▉ | ETA: 0:40:34[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 38%|█▉ | ETA: 0:40:31[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 38%|█▉ | ETA: 0:40:29[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 38%|█▉ | ETA: 0:40:28[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 38%|█▉ | ETA: 0:40:27[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 38%|█▉ | ETA: 0:40:27[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 38%|█▉ | ETA: 0:40:25[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 38%|█▉ | ETA: 0:40:23[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 38%|█▉ | ETA: 0:40:19[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 38%|█▉ | ETA: 0:40:17[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 38%|█▉ | ETA: 0:40:16[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 39%|█▉ | ETA: 0:40:14[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 39%|█▉ | ETA: 0:40:13[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 39%|█▉ | ETA: 0:40:12[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 39%|█▉ | ETA: 0:40:11[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 39%|█▉ | ETA: 0:40:09[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 39%|█▉ | ETA: 0:40:05[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 39%|█▉ | ETA: 0:40:03[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 39%|██ | ETA: 0:40:01[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 39%|██ | ETA: 0:39:59[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 39%|██ | ETA: 0:39:58[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 39%|██ | ETA: 0:39:56[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 39%|██ | ETA: 0:39:55[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 39%|██ | ETA: 0:39:53[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 39%|██ | ETA: 0:39:51[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 39%|██ | ETA: 0:39:49[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 39%|██ | ETA: 0:39:48[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 39%|██ | ETA: 0:39:46[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 39%|██ | ETA: 0:39:46[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 39%|██ | ETA: 0:39:45[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 39%|██ | ETA: 0:39:45[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 39%|██ | ETA: 0:39:43[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 39%|██ | ETA: 0:39:41[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 39%|██ | ETA: 0:39:40[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 39%|██ | ETA: 0:39:39[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 39%|██ | ETA: 0:39:38[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 39%|██ | ETA: 0:39:38[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 39%|██ | ETA: 0:39:36[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 39%|██ | ETA: 0:39:34[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 39%|██ | ETA: 0:39:34[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 39%|██ | ETA: 0:39:33[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 39%|██ | ETA: 0:39:34[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 39%|██ | ETA: 0:39:34[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 40%|██ | ETA: 0:39:33[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 40%|██ | ETA: 0:39:33[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 40%|██ | ETA: 0:39:32[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 40%|██ | ETA: 0:39:32[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 40%|██ | ETA: 0:39:31[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 40%|██ | ETA: 0:39:30[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 40%|██ | ETA: 0:39:28[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 40%|██ | ETA: 0:39:25[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 40%|██ | ETA: 0:39:24[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 40%|██ | ETA: 0:39:22[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 40%|██ | ETA: 0:39:21[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 40%|██ | ETA: 0:39:20[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 40%|██ | ETA: 0:39:18[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 40%|██ | ETA: 0:39:17[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 40%|██ | ETA: 0:39:13[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 40%|██ | ETA: 0:39:12[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 40%|██ | ETA: 0:39:12[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 40%|██ | ETA: 0:39:10[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 40%|██ | ETA: 0:39:09[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 40%|██ | ETA: 0:39:08[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 40%|██ | ETA: 0:39:04[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 40%|██ | ETA: 0:39:01[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 40%|██ | ETA: 0:38:55[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 40%|██ | ETA: 0:38:48[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 40%|██ | ETA: 0:38:44[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 40%|██ | ETA: 0:38:42[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 40%|██ | ETA: 0:38:42[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 41%|██ | ETA: 0:38:38[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 41%|██ | ETA: 0:38:35[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 41%|██ | ETA: 0:38:33[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 41%|██ | ETA: 0:38:31[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 41%|██ | ETA: 0:38:27[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 41%|██ | ETA: 0:38:24[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 41%|██ | ETA: 0:38:22[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 41%|██ | ETA: 0:38:19[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 41%|██ | ETA: 0:38:16[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 41%|██ | ETA: 0:38:15[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 41%|██ | ETA: 0:38:14[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 41%|██ | ETA: 0:38:08[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 41%|██ | ETA: 0:38:01[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 41%|██ | ETA: 0:37:58[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 41%|██ | ETA: 0:37:56[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 41%|██ | ETA: 0:37:55[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 41%|██▏ | ETA: 0:37:53[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 41%|██▏ | ETA: 0:37:52[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 41%|██▏ | ETA: 0:37:51[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 41%|██▏ | ETA: 0:37:50[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 41%|██▏ | ETA: 0:37:46[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 41%|██▏ | ETA: 0:37:44[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 42%|██▏ | ETA: 0:37:39[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 42%|██▏ | ETA: 0:37:29[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 42%|██▏ | ETA: 0:37:27[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 42%|██▏ | ETA: 0:37:26[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 42%|██▏ | ETA: 0:37:24[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 42%|██▏ | ETA: 0:37:22[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 42%|██▏ | ETA: 0:37:21[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 42%|██▏ | ETA: 0:37:20[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 42%|██▏ | ETA: 0:37:17[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 42%|██▏ | ETA: 0:37:11[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 42%|██▏ | ETA: 0:37:09[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 42%|██▏ | ETA: 0:37:05[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 42%|██▏ | ETA: 0:37:04[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 42%|██▏ | ETA: 0:37:03[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 42%|██▏ | ETA: 0:37:01[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 42%|██▏ | ETA: 0:37:00[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 42%|██▏ | ETA: 0:36:58[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 42%|██▏ | ETA: 0:36:57[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 42%|██▏ | ETA: 0:36:55[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 42%|██▏ | ETA: 0:36:52[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 42%|██▏ | ETA: 0:36:41[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 43%|██▏ | ETA: 0:36:38[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 43%|██▏ | ETA: 0:36:29[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 43%|██▏ | ETA: 0:36:01[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 43%|██▏ | ETA: 0:35:55[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 43%|██▏ | ETA: 0:35:52[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 43%|██▏ | ETA: 0:35:38[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 43%|██▏ | ETA: 0:35:37[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 43%|██▏ | ETA: 0:35:35[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 43%|██▏ | ETA: 0:35:31[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 43%|██▏ | ETA: 0:35:28[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 43%|██▏ | ETA: 0:35:27[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 44%|██▏ | ETA: 0:35:26[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 44%|██▏ | ETA: 0:35:25[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 44%|██▏ | ETA: 0:35:24[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 44%|██▏ | ETA: 0:35:23[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 44%|██▏ | ETA: 0:35:24[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 44%|██▏ | ETA: 0:35:23[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 44%|██▏ | ETA: 0:35:22[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 44%|██▏ | ETA: 0:35:21[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 44%|██▎ | ETA: 0:35:17[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 44%|██▎ | ETA: 0:35:12[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 44%|██▎ | ETA: 0:35:08[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 44%|██▎ | ETA: 0:35:06[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 44%|██▎ | ETA: 0:35:03[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 44%|██▎ | ETA: 0:35:01[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 44%|██▎ | ETA: 0:34:57[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 44%|██▎ | ETA: 0:34:55[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 44%|██▎ | ETA: 0:34:50[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 44%|██▎ | ETA: 0:34:44[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 44%|██▎ | ETA: 0:34:39[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 44%|██▎ | ETA: 0:34:35[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 44%|██▎ | ETA: 0:34:31[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 45%|██▎ | ETA: 0:34:28[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 45%|██▎ | ETA: 0:34:24[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 45%|██▎ | ETA: 0:34:22[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 45%|██▎ | ETA: 0:34:19[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 45%|██▎ | ETA: 0:34:16[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 45%|██▎ | ETA: 0:34:15[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 45%|██▎ | ETA: 0:34:13[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 45%|██▎ | ETA: 0:34:11[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 45%|██▎ | ETA: 0:34:05[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 45%|██▎ | ETA: 0:33:51[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 45%|██▎ | ETA: 0:33:50[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 45%|██▎ | ETA: 0:33:49[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 45%|██▎ | ETA: 0:33:48[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 45%|██▎ | ETA: 0:33:47[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 45%|██▎ | ETA: 0:33:35[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 45%|██▎ | ETA: 0:33:32[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 46%|██▎ | ETA: 0:33:29[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 46%|██▎ | ETA: 0:33:25[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 46%|██▎ | ETA: 0:33:19[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 46%|██▎ | ETA: 0:33:17[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 46%|██▎ | ETA: 0:33:01[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 46%|██▎ | ETA: 0:32:57[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 46%|██▎ | ETA: 0:32:55[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 46%|██▎ | ETA: 0:32:53[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 46%|██▎ | ETA: 0:32:52[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 46%|██▎ | ETA: 0:32:48[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 46%|██▎ | ETA: 0:32:46[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 46%|██▍ | ETA: 0:32:43[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 46%|██▍ | ETA: 0:32:40[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 46%|██▍ | ETA: 0:32:37[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 46%|██▍ | ETA: 0:32:34[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 46%|██▍ | ETA: 0:32:33[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 47%|██▍ | ETA: 0:32:30[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 47%|██▍ | ETA: 0:32:28[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 47%|██▍ | ETA: 0:32:27[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 47%|██▍ | ETA: 0:32:26[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 47%|██▍ | ETA: 0:32:25[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 47%|██▍ | ETA: 0:32:23[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 47%|██▍ | ETA: 0:32:20[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 47%|██▍ | ETA: 0:32:18[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 47%|██▍ | ETA: 0:32:15[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 47%|██▍ | ETA: 0:32:10[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 47%|██▍ | ETA: 0:32:09[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 47%|██▍ | ETA: 0:32:07[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 47%|██▍ | ETA: 0:32:04[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 47%|██▍ | ETA: 0:32:01[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 47%|██▍ | ETA: 0:31:59[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 47%|██▍ | ETA: 0:31:57[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 47%|██▍ | ETA: 0:31:55[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 47%|██▍ | ETA: 0:31:53[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 47%|██▍ | ETA: 0:31:51[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 47%|██▍ | ETA: 0:31:50[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 47%|██▍ | ETA: 0:31:48[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 47%|██▍ | ETA: 0:31:47[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 47%|██▍ | ETA: 0:31:45[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 47%|██▍ | ETA: 0:31:44[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 48%|██▍ | ETA: 0:31:42[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 48%|██▍ | ETA: 0:31:41[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 48%|██▍ | ETA: 0:31:40[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 48%|██▍ | ETA: 0:31:38[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 48%|██▍ | ETA: 0:31:35[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 48%|██▍ | ETA: 0:31:33[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 48%|██▍ | ETA: 0:31:32[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 48%|██▍ | ETA: 0:31:31[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 48%|██▍ | ETA: 0:31:29[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 48%|██▍ | ETA: 0:31:26[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 48%|██▍ | ETA: 0:31:25[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 48%|██▍ | ETA: 0:31:24[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 48%|██▍ | ETA: 0:31:23[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 48%|██▍ | ETA: 0:31:21[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 48%|██▍ | ETA: 0:31:17[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 48%|██▍ | ETA: 0:31:15[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 48%|██▍ | ETA: 0:31:12[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 48%|██▍ | ETA: 0:31:09[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 48%|██▍ | ETA: 0:31:06[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 48%|██▍ | ETA: 0:31:05[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 48%|██▍ | ETA: 0:31:02[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 48%|██▍ | ETA: 0:31:00[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 48%|██▍ | ETA: 0:30:59[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 48%|██▍ | ETA: 0:30:58[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 49%|██▍ | ETA: 0:30:56[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 49%|██▍ | ETA: 0:30:55[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 49%|██▍ | ETA: 0:30:53[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 49%|██▍ | ETA: 0:30:52[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 49%|██▍ | ETA: 0:30:52[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 49%|██▍ | ETA: 0:30:49[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 49%|██▍ | ETA: 0:30:47[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 49%|██▌ | ETA: 0:30:45[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 49%|██▌ | ETA: 0:30:39[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 49%|██▌ | ETA: 0:30:34[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 49%|██▌ | ETA: 0:30:31[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 49%|██▌ | ETA: 0:30:28[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 49%|██▌ | ETA: 0:30:25[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 49%|██▌ | ETA: 0:30:23[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 49%|██▌ | ETA: 0:30:20[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 49%|██▌ | ETA: 0:30:19[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 49%|██▌ | ETA: 0:30:18[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 49%|██▌ | ETA: 0:30:17[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 49%|██▌ | ETA: 0:30:16[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 49%|██▌ | ETA: 0:30:13[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 49%|██▌ | ETA: 0:30:12[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 50%|██▌ | ETA: 0:30:05[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 50%|██▌ | ETA: 0:30:01[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 50%|██▌ | ETA: 0:29:59[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 50%|██▌ | ETA: 0:29:57[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 50%|██▌ | ETA: 0:29:55[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 50%|██▌ | ETA: 0:29:52[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 50%|██▌ | ETA: 0:29:47[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 50%|██▌ | ETA: 0:29:45[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 50%|██▌ | ETA: 0:29:43[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 50%|██▌ | ETA: 0:29:42[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 50%|██▌ | ETA: 0:29:41[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 50%|██▌ | ETA: 0:29:39[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 50%|██▌ | ETA: 0:29:38[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 50%|██▌ | ETA: 0:29:37[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 50%|██▌ | ETA: 0:29:35[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 50%|██▌ | ETA: 0:29:31[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 50%|██▌ | ETA: 0:29:28[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 51%|██▌ | ETA: 0:29:04[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 51%|██▌ | ETA: 0:29:02[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 51%|██▌ | ETA: 0:28:58[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 51%|██▌ | ETA: 0:28:53[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 51%|██▌ | ETA: 0:28:49[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 51%|██▌ | ETA: 0:28:45[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 51%|██▌ | ETA: 0:28:42[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 51%|██▌ | ETA: 0:28:36[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 51%|██▋ | ETA: 0:28:31[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 51%|██▋ | ETA: 0:28:29[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 51%|██▋ | ETA: 0:28:26[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 51%|██▋ | ETA: 0:28:24[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 51%|██▋ | ETA: 0:28:21[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 52%|██▋ | ETA: 0:28:19[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 52%|██▋ | ETA: 0:28:16[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 52%|██▋ | ETA: 0:28:12[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 52%|██▋ | ETA: 0:28:08[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 52%|██▋ | ETA: 0:28:05[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 52%|██▋ | ETA: 0:28:02[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 52%|██▋ | ETA: 0:28:01[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 52%|██▋ | ETA: 0:28:00[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 52%|██▋ | ETA: 0:27:59[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 52%|██▋ | ETA: 0:27:57[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 52%|██▋ | ETA: 0:27:55[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 52%|██▋ | ETA: 0:27:51[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 52%|██▋ | ETA: 0:27:49[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 52%|██▋ | ETA: 0:27:47[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 52%|██▋ | ETA: 0:27:45[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 52%|██▋ | ETA: 0:27:29[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 53%|██▋ | ETA: 0:27:24[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 53%|██▋ | ETA: 0:27:19[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 53%|██▋ | ETA: 0:27:16[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 53%|██▋ | ETA: 0:27:16[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 53%|██▋ | ETA: 0:27:15[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 53%|██▋ | ETA: 0:27:08[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 53%|██▋ | ETA: 0:26:58[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 53%|██▋ | ETA: 0:26:53[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 53%|██▋ | ETA: 0:26:51[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 53%|██▋ | ETA: 0:26:49[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 53%|██▋ | ETA: 0:26:47[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 53%|██▋ | ETA: 0:26:43[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 53%|██▋ | ETA: 0:26:37[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 54%|██▋ | ETA: 0:26:34[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 54%|██▋ | ETA: 0:26:32[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 54%|██▋ | ETA: 0:26:30[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 54%|██▋ | ETA: 0:26:28[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 54%|██▋ | ETA: 0:26:26[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 54%|██▊ | ETA: 0:26:24[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 54%|██▊ | ETA: 0:26:21[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 54%|██▊ | ETA: 0:26:19[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 54%|██▊ | ETA: 0:26:15[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 54%|██▊ | ETA: 0:26:13[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 54%|██▊ | ETA: 0:26:12[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 54%|██▊ | ETA: 0:26:06[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 54%|██▊ | ETA: 0:25:57[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 54%|██▊ | ETA: 0:25:53[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 54%|██▊ | ETA: 0:25:50[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 54%|██▊ | ETA: 0:25:48[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 55%|██▊ | ETA: 0:25:47[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 55%|██▊ | ETA: 0:25:45[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 55%|██▊ | ETA: 0:25:44[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 55%|██▊ | ETA: 0:25:42[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 55%|██▊ | ETA: 0:25:38[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 55%|██▊ | ETA: 0:25:37[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 55%|██▊ | ETA: 0:25:35[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 55%|██▊ | ETA: 0:25:33[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 55%|██▊ | ETA: 0:25:32[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 55%|██▊ | ETA: 0:25:31[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 55%|██▊ | ETA: 0:25:29[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 55%|██▊ | ETA: 0:25:27[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 55%|██▊ | ETA: 0:25:26[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 55%|██▊ | ETA: 0:25:23[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 55%|██▊ | ETA: 0:25:22[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 55%|██▊ | ETA: 0:25:21[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 55%|██▊ | ETA: 0:25:18[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 55%|██▊ | ETA: 0:25:17[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 55%|██▊ | ETA: 0:25:15[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 55%|██▊ | ETA: 0:25:14[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 55%|██▊ | ETA: 0:25:11[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 55%|██▊ | ETA: 0:25:09[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 55%|██▊ | ETA: 0:25:07[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 56%|██▊ | ETA: 0:25:05[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 56%|██▊ | ETA: 0:25:02[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 56%|██▊ | ETA: 0:25:02[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 56%|██▊ | ETA: 0:25:01[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 56%|██▊ | ETA: 0:25:00[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 56%|██▊ | ETA: 0:24:59[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 56%|██▊ | ETA: 0:24:58[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 56%|██▊ | ETA: 0:24:55[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 56%|██▊ | ETA: 0:24:54[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 56%|██▊ | ETA: 0:24:53[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 56%|██▊ | ETA: 0:24:51[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 56%|██▊ | ETA: 0:24:50[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 56%|██▊ | ETA: 0:24:48[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 56%|██▊ | ETA: 0:24:45[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 56%|██▊ | ETA: 0:24:43[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 56%|██▊ | ETA: 0:24:42[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 56%|██▊ | ETA: 0:24:40[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 56%|██▊ | ETA: 0:24:39[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 56%|██▊ | ETA: 0:24:38[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 56%|██▉ | ETA: 0:24:37[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 56%|██▉ | ETA: 0:24:37[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 56%|██▉ | ETA: 0:24:36[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 56%|██▉ | ETA: 0:24:36[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 56%|██▉ | ETA: 0:24:34[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 56%|██▉ | ETA: 0:24:33[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 56%|██▉ | ETA: 0:24:33[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 56%|██▉ | ETA: 0:24:32[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 56%|██▉ | ETA: 0:24:31[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 57%|██▉ | ETA: 0:24:29[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 57%|██▉ | ETA: 0:24:27[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 57%|██▉ | ETA: 0:24:26[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 57%|██▉ | ETA: 0:24:24[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 57%|██▉ | ETA: 0:24:22[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 57%|██▉ | ETA: 0:24:20[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 57%|██▉ | ETA: 0:24:18[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 57%|██▉ | ETA: 0:24:16[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 57%|██▉ | ETA: 0:24:14[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 57%|██▉ | ETA: 0:24:12[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 57%|██▉ | ETA: 0:24:11[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 57%|██▉ | ETA: 0:24:09[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 57%|██▉ | ETA: 0:24:08[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 57%|██▉ | ETA: 0:24:07[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 57%|██▉ | ETA: 0:24:06[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 57%|██▉ | ETA: 0:24:05[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 57%|██▉ | ETA: 0:24:04[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 57%|██▉ | ETA: 0:24:01[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 57%|██▉ | ETA: 0:24:00[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 57%|██▉ | ETA: 0:23:59[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 57%|██▉ | ETA: 0:23:58[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 57%|██▉ | ETA: 0:23:56[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 57%|██▉ | ETA: 0:23:55[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 57%|██▉ | ETA: 0:23:55[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 57%|██▉ | ETA: 0:23:55[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 57%|██▉ | ETA: 0:23:52[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 58%|██▉ | ETA: 0:23:49[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 58%|██▉ | ETA: 0:23:47[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 58%|██▉ | ETA: 0:23:45[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 58%|██▉ | ETA: 0:23:43[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 58%|██▉ | ETA: 0:23:41[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 58%|██▉ | ETA: 0:23:40[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 58%|██▉ | ETA: 0:23:39[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 58%|██▉ | ETA: 0:23:38[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 58%|██▉ | ETA: 0:23:37[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 58%|██▉ | ETA: 0:23:36[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 58%|██▉ | ETA: 0:23:35[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 58%|██▉ | ETA: 0:23:34[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 58%|██▉ | ETA: 0:23:33[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 58%|██▉ | ETA: 0:23:31[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 58%|██▉ | ETA: 0:23:29[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 58%|██▉ | ETA: 0:23:28[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 58%|██▉ | ETA: 0:23:25[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 58%|██▉ | ETA: 0:23:23[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 58%|██▉ | ETA: 0:23:20[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 58%|██▉ | ETA: 0:23:17[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 58%|██▉ | ETA: 0:23:15[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 58%|██▉ | ETA: 0:23:15[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 58%|██▉ | ETA: 0:23:14[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 59%|██▉ | ETA: 0:23:13[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 59%|██▉ | ETA: 0:23:12[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 59%|██▉ | ETA: 0:23:11[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 59%|██▉ | ETA: 0:23:10[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 59%|██▉ | ETA: 0:23:09[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 59%|██▉ | ETA: 0:23:07[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 59%|███ | ETA: 0:23:03[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 59%|███ | ETA: 0:23:02[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 59%|███ | ETA: 0:22:59[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 59%|███ | ETA: 0:22:51[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 59%|███ | ETA: 0:22:49[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 59%|███ | ETA: 0:22:47[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 59%|███ | ETA: 0:22:46[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 59%|███ | ETA: 0:22:45[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 59%|███ | ETA: 0:22:44[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 59%|███ | ETA: 0:22:43[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 59%|███ | ETA: 0:22:42[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 59%|███ | ETA: 0:22:40[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 59%|███ | ETA: 0:22:35[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 59%|███ | ETA: 0:22:34[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 59%|███ | ETA: 0:22:33[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 60%|███ | ETA: 0:22:32[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 60%|███ | ETA: 0:22:29[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 60%|███ | ETA: 0:22:28[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 60%|███ | ETA: 0:22:23[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 60%|███ | ETA: 0:22:21[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 60%|███ | ETA: 0:22:21[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 60%|███ | ETA: 0:22:19[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 60%|███ | ETA: 0:22:17[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 60%|███ | ETA: 0:22:14[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 60%|███ | ETA: 0:22:11[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 60%|███ | ETA: 0:22:08[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 60%|███ | ETA: 0:22:06[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 60%|███ | ETA: 0:22:04[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 60%|███ | ETA: 0:22:00[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 60%|███ | ETA: 0:21:58[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 60%|███ | ETA: 0:21:56[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 60%|███ | ETA: 0:21:53[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 60%|███ | ETA: 0:21:52[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 61%|███ | ETA: 0:21:50[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 61%|███ | ETA: 0:21:47[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 61%|███ | ETA: 0:21:44[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 61%|███ | ETA: 0:21:41[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 61%|███ | ETA: 0:21:38[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 61%|███ | ETA: 0:21:36[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 61%|███ | ETA: 0:21:34[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 61%|███ | ETA: 0:21:33[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 61%|███ | ETA: 0:21:32[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 61%|███ | ETA: 0:21:31[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 61%|███ | ETA: 0:21:30[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 61%|███ | ETA: 0:21:26[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 61%|███ | ETA: 0:21:25[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 61%|███ | ETA: 0:21:24[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 61%|███ | ETA: 0:21:22[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 61%|███ | ETA: 0:21:21[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 61%|███▏ | ETA: 0:21:20[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 61%|███▏ | ETA: 0:21:14[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 61%|███▏ | ETA: 0:21:13[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 61%|███▏ | ETA: 0:21:13[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 61%|███▏ | ETA: 0:21:12[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 61%|███▏ | ETA: 0:21:12[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 62%|███▏ | ETA: 0:21:11[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 62%|███▏ | ETA: 0:21:11[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 62%|███▏ | ETA: 0:21:10[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 62%|███▏ | ETA: 0:21:09[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 62%|███▏ | ETA: 0:21:05[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 62%|███▏ | ETA: 0:20:59[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 62%|███▏ | ETA: 0:20:58[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 62%|███▏ | ETA: 0:20:56[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 62%|███▏ | ETA: 0:20:54[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 62%|███▏ | ETA: 0:20:52[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 62%|███▏ | ETA: 0:20:49[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 62%|███▏ | ETA: 0:20:47[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 62%|███▏ | ETA: 0:20:46[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 62%|███▏ | ETA: 0:20:41[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 62%|███▏ | ETA: 0:20:39[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 62%|███▏ | ETA: 0:20:37[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 62%|███▏ | ETA: 0:20:36[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 62%|███▏ | ETA: 0:20:35[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 62%|███▏ | ETA: 0:20:33[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 62%|███▏ | ETA: 0:20:32[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 63%|███▏ | ETA: 0:20:32[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 63%|███▏ | ETA: 0:20:30[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 63%|███▏ | ETA: 0:20:27[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 63%|███▏ | ETA: 0:20:26[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 63%|███▏ | ETA: 0:20:26[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 63%|███▏ | ETA: 0:20:23[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 63%|███▏ | ETA: 0:20:20[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 63%|███▏ | ETA: 0:20:19[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 63%|███▏ | ETA: 0:20:17[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 63%|███▏ | ETA: 0:20:16[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 63%|███▏ | ETA: 0:20:15[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 63%|███▏ | ETA: 0:20:13[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 63%|███▏ | ETA: 0:20:06[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 63%|███▏ | ETA: 0:20:05[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 63%|███▏ | ETA: 0:20:02[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 63%|███▏ | ETA: 0:20:01[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 63%|███▏ | ETA: 0:20:00[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 63%|███▏ | ETA: 0:19:58[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 63%|███▏ | ETA: 0:19:56[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 63%|███▏ | ETA: 0:19:53[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 64%|███▏ | ETA: 0:19:53[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 64%|███▏ | ETA: 0:19:50[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 64%|███▏ | ETA: 0:19:48[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 64%|███▏ | ETA: 0:19:47[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 64%|███▏ | ETA: 0:19:46[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 64%|███▎ | ETA: 0:19:44[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 64%|███▎ | ETA: 0:19:42[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 64%|███▎ | ETA: 0:19:41[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 64%|███▎ | ETA: 0:19:40[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 64%|███▎ | ETA: 0:19:38[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 64%|███▎ | ETA: 0:19:36[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 64%|███▎ | ETA: 0:19:35[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 64%|███▎ | ETA: 0:19:34[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 64%|███▎ | ETA: 0:19:33[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 64%|███▎ | ETA: 0:19:32[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 64%|███▎ | ETA: 0:19:31[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 64%|███▎ | ETA: 0:19:29[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 64%|███▎ | ETA: 0:19:27[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 64%|███▎ | ETA: 0:19:25[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 64%|███▎ | ETA: 0:19:23[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 64%|███▎ | ETA: 0:19:22[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 64%|███▎ | ETA: 0:19:19[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 64%|███▎ | ETA: 0:19:18[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 65%|███▎ | ETA: 0:19:13[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 65%|███▎ | ETA: 0:19:11[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 65%|███▎ | ETA: 0:19:09[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 65%|███▎ | ETA: 0:19:08[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 65%|███▎ | ETA: 0:19:07[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 65%|███▎ | ETA: 0:19:06[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 65%|███▎ | ETA: 0:19:05[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 65%|███▎ | ETA: 0:19:04[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 65%|███▎ | ETA: 0:19:04[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 65%|███▎ | ETA: 0:19:03[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 65%|███▎ | ETA: 0:19:02[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 65%|███▎ | ETA: 0:18:59[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 65%|███▎ | ETA: 0:18:58[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 65%|███▎ | ETA: 0:18:56[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 65%|███▎ | ETA: 0:18:54[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 65%|███▎ | ETA: 0:18:50[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 65%|███▎ | ETA: 0:18:49[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 65%|███▎ | ETA: 0:18:47[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 65%|███▎ | ETA: 0:18:46[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 65%|███▎ | ETA: 0:18:44[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 65%|███▎ | ETA: 0:18:43[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 65%|███▎ | ETA: 0:18:41[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 66%|███▎ | ETA: 0:18:39[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 66%|███▎ | ETA: 0:18:38[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 66%|███▎ | ETA: 0:18:36[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 66%|███▎ | ETA: 0:18:35[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 66%|███▎ | ETA: 0:18:34[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 66%|███▎ | ETA: 0:18:31[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 66%|███▎ | ETA: 0:18:29[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 66%|███▎ | ETA: 0:18:27[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 66%|███▎ | ETA: 0:18:23[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 66%|███▎ | ETA: 0:18:22[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 66%|███▎ | ETA: 0:18:20[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 66%|███▎ | ETA: 0:18:16[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 66%|███▎ | ETA: 0:18:14[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 66%|███▎ | ETA: 0:18:13[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 66%|███▎ | ETA: 0:18:12[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 66%|███▍ | ETA: 0:18:10[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 67%|███▍ | ETA: 0:17:59[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 67%|███▍ | ETA: 0:17:56[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 67%|███▍ | ETA: 0:17:53[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 67%|███▍ | ETA: 0:17:52[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 67%|███▍ | ETA: 0:17:51[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 67%|███▍ | ETA: 0:17:49[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 67%|███▍ | ETA: 0:17:48[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 67%|███▍ | ETA: 0:17:47[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 67%|███▍ | ETA: 0:17:46[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 67%|███▍ | ETA: 0:17:44[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 67%|███▍ | ETA: 0:17:43[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 67%|███▍ | ETA: 0:17:41[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 67%|███▍ | ETA: 0:17:40[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 67%|███▍ | ETA: 0:17:37[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 67%|███▍ | ETA: 0:17:35[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 67%|███▍ | ETA: 0:17:30[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 67%|███▍ | ETA: 0:17:25[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 67%|███▍ | ETA: 0:17:22[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 68%|███▍ | ETA: 0:17:20[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 68%|███▍ | ETA: 0:17:19[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 68%|███▍ | ETA: 0:17:15[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 68%|███▍ | ETA: 0:17:13[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 68%|███▍ | ETA: 0:17:08[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 68%|███▍ | ETA: 0:17:06[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 68%|███▍ | ETA: 0:17:05[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 68%|███▍ | ETA: 0:17:01[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 68%|███▍ | ETA: 0:16:59[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 68%|███▍ | ETA: 0:16:58[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 68%|███▍ | ETA: 0:16:56[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 68%|███▍ | ETA: 0:16:56[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 68%|███▍ | ETA: 0:16:55[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 68%|███▍ | ETA: 0:16:53[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 68%|███▍ | ETA: 0:16:52[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 68%|███▍ | ETA: 0:16:50[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 68%|███▍ | ETA: 0:16:49[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 68%|███▍ | ETA: 0:16:48[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 68%|███▍ | ETA: 0:16:47[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 68%|███▍ | ETA: 0:16:46[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 69%|███▍ | ETA: 0:16:44[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 69%|███▍ | ETA: 0:16:44[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 69%|███▍ | ETA: 0:16:43[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 69%|███▍ | ETA: 0:16:41[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 69%|███▍ | ETA: 0:16:41[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 69%|███▍ | ETA: 0:16:41[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 69%|███▍ | ETA: 0:16:40[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 69%|███▍ | ETA: 0:16:38[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 69%|███▌ | ETA: 0:16:37[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 69%|███▌ | ETA: 0:16:36[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 69%|███▌ | ETA: 0:16:35[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 69%|███▌ | ETA: 0:16:33[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 69%|███▌ | ETA: 0:16:32[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 69%|███▌ | ETA: 0:16:30[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 69%|███▌ | ETA: 0:16:28[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 69%|███▌ | ETA: 0:16:27[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 69%|███▌ | ETA: 0:16:26[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 69%|███▌ | ETA: 0:16:24[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 69%|███▌ | ETA: 0:16:23[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 69%|███▌ | ETA: 0:16:21[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 69%|███▌ | ETA: 0:16:20[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 69%|███▌ | ETA: 0:16:19[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 69%|███▌ | ETA: 0:16:18[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 69%|███▌ | ETA: 0:16:17[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 69%|███▌ | ETA: 0:16:15[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 69%|███▌ | ETA: 0:16:13[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 70%|███▌ | ETA: 0:16:12[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 70%|███▌ | ETA: 0:16:11[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 70%|███▌ | ETA: 0:16:09[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 70%|███▌ | ETA: 0:16:09[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 70%|███▌ | ETA: 0:16:08[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 70%|███▌ | ETA: 0:16:07[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 70%|███▌ | ETA: 0:16:06[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 70%|███▌ | ETA: 0:16:05[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 70%|███▌ | ETA: 0:16:04[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 70%|███▌ | ETA: 0:16:03[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 70%|███▌ | ETA: 0:16:02[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 70%|███▌ | ETA: 0:16:01[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 70%|███▌ | ETA: 0:15:58[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 70%|███▌ | ETA: 0:15:56[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 70%|███▌ | ETA: 0:15:53[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 70%|███▌ | ETA: 0:15:51[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 70%|███▌ | ETA: 0:15:49[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 70%|███▌ | ETA: 0:15:47[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 70%|███▌ | ETA: 0:15:46[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 70%|███▌ | ETA: 0:15:45[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 70%|███▌ | ETA: 0:15:44[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 70%|███▌ | ETA: 0:15:43[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 70%|███▌ | ETA: 0:15:42[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 70%|███▌ | ETA: 0:15:40[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 70%|███▌ | ETA: 0:15:39[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 71%|███▌ | ETA: 0:15:38[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 71%|███▌ | ETA: 0:15:35[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 71%|███▌ | ETA: 0:15:34[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 71%|███▌ | ETA: 0:15:31[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 71%|███▌ | ETA: 0:15:30[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 71%|███▌ | ETA: 0:15:24[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 71%|███▌ | ETA: 0:15:23[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 71%|███▌ | ETA: 0:15:22[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 71%|███▌ | ETA: 0:15:21[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 71%|███▌ | ETA: 0:15:21[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 71%|███▌ | ETA: 0:15:19[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 71%|███▌ | ETA: 0:15:18[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 71%|███▌ | ETA: 0:15:16[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 71%|███▌ | ETA: 0:15:13[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 71%|███▋ | ETA: 0:15:10[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 71%|███▋ | ETA: 0:15:09[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 71%|███▋ | ETA: 0:15:07[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 71%|███▋ | ETA: 0:15:06[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 71%|███▋ | ETA: 0:15:03[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 72%|███▋ | ETA: 0:15:01[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 72%|███▋ | ETA: 0:15:00[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 72%|███▋ | ETA: 0:14:59[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 72%|███▋ | ETA: 0:14:58[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 72%|███▋ | ETA: 0:14:56[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 72%|███▋ | ETA: 0:14:55[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 72%|███▋ | ETA: 0:14:54[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 72%|███▋ | ETA: 0:14:53[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 72%|███▋ | ETA: 0:14:52[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 72%|███▋ | ETA: 0:14:51[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 72%|███▋ | ETA: 0:14:50[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 72%|███▋ | ETA: 0:14:50[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 72%|███▋ | ETA: 0:14:49[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 72%|███▋ | ETA: 0:14:48[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 72%|███▋ | ETA: 0:14:46[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 72%|███▋ | ETA: 0:14:46[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 72%|███▋ | ETA: 0:14:45[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 72%|███▋ | ETA: 0:14:43[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 72%|███▋ | ETA: 0:14:42[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 72%|███▋ | ETA: 0:14:41[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 72%|███▋ | ETA: 0:14:40[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 72%|███▋ | ETA: 0:14:39[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 72%|███▋ | ETA: 0:14:38[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 72%|███▋ | ETA: 0:14:37[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 72%|███▋ | ETA: 0:14:35[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 72%|███▋ | ETA: 0:14:32[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 72%|███▋ | ETA: 0:14:31[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 72%|███▋ | ETA: 0:14:31[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 73%|███▋ | ETA: 0:14:30[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 73%|███▋ | ETA: 0:14:29[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 73%|███▋ | ETA: 0:14:28[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 73%|███▋ | ETA: 0:14:27[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 73%|███▋ | ETA: 0:14:26[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 73%|███▋ | ETA: 0:14:24[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 73%|███▋ | ETA: 0:14:21[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 73%|███▋ | ETA: 0:14:20[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 73%|███▋ | ETA: 0:14:19[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 73%|███▋ | ETA: 0:14:19[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 73%|███▋ | ETA: 0:14:18[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 73%|███▋ | ETA: 0:14:17[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 73%|███▋ | ETA: 0:14:16[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 73%|███▋ | ETA: 0:14:16[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 73%|███▋ | ETA: 0:14:14[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 73%|███▋ | ETA: 0:14:13[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 73%|███▋ | ETA: 0:14:12[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 73%|███▋ | ETA: 0:14:11[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 73%|███▋ | ETA: 0:14:10[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 73%|███▋ | ETA: 0:14:09[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 73%|███▋ | ETA: 0:13:58[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 74%|███▋ | ETA: 0:13:56[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 74%|███▋ | ETA: 0:13:55[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 74%|███▋ | ETA: 0:13:54[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 74%|███▋ | ETA: 0:13:54[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 74%|███▋ | ETA: 0:13:53[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 74%|███▋ | ETA: 0:13:52[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 74%|███▋ | ETA: 0:13:50[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 74%|███▊ | ETA: 0:13:48[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 74%|███▊ | ETA: 0:13:48[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 74%|███▊ | ETA: 0:13:47[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 74%|███▊ | ETA: 0:13:45[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 74%|███▊ | ETA: 0:13:45[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 74%|███▊ | ETA: 0:13:44[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 74%|███▊ | ETA: 0:13:43[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 74%|███▊ | ETA: 0:13:42[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 74%|███▊ | ETA: 0:13:41[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 74%|███▊ | ETA: 0:13:40[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 74%|███▊ | ETA: 0:13:40[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 74%|███▊ | ETA: 0:13:38[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 74%|███▊ | ETA: 0:13:37[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 74%|███▊ | ETA: 0:13:35[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 74%|███▊ | ETA: 0:13:33[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 74%|███▊ | ETA: 0:13:32[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 74%|███▊ | ETA: 0:13:30[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 74%|███▊ | ETA: 0:13:29[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 74%|███▊ | ETA: 0:13:28[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 74%|███▊ | ETA: 0:13:27[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 74%|███▊ | ETA: 0:13:26[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 75%|███▊ | ETA: 0:13:24[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 75%|███▊ | ETA: 0:13:23[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 75%|███▊ | ETA: 0:13:21[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 75%|███▊ | ETA: 0:13:20[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 75%|███▊ | ETA: 0:13:19[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 75%|███▊ | ETA: 0:13:17[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 75%|███▊ | ETA: 0:13:16[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 75%|███▊ | ETA: 0:13:15[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 75%|███▊ | ETA: 0:13:13[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 75%|███▊ | ETA: 0:13:12[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 75%|███▊ | ETA: 0:13:10[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 75%|███▊ | ETA: 0:13:08[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 75%|███▊ | ETA: 0:13:07[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 75%|███▊ | ETA: 0:13:06[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 75%|███▊ | ETA: 0:13:05[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 75%|███▊ | ETA: 0:13:04[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 75%|███▊ | ETA: 0:13:03[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 75%|███▊ | ETA: 0:13:01[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 75%|███▊ | ETA: 0:13:00[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 75%|███▊ | ETA: 0:13:00[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 75%|███▊ | ETA: 0:12:59[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 75%|███▊ | ETA: 0:12:57[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 75%|███▊ | ETA: 0:12:57[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 75%|███▊ | ETA: 0:12:56[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 75%|███▊ | ETA: 0:12:55[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 75%|███▊ | ETA: 0:12:54[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 75%|███▊ | ETA: 0:12:53[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 76%|███▊ | ETA: 0:12:52[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 76%|███▊ | ETA: 0:12:52[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 76%|███▊ | ETA: 0:12:51[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 76%|███▊ | ETA: 0:12:50[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 76%|███▊ | ETA: 0:12:49[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 76%|███▊ | ETA: 0:12:48[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 76%|███▊ | ETA: 0:12:47[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 76%|███▊ | ETA: 0:12:47[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 76%|███▊ | ETA: 0:12:46[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 76%|███▊ | ETA: 0:12:45[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 76%|███▊ | ETA: 0:12:44[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 76%|███▊ | ETA: 0:12:44[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 76%|███▊ | ETA: 0:12:42[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 76%|███▊ | ETA: 0:12:40[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 76%|███▊ | ETA: 0:12:37[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 76%|███▊ | ETA: 0:12:35[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 76%|███▊ | ETA: 0:12:34[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 76%|███▊ | ETA: 0:12:34[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 76%|███▊ | ETA: 0:12:32[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 76%|███▊ | ETA: 0:12:31[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 76%|███▊ | ETA: 0:12:29[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 76%|███▉ | ETA: 0:12:29[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 76%|███▉ | ETA: 0:12:28[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 76%|███▉ | ETA: 0:12:26[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 76%|███▉ | ETA: 0:12:25[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 76%|███▉ | ETA: 0:12:25[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 76%|███▉ | ETA: 0:12:24[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 76%|███▉ | ETA: 0:12:24[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 76%|███▉ | ETA: 0:12:23[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 77%|███▉ | ETA: 0:12:21[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 77%|███▉ | ETA: 0:12:20[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 77%|███▉ | ETA: 0:12:19[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 77%|███▉ | ETA: 0:12:18[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 77%|███▉ | ETA: 0:12:17[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 77%|███▉ | ETA: 0:12:16[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 77%|███▉ | ETA: 0:12:15[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 77%|███▉ | ETA: 0:12:15[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 77%|███▉ | ETA: 0:12:11[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 77%|███▉ | ETA: 0:12:10[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 77%|███▉ | ETA: 0:12:10[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 77%|███▉ | ETA: 0:12:09[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 77%|███▉ | ETA: 0:12:08[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 77%|███▉ | ETA: 0:12:07[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 77%|███▉ | ETA: 0:12:06[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 77%|███▉ | ETA: 0:12:06[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 77%|███▉ | ETA: 0:12:05[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 77%|███▉ | ETA: 0:12:05[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 77%|███▉ | ETA: 0:12:04[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 77%|███▉ | ETA: 0:12:03[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 77%|███▉ | ETA: 0:12:02[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 77%|███▉ | ETA: 0:12:01[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 77%|███▉ | ETA: 0:12:00[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 77%|███▉ | ETA: 0:11:59[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 77%|███▉ | ETA: 0:11:58[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 77%|███▉ | ETA: 0:11:57[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 77%|███▉ | ETA: 0:11:55[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 77%|███▉ | ETA: 0:11:53[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 78%|███▉ | ETA: 0:11:46[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 78%|███▉ | ETA: 0:11:32[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 78%|███▉ | ETA: 0:11:29[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 78%|███▉ | ETA: 0:11:28[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 78%|███▉ | ETA: 0:11:26[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 78%|███▉ | ETA: 0:11:24[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 78%|███▉ | ETA: 0:11:22[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 78%|███▉ | ETA: 0:11:20[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 78%|███▉ | ETA: 0:11:19[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 79%|███▉ | ETA: 0:11:11[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 79%|███▉ | ETA: 0:11:07[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 79%|████ | ETA: 0:11:00[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 79%|████ | ETA: 0:10:58[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 79%|████ | ETA: 0:10:57[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 79%|████ | ETA: 0:10:56[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 79%|████ | ETA: 0:10:55[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 79%|████ | ETA: 0:10:54[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 79%|████ | ETA: 0:10:53[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 79%|████ | ETA: 0:10:52[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 79%|████ | ETA: 0:10:50[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 79%|████ | ETA: 0:10:49[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 79%|████ | ETA: 0:10:48[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 79%|████ | ETA: 0:10:47[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 79%|████ | ETA: 0:10:46[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 79%|████ | ETA: 0:10:45[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 79%|████ | ETA: 0:10:44[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 79%|████ | ETA: 0:10:44[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 79%|████ | ETA: 0:10:43[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 79%|████ | ETA: 0:10:42[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 79%|████ | ETA: 0:10:41[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 79%|████ | ETA: 0:10:39[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 80%|████ | ETA: 0:10:39[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 80%|████ | ETA: 0:10:38[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 80%|████ | ETA: 0:10:37[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 80%|████ | ETA: 0:10:37[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 80%|████ | ETA: 0:10:36[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 80%|████ | ETA: 0:10:35[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 80%|████ | ETA: 0:10:35[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 80%|████ | ETA: 0:10:33[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 80%|████ | ETA: 0:10:32[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 80%|████ | ETA: 0:10:31[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 80%|████ | ETA: 0:10:30[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 80%|████ | ETA: 0:10:29[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 80%|████ | ETA: 0:10:28[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 80%|████ | ETA: 0:10:27[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 80%|████ | ETA: 0:10:26[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 80%|████ | ETA: 0:10:25[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 80%|████ | ETA: 0:10:25[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 80%|████ | ETA: 0:10:24[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 80%|████ | ETA: 0:10:23[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 80%|████ | ETA: 0:10:23[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 80%|████ | ETA: 0:10:22[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 80%|████ | ETA: 0:10:21[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 80%|████ | ETA: 0:10:20[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 80%|████ | ETA: 0:10:19[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 80%|████ | ETA: 0:10:18[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 80%|████ | ETA: 0:10:17[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 80%|████ | ETA: 0:10:15[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 80%|████ | ETA: 0:10:14[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 80%|████ | ETA: 0:10:12[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 80%|████ | ETA: 0:10:10[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 81%|████ | ETA: 0:10:08[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 81%|████ | ETA: 0:10:06[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 81%|████ | ETA: 0:10:05[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 81%|████ | ETA: 0:10:04[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 81%|████ | ETA: 0:10:03[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 81%|████ | ETA: 0:10:02[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 81%|████ | ETA: 0:10:01[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 81%|████ | ETA: 0:10:00[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 81%|████ | ETA: 0:09:59[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 81%|████ | ETA: 0:09:58[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 81%|████ | ETA: 0:09:57[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 81%|████ | ETA: 0:09:56[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 81%|████ | ETA: 0:09:55[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 81%|████ | ETA: 0:09:54[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 81%|████ | ETA: 0:09:53[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 81%|████ | ETA: 0:09:52[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 81%|████ | ETA: 0:09:50[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 81%|████ | ETA: 0:09:49[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 81%|████ | ETA: 0:09:49[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 81%|████ | ETA: 0:09:48[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 81%|████ | ETA: 0:09:47[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 81%|████ | ETA: 0:09:46[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 81%|████▏| ETA: 0:09:43[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 81%|████▏| ETA: 0:09:42[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 81%|████▏| ETA: 0:09:41[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 81%|████▏| ETA: 0:09:40[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 81%|████▏| ETA: 0:09:39[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 81%|████▏| ETA: 0:09:38[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 82%|████▏| ETA: 0:09:38[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 82%|████▏| ETA: 0:09:37[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 82%|████▏| ETA: 0:09:36[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 82%|████▏| ETA: 0:09:35[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 82%|████▏| ETA: 0:09:33[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 82%|████▏| ETA: 0:09:32[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 82%|████▏| ETA: 0:09:32[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 82%|████▏| ETA: 0:09:31[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 82%|████▏| ETA: 0:09:29[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 82%|████▏| ETA: 0:09:27[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 82%|████▏| ETA: 0:09:25[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 82%|████▏| ETA: 0:09:24[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 82%|████▏| ETA: 0:09:23[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 82%|████▏| ETA: 0:09:22[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 82%|████▏| ETA: 0:09:20[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 82%|████▏| ETA: 0:09:19[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 82%|████▏| ETA: 0:09:17[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 82%|████▏| ETA: 0:09:16[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 82%|████▏| ETA: 0:09:14[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 82%|████▏| ETA: 0:09:13[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 82%|████▏| ETA: 0:09:11[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 82%|████▏| ETA: 0:09:10[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 82%|████▏| ETA: 0:09:09[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 82%|████▏| ETA: 0:09:08[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 82%|████▏| ETA: 0:09:06[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 83%|████▏| ETA: 0:09:05[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 83%|████▏| ETA: 0:09:02[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 83%|████▏| ETA: 0:09:01[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 83%|████▏| ETA: 0:08:59[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 83%|████▏| ETA: 0:08:58[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 83%|████▏| ETA: 0:08:55[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 83%|████▏| ETA: 0:08:54[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 83%|████▏| ETA: 0:08:53[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 83%|████▏| ETA: 0:08:51[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 83%|████▏| ETA: 0:08:50[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 83%|████▏| ETA: 0:08:48[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 83%|████▏| ETA: 0:08:47[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 83%|████▏| ETA: 0:08:45[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 83%|████▏| ETA: 0:08:44[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 83%|████▏| ETA: 0:08:43[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 83%|████▏| ETA: 0:08:41[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 83%|████▏| ETA: 0:08:39[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 83%|████▏| ETA: 0:08:35[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 83%|████▏| ETA: 0:08:34[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 83%|████▏| ETA: 0:08:34[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 84%|████▏| ETA: 0:08:32[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 84%|████▏| ETA: 0:08:31[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 84%|████▏| ETA: 0:08:30[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 84%|████▏| ETA: 0:08:29[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 84%|████▏| ETA: 0:08:28[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 84%|████▏| ETA: 0:08:27[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 84%|████▏| ETA: 0:08:25[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 84%|████▎| ETA: 0:08:23[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 84%|████▎| ETA: 0:08:21[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 84%|████▎| ETA: 0:08:19[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 84%|████▎| ETA: 0:08:18[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 84%|████▎| ETA: 0:08:17[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 84%|████▎| ETA: 0:08:16[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 84%|████▎| ETA: 0:08:14[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 84%|████▎| ETA: 0:08:13[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 85%|████▎| ETA: 0:07:57[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 85%|████▎| ETA: 0:07:33[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 86%|████▎| ETA: 0:07:20[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 86%|████▎| ETA: 0:07:10[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 86%|████▍| ETA: 0:06:55[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 86%|████▍| ETA: 0:06:51[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 86%|████▍| ETA: 0:06:49[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 87%|████▍| ETA: 0:06:48[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 87%|████▍| ETA: 0:06:40[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 87%|████▍| ETA: 0:06:39[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 87%|████▍| ETA: 0:06:38[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 87%|████▍| ETA: 0:06:36[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 87%|████▍| ETA: 0:06:33[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 87%|████▍| ETA: 0:06:32[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 87%|████▍| ETA: 0:06:30[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 87%|████▍| ETA: 0:06:29[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 87%|████▍| ETA: 0:06:27[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 87%|████▍| ETA: 0:06:26[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 87%|████▍| ETA: 0:06:25[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 87%|████▍| ETA: 0:06:22[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 87%|████▍| ETA: 0:06:22[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 87%|████▍| ETA: 0:06:21[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 88%|████▍| ETA: 0:06:15[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 88%|████▍| ETA: 0:06:15[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 88%|████▍| ETA: 0:06:11[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 88%|████▍| ETA: 0:06:10[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 88%|████▍| ETA: 0:06:09[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 88%|████▍| ETA: 0:06:08[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 88%|████▍| ETA: 0:06:08[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 88%|████▍| ETA: 0:06:07[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 88%|████▍| ETA: 0:06:06[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 88%|████▍| ETA: 0:06:04[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 88%|████▍| ETA: 0:05:55[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 88%|████▍| ETA: 0:05:54[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 88%|████▍| ETA: 0:05:53[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 88%|████▍| ETA: 0:05:50[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 88%|████▍| ETA: 0:05:50[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 88%|████▍| ETA: 0:05:49[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 88%|████▍| ETA: 0:05:48[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 88%|████▍| ETA: 0:05:47[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 88%|████▍| ETA: 0:05:46[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 89%|████▍| ETA: 0:05:45[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 89%|████▍| ETA: 0:05:44[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 89%|████▍| ETA: 0:05:41[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 89%|████▍| ETA: 0:05:40[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 89%|████▌| ETA: 0:05:21[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 89%|████▌| ETA: 0:05:21[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 89%|████▌| ETA: 0:05:20[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 89%|████▌| ETA: 0:05:16[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 89%|████▌| ETA: 0:05:15[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 89%|████▌| ETA: 0:05:14[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 90%|████▌| ETA: 0:05:04[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 90%|████▌| ETA: 0:05:03[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 90%|████▌| ETA: 0:05:01[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 90%|████▌| ETA: 0:04:48[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 91%|████▌| ETA: 0:04:38[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 91%|████▌| ETA: 0:04:35[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 91%|████▌| ETA: 0:04:31[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 91%|████▌| ETA: 0:04:25[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 91%|████▌| ETA: 0:04:24[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 91%|████▌| ETA: 0:04:22[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 91%|████▌| ETA: 0:04:21[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 91%|████▌| ETA: 0:04:21[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 91%|████▌| ETA: 0:04:20[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 91%|████▋| ETA: 0:04:15[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 91%|████▋| ETA: 0:04:14[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 91%|████▋| ETA: 0:04:13[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 91%|████▋| ETA: 0:04:12[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 91%|████▋| ETA: 0:04:10[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 92%|████▋| ETA: 0:04:09[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 92%|████▋| ETA: 0:04:08[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 92%|████▋| ETA: 0:04:07[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 92%|████▋| ETA: 0:04:06[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 92%|████▋| ETA: 0:04:05[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 92%|████▋| ETA: 0:04:04[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 92%|████▋| ETA: 0:04:03[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 92%|████▋| ETA: 0:04:02[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 92%|████▋| ETA: 0:04:01[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 92%|████▋| ETA: 0:04:00[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 92%|████▋| ETA: 0:03:59[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 92%|████▋| ETA: 0:03:56[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 92%|████▋| ETA: 0:03:55[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 92%|████▋| ETA: 0:03:53[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 92%|████▋| ETA: 0:03:53[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 92%|████▋| ETA: 0:03:50[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 92%|████▋| ETA: 0:03:49[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 92%|████▋| ETA: 0:03:48[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 92%|████▋| ETA: 0:03:48[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 92%|████▋| ETA: 0:03:46[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 92%|████▋| ETA: 0:03:45[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 92%|████▋| ETA: 0:03:43[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 92%|████▋| ETA: 0:03:42[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 93%|████▋| ETA: 0:03:37[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 93%|████▋| ETA: 0:03:35[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 93%|████▋| ETA: 0:03:31[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 93%|████▋| ETA: 0:03:15[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 93%|████▋| ETA: 0:03:11[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 94%|████▋| ETA: 0:03:03[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 94%|████▊| ETA: 0:02:57[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 94%|████▊| ETA: 0:02:49[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 94%|████▊| ETA: 0:02:40[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 95%|████▊| ETA: 0:02:38[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 95%|████▊| ETA: 0:02:36[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 95%|████▊| ETA: 0:02:33[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 95%|████▊| ETA: 0:02:28[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 95%|████▊| ETA: 0:02:20[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 95%|████▊| ETA: 0:02:15[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 96%|████▊| ETA: 0:02:05[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 96%|████▊| ETA: 0:02:01[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 96%|████▊| ETA: 0:02:00[KUsing leastsquares to get Hist-coefficients... 96%|████▊| ETA: 0:01:59[K