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Breaking updates and feature summaries across releases

Catalyst unreleased (master branch)

Catalyst 10.5

  • Added @reaction macro
    rx = @reaction k*v, A + B --> C + D
    # is equivalent to
    @parameters k v
    @variables t A(t) B(t) C(t) D(t)
    rx == Reaction(k*v, [A,B], [C,D])
    Here k and v will be parameters and A, B, C and D will be variables. Interpolation of existing parameters/variables also works
    @parameters k b
    @variables t A(t)
    ex = k*A^2 + t
    rx = @reaction b*$ex*$A, $A --> C
    Any symbols arising in the rate expression that aren't interpolated are treated as parameters, while any in the reaction part (A + B --> C + D) are treated as species.

Catalyst 10.4

  • Added symmap_to_varmap, setdefaults!, and updated all *Problem(rn,...) calls to allow setting initial conditions and parameter values using symbol maps. See the Catalyst API for details. These allow using regular Julia Symbols to specify parameter values and initial conditions. i.e. to set defaults we can do
    rn = @reaction_network begin
        α, S + I --> 2I
        β, I --> R
    end α β
    setdefaults!(rn, [:S => 999.0, :I => 1.0, :R => 0.0,  => 1e-4,  => .01])
    op    = ODEProblem(rn, [], (0.0,250.0), [])
    sol   = solve(op, Tsit5()) 
    To explicitly pass initial conditions and parameters using symbols we can do
    rn = @reaction_network begin
        α, S + I --> 2I
        β, I --> R
    end α β
    u0 = [:S => 999.0, :I => 1.0, :R => 0.0]
    p  = ( => 1e-4,  => .01)
    op    = ODEProblem(rn, u0, (0.0,250.0), p)
    sol   = solve(op, Tsit5())  
    In each case ModelingToolkit symbolic variables can be used instead of Symbols, e.g.
    @parameters α β
    @variables t S(t) I(t) R(t)
    setdefaults!(rn, [S => 999.0, I => 1.0, R => 0.0, α => 1e-4, β => .01])

Catalyst 10.3

  • BREAKING: The order of the parameters in the ReactionSystem's .ps field has been changed (only when created through the @reaction_network macro). Previously they were ordered according to the order with which they appeared in the macro. Now they are ordered according the to order with which they appeard after the end part. E.g. in
    rn = @reaction_network begin
      (p,d), 0 <--> X
    end d p
    previously the order was [p,d], while now it is [d, p].

Catalyst 10.1

  • Added support for @unpack observable_variable = rn and rn.observable_variable. This requires a new inner constructor definition for ReactionSystems, but is not considered breaking as the inner constructor is considered private.
  • Support added for ModelingToolkit 7 and Symbolics 4.

Catalyst 10.0

  • ReactionSystem(rxs::Vector{Reaction}, t) should now work and will infer the species and parameters.
  • BREAKING: Any undeclared variables in the DSL are now inferred to be species. i.e. this no longer errors, and B is assumed to be a species
    rn = @reaction_network begin
      k*B, A --> C
    end k
  • BREAKING: Internal changes mean the order of species or parameters in generated systems may have changed. Changes that induce different orders will not be considered breaking in the future.
  • Added interpolation in the DSL for species, variables, and the network name. i.e. this is now valid
    @parameters k
    @variables t, A(t)
    spec = A
    rate = k*A
    name = :network
    rn = @reaction_network $name begin
      $rate*B, 2*$spec + B --> $spec + C
  • Added the ability to compose ReactionSystems via subsystems, and include either ODESystems or NonlinearSystems as subsystems. Note, if using non-ReactionSystem subsystems it is not currently possible to convert to a JumpSystem or SDESystem. It is also not possible to include either SDESystems or JumpSystems as subsystems.
  • Added extend(sys, reactionnetwork, name=nameof(sys)) to extend ReactionSystems with constraint equations (algebraic equations or ODEs), or other ReactionSystems. Algebraic or differential constraints are stored as a NonlinearSystem or ODESystem within the ReactionSystem, and accessible via get_constraints(reactionnetwork).
  • Added Catalyst.flatten(rn) to allow flattening of a ReactionSystem with sub-systems into one ReactionSystem. Non-ReactionSystem subsystems are merged into the constraints of the flattened ReactionSystem, and accessible via get_constraints.
  • BREAKING: ReactionSystems are now always flattened when calling convert. This should only affect models that use subsystems.
  • Added incidencematgraph, linkageclasses, deficiency, subnetworks, linkagedeficiency, isreversible and isweaklyreversible API functions.
  • Deprecated merge, use ModelingToolkit.extend instead.
  • Deprecated params and numparams (use ModelingToolkit.parameters to get all parameters of a system and all subsystems, or use reactionparams to get all parameters of a system and all ReactionSystem subsystems. The latter correspond to those parameters used within Reactions.)
  • BREAKING: Added a custom hash for Reactions to ensure they work in Dicts and Sets properly, ensuring set-type comparisons between collections of Reactions work.
  • Updated the docs and added a new tutorial on using compositional tooling.

Catalyst 9.0

1. BREAKING: netstoichmat, prodstoichmat and substoichmat are now transposed to be number of species by number of reactions. This is more consistent with the chemical reaction network literature for stoichiometry matrices.

2. reactioncomplexmap added to provide a mapping from reaction complexes to reactions they participate in.

3. Most API *mat functions now take an optional sparse keyword argument. If passed sparse=true a sparse matrix representation is generated, otherwise the default sparse=false value returns dense Matrix representations.

Catalyst 8.3

1. Network representations for the reaction complexes of a system along with associated graph functionality:

rn = @reaction_network begin
           k₁, 2A --> B
           k₂, A --> C
           k₃, C --> D
           k₄, B + D --> E
           k₅, B --> E
           k₆, D --> C
     end k₁ k₂ k₃ k₄ k₅ k₆
smap  = speciesmap(rn)
rcs,B = reactioncomplexes(rn; smap=smap)
Z     = complexstoichmat(rn; rcs=rcs)
Δ     = complexoutgoingmat(rn; B=B)
complexgraph(rn; complexdata=(rcs,B))

which gives


2. Support for units via ModelingToolkit and Uniftul.jl in directly constructed ReactionSystems:

# ]add Unitful
using Unitful 
@parameters α [unit=u"μM/s"] β [unit=u"s"^(-1)] γ [unit=u"μM*s"^(-1)]
@variables t [unit=u"s"] A(t) [unit=u"μM"] B(t) [unit=u"μM"] C(t) [unit=u"μM"]
rxs = [Reaction(α, nothing, [A]),
       Reaction(β, [A], [B]),
       Reaction(γ, [A,B], [B], [1,1], [2])]
@named rs = ReactionSystem(rxs, t, [A,B,C], [α,β,γ])

By default, during construction of rs Catalyst will call


which will print warnings and return false if either

  1. The species(rs) do not all have the same units.
  2. The implicit (ODE) rate laws for each reaction do not have units of (species units) / (time units), where the time units are the units of t.

(Note, at this time the @reaction_network macro does not support units.)

3. Calculation of conservation laws

rn = @reaction_network begin
  (k₊,k₋), A + B <--> C
  end k₊ k₋
clawmat = conservationlaws(netstoichmat(rn))


 1  -1  0
 0   1  1


cquants = conservedquantities(species(rn), clawmat)


 A(t) - B(t)
 B(t) + C(t)

See the API docs for more details about each of these new features.

Catalyst 8.2

1. Basic unit validation has been added following its addition for all ModelingToolkit systems.

Catalyst 8.1

1. reactioncomplexes, ReactionComplex, reactionrates, complexstoichmat and complexoutgoingmat are added to allow the calculation of reaction complex-based network matrix representations.

Catalyst 8.0

BREAKING: This is a breaking release, with all ModelingToolkit ReactionSystem and Reaction functionality migrated to Catalyst.

Catalyst 6.11

1. Plain text arrows "<--" and "<-->" for backward and reversible reactions are available if using Julia 1.6 or higher:

rn = @reaction_network begin 
  (k1,k2), A + B <--> C
  k3, 0 <-- C
end k1 k2 k3

2. BREAKING: Reaction networks can be named

rn = @reaction_network Reversible_Reaction begin
  k1, A --> B
  k2, B --> A
  end k1 k2 
nameof(rn) == :Reversible_Reaction

Note, empty networks can no longer be created with parameters, i.e. only

rn = @reaction_network          # uses a randomly generated name
rn = @reaction_network MyName   # is named MyName

are allowed.

3. Compositional modeling with generated ODESystems, see here for an example that composes three gene modules to make the repressilator.