diff --git a/NEWS.md b/NEWS.md
index c5bfc9d6ec940..0b7cbb37205ba 100644
--- a/NEWS.md
+++ b/NEWS.md
@@ -28,11 +28,6 @@ New language features
 * The postfix conjugate transpose operator `'` now accepts Unicode modifiers as
   suffixes, so e.g. `a'ᵀ` is parsed as `var"'ᵀ"(a)`, which can be defined by the
   user. `a'ᵀ` parsed as `a' * ᵀ` before, so this is a minor change ([#37247]).
-* It is now possible to use varargs on the left-hand side of assignments for taking any
-  number of items from the front of an iterable collection, while also collecting the rest,
-  like `a, b... = [1, 2, 3]`, for example. This syntax is implemented using `Base.rest`,
-  which can be overloaded to customize its behavior for different collection types
-  ([#37410]).
 Language changes
@@ -101,8 +96,6 @@ New library functions
   efficiently ([#35816]).
 * New function `addenv` for adding environment mappings into a `Cmd` object, returning the new `Cmd` object.
 * New function `insorted` for determining whether an element is in a sorted collection or not ([#37490]).
-* New function `Base.rest` for taking the rest of a collection, starting from a specific
-  iteration state, in a generic way ([#37410]).
 New library features
diff --git a/base/abstractarray.jl b/base/abstractarray.jl
index 81e351037ae14..df7c22d6a0a04 100644
--- a/base/abstractarray.jl
+++ b/base/abstractarray.jl
@@ -2399,11 +2399,3 @@ function hash(A::AbstractArray, h::UInt)
     return h
-# The semantics of `collect` are weird. Better to write our own
-function rest(a::AbstractArray{T}, state...) where {T}
-    v = Vector{T}(undef, 0)
-    # assume only very few items are taken from the front
-    sizehint!(v, length(a))
-    return foldl(push!, Iterators.rest(a, state...), init=v)
diff --git a/base/tuple.jl b/base/tuple.jl
index ef3a78fc5098d..691b7fb475d8e 100644
--- a/base/tuple.jl
+++ b/base/tuple.jl
@@ -96,38 +96,6 @@ function indexed_iterate(I, i, state)
-    Base.rest(collection[, itr_state])
-Generic function for taking the tail of `collection`, starting from a specific iteration
-state `itr_state`. Return a `Tuple`, if `collection` itself is a `Tuple`, a `Vector`, if
-`collection` is an `AbstractArray` and `Iterators.rest(collection[, itr_state])` otherwise.
-Can be overloaded for user-defined collection types to customize the behavior of slurping
-in assignments, like `a, b... = collection`.
-!!! compat "Julia 1.6"
-    `Base.rest` requires at least Julia 1.6.
-# Examples
-julia> a = [1 2; 3 4]
-2×2 Matrix{Int64}:
- 1  2
- 3  4
-julia> first, state = iterate(a)
-(1, 2)
-julia> first, Base.rest(a, state)
-(1, [3, 2, 4])
-function rest end
-rest(t::Tuple) = t
-rest(t::Tuple, i::Int) = ntuple(x -> getfield(t, x+i-1), length(t)-i+1)
-rest(a::Array, i::Int=1) = a[i:end]
-rest(itr, state...) = Iterators.rest(itr, state...)
 # Use dispatch to avoid a branch in first
 first(::Tuple{}) = throw(ArgumentError("tuple must be non-empty"))
 first(t::Tuple) = t[1]
diff --git a/doc/src/base/collections.md b/doc/src/base/collections.md
index 347d2d33724d4..383dbcda4f93e 100644
--- a/doc/src/base/collections.md
+++ b/doc/src/base/collections.md
@@ -138,7 +138,6 @@ Base.filter!
 Base.replace(::Any, ::Pair...)
 Base.replace(::Base.Callable, ::Any)
 ## Indexable Collections
diff --git a/src/julia-syntax.scm b/src/julia-syntax.scm
index fc710f90f9b9a..b862d70195246 100644
--- a/src/julia-syntax.scm
+++ b/src/julia-syntax.scm
@@ -1430,8 +1430,7 @@
                 ,@(reverse after)
                 (unnecessary (tuple ,@(reverse elts))))
         (let ((L (car lhss))
-              ;; rhss can be null iff L is a vararg
-              (R (if (null? rhss) '() (car rhss))))
+              (R (car rhss)))
           (cond ((and (symbol-like? L)
                       (or (not (pair? R)) (quoted? R) (equal? R '(null)))
                       ;; overwrite var immediately if it doesn't occur elsewhere
@@ -1443,16 +1442,6 @@
                        (cons (make-assignment L R) stmts)
                        (cons R elts)))
-                ((vararg? L)
-                 (if (null? (cdr lhss))
-                     (let ((temp (make-ssavalue)))
-                       `(block ,@(reverse stmts)
-                               (= ,temp (tuple ,@rhss))
-                               ,@(reverse after)
-                               (= ,(cadr L) ,temp)
-                               (unnecessary (tuple ,@(reverse elts) (... ,temp)))))
-                     (error (string "invalid \"...\" on non-final assignment location \""
-                                    (cadr L) "\""))))
                 ((vararg? R)
                  (let ((temp (make-ssavalue)))
                    `(block ,@(reverse stmts)
@@ -2077,7 +2066,6 @@
             (define (sides-match? l r)
               ;; l and r either have equal lengths, or r has a trailing ...
               (cond ((null? l)          (null? r))
-                    ((vararg? (car l))  #t)
                     ((null? r)          #f)
                     ((vararg? (car r))  (null? (cdr r)))
                     (else               (sides-match? (cdr l) (cdr r)))))
@@ -2087,43 +2075,26 @@
                  (tuple-to-assignments lhss x))
                 ;; (a, b, ...) = other
-                (begin
-                  ;; like memq, but if last element of lhss is (... sym),
-                  ;; check against sym instead
-                  (define (in-lhs? x lhss)
-                    (if (null? lhss)
-                        #f
-                        (let ((l (car lhss)))
-                          (cond ((and (pair? l) (eq? (car l) '|...|))
-                                 (if (null? (cdr lhss))
-                                     (eq? (cadr l) x)
-                                     (error (string "invalid \"...\" on non-final assignment location \""
-                                                    (cadr l) "\""))))
-                                ((eq? l x) #t)
-                                (else (in-lhs? x (cdr lhss)))))))
-                  ;; in-lhs? also checks for invalid syntax, so always call it first
-                  (let* ((xx  (if (or (and (not (in-lhs? x lhss)) (symbol? x))
-                                      (ssavalue? x))
-                                  x (make-ssavalue)))
-                         (ini (if (eq? x xx) '() (list (sink-assignment xx (expand-forms x)))))
-                         (n   (length lhss))
-                         (st  (gensy)))
-                    `(block
-                      (local ,st)
-                      ,@ini
-                      ,.(map (lambda (i lhs)
-                               (expand-forms
-                                 (if (and (pair? lhs) (eq? (car lhs) '|...|))
-                                     `(= ,(cadr lhs) (call (top rest) ,xx ,.(if (eq? i 0) '() `(,st))))
-                                     (lower-tuple-assignment
-                                      (if (= i (- n 1))
-                                          (list lhs)
-                                          (list lhs st))
-                                      `(call (top indexed_iterate)
-                                             ,xx ,(+ i 1) ,.(if (eq? i 0) '() `(,st)))))))
-                             (iota n)
-                             lhss)
-                      (unnecessary ,xx)))))))
+                (let* ((xx  (if (or (and (symbol? x) (not (memq x lhss)))
+                                    (ssavalue? x))
+                                x (make-ssavalue)))
+                       (ini (if (eq? x xx) '() (list (sink-assignment xx (expand-forms x)))))
+                       (n   (length lhss))
+                       (st  (gensy)))
+                  `(block
+                    (local ,st)
+                    ,@ini
+                    ,.(map (lambda (i lhs)
+                             (expand-forms
+                              (lower-tuple-assignment
+                               (if (= i (- n 1))
+                                   (list lhs)
+                                   (list lhs st))
+                               `(call (top indexed_iterate)
+                                      ,xx ,(+ i 1) ,.(if (eq? i 0) '() `(,st))))))
+                           (iota n)
+                           lhss)
+                    (unnecessary ,xx))))))
           (error "invalid spacing in left side of indexed assignment"))
diff --git a/test/abstractarray.jl b/test/abstractarray.jl
index cec1d5092a76f..d09e010bfd2f7 100644
--- a/test/abstractarray.jl
+++ b/test/abstractarray.jl
@@ -1193,10 +1193,3 @@ end
     @test last(itr, 1) == [itr[end]]
     @test_throws ArgumentError last(itr, -6)
-@testset "Base.rest" begin
-    a = reshape(1:4, 2, 2)'
-    @test Base.rest(a) == a[:]
-    _, st = iterate(a)
-    @test Base.rest(a, st) == [3, 2, 4]
diff --git a/test/syntax.jl b/test/syntax.jl
index 3ad969910a03c..4a14a18a24c75 100644
--- a/test/syntax.jl
+++ b/test/syntax.jl
@@ -2532,54 +2532,3 @@ end
 # PR #37973
 @test Meta.parse("1¦2⌿3") == Expr(:call, :¦, 1, Expr(:call, :⌿, 2, 3))
-@testset "slurp in assignments" begin
-    res = begin x, y, z... = 1:7 end
-    @test res == 1:7
-    @test x == 1 && y == 2
-    @test z == Vector(3:7)
-    res = begin x, y, z... = [1, 2] end
-    @test res == [1, 2]
-    @test x == 1 && y == 2
-    @test z == Int[]
-    x = 1
-    res = begin x..., = x end
-    @test res == 1
-    @test x == 1
-    x, y, z... = 1:7
-    res = begin y, z, x... = z..., x, y end
-    @test res == ((3:7)..., 1, 2)
-    @test y == 3
-    @test z == 4
-    @test x == ((5:7)..., 1, 2)
-    res = begin x, _, y... = 1, 2 end
-    @test res == (1, 2)
-    @test x == 1
-    @test y == ()
-    res = begin x, y... = 1 end
-    @test res == 1
-    @test x == 1
-    @test y == Iterators.rest(1, nothing)
-    res = begin x, y, z... = 1, 2, 3:5 end
-    @test res == (1, 2, 3:5)
-    @test x == 1 && y == 2
-    @test z == (3:5,)
-    @test Meta.isexpr(Meta.@lower(begin a, b..., c = 1:3 end), :error)
-    @test Meta.isexpr(Meta.@lower(begin a, b..., c = 1, 2, 3 end), :error)
-    @test Meta.isexpr(Meta.@lower(begin a, b..., c... = 1, 2, 3 end), :error)
-    @test_throws BoundsError begin x, y, z... = 1:1 end
-    @test_throws BoundsError begin x, y, _, z... = 1, 2 end
-    car((a, d...)) = a
-    cdr((a, d...)) = d
-    @test car(1:3) == 1
-    @test cdr(1:3) == [2, 3]
diff --git a/test/tuple.jl b/test/tuple.jl
index 7f5f16e68fff3..21d4932f1ec9b 100644
--- a/test/tuple.jl
+++ b/test/tuple.jl
@@ -575,21 +575,3 @@ end
     @test_throws BoundsError (1,2.0)[0:1]
     @test_throws BoundsError (1,2.0)[0:0]
-@testset "Base.rest" begin
-    t = (1, 2.0, 0x03, 4f0)
-    @test Base.rest(t) === t
-    @test Base.rest(t, 2) === (2.0, 0x03, 4f0)
-    a = [1 2; 3 4]
-    @test Base.rest(a) == a[:]
-    @test pointer(Base.rest(a)) != pointer(a)
-    @test Base.rest(a, 3) == [2, 4]
-    itr = (-i for i in a)
-    @test Base.rest(itr) == itr
-    _, st = iterate(itr)
-    r = Base.rest(itr, st)
-    @test r isa Iterators.Rest
-    @test collect(r) == -[3, 2, 4]