DirHead.nvim is a plugin for Neovim that adds the current directory path as a header to your files when you save them. This is useful for when sharing files with others so they know the where the file came from.
- Adds a header with the current directory path to your files when you save them.
- Works with Neovim filetypes.
To install DirHead.nvim using Packer, add the following line to your plugin configuration file:
use { 'JxJxxJxJ/DirHead.nvim', config = function() require('dirhead').setup() end }
Then, run :PackerInstall
in your Neovim configuration file or reload Neovim.
DirHead.nvim will automatically add a header to your files when you save them. The header will include the path of the current file. Here's an example of what a file might look like before and after using DirHead:
This is my file.
It contains some text.
And more text.
-- ~/Documents/myfile.lua
This is my file.
It contains some text.
And more text.