# List possible experiments
npm run build
Usage: ./scripts/build.sh <experiment name>
Choose one of:
> iot webservice
# Build the webservice experiment
npm run build webservice
# Deploy to the Cloud
npm run deploy webservice
Before you start please make sure you have following tools installed.
Tool | Min. version |
terraform | v0.12.25 |
node | v12 |
npm | v6 |
awscli | v2 |
gcloud | v293 |
azure-cli | v2 |
jq | jq-1.6 |
docker | 19.03.12 |
go | 1.13.8 |
openwhisk-cli | 1.0.0 |
npm install
In order to deploy we need to build the source first. Do: npm run build
This framework internally uses the BeFaaS library.