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Konstantin Ibadullaev edited this page Sep 26, 2024 · 16 revisions

SSA. Background.

Construction of a trajectory matrix

One starts the SSA with the construction of trajectory matrix $X$, which columns represent lagged vectors, i.e each columns is a shifted version of the original time series. The main parameters here are $N$-the length of the original time series, $L$ - window size and $2 \leq L \leq N/2$ and $L \in \mathbb{N} $. Each subseries $[f_i, f_{i+1},...,f_i, f_{i+L-1}]$ for $i=0,1,..N-L$ forms a column vector of the trajectory matrix $X$. Thus, one obtains a trajectory matrix $X$ of a size $L\times N-L+1$(because we start indexing with zero). The difference $K= N-L+1$, hence, denotes the number of column vectors.

$$X = \begin{bmatrix} f_0 & f_1 &f_2 & f_3 &\dots & f_{N-L}\\\\ f_1 & f_2 &f_3 & f_4 &\dots & f_{N-L+1}\\\\ f_2 & f_3 &f_4 & f_5 &\dots & f_{N-L+2}\\\\ \vdots & \vdots &\vdots & \vdots &\vdots & \vdots\\\\ f_{L-1}& f_{L} &f_{L+1} & f_{L+2} &\dots & f_{N-1} \end{bmatrix}$$

It is clear that the elements of the anti-diagonals are equal. This a Hankel matrix.

Decomposition of the Trajectory Matrix X

The second step is to decompose $X$. There exist several options, here the focus set on the SVD decomposition and the Eigendecomposition.

  1. SVD Decomposition

This option is used primarly when the time series is not too long, because SVD is computationally intensive algorithm. It becomes critical especially for the MSSA, where the trajectory matrix becomes extremly high-dimensional, because of stacking of trajectory matrices for each time series. Now, back to SVD in SSA, the formula for SVD is defined as follows:

$$X=U \Sigma V^T$$


  • $U$ is an $L \times L$ unitary matrix containing the orthonormal set of left singular vectors of $X$ as columns
  • $\Sigma$ is an $L \times K$ rectangular diagonal matrix containing singular values of $X$ in the descending order
  • $V^T$ is an $K \times K$ unitary matrix containing the orthonormal set of right singular vectors of $X$ as columns.

The SVD of the trajectory matrix can be also formulated as follows:

$$X = \sum^{d-1}_{i=0}\sigma_iU_iV_i^T = \sum^{d-1}_{i=0}{X_i}$$


  • ${\sigma_i,U_i,V_i}$ it the $i^{th}$ eigentriple of the SVD

  • $\sigma_i$ is the $i^{th}$ singular value, is a scaling factor that determines the relative importance of the eigentriple

  • $U_i$ is a vector representing the $i^{th}$ column of $U$, which spans the column space of $X$

  • $V_i$ is a vector representing the $i^{th}$ column of $V$, which spans the row space of $X$

  • $d$, such that $d \leq L$, is a rank of the trajectory matrix $X$. It can be regarded as the instrinsic dimensionality of the time series' trajectory space

  • $X_i=\sigma_iU_iV_i^T$ is the $i^{th}$ elementary matrix

  1. Randomized SVD This techinque is used for the approximation of the classic SVD and primarly used for SSA with large $N$ and in case of MSSA where $X$ is high-dimensional because of stacking of trajectory matrices of each considered time series. It reduces dimensionality of $U$ up to $L-1 \times L-1$.

The computation of the $i^{th}$ elementary matrix $X_i$ is the same as for the SVD decomposition procedure, and $X = \sum^{d-1}_{i=0}{X_i}$ holds as well.

Eigentriple grouping and elementary matrix separation

The following step is to group the elementary matrices $X_i$ according to 3 conditions in several components(trend, seasonal, etc):

  1. Visual inspection of elementary matrices

    Matrices without patterns are referred as the trend component, while seasonal and noise components are associated with repeating patterns. The most frequent alterations of the pattern are indicators of the noise component.

  2. Eigenvalue importance/contribution and shape of eigenvectors $U$

    This combines considering the shape of eigenvectors $U$ and relative contribution of eigenvalues. The most important $\sigma_i$-s are associated with the ternd component. The related eignevectors demonstrate absence of periodicity and clear trend, while seasonal and noice components have a great deal lesser contribution and periodicity.

  3. Weighted Correlation between components

    This approach is frequently used for the automatic eigentriple grouping. It is obviuous, that the most correlated components $X_i$ have more in common than decorrelated or negatively correlated ones.

Time Series Reconstruction

For the reconstruction of time series from the elemenatary matrices $X_i$, one needs to perform diagonal averaging. The resulting time series $\tilde{F}_i$ for a chosen $X_i$ is computed as averages of the corresponding anti-diagonals of the elementary matrix $X_i$.

For this purpose one makes use of the Hankelisation linear operator, $\hat{H}$. Application of $\hat{H}$ results in the following Hankel matrix $\widetilde{X_i}$. Thus, we get:

$$\widetilde{X_i} = \hat{H} X_i$$

The entry $\widetilde{x}_{m, n}$ of the hankelised matrix $\widetilde{X_i}$ is defined by the following formula. For the sake of the readability we denote $s = m+n$:

$$\widetilde{x}_{m, n}= \begin{cases} \frac{1}{s+1}\sum^{s}_{l=0}x_{l,s-l}, & 0\leq s\leq \text{L}- 1\\\ \frac{1}{L-1}\sum^{L-1}_{l=0}x_{l,s-l}, & \text{L} \leq s\leq \text{K} - 1\\\ \frac{1}{K+L-s-1}\sum^{L}_{l=s-K+1}x_{l,s-l}, & \text{K}\leq s\leq \text{K+L}- 2\\\ \end{cases}$$

Since $\hat{H}$ is the linear operator, the following holds for a trajectory matrix $X$.

$$X = \hat{H} \sum^{d-1}_{i=0} X_i = \sum^{d-1}_{i=0}\hat{H} X_i =\sum^{d-1}_{i=0}\bar{X_i}$$

Since the trajectory matrix $X$ is already a Hankel matrix, it can be expressed via the sum of its elementary matrices. Therefore, it holds

$$X = \sum^{d-1}_{i=0}\bar{X_i}$$

Subsequently, the sum of the reconstructed time series components $\tilde{F}_i$ must be equal to the original time series $F$. That is, it holds:

$$F = \sum^{d-1}_{i=0}\tilde{F_i}$$

Remeber, that in Python the indexing starts with 0, this why we set $d - 1$. For any other programing language due to its indexing(e.g. R) it is $d$.


There several options for the forecasting future values in SSA. In py-ssa-lib the K-Forecasting and L-Forecasting are implemented



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