Crypt Chat is a Flutter based text messaging app that allows users to communicate in a secure environment through End-to-End Encryption. All the chats are encrypted and decrypted using Advanced Encryption Standard(AES) Algorithm. Users can easily register or login using their email address and then chat with anyone without the fear of privacy breaches.
- Clean and Simple UI
- Dark and Light theme (System Default)
- Uses Firebase for authentication and storing messages
- Register and Log in using email and password
- Reset Password functionality
- Add and Search users by username
- Real-time send and receive messages using stream in Firebase Firestore database and AES Algorithm
- Profile page - Edit and Update user Info
- Upload profile photo
Welcome Screen | Login |
Register | Reset Password |
Add user screen | Chat Messages |
Chat List | Edit Profile |
- Firebase_Auth
- Firebase_Core
- Cloud_Firestore
- Firebase_Storage
- Shared Preference
- Image Picker
- Encrypt
- Google_Fonts
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