If you have already setup your own hyperledger fabric peer you can connect by submitting a contact form on our website stating you want to connect.
Please readily have the following needed to be able to join the channel:
- anchor peer dns name/ip address and port
- zip of your msp dir containing only public certificates and should have the following folders:
- cacert
- config.yaml with NodeOUs. Required OUs are client, peer, admin and orderer.
- tlscacerts
Enable: true
Certificate: cacerts/ca-beta-8054-ca-beta.pem
OrganizationalUnitIdentifier: client
Certificate: cacerts/ca-beta-8054-ca-beta.pem
OrganizationalUnitIdentifier: peer
Certificate: cacerts/ca-beta-8054-ca-beta.pem
OrganizationalUnitIdentifier: admin
Certificate: cacerts/ca-beta-8054-ca-beta.pem
OrganizationalUnitIdentifier: orderer
Upon receiving your form to join the network we will send hostname and ports of our orderers and genesis block so you can join the channel.
After joining the channel all you have to do is run the latest version of the chaincode and you can interact with other members in the network.