performs a four-step analysis:STEP 1. Pupillometry processing STEP 2. State stratification of fMRI data using pupillometry STEP 3. Bootstrap resampling of state-stratified fMRI data STEP 4. Sparse dictionary learning of resampled data
Other scripts to implement the remainings of the SPARK analysis, such as the parallel implementation of the sparse dictionary learning, spatial K-means clustering, background noise removal, and k-hubness estimation, can be found and adapted from SPARK.
computes the hub disruption index (HDI) to compare k-hubness estimated from fMRI data in two arousal states, e.g., high and low arousal.
For further questions please raise an issue here
SParsity-based Analysis of Reliable K-hubness (SPARK)
If you use this library for your publications, please cite it as:
Kangjoo Lee, Corey Horien, David O’Connor, Bronwen Garand-Sheridan, Fuyuze Tokoglu, Dustin Scheinost, Evelyn M.R. Lake, R. Todd Constable, “Arousal impacts distributed hubs modulating the integration of brain functional connectivity”, Neuroimage (2022), Link.