Todo is a simple terminal application for keeping todo lists.
Requires that you have already authed and have a refresh token and client id and client secret
you can use these instructions to get authed...
1. On google cloud developers console created a new project
2. On google cloud developers console enabled API i wanted (drive)
3. On gcdc created credentials
- OAtuh client creds
- Desktop App
- copied Id and Secret safely
4. fill in and run this command:
echo "$url"
5. copy and paste said url into browser
6. authorise, if problems because app is not verified or published, step up a test user
- go to OAuth consent screen and add your gmail account as a test user
7. authorise and copy down the code that the browser gives after authorising! [code]
8. fill in and run this command: (curling)
code="..." (from previous screen)
curl --request POST --data "code=$code&client_id=$client_id&client_secret=$client_secret&redirect_uri=urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob&grant_type=authorization_code"
9. from this response take note of the token and refresh token
what else can i say about it?
That this is great
DONE - >* Order print out of todo table by list order not by ticket order
- Help -h arguement output correctly
- Create a -m flag (mass edit) pass in numbers seperated by commas e.g 1,5,66,3... you can then change their tag, pri, and list in a mass edit but NOT the title DONE - >* Edit a single title gives you it in editor
- Add notes to each todo that can be displayed or not
- Handle a syncing function to get todo lists anywhere! - use git?
- Order list by priority or by number taking them out of their lists
- Be able to add prirorities couldnt add a new one DONE - >* Deleted items go to the backup file instead
- Add Man page
- Add timestamps to each todo
- Add a todo log in the ~/.todo/ folders to log todo transactions ,add, delete, move etc...
- Filter by tag - Github issue #1
- Installaiton script or setup function to build folder and files etc...