Card Dealer is a card dealing app built as an exercise for this tutorial.
Build an app that displays a deck of cards, one card at a time. When the page loads, send a request to to create a new deck. Store the Deck ID it gives you, so you can make further requests to retreive each card image. Add a button to your app that allows a user to draw a new card.
When a user clicks the button, send another request to the API, this time to${deck_id}/draw/. (make sure to use your actual deck ID). Use the data included in the response to display a new card image, and make sure to include an informative alt attribute.
Every time the user clicks, the app should display a new card until the deck is empty. Make sure to tell the user there are no cards left!
- Clone the project to your local directory
git clone
- The project uses NPM for managing dependencies. Run npm install to install all the required dependencies
npm install
- Run the task runner to run the app
npm run start
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