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Releases: Kava-Labs/kava

kava-3 Patch Release

08 Jun 03:32
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This version mitigates a memory leak in tendermint that was found prior to launching kava-3. It is fully compatible with v0.8.0 and is intended to replace that version as the canonical software version for upgrading the Kava mainnet from kava-2 to kava-3. Note that there are no breaking changes between the versions, but a safety check was added to this version to prevent starting the node with an unsafe configuration.


The default tendermint pruning strategy, pruning="syncable" is currently unsafe due to a memory leak that can cause irrecoverable data loss. This patch release prevents kvd from being started with the pruning="syncable" configuration. Until a patch for tendermint is released, the ONLY pruning strategies that are safe to run are everything (an archival node) or nothing (only the most recent state is kept). It is strongly recommended that validators use pruning="everything" for kava-3. It is expected that a patch to tendermint will be released in a non-breaking manner and that nodes will be able to update seamlessly after the launch of kava-3.


The steps for upgrading to kava-3 can be found here. Please note the additional section on pruning.

kava-3 Release

05 Jun 19:06
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This version is intended to be the canonical software version for upgrading the Kava mainnet from kava-2 to kava-3. As a result, no subsequent versions of Kava will be released until kava-3 launches unless necessary due to critical state-machine faults that require a new version to launch successfully.


The steps for upgrading to kava-3 can be found here


This is the first release that includes all the modules which comprise the CDP system.

State Machine Breaking Changes

(sdk) Update Cosmos-SDK version to v0.38.4. To review cosmos-sdk changes, see the changelog.


26 May 11:47
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v0.8.0-rc2 Pre-release

Latest stable release candidate.

Kava Testnet 6000 Release Candidate 1

15 May 22:58
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This release introduces the incentive and committee modules. Incentive rewards users who mint USDX with KAVA. Committee allows a subset of accounts to manage certain parameters of the system while still being accountable to regular token-holder governance. The official v8 release will serve as the basis for testnet-6000. Note that this code is still under audit and may undergo breaking changes before a release is finalized.


09 Apr 15:36
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Bump tendermint version to 0.32.10 to address cosmos security advisory Lavender

Kava Testnet 5000 Release

01 Apr 01:50
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This release introduces the bep3 and kavadist modules. bep3 enables the transfer of tokens between kava and binance chain, while kavadist creates a module account for minting inflationary user growth incentive rewards. This version will serve as the basis for kava-testnet-5000. Note, if you submitted a gentx using v0.5.0, please update your node to v0.7.0 prior to launch.


26 Feb 15:53
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This bugfix release updates the custom supply endpoints to return integers instead of strings, and calculates circulating supply as the total amount of tokens that are no longer vesting.


25 Feb 18:41
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This minor release adds custom API endpoints for circulating supply (/vesting/circulatingsupply) and total supply (/vesting/totalsupply).


13 Feb 15:53
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This minor release adds support for a new bip44 coin type to kvcli.

Kava Testnet 4000 Release

05 Feb 01:54
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This patch release is the recommended version for participants in Kava Testnet 4000. It includes updates and fixes to the REST API. You can update directly from 0.4.0 to v0.4.1 without resetting your node. As with the previous release, this software is still under development and may undergo breaking changes.